Jivin J’s Life Links 6-08-09
by JivinJ
Booker, who performs about 60 abortions a week, said he is careful to follow state law. But, citing medical research, he refuses to comply with the legislative mandate to tell women that abortion increases the risks of breast cancer and infertility. During one counseling session last week, he called them “two things definitely not associated with having an abortion.”…
I love it. She spends the entire… thing… saying how horrible it is that pro-lifers force people to have babies and want to make mothers do this and that–and then she turns around and tells us what to do and not do. Typical liberal logic: “Do as I say, not as logic, tradition, common sense, and a good conscience tells you to do.”
Scott Roeder called the Associated Press from the Sedgwick County jail, where he’s being held on charges of first-degree murder and aggravated assault in the shooting of Dr. George Tiller one week ago.
“I know there are many other similar events planned around the country as long as abortion remains legal,” Roeder said. When asked by the AP what he meant and if he was referring to another shooting, he refused to elaborate further.
It wasn’t clear whether Roeder knew of any impending violence or whether he was simply seeking publicity for his cause. Law enforcement authorities including the Justice Department said they didn’t know whether the threat was credible.
I never regretted my decision to terminate the pregnancy. But I also never believed that I had harmed an unborn child with the abortion. I’m not a Christian and I don’t believe that life begins at conception.
Life, to my way of thinking, has no beginning and no ending. The idea that it begins at conception always seemed rather arbitrary to me. And I also suspect that this life is not our only shot. There is quite a bit of evidence that we live countless lives.
Check out the research of Ian Stevenson at the University of VA on the verification of past lives remembered by children. I think it’s far more likely that when a pregnancy is terminated, that soul is simply born to a different mother. I don’t deny that terminating a pregnancy can be a mournful event for a mother and a family. But I’m not so sure that it’s a devastating event for the unborn child. And I don’t see why pro-life folks are so sure about this.
Couldn’t this same argument be used to okay the killing of just about anyone? Why would shooting a teenager in the head be a devastating event for them if they’ll just be born again and live another life?
Olson is good.
There must be an argument in there somewhere
Posted by Carl Olson on Wednesday, June 03, 2009 at 11:27 PM
• Shrill hysteria disguised as moral outrage: “The fact that any evolved human being cannot see the folly of these acts and arguments is nothing short of criminal.”
The fact that “these acts and arguments” are not presented with any cogency or clarity is a serious shortcoming of this third-grade level approach to argument: “Hey, any stupid-head can see I was playing on the swing set before Billy!” And if it’s criminal to disagree with her, I suppose I’m a felon ten times over, without possibility of parole.
“I think it’s far more likely that when a pregnancy is terminated, that soul is simply born to a different mother.”
This woman has gone to great lengths to numb her guilt. What an absurd premise.
I would like to know (based on this reincarnation theory), just when *does* the soul stay put in a human body?
Putting aside the idea that in Christian theology, God creates us each uniquely in His own image (meaning he doesn’t “reuse” souls), and assuming that she ascribes to a non-Christian theology… HOW does this woman’s theory in any way honestly alleviate the wrongdoing of abortion? Quite the contrary, admitting that the child has a soul is absolutely admitting the moral reprehensibility of abortion.
Take Buddhists, for example. They are big believers in reincarnation. And they believe that killing a life so small as a bug is morally wrong. Hinduism ascribes to a similar belief.
Acording to the ‘Soonerman’ school of systematic theology all these aborted babies are shot directly from the uterus to the bosom of Abraham.
Now there is strange concept. Abraham breast feeding countless prenatal children.
That adds a whole new understanding to the ‘numerous as the stars’ and/or ‘sands of the seashore’ blessings.
Some new agers believe that it may be necessary for them to usher ‘christians’ prematurely into our eternal destiny in order to get us out of the way.
Our inhibiting obstinate presence is somehow constipating the cosmos and preventing the dawning of the new age of enlightened humanity.
(Think ahhhhhommmmmm. That is one reason I have not stopped clinging to my GOD and my guns.)
Being killed for the sake of the gospel, righteousness, Jesus name, the kingdom of God, according to God’s will, etc. is one thing, but being murdered by wackoes is another thing altogether.
I believe it was king David who said, “There is no glory in dying like a fool.”
The new agers would not agree with the term ‘murder’.
That is an understanding that is birthed by and bespeaks of ‘intolerance’.
New agers see it as liberating us from the temporal to the eternal realm.
In the same way the abortionist liberates all those prenatal babies.
To live is Christ, to die is gain. Right?
They will be doing God a favor to kill us. Right?
Jesus warned his disciples to watch out for these folks.
The jihadists are not the only ‘religious’ crazies with whom you need to be aware.
yor bro ken
“Law enforcement authorities including the Justice Department said they didn’t know whether the threat was credible.”
Let’s think about this for a moment:a suspected abortionist killer states more attacks on abortionists are coming… and he’s not a ‘credible’ source of info?
But the gov’t believes a left-wing, pro-abort, feminazi when she shouts that the killing of an abortionist is the fault of all pro-lifers and they should be rounded up and jailed?
Oh gimme a break…
Sullivan will post anyone and anything that feeds into his Outrage of the Week, no matter how insane. After all, this is the same guy who thinks Sarah Palin didn’t really give birth to baby Trig.
Posted by: Calvin at June 9, 2009 4:16 PM
Well maybe she didn’t give birth to Trig. People wanted to see Obama’s Birth Certificate, perhaps Palin should produce one for Trig..you know whats good for the goose is good for the gander…
hmmm, i betcha Gov. Palin would gladly show the world Trig’s BC…if Obama would show us his sealed version.. (not the phony one up on his website)