Innovative, from the Associated Press, March 18:

A Senate candidate has legally changed his name to Pro-Life and will appear on the ballot that way this year, state election officials say.
As Marvin Pro-Life Richardson, the organic strawberry farmer… was denied the use of his middle name when he ran unsuccessfully for governor in 2006 because the state’s policy bars the use of slogans on the ballot.


Now, though, officials in the Idaho secretary of state’s office say they have no choice because Pro-Life is his full and only name. He says he will run for the highest state office on the ballot every two years for the rest of his life, advocating murder charges for doctors who perform abortions and for women who obtain the procedure….
Pro-Life, 66, says he hopes to get 5% of the vote as an independent….

Pro-Life is pursuing a striking public awareness campaign, but it could be problematic…

David Ripley, executive director of Idaho Chooses Life, says he knows and respects Pro-Life but fears some voters may think Pro-Life is a position rather than a candidate and mistakenly mark their ballots both for him and for another anti-abortion candidate for the Senate, thus nullifying their choices.
“I’m pretty concerned about it,” Ripley said. “I think that could cause a lot of confusion out there … (Its) more likely to undermine the pro-life movement by having a lot of pro-life votes discounted.”

Valid concern.
[Graphic courtesy of CBS News]

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