Obama Relevant magazine interview on Born Alive
Many people have emailed me about Barack Obama’s July 1 interview with Relevant magazine, in which he stated…
The other email rumor that’s been floating around is that somehow I’m unwilling to see doctors offer life-saving care to children who were born as a result of an induced abortion. That’s just false. There was a bill that came up in Illinois that was called the “Born Alive” bill that purported to require life-saving treatment to such infants. And I did vote against that bill. The reason was that there was already a law in place in Illinois that stated you always have to supply life-saving treatment to any infant under any circumstances, and this bill actually was designed to overturn Roe v. Wade, so I didn’t think it was going to pass constitutional muster.
Ever since that time, emails have been sent out suggesting that, somehow, I would be in favor of letting an infant die in a hospital because of this particular vote. That’s not a fair characterization, and that’s not an honest characterization. It defies common sense to think that a hospital wouldn’t provide life-saving treatment to an infant that was alive and had a chance of survival.
This excuse is not new, #7 from my January 2008 column, Obama’s 10 reasons for supporting infanticide.
Even cursory thought on this would raise red flags in an analytical mind. If Born Alive were already codified in IL law, why did it finally pass the year after Obama left the IL state senate? Why did 98 US senators pass it unanimously, the US House pass it overwhelmingly, and the President sign it into law on the federal level?
But what’s more, Obama purposefully misrepresented the Born Alive Infants Protection Act, using its name to describe the contents of another bill.
Born Alive was simple legislation defining when personhood begins for the purpose of IL law. The World Health Organization created this definition in 1950, and the UN adopted it in 1955. Born Alive required nothing. It was introduced 3x while Obama was state senator – 2001, 2002, and 2003. Read it here.
Here’s where Obama tried to muddy the waters. Two companion bills were introduced with Born Alive.
1. The Induced Birth Infant Liability Act allowed a parent or public guardian to sue a doctor/hospital that did not provide medical care to an abortion survivor.
2. Another bill tried to close a loophole in the Illinois Abortion Law of 1975. Thanks to senators like Obama, that loophole still remains in place. The law states that an abortionist who thinks s/he might deliver a live viable baby has to call for a 2nd objective physician to care for the baby. The obvious loophole is that the person deciding pre-delivery whether or not a baby may be viable is the abortionist, invested in killing the child. Typical fox-guarding-hen-house scenario.
The aforementioned bill removed the “viability” factor and stated any abortion that might result in a baby being aborted alive had to have a 2nd physician at delivery to assess the baby.
Obama understood the loophole. Quoting from State Net March 5, 2002, while I was testifying during the IL Senate Judiciary Committee meeting:
OBAMA questions Stanek whether she thought situations were happening where doctors that make assessments that are liable have no regard for human life are letting that child die.
STANEK states a loophole in current law, states that a physician determines a fetus is viable and what’s happening now is that they’re determining this before the baby is aborted, therefore, at delivery they don’t have a 2nd doctor there with them. These babies aren’t being assessed….
OBAMA: … My concern is what appears to be the doctors really don’t care about children who are born with a reasonable prospect of life because they are so locked into their pro-abortion views that they would watch an infant that is viable die. That may be your assessment and I don’t see evidence of that. What we are doing here is to create one more burden on a woman and I can’t support that.
Obama not only misrepresented Born Alive during the Relevant interview, he misrepresented IL abortion law, which absolutely does not say, “you always have to supply life-saving treatment to any infant under any circumstances.” He knew that during the hearings, and he knows that now.
Obama told Relevant it “defies common sense” that a hospital would let potentially viable babies die. But in actuality, it defies common sense that Obama played ignorant about an abortionist’s obvious conflict of interest when delivering a live baby. It defies common sense that Obama would support infanticide if stopping it would get in the abortion industry’s way. It defies common sense that Obama, who distrusts every other big business, does not distrust big abortion.
That’s not a fair characterization, and that’s not an honest characterization. It defies common sense to think that a hospital wouldn’t provide life-saving treatment to an infant that was alive and had a chance of survival.
Another myth shot down by truth. Go Obama!
A doctor is trying to kill a preborn baby, and in the process accidentally delivers the entire baby… is that doctor really going to suddenly reverse his motive and say, “Nurse! We have to try to save this baby!”?
Obama sure believes this to be true.
Yeah…another chance to believe his double-talk and lies…
..and would anybody remember who the Father of Lies is?
I am so grateful to you for standing up for the unborn with the truth!!
Go Jill Go!!
I believe I’m a fairly intelligent person, but I can’t understand what this article is telling me???? I’m more than willing to believe the worst about B.Hussein Obama but either I don’t get it or this article is not the whole truth. There’s plenty of really bad truths about this false prophet – no need to make up stuff!
Obama is simple a wolf in sheep’s clothing the Bible clearly warns us about.
Do not be deceived by this evil person.
The law states that an abortionist who thinks s/he might deliver a live viable baby has to call for a 2nd objective physician to care for the baby. The obvious loophole is the person deciding pre-delivery whether or not a baby may be viable is the abortionist, invested in killing the child. Typical fox guarding hen house scenario.
Obama was right. All you seem to be angling for here is one more pointless, silly roadblock.
The law requires a second doctor if an obstetrician thinks s/he might deliver a live, viable baby, but you don’t trust the obstetrician to make that call. There is no logical reason for you not to trust obstetricians to make that call — birth is far more profitable than abortion — you just don’t trust anyone who would perform an abortion, even a therapeutic abortion in a hospital, because it is your religious belief that abortion is immoral.
So you rail against a loophole that only exists in your imagination. What happens if they require a second doctor for every abortion, viable or not? So they would get a second doctor, and therapeutic abortions would continue. What is the point? A second doctor would not have saved that 20-week Down syndrome abortion you say you found in a closet. No amount of medical care would have saved it. It was not viable.
What you really want is abortion to be banned, and that’s not gonna happen.
Reality, if there is no loophole, then what was a bill introduced to close – a black hole?
Reality said, “There is no logical reason for you not to trust obstetricians to make that call — birth is far more profitable than abortion.”
Reality, there’s no reason not to trust an abortionist with a live botch whose entire purpose was to kill the baby? Come on.
And it’s more profitable for an abortionist to deliver a live baby than a dead one? Come on again. Aborting a baby alive brings a host of problems, not the least of which are lawsuits from many angles.
Thanks again, Jill, for pointing out the forked tongue of the biggest snake in the grass that ever ran for political office in this country. Those who want to see unborn kids killed will rally to his defense, and support his lies with more lies, so the killing can go on.
Hal: That’s not a fair characterization, and that’s not an honest characterization. It defies common sense to think that a hospital wouldn’t provide life-saving treatment to an infant that was alive and had a chance of survival.
Another myth shot down by truth. Go Obama!
Once again, I think the 14th Amendment to the Constitution already covers the issue, Obama or no Obama. If doctors were not caring for living, born babies to a certain extent, then seems to me the Amendment was being violated, and later bills and laws wouldn’t change that.
if there is no loophole, then what was a bill introduced to close – a black hole?
Jill, good question. To me, it doesn’t look like any bills were needed, per the 14th Amendment to the Constitution. In practice, not all living, born babies were being cared for enough – I agree with you there. Yet laws saying “living born babies have to be cared for” wouldn’t necessarily have any more impact on a case-by-case basis than would the Constitution, in this case.
It feels quite similar to a good bit of the immigration debate – there are laws on the books now, that if enforced, would take care of many perceived problems. Yet and still, there are some people saying, “We’ve got to have such-and-such law….”
and this bill actually was designed to overturn Roe v. Wade
It wouldn’t be the first time that we had an anti-abortion bill disguised as a pro-baby bill.
It also wouldn’t be the first time that an unnecessary law was passed as an affirmation or stunt, even if it was already covered by earlier laws.
OBAMA: … That may be your assessment and I don’t see evidence of that.
It is not that Obama ignored Ms. Stanek’s answer to his question. It is that he did not believe her. She is certainly not unbiased on this issue.
B. Hussein Obama, is not a black man, rather, mulatto. Obama, for some reason, is of the “hate ilk” in his encouragement, protection and promotion of 300 partial birth abortions (still legal!) per day in the USA. He now is being publicly called on it, and the vileness of his TRUE HEART is somewhat shaming him, but, BARELY! His fiendish friends bloat with his thirst for the deaths of infants born alive while all attempts to murder them in their womb failed. This, folks, is the ULTIMATE HATE and ABUSE of humanity and children ever espoused by a man who runs for our great county’s leadership! THIS is the soul’s ticket to a deep dark karmic destiny of untold depravity and debase character which spoils all of our lives in many areas.
What we got here is a PIG. That’s all. Visit my YouTube library for SantaCruzProLife. See for yourself the REALITY of the snouts that tout the ravage of lives to tens of MILLIONS of Americans every year…. unborn, women, men, families, friends, etc.
If you had to hire 50 women… would you rather hire recent post-abortive women, or never abortive women?… and why?
Here’s an easy link to my library. Thanks.
Thanks Jill, you’re my heart’s write-in for a political candidate!
I didn’t know people still used the term “mulatto” outside of KKK meeting halls. You learn something new every day.
Jill, good point about the conflict of interest.
“OBAMA: … My concern is what appears to be the doctors really don’t care about children who are born with a reasonable prospect of life because they are so locked into their pro-abortion views that they would watch an infant that is viable die. That may be your assessment and I don’t see evidence of that. What we are doing here is to create one more burden on a woman and I can’t support that.”
Obama, they are abortionists, they’re in the death business, not the life business.
Obama is a bad, bad man, if he can’t stand up to killer abortionists and protect innocent babies, how is he going to stand up to dictators or terrorists. How, in God’s name can this man who sides with abortionists over protecting babies ever be elected…. how can he be polling even with McCain… Has this country gone insane.. Is this the type of character we want in a President. How can this be. God help us.
This is just one of many issues where he has distorted the truth or has twisted what he had originally stated to placate the uninformed public.
Change and Hope?!! What a joke!
And I thougt I was a rabid pro-lifer. Whew!!!!!
Hey HisMan,
Hope everthing is going well my friend.
When you get a chance, could you post your Abortion essay again, that is very useful and powerful..maybe we can setup a link for it here..
Thank you Jasper for the quote of the day (Tues). Morgentaler regularly admitted in the press throughout the 70’s and 80’s that a baby was nothing more than a clump of cells and that this IS what he told women.
Jasper, you win the “Made-the-Goofiest-Connection award” for writing: “…if [Obama] can’t stand up to killer abortionists and protect innocent babies, how is he going to stand up to dictators or terrorists. ”
He isn’t failing to stand up to abortionists, he’s choosing to support them, which involves standing up to some powerful people. I don’t think there’s any correlation between RTLism and standing up to dictators or terrorists. The first counterexample that comes to mind is our current President, who is as RTL as anyone in the world and who is in the pockets of, and goes for garden walks holding hands with, the dictator-family of the country most responsible for spreading pro-terrorist Wahhabi Islam which endorses murder based on the victim’s religion. That’s standing up to terrorists and dictators all right (sarcasm).
I want to thank you too Jasper for the QOTD. Excellent!!
“I don’t think there’s any correlation between RTLism and standing up to dictators or terrorists”
I do SoMG…one could say the courts/lawyers are the dictators(they cleverly invented the right to an abortion) and the abortionists (who carry out the terror on unborn children) are the terrorists.
I’m from the UK and I applaud you, Jill on your website. McCain seems pretty awful, but I’m worried about Obama. If a man who condones infanticide, a man who respects life neither inside, nor outside the womb, gets into power, while receiving adulation and devotion from his followers gets into the Oval Office, it’s bad news for everyone.
“McCain seems pretty awful, but I’m worried about Obama.”
Welcome aboard, Laurence…as I always say…it’s better to have an 80% Pro-life president than a 0.0% one….
HisMan: Abortion, and those that legislate it, like Obama, is the fanatical and extreme here. We as humanitarians must also be there to call a spade a spade. If that appears fanatical and extreme, then so be it. Abortion is the extreme. Pro-Aborts are fanatical in that extreme. Surely you see that?
July: Mulatto is not a KKK word anymore than Black is a KKK word.. Get over some PC vain! He is Mulatto. No Black man would call himself Mulatto, and no Mulatto man should call himself Black. It is just a fact. YOU must think Mulatto is a bad thing, a bad word. Are you a racist? There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Mulatto, it is just not a Black. Fact.
Gera, I think Mulatto is offensive because it assumes there is such a thing as a pure race (black or white) and everyone else is mixed. In reality, everyone is mulatto, so the word is meaningless.
HisMan: Abortion, and those that legislate it, like Obama, is the fanatical and extreme here. We as humanitarians must also be there to call a spade a spade. If that appears fanatical and extreme, then so be it. Abortion is the extreme. Pro-Aborts are fanatical in that extreme. Surely you see that?
July: Mulatto is not a KKK word anymore than Black is a KKK word.. Get over some PC vain! He is Mulatto. No Black man would call himself Mulatto, and no Mulatto man should call himself Black. It is just a fact. YOU must think Mulatto is a bad thing, a bad word. Are you a racist? There is absolutely nothing wrong with being a Mulatto, it is just not a Black. Fact.
Posted by: Gera Schmidt at July 8, 2008 5:42 PM
Call a spade a spade? Using a racially derogatory term while accusing others of being racist is pretty funny.
Mulatto comes from the Spanish word for mule. If you think that calling people mules isn’t insulting, well……………
Excellent point, Hal. In the slave owning south, the terms black, mulatto, quadroon and octoroon were imposed and used to divide African Americans.
Here we go again–Obama having to scramble about trying to explain away his past positions and votes. There is a reason that he is rated the most liberal senator in the United States congress.
Also, the matter of his racial composition is relevant in at least one regard. The Dred Scott decision, given to us by the wisdom and prevailing attitude of the day, would have probably made it impossible for BHO to run for office. It shows how wrong the court can be, and one day history buffs will look back on our times with similar incredulity on the Roe v.Wade decision.
Sally, take up your PC nonsense with wikipedia, please. My mind and thoughts don’t float to the gutter as yours has.
Call me naive, but I haven’t a clue what “a spade is a spade” means regarding negativity towards one’s race. Sorry, I just never grew up in, or been exposed to, racists. I had NO IDEA that is a word banned by PC whatever-ism. Wikipedia displays Obama and Berry photos in its definition of “mulatto” and never refers a negative slant to it. What gives?
If Obama looked like his mother’s father, would he call himself a Black man? He calls himself a black man because of how he looks, but in reality, he is not considered a black man. So what? Whatever. Either you are a black man, or you’re not. Just because he looks like a black man, and I and wikipedia say he isn’t, really doesn’t matter does it?
You’re web site is fabulous. Can’t believe how many people were adopted. I’m in good company. Sad that many of them are pro choice, tho.
Welcome to Jill’s.
mk, thank you for the warm welcome and compliment of site, which will expand and improve in a few days! Exciting times for Pro-Lifers. We are more accepted today than ever before, and we should celebrate in out reach to others. The truth is on our side, and YouTube has really opened an easy door to share the reality. Most Americans know less than 10% of the reality of abortion and its ramifications on society and spirituality.
Please E me your address, I would love to send you my bumper sticker: “Pro-(God’s) Choice” (You’ll enjoy the reactions!)
I think Jill is awesome, and I think she should run for political office. Check out http://www.gideonstaskforce.com to align with success in placing Pro-Lifers in office!
Call me naive, but I haven’t a clue what “a spade is a spade” means regarding negativity towards one’s race. Sorry, I just never grew up in, or been exposed to, racists. I had NO IDEA that is a word banned by PC whatever-ism. Wikipedia displays Obama and Berry photos in its definition of “mulatto” and never refers a negative slant to it. What gives?
If Obama looked like his mother’s father, would he call himself a Black man? He calls himself a black man because of how he looks, but in reality, he is not considered a black man. So what? Whatever. Either you are a black man, or you’re not. Just because he looks like a black man, and I and wikipedia say he isn’t, really doesn’t matter does it?
Posted by: Gera Schmidt at July 8, 2008 8:13 PM
Calling a spade a spade is racist in meaning. That you even have heard the term means that you have been exposed to racism. That you feel a need to specify variation/degree of race at all speaks to your racism.
Wiki might be a quick and easy source of information about general topics but it is no substitute for actual study and learning.
Jasper, you wrote: “one could say the courts/lawyers are the dictators(they cleverly invented the right to an abortion) and the abortionists (who carry out the terror on unborn children) are the terrorists.”
Yes, one could say this, but it would be very silly.
You need to look up the definitions of “dictator” and “terrorist”.
Jill – non-intentional pun here – but what you presented above is really relevant information. It definitely shed much more light on the topic.
Is there any way to illustrate this that would help clarify what he’s doing? Would a video commercial help?
People seem to be really interested in getting high quality-accurate information on this. The more one looks into it, the more outrageous Obama’s remarks are.
The New Dictionary of Cultural Literacy, Third Edition. 2002.
call a spade a spade
To speak directly and bluntly; to avoid euphemism: