New Stanek WND column: “Aborted alive in the UK vs. USA”
The British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology published a startling report in its March 2007 issue.
During a 10 year period from 1995-2004, researchers found that 18 of 20 hospitals in a sampled section of the UK committed a type of abortion procedure that resulted in babies being aborted still alive.
Researchers found that one in 30 of babies aborted by this induced labor abortion procedure were delivered alive, living an average of 80 minutes. A few lived several hours. This statistic increased to one in 10 when babies were aborted at the gestational age of 23 weeks, the current medically drawn line of viability.
This study supports my belief that induced labor abortion is being rampantly committed in U. S. hospitals and abortion mills.
But my theory can’t be corroborated because U. S. government officials are loath to uncover the extent of this practice…..
Finish reading my column today, “Stanek 4-25 column: Aborted alive in the UK vs. USA,” at
Great column, as usual!
The question about Katherine Rundle is, would her heart be in prosecuting this abortion case? Is she pro-life?
Mike Nifong in the Duke lacrosse case showed that there are incompetent district attorneys out there. Will Runyan give Nifong a run for his money on how not to be a good district attorney? It already seems like that she would not be a candidate for “Profiles of Courage.”
Clay, Rundle was hand-picked by Janet Reno, if that gives you any clue. Rundle took Reno’s place when Clinton appointed Reno as head of DOJ.
John: Thank you.
Your write-up is even more interesting when juxtaposed with current events:
Death row inmates’ comfort matters; born children’s lives don’t.
Culture of death?
I’d say.
Thank you for your well-researched information. We can tell you have a heart and desire in all that you do for aborted babies.
You quoted in your column about the percentage of babies with defects that were aborted. Also, you delineated each abnormality. I am sure that of those percentages, the testing for these abnormalities sometimes are false positive.
Friends of mine whose babies had tests that turned out abnormal who opted to continue and have the babies actually had no defects. But then there were families I know that did no testing and had a baby with spina bifida, and hydrocephalus. I was at the funeral for the two year old. The family loved that baby so much. I still can see Neal at the casket, taking the babie’s little hand and wrapping it around his big finger as an last loving embrace.
As a friend of mine once wisely said, “They are here, the ones that need us, for us to learn how to love.”
Again, bless you and your work and thank you for the column.
Redmond –
“the testing for these abnormalities sometimes are false positive. ”
I thought it needed to be said again.
Redmond, Thank you for a beatiful post.
I just read your article in WND. In a prior occupation, around 1988, I worked at a large hospital in Southern California as a respiratory care practitioner. The hospital has an excellent neonatal unit, with excellent and ethical staff.
HOWEVER, one evening, a baby was in the neonatal unit that was an “induced abortion.” The baby lived for hours after. Various nurses sat in attendance, waiting for the baby to die. It was disturbing for everyone there, whose work was to preserve life. Even to this day, nearly 20 years later, I remember the profound effect it had on all the staff.
One nurse named Linda commented, “I didn’t sign up for this when I became a nurse.” The doctor, a tall middle-aged man with a thin mustache, came in to look at the baby once, and left as one unaffected by his action.
That baby had such a strong will to live, I wonder to this day what the person would have become.
No one should have to go through what you and the nurses had to go through. Let alone what that poor baby went through.
I just don’t understand it. The animals I treated received better treatment than that.
I’m really sorry that you and everyone else had to go through that. It shouldn’t have happened and shouldn’t be happening today. We are suppose to be civilized!
One of my classmates since Gr. 8 and all through high-school had a devastating thing happen to him as a young father. His firstborn was born with a very rare disorder. Every few months David’s blood would totally dissociate during an attack. David died when just over 2 yrs old.
Decades later, I talked to my buddy about David’s dying. He said, ‘That kid never did raise his head from the pillow. Never did call me, Daddy! But I learned more from him than I have from any human, ever!”
Thanks, Redmund.
J. That is so sad. I can’t imagine dying all alone. I can’t understand that poor excuse of a doctor. These stories make me heart sick!
John McDonell,Thank you also for a great post!
Jill,do these aborted children die because of underdeveloped lungs or dehydration?
John –
My cousin adopted a ‘crack baby’ who also had fetal alcohol syndrom. He died when he was 5 years old. He never did talk, walk, roll over. But the whole family (extended family) learned so much from that little guy. Sometimes it is not what someone says or does, but how they look at you.
It is amazing to me that some people would have considered these children a burden. Stephen was anything but a burden. All his medical problems were difficult, but never a burden.
Thanks for sharing your story John…
Heather4: Suffocation. Their lungs aren’t developed enough. Like fish out of water.
Oh God Jill…..horrible! Valerie,your cousin must be a very special,beautiful person!!