weekend question.jpgIn an article entitled, “Bishops raising holy hell on abortion,” the New York Post reported today:

President Obama’s effort to reform the health-care system could blow up in a holy war with the nation’s Catholic bishops over the historically hot-button issue of abortion.
The Catholic Church claims the Senate bill introduced by Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) would permit insurance coverage for certain abortions.
By comparison, the church applauds a measure passed by the House… that calls for a blanket ban on abortion for health plans that receive federal subsidies.
Richard Doerflinger, associate director of the bishops’ conference Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, said Reid’s legislation was “actually the worst bill” on life issues….

The Washington Post, reporting today on the opening of the semiannual meeting of the US Conference of Catholic Bishops, quoted its leader, Cardinal Francis George, as stating, “To limit our teaching or governing to what the state is not interested in would be to betray both the Constitution of our country and, much more importantly, the Lord himself.”
Re: abortion in the healthcare bills, when it actually comes down to it, who do you think will win, the Bishops or pro-abort Democrats?

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