
You would have a difficult time figuring out Barack Obama supports infanticide by the Jan. 17 Associated Press story entitled, “Obama record may be gold mine for critics.”

Each of five times the AP referred to Obama’s votes as state senator against legislation to stop infanticide, it softened the blow to make it unintelligible to the fetus on the street….

Any dictionary defines “fetus” as “an unborn or unhatched vertebrate … a developing human from usually three months after conception to birth”….

But the AP couldn’t admit abortion has extended to killing born children in the U.S.:

[Obama] voted against requiring medical care for aborted fetuses who survive….

Giving noncredit where it’s due, the AP is not the only mainstream media outlet to handle the topic of babies aborted alive with fetus gloves….

The Southern Illinoisan reported Jan. 21, “Obama voted against a measure designed to protect what supporters termed live babies born during abortion procedures,” as if pro-lifers made that term up….

Continue reading my column today, “The AP’s fetus frenzy,” on WND.com.

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