Rockford lawsuit for failure to protect pro-lifers
I posted photos April 4 of hanging rubber chickens and such at the very creepy Northern Illinois Women’s Center abortion mill in Rockford, IL.
I said I would blog on a lawsuit pro-lifers have filed when they were able to post a video substantiating their case. That day has come.
Pro-lifers are suing the City of Rockford for removing their pro-life message from a bus bench and also for failing to protect them as they protested at NIWC. Also included in the suit are Wayne Webster, the building’s owner, and a neighbor, Keith Sterkeson.
Here is video of Sterkeson repeatedly calling a pro-lifer the n-word, throwing in the f-bomb for good measure. He also bizarrely yells kudos to an admitted “mom” for aborting, adding, “You’re doing the right thing, and God will honor you!” as if that comment would bring her comfort?
Here’s a photo Sterkeson pretending to take aim at pro-lifers during the same incident…
Go here to see a longer version of this video, but be warned Sterkeson’s language is BAD. About 2/3 of the way through, Webster comes on the loudspeaker to say he’s been listening to the police scanner and knows pro-lifers have called the police, causing Sterkeson to vamoose.
Here’s a photo of the loudspeaker, usually reserved to blare music to drown out pro-lifers who are calling to moms entering the clinic to abort:
Finally, if you weren’t yet convinced these people are crazy, here is a photo of horse dung Webster put on his property line next to the sidewalk to aggravate pro-lifers (click to enlarge):
And here is a photo of Webster traipsing outside the mill one day in costume, demented but appropriate:
This stuff is wilder than fiction.
UPDATE, 3p: Just received an email from pro-life attorney Tom Brejcha of the Thomas More Society, handling the pro-life lawsuit:
Jill, the tank truck behind Webster in the photo showing him dressed up in the devil costume is filled with sewage, which Webster threatened to spray on the pro-life protesters. Keep in mind that this purports to be a “health facility” where doctors and nurses care for the physical well being of their patients — protected by horse dung and sewage.

I LOL at the last photo. For real.
Wow, and they claim that WE are the one’s with no lives. Interesting.
Wow, that video is just appalling!! But I am so happy when these videos are taken, because they show so clearly what is REALLY going on.
How about the prospect of spending eternity with this guy?
I wonder if he supports Obama?
I just watched that video…and man….
That’s all I can really say.
As for the loudspeaker. This is so typical. These people want us to believe they support “choice”, but they want to drown us out, silence us, and prevent women from even having the possibility of hearing of alternatives to abortion. The idea that they can still claim they want “safe, legal, and rare” is laughable.
That guy is sick. He was probably bothering the woman more then the pro-lifers. It disgusts me when people act like this.
Well Bethany, I mean, couldn’t the women go to a CPC if they didn’t want to have an abortion? Maybe a CPC could just set up near the clinic so if a woman wanted to have the baby she could just go there. I mean there is always a choice.
Plus I saw the pro-lifers photo of an aborted fetus, I think that would just scare people away. Well speaking for myself it would scare me away.
You would think he would scare EVERYONE away…
Why is it that he wants to drown out the pro-lifers? If we’re soooo wrong and he’s soooo right, then what’s the big deal? He shouldn’t care. People that know they are right don’t try to drown out the opposition.
What the pro-lifer or the screaming nut? Yeah I’d want to avoid the screaming nut to.
Hey, how would you like it if this guy were to “protest” outside of a CPC? Now you know how I feel with some of those crazed pro-lifers (not all or even most sidewalk councilors just the crazed ones who hate woman).
“People that know they are right don’t try to drown out the opposition.”
Well depends what they’re screaming. If it’s anything along the lines of, “You’re an evil whore whose going to hell” then yeah, totally wrong and totally deserves to be drowned out. Otherwise, they can just scream louder I guess.
The truth, no matter how softly whispered will always outshine lies.
Hey, how would you like it if this guy were to “protest” outside of a CPC?
He can go ahead….I’d let him stand outside and yell the word n*gger just to see how long he lasts.
In fact, I’ll build a CPC in the south-side of Chicago..and INVITE him to stand outside and use that language…I’ll also buy a timer to see how long it is before he gets himself shot.
It appears the crazies picketing the clinic got a dose of their own medicine, and didn’t like it.
Now they want to run to the court, since they, and only they, have the right to harass, scream at, stalk, threaten and annoy others.
Maybe the judge will just tell everyone to grow up.
Esh Elizabeth… are you implying residents of the south side of Chicago are violent? You know… never mind that’s going nowhere.
You’re building a CPC? You should. We all should. We all should get together and build a place where women can come with their pregnancies and pregnancy related problems.
are you implying residents of the south side of Chicago are violent?
Nope…not ALL of them are violent…but I know some pretty unsafe areas around there.
Maybe the judge will just tell everyone to grow up.
Brilliant! I love it!
I love how he says “I support you MOM.”
Why doesn’t he say “I support you woman with a non-viable fetus in your womb.”
I suspect that this guy’s use of the n word reveals a part of his character and agenda.
Perhaps this is consistent with the UCLA kid’s expose on the blatant racism of PP.
I have a ton of black friends. I am so offended by this video that I wouldn’t even dare showing it to them because I know how much it would hurt them and drive them to anger. However, this evil must be exposed so that it can be dealt with.
The more and more we peel the layers of abortion away and show people what it truly is and represents, the more likely we are to turn the tide against it.
Basically everyone from Army of God needs to fall down a deep hole and sit there for a reeeeeeally long time.
If that guy was doing nothing wrong with what he was saying to the protestors, why did he leave?
Elizabeth, he was doing something wrong.
I know…but in the video he’s all smug saying he has just as much right to do what he’s doing as they do. But then he runs away like a coward.
Well he does have a right to be there and counter protest. I have a problem with all the racial slurs. That isn’t a very healthy attitude.
“Half-breed n*gger”
“I bet your mother was raped by a big, black guy, and you’re a half-breed n*gger!”
Welcome to 2008 everybody.
Wow, I just finished watching the extended video, and… that’s horrible. He said a lot of terrible things.
One thing I don’t understand though… why did the protesters start saying he was possessed? I know he said a lot of things a normal person probably wouldn’t, but why does he have to be possessed? Can’t he just be angry?
Isn’t there some ordinance banning horse dung on the border of a public sidewalk? This would seem like a huge health hazard. Dog owners are expected to clean up after their pets when they mess in public and will be fined if they don’t.
Also how did that guy get his hands on a sewage truck? Is there a health department within a hundred miles of this city?
Ugh. The guy is gross. The protesters are idiots, and the clinic is a disgrace. They all deserve each other.
Elizabeth 3:09PM
Sounds like what one would hear at a klan rally, you know, those nice people Margaret Sanger went to so much trouble to meet and talk to.
why did the protesters start saying he was possessed? I know he said a lot of things a normal person probably wouldn’t, but why does he have to be possessed? Can’t he just be angry?
ummm, I think in comparison to the amount of times he used the N word, I don’t really care if they called him possessed or not. Maybe he was. I can’t imagine any normal human being going up to people he didn’t know and calling them N*ggers. Even in anger. In anger, I can see him giving them the finger or something..but the N word. Really?
# obsessed: influenced or controlled by a powerful force such as a strong emotion; “by love possessed”
# amuck: in a murderous frenzy as if possessed by a demon; “the soldier was completely amuck”; “berserk with grief”; “a berserk worker smashing windows”
Edyt, 3:10 are you justifying his actions?
he’s “just angry?”
I think if you were really smart and courageous you would convert to being pro-life.
You could then show how abortion is the true and subtle expression of the obvious racism of our age.
The guy in this video and the PP expose are evidence of that.
How about it?
And yes, I do know you said it was terrible. But when someone says something is terrible, and then goes on to say it’s not quite as bad as others try to make it out to be, it does make one wonder.
I didn’t say it wasn’t as bad. Do I need to put in a lot more modifiers? What he said was horrible, mean, bigoted, awful, just plain wrong and he shouldn’t have said that. I thought we all agreed on that.
I was just wondering why the protesters said he was possessed. Sorry. I won’t ask questions about what other people do anymore.
Seriously, what exactly can you do? He verbally assaulted the prolifers and is the scum of the earth, but he has a right to yell and scream any evil thing he wants. He didn’t threaten bodily harm. I fail to see where pro-lifers have a case here.
The Thomas More Society seems hellbent on taking every unwinnable case they can get recently. Didn’t they just lose their pharmacist case in Wisconsin? And now they’ve got this one plus the Aurora PP case to lose. It’s almost like they’ve got a Kevorkian at the helm there.
Edyt, I felt like you already knew the answer to that question, being as you have been in the Christian environment all of your life and understand the language many of us use from day to day. If you were sincerely asking out of confusion, it’s my bad. I’m sorry.
Hiero, you mean the Thomas More Society that won NOW vs. Scheidler twice in the US Supreme Court? That Thomas More Society?
The Thomas More Society that has won round 1 in federal court re: the IL Choose Life license plate lawsuit? That Thomas More Society?
Jill – please note the use of the word “recently” in my post. Thx.
“And yes, I do know you said it was terrible. But when someone says something is terrible, and then goes on to say it’s not quite as bad as others try to make it out to be, it does make one wonder.”
Oh like the Terri post where I said at least she’s in a better place?
BTW, I am possessed by love for all of you on this site ; )
Posted by: Hieronymous at April 14, 2008 4:09 PM
How do you know they are “unwinnable” if they haven’t gone to court yet? You don’t think the NOW case was referred to as unwinnable by the other side as well? Only time will tell.
I personally am laughing my backside off.
Kristen – they’re suing because some protesters got yelled at by some crazy guy. I think that’s a pretty good indication that the case is unwinnable.
“Half-breed n*gger”
“I bet your mother was raped by a big, black guy, and you’re a half-breed n*gger!”
Welcome to 2008 everybody.
Welcome to 2000:
John McCain:
“I hate the gooks. I’ll hate them as long as I live.”
Laura, that’s not a valid comparison.
I personally am laughing my backside off.
Posted by: TexasRed at April 14, 2008 4:24 PM
Although I think it displays an absolutely deplorable lack of professionalism, I have to admit that the devil suit cracks me up. That dude looks like he’s having so much fun in that picture.
Wow, a tank truck full of sewage? And someone dressed like the Devil, threatening to spray it on the picketers?
That gives a whole new meaning to the old expression “we’re just shooting the s— ”
Should be a lot of laughs in that courtroom!
As an African-American I KNOW this guy wouldn’t last a second, most black men would have tracked him down like a DOG and shot him and they would taken his little doggie and made him into horse food. No joke!
I know RIGHT!
As an African-American I KNOW this guy wouldn’t last a second, most black men would have tracked him down like a DOG and shot him and they would taken his little doggie and made him into horse food. No joke!
Posted by: Adlyn at April 14, 2008 6:23 PM
Gee, none of the black men I know would ever do that.
Gee, none of the black men I know would ever do that.
Suuure they wouldn’t Laura. Now it just looks like you’re lying. Which is not surprising.
Suuure they wouldn’t Laura. Now it just looks like you’re lying. Which is not surprising.
Posted by: Elizabeth at April 14, 2008 6:31 PM
I don’t hang out with trash – much less boink it.
In fact, that was a pretty crappy, racist thing to say about black men.
This ranter seems to be a professional one!!!
You know, if I ever yelled that loud, my voice wouldn’t last more than a minute!
What stamina that voice box has!!!!
What human being can yell that loud for so long??
Must be posessed!
Is this guy Obama’s New Pastor?
He would make a great VP for Hillary or Obama! I can see the VP debates right now!
Is this guy Obama’s New Pastor?
Ha ha, Mike!!
I think that this sorry episode certainly reflects poorly on the abortion rights movement.
I don’t hang out with trash – much less boink it.
In fact, that was a pretty crappy, racist thing to say about black men.
Lol, not really. Even the most upstanding, restrained black man would have probably slugged the guy after the 50TH time he called them a “half-breed n*gger!”
The N word happens to be one of those words that when called towards a black person will almost always earn the culprit a pop in the jaw or worse. Trash or not.
The one thing that I found amazing about watching and listening to this raging lunatic, was while losing total control over his temper and language, he was NOT able to control his term for yes…what they really are….BABIES!!!!! Very telling!
I know right JLM! He also called the women “mom” who were going into the clinic.
One of my best friends is JD Hill, wide receiver, ASU, Buffalo Bills.
I had lunch with him and his wife today. I wouldn’t dare even consider bringing this video up to them. As loving people as they are, I am sure this would have been hurtful very to them.
It was appalling.
However, African-Americans need to understand that there is a connection between the abortion industry and liberalism. Thank God this is being revealed as a result of the tension between Obama and Clinton. Most liberals could care less about African-Americans and its about time the truth started to come out.
One of the most eleoquent men in this country is Alan Keyes and I would vote for him in a heart beat.
“They would taken his little doggie and made him into horse food. No joke!”
That’s true. I don’t think I have ever meet a black person who liked animals or even cared for one. Most of them don’t really seem to care about each other either : (
Take Adlyn for example.
Did you see the Planned Parenthood expose on racism?
HisMan, I love Alan Keyes!!
That’s true. I don’t think I have ever meet a black person who liked animals or even cared for one. Most of them don’t really seem to care about each other either :(
Take Adlyn for example.
Huh?!! Really? I don’t think that’s really true. I know some black people who take very good care of their dogs. And I don’t think Adlyn was promoting that his dog be hurt. The dog didn’t do anything except have the unfortunate luck of getting stuck with an ignorant, racist owner. I felt bad for his doggy. All that hate must make for a terrible place to live.
That’s true. I don’t think I have ever meet a black person who liked animals or even cared for one. Most of them don’t really seem to care about each other either : (
WHAT!!!! Jess, I can have you meet MANY African Americans that live around me that absolutely LOVE their doggies!!! One of my neighbors has the most adorable Shih Tzu ever!!!! You should see him play and run with that dog! You really don’t know too many African American people, do you?
“Most liberals could care less about African-Americans and its about time the truth started to come out.”
I think of them as my fellow human beings, fellow women, fellow Americans. But I don’t know how what exactly you mean by care. Care enough to pay taxes to improve our schools and communities? Care enough to treat them with general kindness and courtesy I would show anyone? Yes. But they aren’t chia pets. They can take care of themselves.
But they aren’t chia pets. They can take care of themselves.
Haha, Jess..I agree.
I got a Chia Pet for Christmas once. I did everything it said according to the directions and it never grew. :(
No I don’t really know many African American people. I had an black roommate my first semester of school, but she always had me doing her chores, gave me her schedule so I could wake her up for classes and left her trash on my desk. Her other black friend wouldn’t answer me when I said hi to her and never looked me in the eyes. It ended with the cops showing up when her and her friend came and found me at my boyfriends room, and threatened to beat me because somehow I “disrespected” them. Oh and she could have friends in the room but I couldn’t.
See we shouldn’t be like, “oh we have to water and feed black people so they grow.” We should say, “Wow they’ve been screwed over (by whitey) maybe we should just stop telling them what to do and give them any opportunities and responsibilities they decided to take on.
Sounds like you had one bad experience. I’ll bet, if you really think about it, you’ve had some with white people as well!
There’s bad apples in every bunch, Jess!!! And, I’m sorry your “first experience” was a bad one! They won’t all be like that…I promise!
But then my third roommate was black and she is actually really nice. She wasn’t “ghetto” at all. I don’t like that whole, “ghetto” culture. I mean it’s fine if others like it but I don’t see its appeal.
Jess, 7:49 p.m.
Aww I’m sorry you had a crappy roommate your first semester! I had an awesome roommate. We were both theatre majors, went to the same church, and had never met before we were roommates. She was also a lesbian and she was hi-larious! We weren’t ever really “friends” but I think that’s okay, because all the people on my floor who were “friends” as roommates ended up hating each other by the end of the year. We were still cool at the end of freshman year. Although I’m sure she thought I was a little crazy cause I had boyfriend drama and I partied a lot my freshman year. Oh well..I always cleaned up for her cause I was the neat it balanced out lol.
…..and threatened to beat me because somehow I “disrespected” them.
YOU, Jess….disrespecting someone???? No Way!!!!
(just kidding…I HAD to go there, though!!!!)
No seriously JLM I was so nice and quiet I tried to do everything I could to make them happy.
Elizabeth, my favorite roommate is a lesbian!
I’m sure you would be a great roomie Jess!
I used to read my last roommate bedtime stories, she let me sleep with her when I had nightmares. She gave me a fake arm and a lock of her hair. I gave her my love.
Lol, Jess…you crack me up.
No seriously that all happened. Look at my facebook album Life Inside of Jess there are pictures of me dressing her up as a man dressed up as a woman.
The liberal philosophy has led us away from God.
That’s my point.
Conservatives are to be wanting is some areas as well.
And Jess exactly:
The liberals have created a African-Amercian dependance on liberalism…not because they care for them but because they use them as their power base.
Just one example: Democrats refuse legislation that would allow black families school vouchers and school choice. Why, because Democrats are beholdin’ to the NEA and the like. It’s a travesty and that’s why intercity schools are an abomination.
“families school vouchers and school choice.”
What are those?
“As for the loudspeaker. This is so typical. These people want us to believe they support “choice”, but they want to drown us out, silence us, and prevent women from even having the possibility of hearing of alternatives to abortion. The idea that they can still claim they want “safe, legal, and rare” is laughable.’
Yes Bethany, very true.
wow, what a loser this guy is, a real punk. He’s probably a Satan worshiper too.
“One of the most eloquent men in this country is Alan Keyes and I would vote for him in a heart beat.”
Me too Hisman. Alan Keyes is very clear when he speaks for unborn children, he doesn’t mince words. And he understands the constitution better than anybody.
Eh jasper he probably doesn’t worship or believe in anything.
@Jasper: Do you want to see something funny?
***Theme from “Jaws” playing in the background***
The picture is an uncanny resemblance to John Wayne Gacy. The killing of children, born or unborn, takes its toll on one’s sanity. Heaven help us all.
@Jasper: Do you want to see something funny?
Crap! Sorry for the multiple posts!
Oh my goodness!!! You are so right!!! Excellent observation & comment!
“Just one example: Democrats refuse legislation that would allow black families school vouchers and school choice. Why, because Democrats are beholdin’ to the NEA and the like.”
Hisman, I happen to agree with you about vouchers and school choice.Part of the reason is trying to please the NEA, but I think they have other objections as well.
First off, I wonder how many abortions these two idiots have been involved in personally.
Secondly, the dung is very appropriate for both the people involved and the type of business they run – murdering children.
Thirdly, it really shows how much they respect their clientele.
Proves the prolife point that the doctors and everyone else involved in supporting abortion are bottom feeders….
What’s funny Rae?
@Jess: That at one point in time, I was a really good Catholic, I have proof:
I think this video would make a great…
Say NO To Drugs Commercial!
Rae I actually think I saw that yesterday! Would you like some more bumper stickers kthx?
@Jess: Sure! I love bumper stickarz!
I want some bumper stickers tooo!!!!!
When I think of Rockford, I think about the Rock Band “Cheap Trick” from Rockford. There famous song was “I Want You To Want Me”. It advocates love.
All I see in this video is hate. What happened in the schools of Rockford?
See what happens when you take Prayer Out Of School!
your so cute…
Rae, I thought you going back to the church? Are you still thinking about it? I was so happy when I heard that.
Rae, concerning the picture, how far did you get in that Judo class?

School vouchers are providing tax monies (in the form of a voucher) to parents so they can send their kids to the school of their choice. That way, if a family lives in a neighborhood where the schools are failing, the parents can opt their kids out and take their kids somewhere else. This promotes competition and results in an overall better education system. Because of the entrenched power of the National Education Association (NEA) who the Dems are beholdin’ to, this obvious solution to our public school system debacle is squashed.
In Arizona we have pioneered charter schools and tuition tax credit organizations. Charter schools are state funded schools. They have a charter or a specifinally stated purpose for education. So, there might be a charter school for theatre. Even though parents live in another school district they can send their schools to a charter school where the kids usually end up flourishing.
The tuition scholarship programs allows taxpayers to make contributions to these tuition scholarship organizations (non-profit and mostly all volunteer) and take the donation as a tax credit (not deduction) off of their state income tax. The donations are usually made in the name of the student to a specific school although some schools pool the money and distribute it based on a defined set of conditions. For a joint return as much as $1,000.00 can be donated to a tuition organization. It cost the taxpayer nothing. The parents then apply for scholarships for their kids they’re sending to Catholic, Christian, Jewish and Muslim schools or even secular private schools. A similar set up is in place for the public schools, however, it works slightly differently. A parent cannot make a donation for their own child. The program is excellent.
Daniel’s tuition is about $9,000.00 per year. When Mary and Daniel were in school I was paying about $14,000 per year, however, because of the generosity of friends, I save about $4,000 per year which I give to charity. It’s actually cheaper to send my daughter to college. However, the investment has been worth every penny. My daughter will graduate in just three years with a double major in elementary education and special education. Lord willing, she will be returning to the school she grew up in to teach. Everyone benefits.
My kids go to the same school as John McCain’s daughter, in fact, my daughter was one of her friends. However, now I understand she has been moved for security reasons.
You can credit the Arizona Legislature, which is a Republican majority, for doing this. Also, Len Munsil, my friend who ran for AZ Guv in ’06 was instrumental in getting this pro-family legislation passed.
If John McCain gets elected I’m sure some of these programs will be implemented nationally since they are so very successful in the state of AZ. They would of huge benfit to lower income families who struggle with sending their kids to failing inner-city schools.
If you like to get a feel for how these work go to or google “tuition organization, arizona”.
I encourage all, especailly the Catholics on this site, to have their school boards/committees look into these alternatives of funding enducation.
On a kind of related note, my friend sent me this YOU TUBE link entitled “Shift Happens”. I think our country needs a huge wake up call, especially regarding education.
Happy linking!!!!
Got to go watch the Suns game….
Thanks HisMan!
Elizabeth, I’m so sorry.
Here’s a case where we can agree on the sadness.
Elizabeth, I’m so sorry.
Here’s a case where we can agree on the sadness.
Now I see why pro-choicers hate pro-lifers so much. Because this is exactly how pro-lifers behave in front of abortion clinics. Oh… wait… I’m sorry… this is exactly what pro-choicers THINK pro-lifers act like. I see where this is headed. The next time I talk to a pro-choice activist, I’ll just say, “Oh… you just like to harass pro-life people in front of clinics, don’t you?” And if they think it doesn’t happen like that, well then… roll the YouTube clip.
@Jasper: Yup, I have been going back to church. :)
@Doug: I never really took judo, but I did get to advanced orange belt in Isshin Ryu when I was 8. :)
I have to admit…that definitely made my heart hurt quite a bit listening to it. :(
You crack me up….
I would bet the red-head has been party to an abortion and he is reflecting his hurt onto these sidewalk counselors. Valium would help until he gets over it. He is behaving like a complete ass but I feel sorry for him. He needs help in a big way.
Unfortunately, I can’t say that I am surprised how this guy reacted. In my experience, a passer-by verbally unloading on a prolifer is pretty common. It comes with the terrority. He does take it to the next level though…
This guy is a fruit cake but I dont see him as being any nuttier than people who stand outside of clinics screaming and ranting and raving, or who go to peoples homes and try to intimidate them and use extortion to try to bully them into complying with the antichoice agenda.
I don’t get what the lawsuit is all about. In your title, Jill, you say “failure to protect pro-lifers” … from what? A guy yelling at them and saying derogatory and racist insults? They weren’t attacked.
Why should the city spend money protecting pro-lifers? And if it should, why shouldn’t the city spend money protecting pro-choicers, including the women who go to those clinics?
You know what happens when abortion clinics get threatened, right? They don’t sue or demand the city protect them. They install security cameras, bulletproof glass, and hire security guards. If pro-lifers want the same protection, by all means, do so.
But I don’t think some guy freaking out is really worthy of city protection. Crazy people freak out at me every once in awhile. I just accept it, since I live in a big city and some people are crazy.
It never ceases to amaze me. No matter how outlandish, how irrational, how bizarre, or how violent a proabort becomes, other proaborts will rush to his defense. If this guy had sprayed the protesters with an AK-47, I believe that the proaborts would post in support of his actions, no matter how bizarre their defense had to be.
Doyle, no one is rushing to the crazy guy’s defense. I have no idea where you see that in this thread. Everyone, even the pro-choicers, find his actions to be reprehensible.
What people are saying, including one of the moderators, is that it’s kind of silly for the “pro-life” protesters to file a lawsuit over getting yelled at by a crazy guy. That’s just dumb.
Re: this idiot in the video.
2 words explain it all: WHITE TRASH
Why don’t you stop by the PP in Aurora and actually speak to the pro-lifers who are outside for 20-30 minutes, instead of just driving by. Then tell us what awful people they are. They’d be happy to answer any questions you have in a civil tone. You could watch them “in action”. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you learn.
This whole thing is really silly.
Supposedly an ‘unnamed’ group of Rockford citizens is suing over having an add removed from a bus bench on Summit and East State two years ago. A residential area that happens to face the grounds of Swedish American Hospital.
It is certainly within the city’s rights to remove objectionable adds from wherever deemed inappropriate.
Swedish is not an abortion clinic. The add was obviously aimed at the neighborhood which is racially diverse. And clearly a racist assumption that non whites are drooling idiots that need to be saved from themselves. I am not surprised that the dimwitted add was vandalized or removed by the city.
I grew up 2 blocks away from that bus bench. My oldest sister got her toes broken when a bus went up over the curb in front of that bench and ran over her poor little piggies. I know the neighborhood.
Now I have to wonder if the protesters loitering around Broadway are out of towners. No Rockford native would hang out in that part of town and not anticipate a great deal more ‘trouble’ than giving a repressed loon a chance to shine. It isn’t a part of town that strangers are going to be welcomed into.
This whole foolishness is obviously being staged by out of towners. Who pays you?
Sal: So you are all in favor of this abortuary in your old neighborhood? Your deceased neighbors are probably rolling over in their graves, at the thought of abortions done there.
Do you know what this bench ad said? Maybe, “Life is Precious”?
What an awful thing to put on a bench! It’s a good thing the city took it down after only half the contract period was up. They wouldn’t want to ruin the neighborhood with that kind of trash.
Aren’t out of towners allowed to protest? Do you think everyone who shows up in major cities for protests are all hometown people? I think the people of Rockford’s poor neighborhoods have a right to the attention of these pro-lifers. It’s obvious the pro-choice abortionists have no regard for their them or they wouldn’t be killing their legacy.
You ask who pays the pro-lifers? There isn’t enough money in the world to pay these pro-lifers to do what they do. They only do it out of LOVE.
Dear Friends,
I am praying for God’s blessing on all who are taking part in the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing. I hope that this Conference will help everyone to know, love, and respect the special place of women in God’s plan so that they may fulfill this plan in their lives.
I do not understand why some people are saying that women and men are exactly the same, and are denying the beautiful differences between men and women. All God’s gifts are good, but they are not all the same. As I often say to people who tell me that they would like to serve the poor as I do, “What I can do, you cannot. What you can do, I cannot. But together we can do something beautiful for God.” It is just this way with the differences between women and men.
God has created each one of us, every human being, for greater things– to love and to be loved. But why did God make some of us men and others women? Because a woman’s love is one image of the love of God, and a man’s love is another image of God’s love. Both are created to love, but each in a different way. Woman and man complete each other, and together show forth God’s love more fully than either can do it alone.
That special power of loving that belongs to a woman is seen most clearly when she becomes a mother. Motherhood is the gift of God to women. How grateful we must be to God for this wonderful gift that brings such joy to the whole world, women and men alike! Yet we can destroy this gift of motherhood, especially by the evil of abortion, but also be thinking that other things like jobs or positions are
more important than loving, than giving oneself to others. No job, no plans, no possessions, no idea of “freedom” can take the place of love. So anything that destroys God’s gift of motherhood destroys His most precious gift to women– the ability to love as a woman.
God told us, “Love your neighbor as yourself.” So first I am to love myself rightly, and then to love my neighbor like that. But how can I love myself unless I accept myself as God has made me? Those who deny the beautiful differences between men and women are not accepting themselves as God has made them, and so cannot love the neighbor. They will only bring division, unhappiness, and destruction of peace to the world. For example, as I have often said, abortion is the greatest destroyer of peace in the world today, and those who want to make women and men the same are all in favor of abortion.
Instead of death and sorrow, let us bring peace and joy to the world To do this we must beg God for His gift of peace and learn to love and accept each other as brothers and sisters, children of God. We know that the best place for children to learn how to love and to pray is in the family, by seeing the love and prayer of their mother and father. When families are broken or disunited, many children grow up not knowing how to love and pray. A country where many families have been destroyed like this will have many problems. I have often seen, especially in the rich countries, how children turn to drugs or other things to escape feeling unloved and rejected.
But when families are strong and united, children can see God’s special love in the love of their father and mother and can grow to make their country a loving and prayerful place. The child is God’s best gift to the family and needs both mother and father because each one shows God’s love in a special way. The family that prays together stays together, and if they stay together they will love one another as God has loved each one of them. And works of love are always works of peace.
So let us keep the joy of loving in our hearts and share this joy with all we meet. My prayer for all of the delegates, and for every woman whom the Beijing Conference is trying to help, is that each one may be humble and pure like Mary so as to live in love and peace with one another and make our families and our world something beautiful for God.
Let us pray.
All for the glory of God and good of souls.
God bless you.
Mother Teresa, MC
“America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has sown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has aggravated the derogation of the father’s role in an increasingly fatherless society. It has portrayed the greatest of gifts — a child — as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mothers unfettered dominion over the independent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters”
And, in granting this unconscionable power, it has exposed many women to unjust and selfish demands from their husbands or other sexual partners. Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being’s entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign.”
(Mother Theresa — “Notable and Quotable,” Wall Street Journal, 2/25/94, p. A14)
This quote from Mother Theresa reminded me of your little Blessing.
“I feel the greatest destroyer of peace today is abortion, because it is a direct war, a direct killing, direct murder by the mother herself. And we read in the scripture, for God says very clearly: “Even if a mother could forget her child, I will not forget you. I have curved you in the palm of my hand.” We are curved in the palm of his hand; so close to him, that unborn child has been curved in the hand of God.”
Mother Theresa
Oslo, Norway
11 December 1979
Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech (excerpt)
How are you??!! :)
Why don’t you stop by the PP in Aurora and actually speak to the pro-lifers who are outside for 20-30 minutes, instead of just driving by. Then tell us what awful people they are. They’d be happy to answer any questions you have in a civil tone. You could watch them “in action”. You may be pleasantly surprised at what you learn.
Posted by: Janet at April 15, 2008 11:42 PM
Janet, I’ve never said that the protesters outside the Aurora clinic were awful people.
All I said in this thread is that I think it’s silly to sue the city of Rockford over getting yelled at by an obviously unpleasant and possibly disturbed man.
Now, in the case of Aurora, I also happen to think that they’re going to lose their zoning case, and to me it seems like an instance of sour grapes gone too far, but again, that’s just my opinion.
Janet, I appreciate that (hugs)
Janet, I’ve never said that the protesters outside the Aurora clinic were awful people.
All I said in this thread is that I think it’s silly to sue the city of Rockford over getting yelled at by an obviously unpleasant and possibly disturbed man.
Now, in the case of Aurora, I also happen to think that they’re going to lose their zoning case, and to me it seems like an instance of sour grapes gone too far, but again, that’s just my opinion.
Posted by: Hieronymous at April 16, 2008 7:52 AM
Great, so you never said they were “awful people”. The invitation is the same. Stop and say hello to the sidewalk counselors. They will be happy to talk to you. You may be pleasantly surprised.
Hugs right back to you! God bless you.
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