Gianna Jessen’s bonafides
UPDATE, 4:40p: Based on evidence presented in this post, Martin has removed “self-proclaimed” and Tapper has posted an addendum stating, “UPDATE: Jessen has posted medical records on her Web site to support her story,” with a link to this website.
Kudos to both for their willingness to reanalyze their stories when presented with new information.
Today Politico’s Jonathan Martin called Gianna Jessen a “self-proclaimed abortion-survivor,” and ABC’s Jake Tapper said Gianna “claims” to have survived an abortion.
To be fair, speculation is warranted. So in answer to that, here are documents proving Gianna is indeed an abortion survivor. The first is Gianna’s birth medical record, indicating she was “Born during Saline abortion”…
Next is Gianna’s birth certificate, listing infamous abortionist “Edward C. Allred, M.D.,” as the physician who delivered her. Allred is the owner of the largest group of independent abortion mills in the U.S. (click to enlarge)…
Finally is an article written in April 1978, when Gianna was 10 months old. She was entered as an exhibit of sorts under an alias in the murder trial of abortionist William Waddill, who stood accused of strangling another saline abortion survivor. In reading the article, recall Jessen has the “gift of cerebral palsy,” as she likes to say (click to enlarge)…

how did that doctor get credit for her delivery? he should have gotten credit for trying to kill her, not gove her life!
“Choice” is nauseating.
Shame that these people are in such denial.
A birth certificate with Allred’s NAME on it!!! WOW!
Yeah, well, the MSM will do whatever it takes to discredit someone who speaks the truth. It’s just something our society does–they try to discredit and humiliate anyone who gets in the way of their freedom to do whatever they want, at any cost.
Does anyone remember the picture of the baby’s hand reaching out of the womb during surgery? There was controversy after this happened that it was faked…..of course it wasn’t…
Did anyone see this:
It’s about Gianna’s appearance before the Colorado Legislature (I think in 2006). Wonderful testimony to a wonderful, talented, beautiful person. The title is:
“Planned Parenthood Celebration Jolted by Abortion Survivor”
Great read.
I can’t see the picture, Liz.
The Obaminator is going down in flames and it will be the women who will be responsible: Palin, Jill, Gianna….and Hillary (she started the attacks during the primaries, remember?)
You Go, Girls!!!
Jill, CNN picked up the 527 story about half an hour ago
Does anyone else find it a little disturbing that Gianna say’s she has the “gift of cerebral palsy”? Does she feel it’s a good thing for people to be sick? Would she say, “the gift of cancer”?
The double standard is amazing.
Where is the same scrutiny and questioning being applied to Barack Obama.
We should all demand this from the media.
HisMan, Obama is not making rather incredible claims about the circumstances of his birth.
HisMan, there has been quite a bit of scrutiny of Obama. He still comes out looking good.
It’s disgusting that Allred’s clinic is proud to be the leading provider of abortion services.
“Does anyone else find it a little disturbing that Gianna say’s she has the “gift of cerebral palsy”?”
Absolutely not. Gianna understands the meaning of human suffering in the context of God’s salvific plan, and realizes that to suffer is to be an imitator of her Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I LOVE the fact that she says that.
“Does she feel it’s a good thing for people to be sick? Would she say, “the gift of cancer”?”
I would, yes. As St Paul says “It is when I am weak that I am strong.” John Paul II wrote a wonderful Apostolic Letter Salvifici Doloris and Father Corapi wrote his dissertation on human suffering (really hard to find, had to request it from the University of Navaree). The point is that for those who trust in God’s providence, suffering is a gift which brings them closer to Jesus. There is power is suffering, and it is a great grace to be able to share in the passion of our Lord, as Gianna is not ashamed to admit.
When Gianna says she has the gift of CP, it’s not that she hopes everyone else can suffer what she has and isn’t Life grand?
She explained it yesterday on Hannity’s radio show, forgive me but I don’t remember much of the statements, but her statement is not foreign to the Catholic perception of suffering, human will, and God’s will.
I’m not going to pretend that this can all be explained in just one post; theologians and saints alike have fleshed out this issue in ways more profound than I can ever muster.
From my perspective, she views her disability as a gift because it allows her to be “poor in spirit”, in other words, she realizes and accepts in a profound way that she is wholly dependent on God. Her disability allows her to be more Christ-like to others. She can identify more with our Lord because she has a minute share in the sufferings that He endured, which in turn enables her to ‘walk the talk’.
Maybe Bambino can back me up on this, but I’ve heard it said (from a saint or someone holy) that the angels envy us because we can suffer.
If you are truly interested in the theology behind suffering, the first source I would recommend is the Catechism of the Catholic Church because it’s just so darn awesome.
She accepts her “differentness” as a gift. She got this “gift” by the abortion, which she survived.
Erin, try clicking the link or dragging it to a new window on your browser.
I hadn’t heard that before, but I googled it and found
“We may add with the saints that if the angels could envy us anything, it is our capacity to suffer with and for Christ.”
It was written by no less a Saint than Padre Pio, who probably suffered more than any human being in the 20th century, which included but was not limited to 40 years straight in which he suffered with teh stigmata.
You brought up another excellent, excellent point which is that ONLY when we have nothing, we lose every thing that we value can we truly rely on God and know that he is in control of our lives. We must become beggars before the Lord, knowing that nothing we have, whether it be our material possessions, our health, intelligence, faith, family, etc. is our own, that it is all a gift from God, which could be taken away at any point, and we MUST be willing to accept that. Otherwise, we place something above God. In the words of St Therese of Avila, “God alone suffices.”
You can’t be serious.
It didn’t surprise me about politico or the associated press. They are biased on youtube. In fact everyone. It’s quite funny how quickly people respond if you stand up for Palin. I love animals and I’m proud to be a republican.
Thank you for all of the linking you have been doing in trying to get Jill and Gianna’s story out!
You have got to meet Jess on here!! :) She is crazy wild about animals too!
Very close Carder and Bobby,
try looking at it this way … a good parent and their ailing child. St. Theresa of Liseux used to be so familiar with God as Daddy, she would talk about ‘crawling into His lap’. A child draws out the greatest love from a parent when they are themselves afflicted. We who are …. blind; deaf; crippled; are mentally/emotionally compromised … example, being ‘alone’ with Alzheimer … are special children in God’s family. Our power is not from us, but is from the God Who dwells in each of us. He makes me one in Him.
The ‘power’ of the downtrodden is the gift of resurrection … as we die in Christ Jesus, we now live in Him. We rise as He rises in us.
awesome…I’ve never been concerned about abortion until I read jill’s story in obamanation and I immediately remembered how I felt holding a precious little animal as it died. Her love is for the babies and mine is for animals, but both are living creatures but love is still the same. That is when I took a deeeeep look in obama’s record. The only problem is getting my liberal animal freak subscribers to understand why I’m so glad mccain chose palin. It’s made me insane4mccain so I vent on the insane4mccain account so I don’t scare away my fellow animal lovers. hehe
Oooh, sneaky Jamie! :) I read Jill’s story when it first came out years ago. I read it on Lifenews and well….here we are.
insane4mccain. I like that.
“If you are truly interested in the theology behind suffering, the first source I would recommend is the Catechism of the Catholic Church because it’s just so darn awesome.
Posted by: carder at September 16, 2008 1:10 PM”
Jess..looks like you’re behind on your reading…this has been suggested this to you for several posts now.
It is commonly called “redemptive suffering”.
And as Fr. Corapi states it “There is Power…enormous power in Redemptive Suffering”…hence it is a ‘gift’.
Just read your interview on National Review Online. Excellent! Lopez really tries to hammer you with theoretical opposition. Makes me wonder.
Does anyone else find it a little disturbing that Gianna say’s she has the “gift of cerebral palsy”? Does she feel it’s a good thing for people to be sick? Would she say, “the gift of cancer”?
Jess, I have gone through some things that I thought were absolutely horrible at the time. Like I just wanted to die in my sleep rather than face another day, or I honestly didn’t think the world could possibly have room for someone like me in it. But all of those things turned out one of two ways: I either got through them, or learned to live with them.
I think I’m a pretty decent person now. Who would I be if I had never struggled like that? I don’t know. I’d probably still be a decent person. But I think it’s safe to say that I would be weaker, emotionally, at least in some ways. I’d be like some little soft-bellied creature scuttling along the bottom of the ocean. And I’m sure the bottom of the ocean is a cool place (scary, but cool) but I’m strong enough to hike up a mountain or go skiing, and I like that way better.
Then, too, there is the fact that experiencing my own problems has made me so much more aware of what other people may be feeling when in the midst of a difficult time. So maybe if my life hadn’t been so hard at times, I wouldn’t have the patience or the compassion I have now. I’m not perfect by any stretch, but I like to think that I have things I can give to others — and I might never have even known that if I didn’t learn what they might need from me, by needing things from others first.
I am sure that Gianna is grateful for the emotional strength, the compassion for others, and the other things she has gotten as a result of cerebral palsy.
Exactly. When you suffer for something you believe in as well, it shows how true you are. For example… mccain and his war injuries. He can’t type because of war injuries. I have chorea and I’m not able to use a laptop touch pad, but mine aren’t war injuries. I don’t know if I’m making a point, but I just thought of mccain. I wish he would talk more about his stories. They are a blessing. I think I’m so off subject. lol
I can’t read alexandra’s post. Although, when I heard Gianna say the gift of cerebral palsy, I felt weird but immediately thought, hey some people will talk about that say how weird that sounds and they’ll remember that name and if anything that will still lead people to be drawn to the truth about obama. Now as for depression, it is very bad to feel like not wanting to get up and I need to change the subject because my memory is too vivid. lol. When I’m depressed and not thinking about that, I do think of Jesus and I know something good is going to come of this and although I don’t function like others my disability is going to help somebody out there.
Gianna wouldn’t be doing what she is doing today if it weren’t for an abortion, being born alive and struggling with cerebral palsy. She is an amazing woman and an example of God’s grace.
I am just so excited to see how God is going to use her! And Jill!
Just when you think you have a subject that the proaborts cannot possibly smear, attack, or ridicule, they do anyway. Nothing, nothing at all is sacred or even “special” to them.
I wonder, does anyone know of a positive, uplifting subject that they will not attack? Is there such a thing?
Doyle….let me see…..ummm……NOPE!
I have a friend who has cerebral palsy and he has seizures. I have epilepsy. I wonder if Gianna has seizures as well. Either way, Gianna has a story and she’s fired up at the right time so seize the opportunity. I have 40 cats rescued from dumps where I live and I will name one Gianna as soon as I know if it’s a girl or boy. Life is a gift from God.
proaborts will try and smear, but now that the truth is out, people who value life WILL see smear from love.
So, it seems there are republican legislators in Alaska suing to try and end the Troopergate investigation. That combined with Palin’s sudden turn around (deciding not to cooperate afterall) is going to look very suspicious. Now that the post-convention bounce is nearly over it’s likely this might just make Americans think Palin is hiding something.
ugh, that post is repetitive. Sorry, I’m tired, lol.
I wonder, does anyone know of a positive, uplifting subject that they will not attack? Is there such a thing?
Posted by: Doyle at September 16, 2008 2:46 PM
Hi ,
there are many political pundits here. I’ve got an interest in Ron Paul. I assume he was written off by many as not-wanting-to-waste-their-vote. Has his status changed? Is Ron Paul now the biggest threat to McCain?
Great interview with Gianna… she is one amazing woman! Thanks for posting that I missed it…and found it here. Really, really great… It speaks a thousand words, can’t really fight against that one, eh?
He was always the biggest threat, libertarians LOVE Ron Paul, but he’s a crazy. ugh. He’ll take some percentage, but the Dems have Nader…again.
Dan @ 3:01,
So, it seems there are republican legislators in Alaska suing to try and end the Troopergate investigation. That combined with Palin’s sudden turn around (deciding not to cooperate afterall) is going to look very suspicious. Now that the post-convention bounce is nearly over it’s likely this might just make Americans think Palin is hiding something.
Or she thinks the investigation might not amount to a hill of beans. Just a thought?
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Alexandra @ 2:38,
I’m not perfect by any stretch, but I like to think that I have things I can give to others — and I might never have even known that if I didn’t learn what they might need from me, by needing things from others first.
Well said! ;^)
Every time I hear about “TrooperGate”, I wonder why, if the Governor of Alaska has the power to fire any commissioner at any time, for any reason, there would be any investigation at all. And then I remember… there are Democrats in the Alaska legislature who support Obama!
I mean, where’s the beef in this soup?
Doyle, I’ve been wondering the same thing. Why is this an issue at all?
“UPDATE, 4:40p:Based on the evidence presented in this post, Martin has removed “self-proclaimed” and Tapper has posted an addendum stating, “UPDATE: Jessen has posted medical records on her Web site to support her story,” with a link to this website.”
Yes Jill:
And let’s not forget that there are laws against slander and libel.
The only thing the MSM seems to get is how issues affect their pocketbooks.
Don’t think their adjsutment is so noble, however, you neve seem to miss the opportunity to be gracious and a class act.
Me. I say hit ’em between the eyes and harder, harder.
The Commissioner was appointed by Palin and as such she can de-appoint him at any time, especially for subordination. Apparently the guy was undermining her authority in the budgetary process and she did the right thing.
“HisMan, Obama is not making rather incredible claims about the circumstances of his birth.
Posted by: Erin at September 16, 2008 12:56 PM”
Obama was an abortion survivor too? You mean, he is the messiah after all?
Gee, I wonder what Obama’s mom would have done if she were tempted by legalized abortion had it been legal in 1964, the year of Obama’s birth and 9 years prior to Roe v. Wade? Guess we’ll never know.
“Where’s the beef in this soup?”
Lol! :)
well, the President can fire US Attorneys at any time too, but doing so because they won’t go after Democratic targets in an election year is still a scandal.
Here’s one take from the Alaska State House:
This investigation was started by a Republican-dominated Alaska Legislature to look into Governor Palin’s conduct in seeking the termination of a State Trooper, once married to the Governor’s sister, Trooper Michael Wooten. The McCain camp wants to stop it by saying it’s a “democratic” investigation. Apart from facts, and the reputations the McCain folks don’t mind destroying, there’s not a lot standing in the way of this strategy.
Until August 29 “Troopergate” was a small state investigation Governor Palin, and every Republican and Democrat in a Republican-led Legislature, had agreed was appropriate. But things changed the day Governor Palin joined the McCain ticket. His handlers went ballistic that the Governor agreed to an investigation they now needed to stop.
I know Senator McCain is now running on a political platform of “change.” Leave aside how he’ll fight to change what he’s voted to do to this country for the last 8 years. If you ask me, the only thing he’s changed so far is Governor Palin’s position — her decision to cooperate with this once-small investigation.
This is one of those cases where there’s a clear truth. It’s a clear truth — about a bi-partisan investigation — that I hope McCain’s operatives will ultimately fail at spinning into a “partisan” plot against his running mate.
To get their way, and prevent sworn testimony from leaking out on what I suspect was probably a minor breach by Governor Palin, McCain’s operatives have come to Alaska to add invective in a state where people generally get along. They’ve chosen to vilify: 1) one of the state’s most respected public officials, Senator Hollis French; 2) the state’s most respected law enforcement official, Walt Monegan; and 3) a highly respected former DA and Victims Rights advocate a legislative committee voted 12 – 0 to hire to conduct the investigation, Steve Branchflower.
It’s the ghost of Karl Rove. Say something untrue enough times — like that al-Qaeda is training with Saddam Hussein’s help — and people will believe it. Not this time. I’m not sure if I mentioned a few important facts.
Did I mention that no one ever attacked the Troopergate investigation by Alaska’s Legislature — started long before Governor Palin was placed on McCain’s ticket — until August 29? That was the day Governor Palin joined the McCain bid for the White House.
Did I mention that before the McCain camp got involved, the Governor stated of the Legislative investigation: “That being the route they choose, so be it. I’m happy to comply, to cooperate.” (, July 24, 2008). She repeatedly stated she’d comply, and that it was the right thing to do.
Did I mention the personal attacks against our local public officials only started after Sen. McCain sent his flacks up to our small state on August 29? They came with a mission to make America believe a Republican-initiated investigation, started with a unanimous committee vote of eight Republicans and four Democrats, was a “partisan” plot. That’s only a tough sell if people know the facts.
Did I mention they now claim the Legislature cannot legally proceed with an investigation into government misconduct (I thought Republicans didn’t like attorneys who made frivolous arguments), and that they are threatening to to go to court to stop it? The Governor’s attorneys started writing those letters on — you guessed it — August 29. Before then they agreed the investigation was proper.
I have a rare bone marrow disorder that leaves me with chronic leukemic symptoms. The advantage I have over others who are not chronically ill, is that I chose to focus on the important things in life — like life itself, and my resposibility to God for living my life according to his will. This is why I chose not to abort my baby five years ago when two OB’s offered me this choice. Today, I homeschool my five year old daughter.
I let out a cry of surprise to see that it was Fast Eddie Allred who signed Gianna’s birth certificate. Wow! Did he fire the nurse?
God must have had His hand on Gianna, for her to have come out of Allred’s reach alive.
Did you see the comments on the CNN site? People who are boasting about how all that matters is “CHOICE CHOICE CHOICE CHOICE CHOICE CHOICE”. They’re practically screaming for somebody to put a bullet between Gianna’s eyes and finish the job Fast Eddie started.
A live, screaming baby, scalded with saline. “Choice”. CHOICE wins. Every time.
How much hate can you fit on one page of comments?
“They’re practically screaming for somebody to put a bullet between Gianna’s eyes and finish the job Fast Eddie started.”
LOL…I know Christina, we live in a sick society.
Christina @ 8:22 PM
Just finished looking at those comments – scary.
Not a shred of empathy – nor mercy or compassion.
My wife said it simply reminds her of “Crucify Him! Crucify Him!”
Self-indulgence, self-centeredness – Genesis 3 continues. Wonder how God will soften their hearts? What kind of pain will be needed to soften their hearts with tears…
You brought up another excellent, excellent point which is that ONLY when we have nothing, we lose every thing that we value can we truly rely on God and know that he is in control of our lives. We must become beggars before the Lord, knowing that nothing we have, whether it be our material possessions, our health, intelligence, faith, family, etc. is our own, that it is all a gift from God, which could be taken away at any point, and we MUST be willing to accept that. Otherwise, we place something above God. In the words of St Therese of Avila, “God alone suffices.”
Posted by: Bobby Bambino at September 16, 2008 1:31 PM
very true, as I’m guessing OneInAMillion can also attest to.
If you’ve ever had a really, really sick child, you can certainly attest to how utterly dependent you are upon God.
And if you’ve ever been very sick yourself, sometimes it feels like a relief afterwards because you feel as though the suffering has purified your soul. Can’t really explain it but to say that I’ve felt very much at peace after physically suffering alot. Not the same though with emotional suffering which is much much harder to endure and leaves me very depleted. (I guess I’ll be quiet about that now – you didn’t read this God!!!)
Jasper, a day or so ago you said that the Atlantic printed a “hit piece” about McCain. Did you actually read it? I finally got around to it and it left me with a new respect for some of his opinions. Some of the parts that stuck out:
During the three years after President Bush declared an end to major combat operations, McCain was the rare Republican who was publicly critical of the administration, and in particular of General Casey and then–Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld. His anger at Rumsfeld remains palpable. “You’ve got to tell people exactly what’s going on,” he said. “This goes back to ‘Mission Accomplished,’ ‘a few dead-enders,’ ‘last throes.’ I used to grind my teeth.”
By the beginning of 2007, his frustration was boiling over publicly. At a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing, he reprimanded Casey. “You will need to explain why your assessment of the situation in Iraq has differed so radically from that of most observers and why your predictions of future success have been so unrealistically rosy,” he said.
And towards the end:
I once asked Lindsey Graham to name something unusual about McCain in the context of the debate about Iraq; he said that McCain believes, among other things, that “some political problems have military solutions.” A related McCain belief that’s even more out of sync with America’s current mood: wars are quagmires only until someone figures out a way to win them.
That stuff with the photographs was awful, but the photographer was dropped from her agency’s client list and everything. She’s not getting paid, and the magazine is thinking of suing her, or at least was the last I heard. It’s not like anyone is defending her; she’s a freaking nut who will probably never work again.
Gianna seems to have a strong connection to these words of St. Francis:
Perfect joy according to Saint Francis of Assisi
How Saint Francis, walking one day with brother Leo, explained to him what things are perfect joy.
I wonder, does anyone know of a positive, uplifting subject that they will not attack? Is there such a thing?
Posted by: Doyle at September 16, 2008 2:46 PM
Hal: “Obama!”
Yeah because hearing that our soldiers are losing a war, that we have screwed up the economy, and that the only way for us to be saved is to accept the mark of Obama sure is uplifting. I love being told that Im not good enough to lift myself out of my own problem, but that the Big Government is the only one who can save me. Obama stands for Hope by painting it so that everything is hopeless – it exagerates his message. We cant forget though that he is the one claiming we are so worthless to begin with.
HisMan, there has been quite a bit of scrutiny of Obama. He still comes out looking good.
Posted by: Hal at September 16, 2008 12:57 PM
Hal, I’ll settle for good in the sense that he is running second in a two man race for president. I’ll take that.
Does anyone else find it a little disturbing that Gianna say’s she has the “gift of cerebral palsy”? Does she feel it’s a good thing for people to be sick? Would she say, “the gift of cancer”?
I’m not disturbed by it. She is not saying the sufferings of *others* are a gift, particularly (even though they can be). When we believe in a God who loves us, it’s not hard to see that sometimes our sufferings can be for our own good, because He can bring so much good out of them. Gianna can see that her own sufferings can be meaningful.
Thanks for posting these, Jill. Now if only we could do this with every thing. So many people make up stories on both sides of issues that just end up hurting their cause in the long run.
Hi Erin,
We could do this with everything if everything was based on truth. Unfortunately, that is not often the case.
Gianna is an amazing woman, no?
“Just finished looking at those comments – scary.
Not a shred of empathy – nor mercy or compassion.
Posted by: Chris Arsenault at September 16, 2008 8:48 PM”
Chris, it really IS scary the way these liberal, pro-abort scream out for the blood of the innocents…just because they stand in the way of their false idol and false “CHOICE”.
You can almost imagine the vile hatred and gnashing/ grinding of teeth pouring out as they type on their keyboards…
I heard a guest/exorciston on the Drew Mariani Show state that these kind of affinity to evil “things” (prostitution, abortion, pornography..etc) is linked to demonic possessions.
As MC Hammer put it “We’ve got to pray just to make it today”.
I am praying RSD! This is spiritual warfare!
Obama stands for Hope by painting it so that everything is hopeless – it exagerates his message. We cant forget though that he is the one claiming we are so worthless to begin with.
Posted by: Oliver at September 16, 2008 10:41 PM
You forget his great line, “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” It’s not about Obama, he insprires all of us to make this country better and better.
What we see in Gianna’s, and Jill’s detractors, is the view of humanity from the cross: people whose minds are so darkened by their own sense of self that they cannot recognize truth, and willingly embrace lies which they believe will give them freedom. For this, they will defend infanticide. What we see in Gianna, and Jill, is the view of humanity which embraces the cross: the expression of true love which willingly lays down its life for another human being, therby bringing the light of Christ into the world; a light so irresistible that others are drawn to the healing, hope, and freedom it gives. This is the freedom for which people are willing to die, but never murder.
Hal: “You forget his great line, “we are the ones we’ve been waiting for.” It’s not about Obama, he insprires all of us to make this country better and better.”
First of all, that line is ridiculous. Second of all, who said anything about “waiting” for someone to come save us? Third of all, if he really believed that, why is he supporting a Nanny state? It reminds me of Bidens speech talking about his father who told him that “when you get knocked down, you get back up.” Sounds great, but then he turned right around in that same speech to say “and the government is ignoring all these people who are knocked down!” Did his dad tell him that when you get knocked down you beg for help from the all powerful government? No I dont think so. Those arent blue collar values, at least not where I am from. Obama and Biden want us to believe we are helpless so that they can come across like saviors. I want someone who is just going to keep the government out of my way and properly use my tax dollars.
I guess everyone sees what they want to see, and hears candidates statements through the focus of their own views. Personally, I trust Obama much more than McPalin to watch my tax dollars, to fight the nanny state, protect us from enemies at home and abroad, and inspire the best in all of us.
“I trust Obama much more than McPalin to…protect us from enemies at home and abroad…”
He can’t even protect himself against his own detractors from within his own party and you trust him to protect the US???
Hal: “to fight the nanny state”
Ill leave the rest of the stuff alone because you could make a case for Obama on the rest…sort of…but this? He wants to increase government spending to “help people out.” This is what the Democrats want! You do realize that they like the notion of the Nanny state and if anything would like to take us into a more socialistic society? How could you say that Obama will fight the Nanny state? Thats like saying “I feel comfortable that the GOP will make sure to raise taxes on corporations!” You should be proud of the Nanny State, thats what Biden’s speech was about and what Obama constantly pushes. After all, thats how he went to college as he openly admits.
really pray for the pro life movement, i think in all of america’s liberal waywardness, a culture of truth and life is beginning to emerge especially with strong youth who refuse to buy into secular ideals of choice under the guise of freedom. i think its safe to find hope in knowing at the end of the day, God wins; meanwhile the militant on earth continue our fight to save as many souls, born and unborn. sure get’s my blood pumping.
Hal, Obama sounds like one of those guys who gives a free seminar at the Holiday Inn about how you can achieve your full potential in 90 days if you just buy his set of CDs, available at the back of the room for only $49.95. Is that who we want running the country?
Nanny state:
You must wear seatbelts; Washington sets the drinking age (adults can’t decide about drinking); you can’t smoke pot (same idea), it’s bad for you, you can’t adverstise political stuff 60 days before the election, people can’t handle too much free speech (McCain Fiengold); etc, etc
I’m probably more libertarian than Obama, but I definately support freedom more than McCain.
Although I will admit that the Republican party does support a lot of “nanny-esque” laws if you extend them out to any self directed risks, you cannot deny that the Democratic Party is far more towards Government power. They want to make medical care universal. They want to expand government run programs. The Republican party is not liberitarian unfortunately, but it is MUCH closer to it than the Democratic Party. It is like insulting the Democratic Party for being too lenient towards Big Corporations, so you will vote Republican. It makes no sense. Just admit that you are voting for Obama because hes cool and well-spoken and knows how to rouse a crowd. You apparently have no real justifications, as witness in your paradoxal statements on the “nanny state.”
My little kitten that I rescued from the dump and named Gianna has died this morning. 39 kittens rescued from the dump. I need to make a sweet little tombstone for her.
Ohhh, I’m sorry Jamie. I’m sure she spent the last few hours of her life loved and happy. God love you.
Allred is a staunch anti-welfare Republican who contributed to McCain. Go figure.
check it out at
going back in time today. searching for obama on abortion views. IF THIS IS NOT OF IMPORTANCE TO YOU LET ME KNOW
Issue Statements
Protecting Choice and Achieving Gender Equity
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The rights and concerns of women are under unprecedented assault in Washington. The fate of Roe v. Wade depends on a razor-thin majority in the U.S. Supreme Court. The Bush Administration’s attack on choice has included supporting the “partial birth abortion” ban without a health exception, attempting to reverse FDA approval of Ru-486, and withdrawing millions of dollars appropriated by Congress for international women’s health programs.
President Bush also opposes affirmative action and pushed to gut Title IX, the landmark law that prohibits sex discrimination at schools receiving federal funds. With Administration support, the Republican-controlled House has adopted a welfare reauthorization bill that would make it almost impossible for poor women to pursue education and job training while satisfying weekly work requirements. Finally, President Bush has nominated a slew of judicial candidates who have demonstrated hostility to women’s rights.
The Obama Record: Illinois needs a U.S. Senator who will fight to advance women’s interests and oppose the GOP’s reactionary agenda. Barack Obama has proven to be such a leader. In the Illinois State Senate, Obama has compiled a consistent record of promoting equal rights and protecting a woman’s right to choose:
Defending Choice. Obama is committed to protecting a woman’s right to choose and earned the endorsement of the Illinois Planned Parenthood Council in his last race for the Illinois State Senate in 2002.
Expanding Insurance Coverage for Contraceptives. Obama voted for a groundbreaking law requiring insurance plans that already cover prescription drugs and devices to also cover all FDA-approved prescription contraceptives.
Closing the Gender Gap in Wages. Obama was a co-sponsor of the successful Equal Pay Act of 2003, which prohibits sex-discrimination in wages.
Helping Victims of Domestic Violence. Obama was the chief sponsor and architect of recently enacted legislation providing that victims of domestic or sexual violence may take time off work to seek medical care, counseling, and legal services, and to take steps to ensure their safety and the safety of others in their household.
Ensuring Equal Rights for Women. Obama is a co-sponsor of a joint resolution ratifying the Equal Rights Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.
The Road Ahead: In the U.S. Senate, Barack Obama will continue to fight for women and against the radical right agenda that would roll back or eliminate the right to choose:
Protecting the Right to Choose. Obama will oppose arbitrary and harmful restrictions on abortion, advocate for measures requiring health insurance providers to cover contraceptives, and fight to preserve access to Ru-486. Obama will seek to reverse the Global Gag Rule and to increase funding for women’s health programs, both here and abroad.
Promoting Women’s Health and Opportunity. Obama will support legislation to ensure equal pay for women, advocate for welfare reform that increases funding for childcare and encourages education and job training, and work to expand the Family and Medical Leave Act to cover time spent addressing domestic violence and its effects.
Maintaining Fairness and Balance in Our Courts. Senator Obama will stand firm in resisting efforts to pack the federal courts with right-wing ideologues who seek to overturn Roe v. Wade, the Violence Against Women Act, and anti-discrimination laws.
© Copyright 2004,
Allred is a staunch anti-welfare Republican who contributed to McCain. Go figure.
check it out at
Posted by: Dan at September 20, 2008 10:49 AM
Right, go figure. The man is a lunatic. He donated about $2300 according to that link. I’d say McCain should give the money to Gianna.
Clarification: The man (Allred) is a lunatic.
How many states in the U.S. (if any) issue death certificates for aborted babies?
Punk not dead “>mytube :P
Fact-checking on Gianna and Obama ads
Only 4 days ago Michelle Malkin called’s output “pure garbage.” I’m here to corroborate. On September 24, FC posted an article supposedly fact-checking’s Gianna ad as well as Barack Obama’s retaliatory attack ad. There …