Jivin J’s Life Links 10-7-09
by JivinJ
The deeper flaw with the proposal is that it is grossly immoral, an attempt to legitimize the killing of vulnerable people while pretending something else is being done. Further evils would come in its train. The editorial concludes that “concerns about the legal details of declaring death in someone who will never again be the person he or she was should be weighed against the value of giving a full and healthy life to someone who will die without a transplant.” Whether someone is actually dead is not a “legal detail.” And note the expansiveness of the language. There will always be people whose lives do not seem “full and healthy,” in comparison either with who they once were or with others deemed more deserving of life….
Despite reports that the event had been canceled, Choose Life President Natalie Fohl proceeded with holding Tuesday’s lecture. As soon as Ruba began to speak, a group of pro-choice advocates broke into song, drowning Ruba out and disrupting the lecture. When Ruba played a video of graphic images in response, the protestors went up on stage to block the screens….
Although McGill security guards asked the protestors to return to their seats and remain quiet so Ruba could continue his presentation, they all refused. After about an hour of singing, the Montreal police arrived, and demanded that the demonstrators either leave the room or return to their seats and remain silent for the rest of the presentation.
What I find disturbing is Collins’s seeming acceptance that religion is the only basis for opposing human cloning. In fact, it is the least of it. Treating human life as a mere commodity, manufactured solely for instrumental use, quality control, and destruction, is a hugely important ethical issue that extends far beyond religion and into important human rights issues, including the intrinsic value of human life, e.g. human exceptionalism.
Ginsburg is Jewish, but non-observant, so there is no reason to expect her to attend the mass. But her reason for not joining her colleagues are revealing: While attending a Catholic mass apparently wouldn’t conflict with her Judaic religious sensibilities, they do offend her religious beliefs as a member of the Church of Pro-Choice.
Ginsburg is NOT Jewish. She is an abortionist politician who is a clear and present danger to the lives of millions of human beings. She has voted on the Supreme Court for unlimited killing of unborn children, including partial birth killing.
Jewish moral law prohibits prenatal homicide except when the mother’s life is in danger. Ginsburg violates Jewish moral teaching by supporting and aiding and abetting abortion crime. She has cost millions of human beings their lives by her votes on the Court. She cannot be considered a true member of the Jewish community.
The article says that she gave birth to the baby as she was ‘about to undergo the abortion’. That means the baby was a BORN, breathing baby, not an ‘aborted fetus’ so to speak…how is she NOT being charged with murder?! This just ENRAGES me! What is the ‘rationale’ here? “Well, she was gonna abort her ANYWAY, so she might as well be dead.” ??? This MONSTER put a living, breathing baby in a bag and “hid her from the police”??? Like I said..I’m just so ENRAGED right now, I can’t see straight! I apologize…now I’m going off to have a stroke (Joking, of course)!
Joe, I don’t think you get to decide who is a “true member of the Jewish community.”
The end result of an abortion is a dead child. Even if born alive, the goal of the abortionist is to end the life of a tiny, helpless baby. Satan must be howling with glee.
There is NO good rationale to their mindset. Carla sums it up perfectly @ 5:01 PM.
Obama hurriedly attempted to defend this very behavior on April 4, 2002. Something about not wanting to burden the mother who came in for an abortion by delivering a living baby to her arms. Go figure.
Sorry, Ruba. Educating people on the reality of abortion and its alternatives would spread dangerous ideas. Can’t have any of that.
Four legs good, two legs bad. Four legs good, two legs bad. Four legs good, two legs bad…
The most upsetting thing about the current state of Canadian universities is that if the situation were reversed, that is prolifers crashing a proabort talk, you can BET that the prolifers would be arrested, jailed, and expelled from the university.
In these cases, the cops won’t even touch the proabort demonstrators. So much for freedom of speech and exchange of ideas on Canadian campuses.
That was my point, Janet. There IS no rationale to their way of thinking, and yes I agree..Carla sums it up perfectly. :)
I agree with you completely. I’m sorry if my comment was poorly written.
I should also say that I didn’t mean to make a comparison between Carla’s comment and yours. I can see how you might have interpreted it that way. Sorry about that. Both yours and Carla’s comments are spot on. :)
You’re exactly right. No person gets to decide who is a Jew.
Ah, but there’s where the agreement ends because God in Heaven does get to decide.
Jojo Ruba experienced a slice of intellectual anarchy when she tried to present her side of the abortion debate only to be continually harassed by pro-aborts.
No doubt the kids were thinking they were doing a good thing…that is the scary part. Why are they so closed minded to the pro-life side? Are they taught intolerance in the universities? What would be the harm in their listening to the pro-life speaker?
Oops. I meant “he” when referring to Jojo.
Hal, so Joe can’t decide who gets to be a true Jew, ok.
You can’t decide if a fetus is human…
Let’s agree to err on the side of caution, in both circumstances, heh?
humans give birth to HUMANS, not puppies, kittens, calves, or cubs. HUMANS.
The don’t have freedom of speech in Canada. The First Amendment only applies to the US.
I found a blog of a woman blogging her 2nd trimester abortion.
She makes some interesting observations from the waiting room of the clinic. I recommend this blog as a point of insight into the kind of reasoning of those involved.
“I then somehow get lost in the shift from the one day to the two day schedule, so I spend three hours in the waiting room. During that time I have ample opportunity to observe the other patients. Most of the women look serious, but calm. A few are crying, or closing their eyes. One woman in particular catches my eye. She is visibly pregnant, accompanied not only by her husband but her parents. She cries silently the entire time. She so obviously does not want to be terminating this pregnancy that I can only conclude that it must be for medical reasons. I wonder what she is doing at this clinic rather than in a hospital. One of the ironies of my situation is had I undergone genetic testing and decided to “terminate for medical reasons” as they say in medical lingo, my physician would have performed the procedure in the hospital. Because I “elected” to terminate my pregnancy, she would not.”
So, now you don’t have to be dead to be seen as dead? It’s like the buzzards are circling, & the rats have already started gnawing on your flesh, too hungry to wait for you to die!!!
Hospitals will begin to resemble Death Camps, with barbed wire fences to keep the patients from escaping until the government declares you “Virtually Dead” because you are “no longer the person you once were”….
My cousin told my mother she wanted to study medical ethics in college. My mother asked her, “Do you think there is such a thing?”
You’re exactly right. No person gets to decide who is a Jew.
Ah, but there’s where the agreement ends because God in Heaven does get to decide.
Posted by: Phil Schembri is HisMan at October 7, 2009 10:34 PM
No offense but it seems that who is Jewish was fairly well defined in the 613 Mitzvot commandments. That is how people could know if they are marrying a Jew or not. I am not an authority on Judaism but the words on the page are pretty clear. Also why would believers bother to commit to paper and practice something they don’t believe?
Judaism 101
I have heard plenty of observant Jews say that some who identify as Jewish really aren’t. Seems there is some disagreement as to what they mean by Jewish.
Gee, when I became a parent my life never was the same again.
What if I ever lose a limb? My life will never be the same again.
So someone’s life “won’t ever be the same again”? So what?? Doesn’t mean they are DEAD. You could apply that statement to anyone on earth. Nobody ever goes through life without some major event changing their lives forever. Just on that basis, you can’t just “declare someone dead” to harvest their organs. That’s obscene. And here I used to think that whether someone were alive or dead was a pretty cut-and-dried, black-and-white set of criteria.