Army’s 32 additional charges against Ft. Hood shooter exclude preborn baby’s murder
According to the, the Army yesterday issued 32 additional charges against Army Maj. Nidal Hasan, but they did not include the charge of murder against Pvt. Francheska Velez’s preborn baby, killed when she was killed…
On Wednesday… Hasan was charged with 32 additional counts of premeditated attempted murder on the lives of 30 members of the military and 2 civilian police officers.
These charges are in addition to the 13 counts of murder he has already been charged with in last month’s shooting spree in Killeen, TX.
Recall Velez was only at Ft. Hood to begin with because of her baby. According to Fox News…
Velez… recently had returned from a tour of duty in Iraq.
According to family members, Velez had been back for just 3 days before the incident. She returned home early because she was 3 months pregnant. She happened to be in the building filling out paperwork due to her pregnancy when the gunman opened fire….
Velez was expecting a baby boy in May.
The Army dishonors not only Velez’s baby but Velez by ignoring his murder. And the Army ignores the law by doing so, namely the Unborn Victims of Violence Act, a federal law passed in 2004 that also codified the Uniform Code of Military Justice.

It was a “wanted” pregnancy so should have been counted. Isn’t that the way it works?
They need to apply the NATIONAL Unborn Victims of Violence law to this terrorist attack. She was PREGNANT, therefore, there was an additional victim.
Wake up america!
This was completely predictable, considering that Obama is the Commander-in-Chief.
They are so scared of this guy. They won’t even attribute it to radical Islam and a terrorist attack but rather “PTSD”. And on top of it our country is now court-martialing three Navy seals who apprehended a terrorist who hung dead Americans from a bridge and mutilated their bodies. According to the terrorist, the Navy seals punched him. BOO HOO! Our country is so backwards. We will destroy ourselves in one more generation. I guarantee it. The majority of our fellow Americans have been so socially conditioned by the liberal left to be PC that they will be PC even to the death. They have no common sense–I mean they can’t even comprehend that an unborn baby that died because his mother died IS A VICTIM TOO. The thought processes going on in this country are just idiotic and absurd.