Procession of Healing update
I wrote on May 8 of the next day’s 2nd annual Procession of Healing, expanded this year to 6 cities in 4 states with plans to grow the procession into a nationwide annual event.
Organizer, Pastor Aaron Jones, sent us an update of all procession statuses of which he was aware and photos (all from the Knoxville, TN, procession)….
Pastor Jones has received many emails expressing interest in holding a Procession of Healing in their cities. If you would like more information or have a story to share, please go to www.processionof
Pastor Jones wrote, “The Procession is about equipping churches to do something about abortion. I’m encouraged to what I see so far.”
I believe this is long over due and a very very good idea!
I wonder what the proaborts think?
Think of how much respect is paid to the deceased at any funeral you attend. Everyone deserves a proper burial. No child deserves to be thrown in the trash. His/Her life never to be remembered. This is a great idea.
I’m so glad that the ‘Silent No More’ women are out there to help us. They are such a unique group of women. Christ restored their peace.
Tonight my girlfriend from SNM and I are going to see speakers about ‘Obama..the first 100 days’…all conservative radio talk show people.
What a powerful statement this makes. I love the pictures and am honored to be friends with the speaker from SNM Minnesota!! :)
Carla: I think this gives men and women a chance to acknowledge their grief in a public way that is safe.
I agree. I wonder if passers-by know the significance?
I wonder what the proaborts think?
Posted by: angel at May 14, 2009 6:23 AM
I’m okay with this, for those who want it. If it’s a healing occasion for women or men who are troubled by their abortion, it seems like one way to help them. It’s certainly a Christian thing (find healing through Jesus Christ) so, it won’t work for everyone.
I also think it could be an effective way to make your point that “someone dies” in an abortion.
I thank you for that. You are the reason for my smile this morning.
I do appreciate the solemnity of this procession. It is serious. It speaks volumes in a very unique way.
Let’s stop the gimmicks.
Doing this stuff may garner some momentary attention, however, does this kind of thing change peoples hearts? I doubt it.
Let’s just preach the word forcefully and regularly against abortion. Week after week, year after year.
We don’t take showers and baths just one time do we. No, we need to be constantly washed by the Word of God before the filth of abortion can be dissolved away.
The word has the power to change people’s hearts.
Do Pastors in America have the guts to do this? Do they have the guts to lose donation providing members who don’t want to be pro-life? Do they have the guts to stick it out through all the backlash of standing firm against this heinous evil? So far they have not and stand in judgment.
HisMan, I don’t view this as a “gimmick.” It is another way of remembering and mourning those who have never been mourned by society.
It is a way to help bring healing to those who have made the choice to abort and regret it.
It is a way to open people’s eyes to the reality that PEOPLE die in abortions. Human beings.
I agree with you that the Word must be preached and we must stop being afraid to “run people off.” I’m thankful I have a pastor who speaks about this issue and minces no words.
However, I have seen “gimmicks” like this one motivate people and heal people at the same time, so I’m not going to dismiss it as merely a publicity ploy.
HisMan: it’s not meant to change peoples heart, IMO.
the purpose as Jill reported earlier:
to remember the babies lost to abortion… [and] an invitation for mothers and fathers to come and grieve over a decision they now regret. The Procession of Healing is a remnant of people who believe everyone has a right to live and everyone can be forgiven….
I personally see this as a ministry to help those who have suffered abortion to publicly acknowledge what happened – a baby dies in abortion, whether it’s theirs or someone elses. And it’s also possible that there are people who may see this procession and for the first time acknowledge within themselves what happened in their abortion. This is the seed that can lead to healing.
There are many ways to skin a cat! (no offense to cats)
The procession went off, apparently without a hitch in Knoxville. It is done in such a low key way that apparently the proaborts in this area chose to ignore it this year, rather than stage a full fledged attack as they did last year. I only wish there was some way to inform those who actually saw the procession in person of what it was about.
Doyle: what happened last year?
The Holy Spirit is the only healing agent in the Universe.
Healing is brought about by the covering and washing away of our sin by the blood of Christ.
I think you are confusing a “feel good” moment, i.e., a parade, for true healing of the heart, mind and soul that nothing apart from the blood of Christ can do, nothing.
I’m not saying to not do this as this may lead someone to repentance away from the sin of abortion whether it be to support it or not oppose it. I’m saying let’s apply sound doctrine to what we do as pro-lifers.
How many churches are preaching against abortion every Sunday? Not many. A parade will not change much. Time will prove me right.
Think about it……your a pro-abort… see this parade. For a moment you may think….gee…maybe abortion is wrong but your heart is not changed. Then one month later… get pregnant or a friend gets pregnant and think about abortion. You think they’re going to remember this parade? Give me a break.
How many of us have seen a funeral procession and thought to ourselves, “That might be me someday, I’d better stop doing ________”? And then gone on to do whatever sin we were habitually doing?
Or seen a car crash and slowed down for a day or two and then went back to our speeding way after that.
These external events have absolutely no power whatsoever to change us is the point and we make a mistake by focusing and wasting our time doing this stuff when we should be doing the hard work of preaching the Gospel and the Cross, the only power unto salvation.
Preach the word, preach the word, and then preach the word some more. Pastors of all people should know this as this is Seminary 101 stuff.
we are spiritual and physical beings.
The procession tends to our physical needs – our need to show grief.
the procession is also a physical reminder of how common abortion is today in our society.
it’s true we may see a funeral procession and be reminded of our mortality and then go on sinning again.
But it’s also quite true that many people go to church Sundays and after listening to a (good) preaching continue to sin. This doesn’t mean we should stop going to church.
His Man, I agree with your point about churches. A lot of the African Americans need to be taught that the abortion industry is targeting them. This seems to be left out in a lot of AA churches. – Same goes for motivational speakers like Joyce Meyers, Joel Osteen, Creflo Dollar, and Kenneth Copeland. You never hear them preach about abortion or homosexuality. These issues need to be addressed. ..Don’t offend the offering plate.
Needless to say, Joel Osteen and Joyce both have private jets.
You mean carnal and spiritual don’t you?
Galatians 5:17-21 (New International Version)
17For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature. They are in conflict with each other, so that you do not do what you want. 18But if you are led by the Spirit, you are not under law.
19The acts of the sinful nature are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; 20idolatry and witchcraft; hatred, discord, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions 21and envy; drunkenness, orgies, and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.
Again, I’m not saying not to do this, I’m asking are we doing this when we should spend our resources doing what God wants us and commands us to do, i.e., preach the word and make disciples.
Or, are we simply having a Bill Clinton feel good moment and substituting that for a supposed healing?
This is very strange to me, because it’s like a PR stunt, except it’s not terribly public (low key; people who aren’t in on it won’t be able to figure it out).
It strikes me as a feel-good thing, like that Red Envelope campaign. If it gets people energized to do something else for the cause of life (like ministering to women who are thinking about having an abortion), then good. But if they think this will stop abortion on its own, I have serious doubts.
I guess there’s also a healing angle, which is good, especially if women who had abortions were involved. Jesus came to save, not condemn.
I have many, many black friends. Many are former NFL players that live in Arizona.
The vast majority are Christians and they supported Barack Obama and simultaneously tell me that they are against homosexuality and abortion.
They choose to be allowed to be blinded by how evil Barack Obama is because they see him as a step forward in their quest for equal rights and stature. I understand this and realize that it takes a very thoughtful person to look beyond skin color to see who and what Barack Obama truly is…..a blasphemer and usurper of God.
As I attempt to educate them and give them the facts, many are seeing how truly abominable Obama is and are withdrawing support. The sparkle is wearing off.
Got to go…….to God be the Glory…Amen.
His Man, I know many of them also. We tell the AA’s at the abortion clinic all about Obama, Margret Sanger, and Dr. Martin Luther King. With all due respect, they need to study up during Black History Month. Dr. MLK and Obama do NOT belong on a plaque together. Especially not one that reads “Together, yes we can!”
I know Joyce Meyers. She is the real deal. The good she does around the world is unimaginable.
Do you have any idea about what her schedule is like and how many people she brings when she puts on a US conference? Using commercial carriers would just not work for the compressed time schedule and would probably cost a ton more.
Do you realize she brings at least 2 tractor trailer trucks full of equipment when she does a conference at a city? And I don’t think her jet will fly over water so she probably uses a commercial carrier when she goes to India, etc.
The entire amount of donations that she collects at these conferences goes to missions. The money she keeps is from the books she writes.
I know nothing about Joel Osteen.
Please be careful about speaking evil of God’s servants. There is nothing wrong with wealth or having things if they are used for God’s glory.
Have you ever seen the Pope’s traveling entourage?
And yes, Joyce and the otters do need to speak out against these evils and their callings dictate.
However, the real work of changing hearts on abortion is done at the parish/congregational level. And unfortunately, not much work is getting done as more and more Christians are buying into the lie and abortion is ever increasing, i.e. one abortion in this country is one too many.
Pastors in the trenches must be woken up to this fact.
His Man, my apologies. I don’t have anything against Joyce Meyers. I have only interacted with some Christians who have told me to avoid “tuning in” b/c she never addresses important issues. Same goes for Joel. I meant no offense. I’ll watch it next time.
Joyce Meyers is 100% the real thing.
Attacks on someone like her are to be expected because she is on the front line battling satan.
You would do well to listen to this true woman of God.
Her life story is amazing as she comes out of a history of family sexual abuse.
Whoever told you anything bad about Joyce hasn’t got a clue.
His Man, truth is, I was watching her shows. One day a Christian woman told me “No.” “You don’t want to watch her,” “Watch any of those {above named} people on TV, and their hidden message is about how people can get money or gain wealth.”…she added “and that’s just wrong.” Please help me with this. Why would she state this, and is it true?…..I am being sincere in my ???/so that I may sort it out.
His Man, and yes I did hear her tell her story of abuse. I’ve also seen her on TV in India.
She also added that Joyce, Jole, and Creflo will not discuss abortion or homosexuality b/c they believe it would turn people off.
angel, last year some local proabort newspaper columnists and various proabort political figures made a concerted effort to vilify the procession and all those who participated in it. It was a debate topic around here for days. This year they seem to have tape over their mouths.
And to those who say this was “ineffective”, let me repeat that it does no one any good to attack the efficacy or the efficiency of a well intentioned prolife action like this. It may not have converted anyone who watched us go by, but it’s always good for the faithful prolifers to see large numbers of other prolifers acting together. Kind of like the annual march for life, only smaller and more local. Don’t knock it, it’s a beginning for many prolifers.
I have heard the same thing about Joyce and will do my research.
Doyle: ;thanks for the details. Maybe the figured protesting this made them look insensitive.
HisMan: I mean we are physical and spiritual beings. We have body and soul and we when we are ill, especially mentally and emotionally, we need to treat holistically. And I KNOW I don’t need to tell you that many physical illnesses are manifestations of serious spiritual illness.
God bless.
Doyle, I agree. Carla, then I’m not too far off in saying so. I would never disrespect a woman of God. I just had questions.
Post-abortive male here.
I know that I’ve spent 15 years NOT allowing myself to grieve about something my conscience told me was wrong but I did anyway. After all, I CHOSE to kill my children: why should I, or anyone else for that matter, allow me the luxury of tears?
Just review some literature about post-abortive grief. The naming, the memorializing, even something like this procession, gives us the permission lay our kids to rest (which, like any funeral, is more about us than them). Its about letting go.
Its not just about repentance – my babies would be in high school right now, my girls would have big sisters/big brothers, etc. Also, its not like other sin doesn’t also have loss and associated grief: If we destroy our marriage via adultery but later repent before God, we’ve still lost a marriage. Abortion isn’t just sin; its also the loss of our child, even if we didn’t admit it at the time.
Otherwise, its like carrying a dead baby around with us the rest of our lives.
That’s my perspective anyway. Thanks.
Thank you JP Prichard. I applaud your courage in sharing your story and grieving the forbidden grief of our aborted children. We will see our babies again!
Your voice is needed!! God bless you.
I am looking forward to joining this procession next year. I’ll be sure and bring the whole fam.
I have been waiting all day to get to a computer I could work on to say something about this issue
I spoke at the event in Minneapolis. As a woman who aborted her child I can honestly say this event was done with class and I felt nothing but respect and love.
This event gives those of us who are in the pews a chance to grieve our loss but also just as important a chance for the church to open its arms and hearts to us…helping us to find an even deeper healing that Christ has called us to.
When the church can speak about the loss of children from abortion and in the same breath acknowledge our pain and accepts us as parents with sorrow…that is good and that is what this event is about!
I pray this event keeps going and growing. There are far to many of us (post-abortive moms and dads) who feel the church leaves us out of the loop. Mother’s day is the hardest day of the year for me…my arms lay empty of a hug and my lips and cheeks are bare of kisses from a child I was too scared to allow to live. His death haunts me…as it would any parent.
JP Richard thank you for providing a perspective not often heard.
I am sorry about your loss and your grief.
In some ways I consider that you are one of the casualties of the culture of death.
It would be interesting to have you speak with Hal who is another post-abortive father on this blog, but who does not feel his abortions were wrong.
Carla, I have a question for you. How in your vew should a pastor respond if a woman discloses to him she’s had an abortion. Here’s a sample of what I’m trying to get at. “Brother RJ, I don’t know how to tell you this, but I reasently had an abortion.” “Anna, I know this must be painful for you, may I give you some numbers to some post abortion recorvery centers?” “Pastor, Thank you. But lets say their are know abortion recorvery centers in the pastors area?
I love you Ann Marie!! But you already know that!!
My pastor was one of the first people I told. He listened and prayed with me and he didn’t know of abortion recovery either but I did the searching. :)
You can call the National Helpline for Abortion Recovery 1-866-482-LIFE. They will let you know what may be offered in your area.
A wonderful healing retreat!
I would start a resource library. Some wonderful books that you could give away to women are Forgiven and Set Free by Linda Cochrane, I’ll Hold You in Heaven by Jack Hayford or Tilly by Frank Peretti. Focus on the Family also has many resources available.
You can email me(I am one of the mods here)
I would be glad to help you find out more!
I didn’t know that you were a pastor, RJ. God uses you in all sorts of ways. :).
anne marie,
I am so sorry for your loss. God bless you.
Thanks Carla You are a blessing to all of us. And Jill made a great disision when she picked you as a Mod!
Anybody here actually been on a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat? If so, I have a question.
Thank you RJ! I am so glad you are here as well!!
Fed Up,
I went to a Rachel’s Vineyard retreat a year ago. It was amazing. I am going to be training in the fall to be a facilitator.
To Ann Marie and JP Prichard, Thank you for your stories. I’m so terribly sorry for your loss/pain. The devil seeks to destroy all of us through abortion. Children, mothers and fathers, grandparents, and siblings. Families in general! I’m so glad you aren’t suffering in scilence!
His Man, I know that you are a “man’s man” and tend to see things from a very male perspective. However, women are more emotional. Our emotions are a constant part of our lives that we cannot turn off or even control. A woman’s emotional hurt or emotional baggage can leave her crippled. A woman with emotional issues can be left as crippled as if she had lost an arm or leg. So for women, dealing with and healing from emotional trauma is essential to continue as functioning human beings.
So faced with all this testimony that this procession, ministries like Rqachael’s Vineyard, and other sorts of emotional healing are helpful to women, I hope that you can recognize that while this is not an outreach likely to change the lives of those outside the church, it is a valuable ministry to women within the church.
Just as many actions which serve the church body will not really impact outsiders for Christ, but still are valuable, I think that this sort of activity can be valuable for those within the church who participate.