(Prolifer)ations 5-08-09
by intern Bernadette P.
Spotlighting important information gleaned from other pro-life blogs…
Palin said telling her parents of her pregnancy was “harder than labor.” Both her mother and her father were “shocked and disappointed,” but there was no question whether or not to keep the baby: “It was the best choice…. It was the right choice.”
When asked about preventing teen pregnancy, she said though it is “hard,” abstinence is the only sure way. She also claimed her abstinence quote from previous interviews (about it being “unrealistic”) was taken out of context.
She is currently serving as a teen ambassador for the Candie’s Foundation.
…the use of aborted children in organ transplants as a solution to the shortage of available organs. Gardner has called for a feasibility study on the possibility of obtaining organs from the bodies of aborted babies.
More organs are needed than are currently available, and Gardner believes he has found the perfectly realistic solution to the organ shortage, avoiding all the “red tape” in the organ donation debate.
Gov. Sarah Palin says she fully supports the measure and had originally planned to introduce it herself but decided against doing so after checking with state lawyers.
The goal is to gather nearly 33k signatures to ensure the measure will be seen on the statewide ballot in August 2010.

You know, it makes me laugh when people talk to teen moms and say “how can you advocate abstinence since you didn’t practice it yourself?”
Um…that is precisely WHY they advocate it…to save other girls from the heartache that they chose for themselves by not abstaining. These teen moms are just as, if not MORE qualified, as others to promote abstinence as the better alternative.
They should know…they’ve been there. If given another chance, Bristol Palin said “I would have waited.”
Also, her response about having her son was the same as my college best friend’s: “I wish I would have had him later. (Paraphrasing) He wasn’t a mistake…but the timing was.”
The main stream media is having a field day with Bristol Palin. Of course, the media for the most part is very liberal so this is no surprise. However I agree with you Kel. Someone like Bristol is VERY qualified to talk about abstinence. She’s very young to have the responsibility of parenthood.
per the QOTD: I’m left wondering what Ted Turner’s definition of “draconian” is?
The media just loves to keep on screwing with Palin. I picked up a local liberal magazine today, and the authour of the article wrote the most hateful and hurtful things about her. I think one of the cleaner lines was “I wish her and her crazy batsh*t family would just go away!”
So what if her daughter was pregnant as a teen? I have friends who were teen moms and they now have careers, husbands, houses. They didn’t fall into the poverty cycle. People act like teen moms are doomed. Actually, my girlfriend was pregnant at 17, and she went to nursing school. She was always a good mom. She went on to have more kids, and she’s a happily married woman today.
Is there really any order in life? People always say, “This isn’t a good time for me to have a baby.”…..When is it a “good time”? There are no guarentees in this life. You could be a married woman, and your hubby could walk off and leave you tommorrow. Life happens. Lots of twists and turns.
The real problem is the man who doesn’t marry her and support his family. For all of history the vast majority of women always have had their first baby before they are 20. Most of course are married. The problem is the man who is not supporting his family.
That’s because the man has been told he HAS no rights (and no responsibility other than child support, if she chooses to carry to term) by today’s version of “feminism.” Or at least, I think that may be part of it.
The more women continue to scream “we don’t need you lousy men,” the more lousy and irresponsible those men will become.
hippie and Kel I agree with both of your posts.
But as the women scream this, the men are only too happy to comply.
Ted Turner needs to get his eyes checked.
Kel, that’s a great point!
The media just loves to keep on screwing with Palin. I picked up a local liberal magazine today, and the authour of the article wrote the most hateful and hurtful things about her. I think one of the cleaner lines was “I wish her and her crazy batsh*t family would just go away!”
Posted by: heather at May 8, 2009 2:01 PM
I think Liberals can’t stand her not only because she is pro life but open about her Christian faith as well. And I think they are afraid of her too.
angel, that’s a great point as well, however I also must say that a lot of men were cheated out of fatherhood when the women left them with no choice. The women wanted the abortion, and the poor man was all too happy to be a dad. Abortion is not limited to a woman’s issue. It affects all of us. That’s why we should make our choices before hopping into bed.
hippie and Kel I agree with both of your posts.
But as the women scream this, the men are only too happy to comply.
Posted by: angel at May 8, 2009 3:47 PM
Yes, they are, you’re right.
Even married men have to be “properly encouraged” to get things done/take care of household responsibilites. That’s why we wives have to “nag.” ;) lol
Joanne, That’s true. Heck, if Palin was unattractive, the liberals would all be hoaning in on her looks, but they can’t use that tactic, so they will keep on talking about how totally stupid she is! Didn’t feminists want equal rights for women? WOW! A woman as vice president! It’s only shown me that it’s only going to wash with libs if it’s a woman of their own choosing!!!!!!
Kel, that was actually a fantastic point! If I only had a nickel for every woman I hear b*tching about “Who needs those no good losers?” Then they sit and cry b/c the “loser” has them heart broken….. Thank you so much feminism.;|
Sorry..my typing sucks. I’m a fast talker and a terrible typer.
Haven’t feminists raised a stink over women being viewed as “objects”? So, I guess it’s okay for the very same women to put Palin in a bikini while shooting at mooses. {Just a skit, of course} And let’s make her look like a bimbo too!
Thanks for linking to my site. I have your site in my reader, and I have linked to it for a long time. Keep up the great work. God bless.
If aborted babies aren’t humans… then how are they going to use their body parts for transplants?
Always interesting when scientists start cherry picking to be politically correct.
Sarah’s mother was pregnant before she married, Sarah was pregnant before she married, Bristol was pregnant once or twice and is not married.
The Palin clan gets an “A” for fertility and an “F” for abstinence. After 3 generations, maybe it is time to get real.
Milhemina: You’ve brought up a VERY good point!
By the way, Leman is NOT the current AK lieutenant gov, he is a former lt. gov. This parental notification initiative is just a publicity stunt by Palin. She abandoned trying to get her own parental notification bill through the legislature, because she was too busy going for national publicity. It keeps her name in the news, and that is all that counts to her.
I went to your site. It looks very interesting!
I am sorry for your loss and will keep you in my prayers.
“If aborted babies aren’t humans… then how are they going to use their body parts for transplants?”
“Always interesting when scientists start cherry picking to be politically correct.”
Sadly, I recently read that most pro-choicers readily acknowledge that the aborted babies are human at the earliest of stages, but it isn’t a determining factor anymore. Convenience is the most important factor in the decision to abort.
I read some blogs where people of the secular political right post. I have noticed that they seem to be okay with abortion because they think (a la Margaret Sanger) that most of the aborted are the less desirables of society. I think of the Rockefellers, Gambles (of Proctor and Gamble) who were some of the big names supporting eugenics back in Sanger’s day and now support Planned Parenthood. They appear to think they are doing society a favor by making sure that these lower classes don’t increase too much. They started with the forced sterilization projects earlier in the 20th century. Now that is off the table, it is back to the time tested slaughter of the innocents.
Care to name one of the blogs?
If I was ‘famous’ like Bristol I would do the same thing she is doing. I preach to every teen girl I know to wait to have sex.
WTG Bristol!
Sarah’s mother was pregnant before she married, Sarah was pregnant before she married, Bristol was pregnant once or twice and is not married.
The Palin clan gets an “A” for fertility and an “F” for abstinence. After 3 generations, maybe it is time to get real.
Posted by: Bystander at May 8, 2009 6:10 PM
True, the Palin’s history of eary pregnancy is pretty consistant. It is in my family too, but what Bristol is doing is awesome. While she wasn’t that one person, as I wasn’t that one lady either in my family, to break the teen pregnany cycle I can use my life’s story as a warning for other young ladies about the dangers of sex before marriage and the hardships an unplanned pregnancy can do to you.
I’m sure Bristol was only pregnant once. Trig is not Bristol’s son, if that is what your comment was getting at.
Hasn’t anyone ever seen TV shows before when former gang members warn these young boys about the DANGERS of running with a gang? It’s like being a mentor. I guess we should put the brakes on that one too.
And let’s just keep beating the cr*p out of Bristol Palin for making a mistake. She loves her baby. Pro-deathers have a habit of making it look like all hope is lost after a teen gives birth.
Maybe I should have told my parents to “zip it” when they were telling me about their past mistakes, and how they hoped I wouldn’t make the same mistakes they had.
who’s picking on Bristol? She’s managed to end the stigma on young unmarried mothers once and for all.
Oh Hal, just about everyone has taken a shot.
Speaking of teen mothers…my friend Bernadette Black just won Australian Mother of the Year! She’s an accomplished speaker and author, and is in the process of setting up a foundation to help and encourage teenaged parents.
Bernie became a mother at 16 and it was her 16 year old son Damien who nominated her for the award. She went on to finish high school, get a nursing degree, get married and have two more kids, and write a book about the whole experience. She is a hero to my clients and several have turned away from abortion based on the encouragement of her testimony.
Being a teen parent is never easy, but once the baby is conceived, it is a noble, selfless choice that has vast potential for success with the right encouragement and support. I am very proud to know Bernie and realise that there are countless others out there like her (including several among my CPC’s volunteer staff,) quietly raising their children and living productive, responsible lives. They all deserve our deepest respect and ongoing support, and never cynicism, judgement or ridicule.
I don’t know what type of so-called feminists you’ve been talking to, but those that I speak to always hold men in the same regard as women. As someone who considers herself a staunch feminist, I can say I’m a pretty big fan of guys. I hold them to the same standard that I do myself, i.e. social awareness, political intelligence, compassion, etc, but I enjoy their company and value their opinions. I’m dating one currently, and he’s no more “lousy” than any of my female friends or the females I’ve dated.
I don’t know what type of so-called feminists you’ve been talking to,
Who needs to talk to feminists when you already know that you hate them? ;)
Human Abstract, how do you feel about the way females in the media have treated Palin? Why didn’t they get behind her, and is their name calling okay with you?
heather, most feminists I know don’t consider the media to be feminist in its treatment of women in politics — liberal or conservative.
Congratulations to Bernie!! :)
Biut how do YOU feel about the treatment of Palin?
Okay, well, I thought you were directing that to HA, but I personally was disgusted by personal attacks on Palin, as I am by such attacks on any politician.
AKKrystal 11:04 p. Well, I guess there is at least one Alaskan who believes in Sarah’s six week “pregnancy”- announced 3/5/08 to an astonished AK, since there were no signs of pregnancy. On 4/17/08 the “wild ride” 10 hours on a plane from TX after her “water broke”, then driving past two neo natal intensive care units in Anchorage to “give birth” on 4/18/08 to a high risk premature DS child in a small clinic in Wasilla. What a story!
The odd thing, is that most, incuding me, would have admired her for adopting Bristol’s DS child, and providing the medical insurance and care required. But why did she have to lie about it?
Bystander, it is indeed a strange tale. The long flights to Seattle and Alaska, the driving past the relatively sophisticated hospitals in Anchorage (and flying past the great ones in Seattle) to go to Wasilla for a high risk birth (much more high risk since her water broke 10 hours before in another state). And, for all you birth certificate nuts out there, please explain why Palin never released the medical records.
I actually think the baby is Palin’s, but that is a much more negative conclusion then if she is covering up her daughter’s first pregnancy. I would admire her for that. The risk she took to her own health and the health of her baby by flying home in labor (and driving a great distance too) I find to be extremely poor judgment. I don’t understand how such behavior can be overlooked by “pro life” people who claim to love babies so much. I guess they accept that as the mother, these decisions were Palin’s to make.
“If women are supposed to be less rational and more emotional at the beginning of our menstrual cycle when the female hormone is at its lowest level, then why isn’t it logical to say that, in those few days, women behave the most like the way men behave all month long?”
“I don’t breed well in captivity.”
“Most women are one man away from welfare.”~ all by Gloria Steinem
That’s the type of “modern feminism” with which I take issue. Other quotes, like this, for instance:
“Taught from infancy that beauty is woman’s sceptre, the mind shapes itself to the body, and roaming round its gilt cage, only seeks to adorn its prison. ~Mary Wollstonecraft”
…are ones I absolutely love. I find that my views line up quite well with the founding foremothers of the feminist movement, and my friends’ views do as well.
Your assumptions, Alexandra, that we have not spoken to feminists or are not true feminists ourselves is insulting. I hope you were joking about that.
The founding foremothers did not believe it was acceptable to kill their own children in order to make their way in society. Those who ascribe to modern feminism seem to have no problem doing so, thinking that in some way, they are throwing off the chains of men that have bound them. They forget that those children are theirs as much as the man’s.
Your assumptions, Alexandra, that we have not spoken to feminists or are not true feminists ourselves is insulting. I hope you were joking about that.
Kel, I certainly was joking, but only because I have not heard many legitimate feminists say the things they are so often accused of saying by people on this site. Feminists hate men, feminists hate babies, feminists hate the fact that they’re women.
I hear as many negative stereotypes about feminists here as I do negative stereotypes about pro-lifers on feminist websites. Pro-lifers hate women, pro-lifers hate sex, pro-lifers want all women in the kitchen. It’s all a bit absurd.
“And, for all you birth certificate nuts out there, please explain why Palin never released the medical records.”
Do governors generally do this?
I heard that she may release her records, but is waiting for Obama to release his. LOL.
* * * *
Seriously….. How common is it for a teen to give birth to a Down Syndrome child? I’d guess it would be less frequent than an older Mom’s chances, but I don’t know.
Janet, I think it’s Palin’s child. I really do. There is something fishy about the official version, however, but it’s really none of my business. Other than the comment upthread, I don’t think I’ve said much about it.
Kel, I certainly was joking, but only because I have not heard many legitimate feminists say the things they are so often accused of saying by people on this site. Feminists hate men, feminists hate babies, feminists hate the fact that they’re women.
I hear as many negative stereotypes about feminists here as I do negative stereotypes about pro-lifers on feminist websites. Pro-lifers hate women, pro-lifers hate sex, pro-lifers want all women in the kitchen. It’s all a bit absurd.
Posted by: Alexandra at May 9, 2009 11:20 AM
I’ve heard the stereotypes, too, but I think the reason for that is there are two different types of feminism that we’re talking about here.
If on one hand we believe men and women are equal and should be treated as such, deserving equal pay for equal work, etc, then I agree. If, on the other hand, we believe men are “the enemy” who are trying to hold women back and are nothing more than oppressors and/or playthings, I disagree. (BTW, I think a lot of women in the sexploitation culture today have no idea that they’re not being “empowered” by using their bodies, they’re being viewed as “objects” by men who don’t think of them as equals.)
We are equal, but different. I think that’s one thing that “modern” feminism has chosen to overlook, especially in a biological sense. Women are created differently, and we bear children. This should not be looked at as a burden, but as the highest responsibility and privilege of womanhood, IMO. Most “modern” feminists tend to be pro-choice. To me, this is contradictory to not only our biological makeup, but it is destructive to the blessing of our womanhood. We are women and we should be PROUD to be women, PROUD to bear and teach the future generations!
Why so many take it to the point of trying to “be like men,” I will never know. One does not have to “be like a man” in order to deserve the same rights as any man.
Kel, I guess that HA’s point — and mine — is that there are very, very few “feminists” who think that men are the enemy, lousy, etc. The common characterization by social conservatives of feminists as women who think that men are losers or worthless or just out to oppress women for fun is largely incorrect. Most feminists maintain that the system that hurts women also hurts men; and that women are not the same as men but rather that a person’s gender should not dictate their opportunities.
Unfortunately, it is true that many feminists do not believe that a person can be pro-life and feminist.
Kel, I guess that HA’s point — and mine — is that there are very, very few “feminists” who think that men are the enemy, lousy, etc.
Then perhaps they just happen to be the loudest ones…
and that women are not the same as men but rather that a person’s gender should not dictate their opportunities.
No, gender should not limit opportunities. However, what we do with our biology can. If a woman chooses to pursue a career and have no husband and no children, that should be her right and no one should fault her for it. However, if she chooses to do so by killing off the unborn children she has helped to create, it is very, very wrong. I believe it’s difficult for many feminists to separate these concepts, which is why we see so many angry feminists in the news who espouse the “my body, my choice” mentality. There are also many vocal lesbians who are pro-choice and like to slam men whenever they get the chance in the media. Perhaps it’s just for publicity, but it helps to further that “angry feminist” mentality.
Here’s what I’m thinking:
Why do women have to have surgery to be equal to men? Ever hear of that one before?
AK Krystal, agreed! Why does the media hate her with such a burnung passion, yet they just can’t shut up about her?
*oops* should say burning* above post
Then perhaps they just happen to be the loudest ones…
Yeah, the most vocal members of many groups are often the ones you don’t really want being so vocal. You see that with pro-lifers too! It’s pretty annoying no matter which side you’re on.
In answer to the “leave the Palins alone”- Sarah could, out of respect to her daughter, have said “thanks but no thanks” to Mc Cains offer, and almost no one outside of AK would have known of her or her pregnant daughter. Instead due to her incredible personal ambition, Sarah decided to make Bristol the most famous unwed teen in world history, and parade her through the campaign, emphasizing her pregnancy to try to quell the persistent rumors that Sarah was not Trigs mother, and pushing the phony “engagement” to Levi, to her fundamentalist base.
Even now, rather than just let Bristol try to finish school and raise the baby, Sarah has to thrust Bristol on to the national stage at every opportunity, to keep Sarah’s name in the public, in an effort to create a national political base, or a reality show or a gig on FOX News, her sponsor.
If the Palins could leave US alone,and stop jumping in front of every camera, I am sure we would quickly “leave them alone”.
Jumping in front of every camera? No. You’ve confused Palin with Obama.
Thanks for your prayers, Janet. Really appreciate it.
I think there is a generation gap in feminism as well… my mother’s generation (same as Steinem) seems to be the most vitriolic, hatefilled, nasty version of it.
I know that when I was a little girl and my mother was preaching to me that I could be “anything you want”… it was clear that the words should have continued “except a wife and mother”. My mother despises and ridicules my children and family choices, which is why I have had to cut off all contact with her.
And many of her friends have had similar comments to make… when I became a registered nurse, this AFTER having six children, I was told how glad many of her friends were that I was “finally done wasting your talents”…
Actually, the truth is that having my children made me the person I am today and I am a better person, a better wife, a better mother and a better nurse because of what I have learned over the past 16 years about love, acceptance, commitment, justice, fairness, and many other positive values.
I know many wonderfully talented nurses who have never had children… but the one point they tend to lose out on is credibility with some of the parents. When I can look at a parent struggling to be there with one of their sick children while others need them at home, I can say… and mother will accept… “Go home. I will watch over your child tonight. Go get some sleep and I’ll see you in the morning.” or “I have had to put my son in the hospital for an infection. I know how scary this can be.”
I don’t care how many degrees and certifications get added on to the RN… the most important title I have ever held is “Mom”.
Elisabeth, I’m sorry to hear that story, but sadly it’s nothing new. Sad, but true. Most moms today want their daughters to go to college. You never hear mothers encouraging motherhood. That comes last, if ever. And if it comes too soon, people say, “Just have an abortion.”
It’s almost just the way of the world anymore.
Also, the married women today are all taking contraception. Ask them about kids and they all say “Maybe someday.”
Elisabeth, I’m so saddened to hear how your mom and her friends have treated you. :( I agree with you–being a mom has been my most important and rewarding job ever.
You are a strong woman, and I applaud you.
My midwife didn’t become a nurse until after she was done with her childbearing. I really like that. Someday, when my kids are grown, I may become a midwife; I think that would be cool. But as long as I have small children, they are my primary responsibility.
I might be able to stomach feminism if feminists weren’t so adamant that childbearing was anathema to equality. Earning power is not the most important thing in life, and I know that there are some things that women are better at and some that men are better at, in general. There are also some things that men cannot do and at least one that women cannot do. As it is, I think the great majority of what feminists have done is misguided, though I will give them credit for making some headway in the struggle to end violence against women.