Only Mean Girls fit to serve?
I read about the following US News & World Report poll while perusing Jill at Feministe’s “Three things to annoy you today.” Proud to say I made top spot in that piece for my WND column yesterday.
But it was the poll question – and results – that really got my attention (Feministe’s #3 aggravant).
I’m surprised US News had the nerve to ask the question, because sure as shootin’ feminists consider it sexist. Any reference to a woman’s maternal side is ix-nay. I happen to like the question because it recognizes the caretaking aspect of women….
But what does the poll reveal? I appreciate people are unaware of Michelle Obama’s dark side. I’d warn them to remove all scissors and vacuum hoses from the premises before leaving newborns with her.
Nevertheless, in my mind this was a “Who do you trust?” or “Who is nicest?” question, similar to the 2004 “Who would you rather have a beer with?” question Bush beat Kerry on, which some said explained why he won the presidential race. I think Sarah Palin would win the beer question against these 3, too.
So does this mean If Palin were in a race against Hillary or Nancy she’d win?
One thing we know. Liberals believe women who openly embrace motherhood and are pretty to boot aren’t considered capable of high stakes political prowess.
But I wonder what Americans believe.
Another interesting point, the pro-lifer won.
Will be interested in your thoughts on this.
It’s a no brainer. Sarah loves kids, the other three…… not so much.
“One thing we know. Liberals believe women who openly embrace motherhood and are pretty to boot aren’t considered capable of high stakes political prowess.”
Absolutely not. As one liberal (I don’t speak for everyone, just like I am sad that your statement above made such a blanket generalization), I can say that openly embracing motherhood and being pretty doesn’t mean you can’t be capable of high stakes political prowess at all. Palin just didn’t have enough political experience to be VP and definitely not enough to be president if something were to happen to McCain, in my opinion. I’m sure someday she will though and will probably be a forced to be reckoned with!
Oh, please. Enough with the experience ruse. Obama’s only experience was state senator. He began running for prez as soon as he took the oath to be US senator. He never did that job. You don’t really want to compare resumes, AM.
Exactly. Nobama is now proving his inexperience and we are all paying the price for it.
Michelle ‘stone cold’ Obama says in her letter that Partial Birth Abortion is a legitimate medical procedure.
I’d go with Sarah Palin because she loves kids; would teach them commone sense, courtesy and wisdom; she looks like she would be fun to hang around with; and because she would definitely know how to protect the kids :)
I appreciate people are unaware of Michelle Obama’s dark side. I’d warn them to remove all scissors and vacuum hoses from the premises before leaving newborns with her.”
I suppose this is an attempt at a joke and not a sincere belief that Mrs. Obama would kill your children. Although pro-choice women disagree with you about the legality and morality of abortion, they don’t actually support or participate the killings of newborns.
That’s not it. We just think that having a nurturing side is not the sole criteria for a good leader. You can be the nicest person in the world but be a terrible president. You can have both, but one does not necessitate the other. It’s just like you said, people voted for Bush b/c they wanted to have a beer with him, and look what we got for 8 years!!
I should have put a disclaimer about how Obama has nothing to do with what I was talking about because I knew I’d get that response. I wasn’t thrilled about his experience either (although I think Biden was a good pick to help). But if we’re JUST looking at Sarah Palin, as I should have said, then no, I didn’t think she had enough experience. No comparisons, just what I think about her experience personally. And as I said, in a couple more years I’m sure she will run and maybe win. She was quite the sensation and still is!
Although pro-choice women disagree with you about the legality and morality of abortion, they don’t actually support or participate the killings of newborns.
Posted by: Hal at February 26, 2009 4:32 PM
You just can not be serious. ARGHHH.
Hal, 4:32p wrote, “I suppose this is an attempt at a joke and not a sincere belief that Mrs. Obama would kill your children. Although pro-choice women disagree with you about the legality and morality of abortion, they don’t actually support or participate the killings of newborns.”
Well, I suppose that would depend on your definition of newborn. Does half-born qualify?
Oh, I would so choose Michelle to have a beer with!
For starters, Sarah would stick you with the bill…:)
Do we know why Michelle Obama has her law license revoked by court order? She could have issues. Gov Palin appears to have a genuine mommy connection with children. The others seem to be clueless regarding a nurturing role.
Michelle seems wonderfully nurturing to her two girls. She always seems to be holding their hands or snuggling. But nurture is more than affection as well, it’s the intangibles of encouragement, pride, etc. which seem to be present as well.
Not to mention AM, Palin spent much of her press furthering the ‘good mother’ image, whereas that seemed to not be as much of an issue on the Obama campaign.
One of the few good things I see about the Obamas is that they do appear to be pretty good parents; their kids have always struck me as polite and well-behaved. I also appreciate that Michelle decided that her main priority after her husband won the presidency was to help the kids adjust. Having said that, I’d still go with Sarah Palin. Politics aside, something tells me the kids would have more fun. (HC and NP aren’t even in the running for me on this one.)
Of course, one of my big hopes for life is to get to be a stay-at-home mom like my mom was, so hopefully I’ll never have to pick a daycare center…
Palin’s oldest dropped out of high school and went into the army to avoid criminal problems
Her next dropped out of high school due to pregnancy. Hopefully, the others learn what NOT to do and finish high school.
Pelosi has five grown successful children and Hillary a grown very sucessful daughter. I am sure the Obama girls will do fine.
The fact that most of you would want your kids to follow the Palin pattern speaks volumes.
Jill: “I’m surprised US News had the nerve to ask the question, because sure as shootin’ feminists consider it sexist. Any reference to a woman’s maternal side is ix-nay.”
Well, they could circumvent that by including a man’s name among the women’s names. Men can run daycare centers, too…
PiP: “It’s just like you said, people voted for Bush b/c they wanted to have a beer with him, and look what we got for 8 years!!”
WRONG. That’s a left-wing smear by people who still can’t figure out why people would select GWB over Al Gore or John Kerry, and so they impugn their reasons. I don’t drink, and neither does Bush, and I’m probably more of a “nerd” than a “party animal,” so that theory would have me voting for Al Gore. As if that could ever possibly happen.
“That’s a left-wing smear by people who still can’t figure out why people would select GWB over Al Gore or John Kerry, and so they impugn their reasons.”
I still can’t figure it out.
We know.
bri, people will vote their political persuasions if they are there. For the “undecided” voters, it often comes down to who they “liked” more. Al Gore was the “stuck up nerd” and GWB was the “cool guy you wanted to have a beer with.” I was alive then, I remember.
Now, as for the 2nd election, I can’t really figure that out at all. Unless you go by likeabiliy again. Kerry didn’t have a very charismatic personality.
How Obama Got Elected… Interviews With Obama Voters
Given Obama’s, Pelosi’s and Clinton’s views on abortion, what MORON would even consider leaving their child in the presence of ANY of them for even 5 minutes?
Given Obama’s, Pelosi’s and Clinton’s views on abortion, what MORON would even consider leaving their child in the presence of ANY of them for even 5 minutes?
PIP, aren’t you being a little judgmental in regard to Sarah Palin? How do you know that she was using her children to project a particular image? She has always had her children with her as much as she could and her husband helps out within the framework of his seasonal employment. Michelle on the other hand has been quoted as saying that it doesn’t matter if she is not around during the day as long as she is home at night. Given studies that are done, most children benefit from having mom around as much as possible. Moms can work outside of the home for upwards of 30 hrs but beyond that it starts to become detrimental to their well-being.
detrimental to the well-being of the children, that is…
Given Obama’s, Pelosi’s and Clinton’s views on abortion, what MORON would even consider leaving their child in the presence of ANY of them for even 5 minutes?
Posted by: Mike at February 27, 2009 2:07 AM
Well, at home my children are with parents who have the same views. Are they in danger?
I wouldn’t leave a hamster with Nancy Pelosi. I don’t think my daughter would be in mortal danger if she were left with Palin, Clinton, or Obama. I think it is faulty reasoning to assume that because a person is a pro-abort, that all children would be in danger in that person’s care. (My reason for not leaving my child with Pelosi is because she is too consumed with her own agenda and power to care for a child).
Don’t get me wrong, I disagree COMPLETELY with the abortion views of Pelosi, Clinton, and Obama. For those who wouldn’t trust their kids with these women because of their abortion views, you should consider the possible views of the teachers and other staff at your child’s school. Chances are pretty good that there are pro-aborts in the school system … are your children in danger there?
No, it’s not judgmental at all; I never even said it was bad. It’s an observation. Easy to explain these results when out of all the candidates she projected herself primarily in a “mothering” role.
Hal: Considering that you had 2 of your children killed by abortion, that pretty much answers your question.
“I think it is faulty reasoning to assume that because a person is a pro-abort, that all children would be in danger in that person’s care.”
Of course. Thank you for that.
(hear that Mike? Faulty logic)
Given Obama’s, Pelosi’s and Clinton’s views on abortion, what MORON would even consider leaving their child in the presence of ANY of them for even 5 minutes?
Posted by: Mike at February 27, 2009 2:07 AM
Well, at home my children are with parents who have the same views. Are they in danger?
Posted by: Hal at February 27, 2009 9:13 AM
True Hal! OMG… my kids are in a similar situation!
Well, at home my children are with parents who have the same views. Are they in danger?
Posted by: Hal at February 27, 2009 9:13 AM
Two of them were.
As for whether or not Michelle Obama would kill a newborn… how new? Halfway out? Yup, she’d do it!
Ouch! Were you trying to be hurtful Elisabeth? Well Hal, like many, doesn’t think of embryos and fetuses the same way as he does his born children. So he probably isn’t hurt by that comment.
Would you say the same to Carla though?
“Palin’s oldest dropped out of high school and went into the army to avoid criminal problems
Her next dropped out of high school due to pregnancy. Hopefully, the others learn what NOT to do and finish high school.”
I’m unaware as to the truth or untruth of the first claim, but Bristol is still working on finishing high school.
PiP: “For the ‘undecided’ voters, it often comes down to who they ‘liked’ more. Al Gore was the ‘stuck up nerd’ and GWB was the ‘cool guy you wanted to have a beer with.'”
I’ll say this again: that’s the stereotype, or the popular stand-up routine, but it doesn’t reflect reality.
“I was alive then, I remember.”
As was I, dearie, and people voted for the candidate with whom they agreed on more (or more important) things, with whom they shared values, or, they believed, would do a better job. And this happened both times.
PiP: “For the ‘undecided’ voters, it often comes down to who they ‘liked’ more. Al Gore was the ‘stuck up nerd’ and GWB was the ‘cool guy you wanted to have a beer with.'”
Wait a minute! Hold it right there!!!! I was alive then too in 2000 and up in Canada we were told that more Americans actually voted to have a beer with the stuck up nerd. I am so confused…… ;)
Liberals believe women who openly embrace motherhood and are pretty to boot aren’t considered capable of high stakes political prowess.
That’s funny since all four of these women are extremely pretty and openly embrace motherhood; yet, three of them are liberal, and two of them have been elected by liberals to high political office.
Maybe, the liberal idea is that a woman’s prettiness, maternal ability, or lack thereof are utterly irrelevant to her prowess at political leadership.
Posted by: asitis at February 27, 2009 11:28 AM
“Well Hal, like many, doesn’t think of embryos and fetuses the same way as he does his born children. ”
Educated, highly intelligent people, Supreme Court Justices, Presidents, Congressmen and Senators once did not view ‘black’ children the same way they viewed their own white children.
Bigots are blinded by their own bigotry. Their arguments to support their perspective never are and never will be supported by logic and reason.
There are some people in the Dead Babies R Us, crowd, an influential minority, who know exactly what they are doing and they have made a calculated choice to discard prenatal human beings in an effort to advance their own agendas.
These people are not bigots, they are bararians.
yor bro ken
“Bigots are blinded by their own bigotry. Their arguments to support their perspective never are and never will be supported by logic and reason.”
I couldn’t agree more ken! Everyone time I hear someone bash gays, I think the very same.
Posted by: asitis at February 28, 2009 10:45 AM
“Bigots are blinded by their own bigotry. Their arguments to support their perspective never are and never will be supported by logic and reason.”
I couldn’t agree more ken! Everyone time I hear someone bash gays, I think the very same.
I would be helpful if you would define ‘gay [good as you] bashing’.
yor bro ken
For starters, how about your very own comment from 10:46am today on the other post?
Thanks for making that so easy.
Please define ‘gay’ and then ‘bashing’. Then the please explain how my comment was ‘gay bashing’ according to your definition.
yor bro ken
Oh c’mon ken. You know precisely what I mean. Don’t waste my time. snore………..