Former IL Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s openly lesbian sister-in-law Deborah Mell (who I met once in Springfield when we were lobbying opposite sides of a bill – I forget which) was elected state rep in November.
Mell has the distinction of being the only House member to oppose his impeachment.
Mell is proposing mandatory infertility coverage with a twist…
deborah mell.jpg

HB4331 – Illinois
Home > Illinois > HB4331
Chief Sponsor: Deborah Mell
Latest Update: Monday, March, 02nd 2009
Amends the Illinois Insurance Code. Provides that no group policy of accident and health insurance providing coverage for more than 25 employees that provides pregnancy related benefits shall contain a provision that covers the diagnosis and treatment of infertility only if the individual was covered under the policy for at least one year. Deletes a definition for “infertility”.

… So infertility would include a lack of desire to consummate.
[HT: Fran at Illinois Review]

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