Bristol Palin, 18-year-old daughter of AK Gov. and former VP candidate Sarah Palin, gave birth to a son December 28. Weighing in at 7-7, Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston was born at 5:30a. Father is fiancé Levi Johnston.
Bristol Palin, 18-year-old daughter of AK Gov. and former VP candidate Sarah Palin, gave birth to a son December 28. Weighing in at 7-7, Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston was born at 5:30a. Father is fiancé Levi Johnston.
Caroline Kennedy’s run for NY senator has surprised me on a few counts. 1. I’m surprised Caroline decided to run in the first place. This would seem to go against her lifelong very private grain. In this regard, for all of her 51 years, she has behaved like her mother, not her father. Her sudden […]
I received this population poem yesterday via email: the world is overpopulated sometimes people make mistakes sometimes people die to make the total population healthier sometimes when a woman decides that the man she chose was a wrong choice giving that person a child would be a travesty of life sometimes those people are children […]
Chris La Tondresse, founder of
Several years ago I wrote discusses the same topic from a different angle with additional excellent observations… A Christmas view of abortion “The Bible says nothing directly about abortion.” Have you ever heard this claim before? I know I have. And the uncomfortable truth is that, in a certain sense, it’s accurate. The deliberate […]
Yesterday we had a winter storm, today it’s raining on the snow. It’s Chicago. Need I say more? I’ve been up awhile, cooking in the kitchen. Gotta go back to work, and then we’re going to my Mom’s house later this afternoon. Tomorrow my sons and families will join Rich, Daena (who flew in Friday […]
Most of us have spiritual hot buttons. One of mine is guarding against usurping pastoral authority. I’ve been through a couple of church splits in my life and am critical of bad apples complaining publicly about pastors/leaders and stirring ill will. For that reason alone, never mind thwarting a pro-life endeavor, I just can’t fathom […]