Gallup’s skewed 2009 political winners and losers
Gallup has released a poll in conjunction with USA Today listing the 2009 political winners and losers.
To start, I have a problem with the choices…
What about listing any number of liberal news hosts to balance against Glenn Beck, like Rachel Maddow, Chris Matthews, or Keith Olbermann? (And why list Beck in his lesser known role as “radio talk show host”? Not wanting to give Fox any publicity?)
What about the Democrats in Congress?
What about Rep. Alan “Get Sick and Die Quickly” Grayson in contrast to Joe Wilson?
What about former presidential nominee John Edwards much more the sexual cad than Mark Sanford?
And who cares about the Sahalis? Al Gore or Bart Stupak would have been much more interesting choices.
Oh, whatever. Here are the winners and losers. Click all to enlarge….

My thought exactly, Jill.
There was no mention whatsoever of the groundswell of the Tea Party movement.
I think Rick Santelli should get top prize.
Notice how Ben Bernanke and Harry Reid both have 27-28% of respondants choosing NO OPINION!
This is why I am worried about the future of America. Too many people DON’T KNOW WHO MAJOR PLAYERS WHO HAVE DONE GREAT DAMAGE TO OUR COUNTRY ARE!
They don’t know who Bernanke or Reid are and that is why I would presume they have “no opinion” of them as far as being a political winner or loser.
Lots of education of the American people needs to be done in 2010. LOTS!
It was 2009 winners and losers…I think Edwards affair was 2008 – or even 2007 (probably spanned several years, but the news broke early in the election process).
I’m also confused – does this post seem to be giving Sanford a bit of a free pass? Edwards is “much more”…so maybe it’s okay what Sanford did?