Stupid Tiger; did The Enquirer blackmail him?
UPDATE, 12/3, 7:10a: According to the Chicago Sun-Times, December 2:
Also, don’t look for Woods’ wife, Elin, to be moving out of the couple’s Windermere, FL, mansion anytime soon. The links legend’s spouse is reportedly being paid a hefty 7-figure amount – immediately transferred into an account she alone controls – to stick with her husband.
On top of that, my source indicated Elin Nordegren Woods, the mother of Tiger’s 2 children, has demanded – and is getting – a total rewrite on the couple’s prenuptial agreement making the incentives for her to remain Mrs. Tiger Woods even more enticing.
At this point, the couple needed to remain married for 10 years in order for Woods’ wife to collect a splitsville settlement of $20 million. I’m being told that time frame has been shortened – and the dollar amount increased “substantially.”
Perhaps most important of all, the Woodses have already begun intense marriage counseling – at their home – with a counselor who has been conducting sessions several times daily.
I’m glad they’re getting counseling, but if the article is true and Elin is demanding money to stay, this relationship won’t last the long haul. Prenups are indicators of that to begin with.
UPDATE, 12/3, 7a: From, this morning:
Apology, accepted.
After Tiger Woods issued a mea culpa for his “personal failings,” companies that have made him one of the richest men in sports lined up to pledge their support for their spokesman….
“Our strong relationship with Tiger for more than a decade remains unchanged,” said a spokesperson for EA Sports, makers of his hugely popular Tiger Woods Golf video game. “We respect Tiger’s privacy, we wish him a fast recovery and we look forward to seeing him back on the golf course.”
Other major sponsors, including Nike and Gillette, both say they have no plans to alter their marketing efforts, which heavily rely on Woods.
Gatorade, which has a drink named after the golfer, also will continue its relationship….
Forbes recently said Woods has made $1 billion dollars since 1996. One of the big reasons none of the sponsorships will change is because of the brands he’s hawking, says Terry Lefton, editor at large from Sports Business Daily. “If he were a Disney spokesman, it would be a different story. None of these are really family-oriented type of sponsorships.”…
[HT: proofreader Laura Loo; photo via the BBC]
UPDATE, 12/2, 9:25a: Tiger Woods has released a statement…
I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone.
Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means. For the last week, my family and I have been hounded to expose intimate details of our personal lives. The stories in particular that physical violence played any role in the car accident were utterly false and malicious. Elin has always done more to support our family and shown more grace than anyone could possibly expect….
But no matter how intense curiosity about public figures can be, there is an important and deep principle at stake which is the right to some simple, human measure of privacy. I realize there are some who don’t share my view on that. But for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one’s own family. Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn’t have to mean public confessions.
Whatever regrets I have about letting my family down have been shared with and felt by us alone. I have given this a lot of reflection and thought and I believe that there is a point at which I must stick to that principle even though it’s difficult.
I will strive to be a better person and the husband and father that my family deserves. For all of those who have supported me over the years, I offer my profound apology.
12/2, 7:41a:Why is sex the downfall of so many powerful men? And for being so smart as to be so successful, how can they get so stupid? Voicemails? Text messages? Really?
From Us Weekly, today:
On Nov. 24 – the day before reports of his alleged infidelity first surfaced- Tiger Woods, 33, phoned his off-and-on girlfriend, 24 year-old Los Angeles cocktail waitress Jaimee Grubbs, and left a message in which he begged her to change her voicemail greeting.
“Hey, it’s Tiger,” he says in the voicemail, obtained by (listen above). “I need you to do me a huge favor. Can you please take your name off your phone? My wife went through my phone and may be calling you. So if you can, please take your name off that. Just have it as a number on the voicemail. You got to do this for me. Huge. Quickly. Bye.”
In this week’s issue of Us Weekly Grubbs details their 31-month affair. She reveals that they first hooked up in April 2007, and went on to have 20 sexual encounters….
She also shares her evidence, including photos and more than 300 racy text messages. One from Woods begins: “I will wear you out…”
“I loved how we got along,” Grubbs tells Us Weekly. “But I knew, in the back of my mind, there could never be just us. There would always be the wife, or somebody else.”
The billionaire golfer wed model Elin Nordegren, 29, in 2004; they have a 2-year-old daughter, Sam, and a 9-month old son, Charlie. The couple’s argument over Woods’ alleged affair with NYC hostess Rachel Uchitel, 34 [who denies it], reportedly led to his 1-car accident near his home in FL this Friday.
To read Tiger Woods’ shocking text messages to Jaimee Grubbs – and more details on their nearly 3-year affair – check back with later this week.
The growing scandal now involves The National Enquirer, which appears to have blackmailed Woods to cover-up tryst allegations 2 years ago. From the New York Post, this morning:
The National Enquirer caught Tiger Woods in a steamy extramarital affair 2 years ago, but killed the story in exchange for the golfer doing a rare cover-shoot for its sister mag – despite Tiger’s exclusive deal with a rival publication, a former editor told The Post.
Woods’ camp, fearful of a potential public-relations nightmare in spring 2007, allegedly agreed to do a cover for Men’s Fitness – a magazine owned by the Enquirer’s parent company, American Media, former Men’s Fitness editor-in-chief Neal Boulton said yesterday.
“[American Media CEO] David Pecker knew about Tiger Woods’ infidelity a long time ago,” Boulton told The Post. “[Pecker] traded silence for a Men’s Fitness cover.”
Boulton said he left his post in April 2007, as the seedy Woods-Men’s Fitness deal was completed.
“We were going to [do a quid pro quo with] America’s favorite sports star, just to get his name on the cover of a magazine,” said Boulton. “That was too much for me. That’s when I high-tailed it out of there.”
Pecker dismissed all the quid-pro-quo allegations.
“It is absolutely not true,” said Pecker. “[Boulton] is a disgruntled former employee.”
American Media and The Enquirer first learned of Woods’ alleged off-the-course action, after receiving a tip from the mother of Woods’ alleged paramour, according to Boulton.
Enquirer photographers snapped grainy photos of Woods and his alleged gal pal getting busy in an SUV, Boulton said.
Despite the sketchy evidence, it was enough to convince Woods to do a rare cover piece for an American Media publication, Boulton said.
“Tiger Woods doesn’t do [posed] covers of magazines,” said Boulton.
The Woods cover eventually appeared on the August 2007 issue.
The superstar golfer has an exclusive, multiyear, 7-figure deal with Condé Nast title Golf Digest to serve as their “playing editor.”
He asked Condé Nast for permission to do the Men’s Fitness cover, and the Golf Digest publishers didn’t object, a Condé Nast spokeswoman said.
“The… cover wasn’t a violation of our agreement with Tiger, and we had no problem with it,” said Golf Digest rep Meg D’Incecco.
In the 3,895-word Men’s Fitness feature, Woods gave readers a detailed look at his training regimen. The article included Tiger’s tips on weightlifting, exercise and eating.
[HT: proofreader Laura Loo]

“Why is sex the downfall of so many powerful men?”
1. Testosterone.
2. Larger than life appetites for fame as well as sex.
3. Sense of invincibility.
4. Testosterone.
5. Testosterone.
6. Believing their own press releases.
7. Testosterone.
What does gossip about a man’s infidelity have to do with abortion?
I’m with you, Bekah.
Do people think they’re invisible?
John Edwards meets his mistress in a Los Angeles hotel where of course there’s no possibility of anyone recognizing him.
Tiger romps in his SUV with one of his gal pals, oblivious to the fact he is a well known, easily recognizable celebrity and there are long range cameras. Also Tiger, leaving voice messages on machines and cell phones isn’t very bright either.
Gov. Sanford disappears to Argentina for a romp. Of course no one would notice the governor has disappeared or question where he may have gone.
Also folks, make certain you erase pages when you turn over a pager to someone else. I’ve seen number sequences that would make you blush but the phone numbers attached to them really raised my eyebrows.
Bekah, Jocelyn: Not directly related… just part of the overall puzzle…
Sadly, I think Jill is on. I know this is gossip, but the whole culture is reflecting our morals and values. I do see the connect. It is indeed a huge puzzle, and this is one piece.
“Why is sex the downfall of so many powerful men?”
Well, not just “powerful” men. Sex “issues” are a struggle for many men and women from all walks of life. We only read about the downfall of the powerful, but I’d venture a guess that even more everyday men have messed up their relationships.
It’s really none of our business. But, I do wonder if there is too much pressure to get married and have children, and people do it even when it’s not the lifestyle they want, then resent it and cheat. If you want to have a couple girlfriends, don’t get married. If you want to get married and have a couple girlfriends, marry someone who doesn’t mind.
Oh please, Hal. There’s zero cultural pressure in Hollywood to have a lasting, true marriage. Tiger could have been a life long bachelor and no one would have given a crap.
Society doesn’t put ENOUGH pressure on lasting marriages. It’s far to easy to get a divorce, and no fault divorce makes affairs even easier.
There are any number of well known men who have remained long time swinging bachelors. If they want to play the field, fine. They stay out of marital commitments.
Though one should advise Huge Hefner he’s at the point of making a fool of himself romping with high school girls. Come on Hugh, when you’re in your 80’s and doddering around in your PJs all day, its time to grow up or at least date grown women.
Lauren, Tiger doesn’t live in Hollywood, nor is he “of” Hollywood. Neither is Edwards, Standford, Bill Clinton, Larry Craig, Senator Vitter, or most of the people who fit this description.
Why is this even news? The country is falling apart, and this is in the headlines? I’m not a fan of Tiger Woods or the boring game of golf, but this is between him and his wife. Leave them alone.
Why blame Testostorone. Women cheat too.
I don’t recall privacy being a virtue.
The abortion crowd calls it a “right”, but a virtue?
Someone explain that to me.
Hal, Tiger Woods is most certainly a celebrity. It doesn’t matter that he actually lives in Orlando, his life is governed by Hollywood’s morals.
Whether Woods is guilty of infidelity or not, if his wife physically attacked him that night, she needs to go to prison.
Mary, I agree with you about Hefner. The man is ludicrous! Sleeping with women young enough to be his GRANDdaughters won’t make him any younger. And does he really think that they like him for his good looks and charm?
I remember reading about Elizabeth I, who in her time was the most powerful woman in the world. On her deathbed she said that she would give all her kingdom for just one more moment of life. Hefner is facing the abyss and he’s afraid, very afraid. Sad.
“Why is sex the downfall of so many powerful men? And for being so smart as to be so successful, how can they get so stupid? ”
Lack of guidance from their fathers?
A boy’s father is responsible for teaching him how to be a man.
Respect your vows and your wife. Don’t cheat, etc….
A word of advice for fathers: If you don’t want your sons to cheat on their wives, don’t you either.
I was particularly struck by these lines:
“But for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one’s own family. Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn’t have to mean public confessions.” (Sorry, I don’t know how to do all the fancy formatting to make this in intalics)
It very much reminded me of pro-abort language. Also, it makes me think about sin and consequences of sin, whether public or private. Obviously, no sin is absolutely private. Even if no one found out about Tiger’s behavior, he is still harming someone. First, God. Second, himself. Third, his wife and children. Fourth, his marriage. And the list goes on and on.
And while I don’t really care about the intimate details of his life, he IS a public figure and he has put himself out there. He can’t have it both ways.
Janet, that’s good advice, but what about all these skanks that are coming forward and saying that they “did” him? They knew he was married, and they didn’t care. Women are always complaining about how men are pigs, but it takes two to tango!
We are ALL “of” Hollywood in the sense that we are constantly fed the idea that marriage is unnecessary and non-lasting, that it has nothing to do with sex or babies, and that we are all objects for the using.
When an individual achieves the sort of fame reached by Tiger Woods, the constant ego massage increases his likelihood to accept the false message that marriage has no significance. Not to mention the fact that peers at that level of fame are more accepting of immoral behaviors. “Everybody’s doin’ it, doin’ it.”
Unfortunately, though, the “Hollywood mentality” has permeated not just the elite. With people like Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie as ‘role models’ of a ‘happy family’, it’s not difficult to understand why the message that marriage isn’t lasting and relationships are all about satisfying oneself is the message that our nation is accepting.
Sad, isn’t it?
Phillymiss @ 12:51,
You’re so right. I debated whether to include the immoral women who are throwing themselves at married men, but wanted to make my comment short and sweet. Since you brought it up…
Mothers of young girls should be teaching them how to be ladies.
Respect your marital vows and those of others, leave the provocative clothes out of the workplace, etc….
“Everybody’s doin’ it, doin’ it.”
Mary Rose,
You brought up a great point. Peer pressure. Take the testosterone of one man and multiply it by ten. Add a little alcohol…. A recipe for disaster for even the most virtuous human male.
Janet, awhile ago I went to an autograph signing by some of the Philadelphia Eagles players. There were two young women there who asked one of the players to sign his name on their buttocks and breasts (they were rather scantily clad). I’m sure they saw the gold wedding ring on the man’s finger, because I sure did. The player (who shall remain nameless) looked embarrassed and said politely “no miss, we’re not allowed to do that.”
I once worked with a woman who said she went to bars, clubs, etc., where professional athletes hung out because she wanted to have a baby by one of them. Why? Because she would have been “set for life” (I don’t think she achieved her “goal.”)
Pretty sleazy, huh?
Can I jump in here for just a sec, Janet and Phillymiss…..Ok, I will.
When I see the scantily clad ladies I often wonder what happened to them. I mean what self respecting woman acts, dresses and behaves that way?
A step further….prostitutes and strippers make me so, so, so sad. They were once little girls. What did men do to them?
Did you know that 80-90% of women in jails and prisons have had abortions? After that they just didn’t care anymore. A huge mission field for abortion recovery is in our correctional facilities.
With regard to whether this story is relevant to the abortion/life issue, I believe that it truly is. The far reaches of anti-family/anti-life policies are more varied than are readily acknowledged.
I would also love to see an examination here of the whole global warming hoax, which at first might seem off-topic, but which has deep anti-life roots. They all tie in to abortion, euthanasia, government-controlled/rationed healthcare, and the full-on push for same-sex “marriage” that conveniently produces no offspring.
I think that they all have roots in the “de-population/over-population” movement.
In other words, the smart way to address abortion is not only by examining and exposing its immediate consequences (a dead baby and a grieving mother) but by examining some of the more far-reaching and sometimes unintended consequences.
Carla, remember that sex workers wouldn’t exist without customers, so what do you think of these men who patronize them (remember that many of these men are married) Some women get into this kind of work because they like it, or it’s a way to make fast money, but others are trafficked, which is really upsetting.
I try not to be judgmental, but I have a friend who is a therapist who has worked with exotic dancers. Many of them (not all) have drug and alcohol problems, as well as eating disorders. It’s not a psychologically healthy way to make a living.
Anyway, I am a big football fan, and 40 percent of the NFL’s fanbase is female. I really get tired of seeing these cheerleaders dressing like strippers. I’m not a prude, but I do find this inappropriate!
True that, phillymiss. The johns are paying.
I once read about an ex prostitute who found Christ and works the streets trying to get the women out of the lifestyle.
What does gossip about a man’s infidelity have to do with abortion?
Gossip is never good. But, this topic is relevant to abortion. How many abortions happen because of illicit affairs that people do not want discovered? This is especially a factor in the case of underage girls and older men (as in the Lila Rose footage).
Why is sex the downfall of so many powerful men?
Well, this is a partial thought. The very fact that Jill asks the question is a partial answer. I don’t think any man would ask this question. Or, at least, a man would ask this with less puzzlement behind it. It is obvious to any man, knowing the nature of his own temptations against chastity, the answer to this.
I don’t think women fully realize how powerfully men can experience sexual temptations. Witness pornography. It is almost entirely fed by a male audience. I don’t by any means in this observation imply that infidelity is OK. Not at all. But, in some situations, not giving in to a temptation can require near-superhuman resources. Fortunately, such superhuman resources are available. It is the grace of Christ given to us through various ways (such as prayer and the Sacraments).
I don’t fault women for this. It’s simply the case that when it comes to how our sexuality is experienced, there are aspects of this that men experience in a way that women don’t. This is like merely observing that no man could ever know personally what it is like to be pregnant (well, naturally pregnant, at least). If we want to know, we can only ask a woman who has been pregnant and take her word for it. It is similar with the type and intensity of sexual desire and how it is prompted.
I don’t think we appreciate as a society how huge a factor being a predominately Christian culture makes marriages more stable and infidelity by men less prevalent. Not being faithful to one’s wife, polygamy, affairs, etc., were and are pretty much the norm outside of predominately Christian societies. Great respect for the lifelong monogamous commitment of marriage vows is (and perhaps now this should be “was”) higher in Christian societies than it has been in others. But as our faith declines, so does our fidelity in marriage. (Please note this is a general observation; I don’t imply here any comment on Tiger Woods’ own faith.)
Only the grace of Christ can prevent this from becoming more commonplace. And this is very relevant to abortion. As the Christian understanding of and commitment to marriage slides, there will be more pressure to abort when pregnancies result from adultery. But, on the other hand, as people decline to get married at all (as in Europe), this may not be the case.
David Letterman and SNL ought to have some real fun with this.
Crime Scene Analysts have confirmed that the injuries Tiger Woods sustained about his head and torso and concentrated in the groin area are consisten with divots made by female swinging a driver with a wicked slice.
Tanya Harding and Loreena Bobbitt had rock solid alibis on the morning in question and no motive could be established linking them to the incident.
Investigators have identified a person of interest who had both the means and the motive to commit the violent assault.
One source close to the investigation speaking on condition of anonymity said this is clearly a crime of passion as the yet to be identified suspect was beating the hound that feeds her with the very tool he uses to bring home the bacon.
This is obviously a case of domestic violence where the perpetrator had the tiger by the tail and was willing to kill the goose even if it meant the loss of his golden eggs.
Neighbors reported hearing a female voice shreaking something that sounded like four, it could have been whore, shortly before the sound of breaking glass and then the unmistakeable noise of an SUV careening off a fire plug into a tree.
Oddly the car was dimpled with numerous divots indentical to those found on Tiger’s body.
Not all blondes are passive oblivious enablers.
yor bro ken
You know I admit that I am technologically challenged, but unless I attach a name to a number on my cell phone all that show is the number of the incoming call. Some people even link a photo to the number and give it a distinctive ring tone.
Tiger may be as twitterpated as the Mark Sandford.
But the man sure knows how to play cow pasture pool.
Them Asia-American golfers sure do rock.
yor bro ken
You know I admit that I am technologically challenged, but unless I attach a name to a number on my cell phone all that show is the number of the incoming call. Some people even link a photo to the number and give it a distinctive ring tone.
Tiger may be as twitterpated as the Mark Sandford.
But the man sure knows how to play cow pasture pool.
Them Asian-American golfers sure do rock.
yor bro ken
Michelle, 2:22p: Great point.
Hilarious Ken,
If for some reason the day gig doesn’t work out, you should try stand-up comedy:)
“When I see the scantily clad ladies I often wonder what happened to them. I mean what self respecting woman acts, dresses and behaves that way?”
“A step further….prostitutes and strippers make me so, so, so sad. They were once little girls. What did men do to them?”
Posted by: carla at December 2, 2009 1:26 PM
I wonder the same thing. But women have figured out that sex is power. Women have a thirst for power just like men do.
Was it Jesus who said that humility is the greatest virtue?
* * *
Anyway, I am a big football fan, and 40 percent of the NFL’s fanbase is female. I really get tired of seeing these cheerleaders dressing like strippers. I’m not a prude, but I do find this inappropriate!
Posted by: Phillymiss at December 2, 2009 2:23 PM
You can call me a prude, I don’t like the skimpy cheerleading outfits. And while we’re on the subject, I don’t like Victoria’s Secret’s little televised “fashion show” either. Right before Christmas. How sweet.
Posted by: carla at December 2, 2009 1:26 PM
“What did men do to them?”
Men failed most of them.
Primarily the men that sired them.
fatherhood/sonship are rare and precious commodities in our present reality.
We were all fatherless orphans until God acknkowledged each of us by name and proudly declared with no shame she/he is blood of my blood and flesh of my flesh, I am gonna raise them up. I will show to you what a ‘son’ can do with Father’s love.
Randy Travis, ‘Raise Him Up’ You tube
yor bro ken
Thank you, Ken. I always love your comments!
I got to see the photos from a Bella Hero Project in a prison. Eduardo was on his knees and asking the female inmates for forgiveness on behalf of ALL of the men that had ever hurt them. Very powerful. Not a dry eye in the place. Eduardo prayed for them, and met with each one and let them know that Jesus can heal His precious daughters.
Ken, your comments annoy me more than you probably imagine. From my perspective, the are seldom funny, or insightful, or kind. I wouldn’t normally feel the need to point that out, but others seem to be encouraging your behavior.
Wow, Carla,
Eduardo just gets nicer every day.
If you hear of a link to the photos or the story, would you let us know? Thanks.
With regard to whether this story is relevant to the abortion/life issue, I believe that it truly is. The far reaches of anti-family/anti-life policies are more varied than are readily acknowledged.
I would also love to see an examination here of the whole global warming hoax, which at first might seem off-topic, but which has deep anti-life roots. They all tie in to abortion, euthanasia, government-controlled/rationed healthcare, and the full-on push for same-sex “marriage” that conveniently produces no offspring.
I think that they all have roots in the “de-population/over-population” movement.
In other words, the smart way to address abortion is not only by examining and exposing its immediate consequences (a dead baby and a grieving mother) but by examining some of the more far-reaching and sometimes unintended consequences.
Posted by: Michelle at December 2, 2009 2:22 PM
I’d like a discussion about global warming. Mostly to gloat. Your reasons are on a much higher plane.
it has nothing to do with testosterone and everything to do with a complete lack of morals and absolutely no shame at the humiliation he might cause his wife. It’s simply incomprehensible.
Tiger Wood’s father must be very disappointed….
Carla: “A step further….prostitutes and strippers make me so, so, so sad. They were once little girls. What did men do to them?”
How do you know men did anything to them? I’m sure some people in that industry have a sad backstory that led to that, but many find it thrilling, or just consider it highly lucrative. I’m not endorsing it, but I don’t think we need to point the finger at men all the time, either.
Scott Johnston: “I don’t think women fully realize how powerfully men can experience sexual temptations. Witness pornography. It is almost entirely fed by a male audience.”
Actually, no. It’s at most a 2:1 ratio (male viewers to female viewers).
Ken: “Crime Scene Analysts have confirmed that the injuries Tiger Woods sustained about his head and torso and concentrated in the groin area are consisten with divots made by female swinging a driver with a wicked slice.”
Again…if any of this is true and can be substantiated, he needs to press charges, and she needs to do time. When a woman cheats on her husband (which happens quite often), would we tolerate that as an excuse for him to scratch up her face or hit her in the head/torso/vagina with a golf club?
Ken was joking. Note the David Letterman and SNL reference at the top of his comment.
I have also heard that the numbers of women viewing porn are growing very quickly. I wonder how many parents are putting controls for such things on their home computers. It should be a major concern.
I saw those, Janet, but still hoped he was not joking about matters such as domestic violence and sexual assault (which is what that latter case would be).
There was some speculation in the beginning that Tiger did suffer from abuse in this incident but I think that has been refuted. I understand your concern and agree that abuse is no laughing matter.
Posted by: Hal at December 2, 2009 6:41 PM
“Ken, your comments annoy me more than you probably imagine. From my perspective, the are seldom funny, or insightful, or kind. I wouldn’t normally feel the need to point that out, but others seem to be encouraging your behavior.”
You should never under estimate my imagination.
When I heard the first reports as I was driving to work early one morning I knew something was not right.
Tiger Woods does not have a reputation for being a drunkard or doper.
So how does an athelete of his caliber manage to wreck his SUV while leaving his home at 2am.
Does anyone seriously believe the amateur spinning that the lovely mrs. Woods used a golf club to break out the rear window of the SUV to drag Tiger to safety.
Here is the more likely scenario. Mrs Woods was mad as hell about Tiger public canoodeling and she took matters into her own hands in the form of a golf club and blind sided Woods but Tiger managed to flee for his life and jumped in the SUV with mad wife in hot pursuit.
Like a tom cat that has been shot in the B.O. with an arrow, Tiger was more concerned with what was behind him that what was in front of him, which turned out to be fire hydrant and a substantial tree.
A rookie cop could read these tea leaves.
If Tiger had been killed in this incident then the Crime Scene Investigators would be photographing every bruise on his battered body and then identifying the blunt instrument that inflicted the lethal trauma. The multiple blows would tell them this was a crime of passion at the hands of someone with whom he was close.
But even though Tiger survived and has a vested interest in burying the truth (You know kind of like the late Ted Kennedy.) it will eventually see the light of day when his scorned wife files for divorce because Tiger just can’t keep his putter in his own bag.
I will give Woods his due.
Tiger is one ther greatest Asian-American golfers that has ever been beaten half to death by his enraged jealous wife.
The irony is that she used one of his own golf clubs to do the beating.
Reminds me of the photo of the klansman in his white cloak and hood with a burning cross in the back ground diving off the stage in a blaze of glory with his formerly white garments engulfed in flames.
The justice is poetic.
I wonder if Mrs. Woods prefers the interlocking grip or the overhand.
yor bro ken
Remember to keep you head down and your left arm straight.
Never up, never in.
yor bro ken
“But, I do wonder if there is too much pressure to get married and have children, and people do it even when it’s not the lifestyle they want, then resent it and cheat.
“If you want to have a couple girlfriends, don’t get married.”
“If you want to get married and have a couple girlfriends, marry someone who doesn’t mind.”
HAL, even with my imagination I cannot fathom what pressure Tiger Woods was under to get married and have children.
Are you suggesting that Tiger was the victim of a ‘shotgun’ wedding?
Even after he was married and had children what ‘pressures’ was he under that he was not subject to before the wedding?
Evidently Tiger made the critical mistake of marrying some who DID object to the idea of a threesome or foursome or not keeping it in the fair way as opposed to knocking it in the rough.
Seems like the mrs preferred a hole in one and she was not going to allow him any mulligans.
When Tiger faulted, she awarded him some well placed penalty strokes.
Like they say, “Golf is life”.
yor bro ken
Ken, if he had beaten the snot out of her, would you be making jokes?
P.S. – This isn’t a rhetorical question.
I was being facetious in attributing 4/7 to testosterone. It’s really 7/7 for Tiger. He’s all gland.
I’m being really cynical here because I marvel at how Christian anthropology and morality have been chased from the public square as though they were twin lepers, and then people actually are bewildered when gland boy has no morality to direct his biology.
What morality?! The morality that was chased away?
Whatever their internal dynamic, I’m not at all surprised by this. It’s all testosterone with this guy. He’s utterly driven by his passions and appetites.
That’s the tragedy. Most famous athlete in the world, worth $100 million, a model wife, beautiful children, and it’s not enough.
That sucking sound you hear is his endorsement contracts flying out the window.
In many cases, women who work in sex industries have been physically or sexually abused. Of course, you are right, some just enjoy this type of work and like the money they make.
I do, however, know a young woman who dated a guy who worked at a strip club. He said some of the dancers would get high on Ecstasy and other drugs before they went on. Once again, I think this kind of work affects you psychologically after awhile.
Janet: That Victoria’s Secret show is TACKY! I don’t know why people love it so much, because their products aren’t good quality.
Tiger has a beautiful family. I love that gorgeous little bundle snuggled in Daddy’s arms.
He does have a beautiful family. Hopefully a family that can stay somewhat put together after all this is over. I would like to think that this is the lowest point of the scandal for him. But I guess the real question lays in what will happen to his reputation and endorsements?
“The links legend’s spouse is reportedly being paid a hefty 7-figure amount – immediately transferred into an account she alone controls – to stick with her husband.”
Yes, I heard this report this morning on the a.m. news. $50-million I believe. Unbelievable! Seriously, what is Elin now, a high-paid, live-in prostitute?
What an absolutely demeaning thing she has done to herself and other women. No wonder why some men treat women so horribly. The men can abuse them then buy them gifts or give them cold, hard cash to stay with them. If a woman is abused by a man he needs to be IMMEDIATELY kicked to the curb. Men don’t and cannot understand anything less than that.
I have to disagree that men should immediately be kicked to the curb. I think that in many cases, a contrite heart can make all the difference. The Woods family includes children who need parents who act like adults, which means treating each other with respect and love, as well as understanding that people make mistakes.
Now, it doesn’t seem like this is a healthy environment for those children if Tiger simply isn’t willing to be faithful and show his wife respect. And his wife is clearly showing him little respect because she’s demanding a large sum of money and a new pre-nup… she clearly sees Tiger as a “sugar daddy.”
In this case, I think that their actions have betrayed them and those children will know that Mommy and Daddy didn’t really love, honor and respect one another.
In many cases, though, I think that even long-term affairs can be worked through and resolved. I think that many many forms of hurt and usury can be put in the past with honest intentions, mutual respect, love, and a LOT of hard work.
But yes, Tiger and Elin have degraded men and women by their actions.
Your post at 2:22…SO RIGHT ON THE MONEY!!!!!!!
“If a woman is abused by a man he needs to be IMMEDIATELY kicked to the curb.”
I’m sure Elin Nordegren can scoot over a foot or so to give him enough curb-space.
Absolutely. I agree with you on only one condition: if it were a one-time thing that the man regretted and admitted to, without being caught first. I wouldn’t consider a one-time thing abuse. However, I do believe that any man that abuses a woman should be immediately kicked to the curb.
I “spoke” too soon. Absolutely not. I would kick a man to the curb immediately. I put a sexual affair in the same exact class as attempted murder. The man who cheats can EASILY pick up an STD and transfer it to his wife. There is no way I would stay with a man who attempted to murder me. Everyone knows that STD’s are transmitted by sex and condoms CAN break.
We’ll have to agree to disagree.
I cannot put a transgression such as adultery in the same category as one such as murder. I believe that sexual transgressions, COMPLICIT sexual transgressions, are easy to make and open the door to all sorts of hurt.
Is it absolutely unacceptable for a man to cheat? Yes. Is it absolutely unforgivable? No. (By the way, same goes for a woman. Don’t want to be unfair-there are plenty of women cheating out there).
I think that if an affair occurred for 3 years, and the husband got caught rather than coming out with it, it’s unlikely that things would be reparable. Unlikely, but not impossible.
Also, a repeat offender in this area is a situation where it is unlikely that the relationship will survive (and grow). But still, not impossible.
Forgiving one for an affair is not a guarantee that it won’t happen again.
There’s nothing wrong with consequences for actions.
Posted by: bmmg39 at December 3, 2009 12:25 AM
Ken, if he had beaten the snot out of her, would you be making jokes?
P.S. – This isn’t a rhetorical question.
Only if she allowed him the opportunity to do it more than once.
There is no double standard here.
Both Tiger and Elin have a vested interest in concealing what really happened.
Too much money for both of them to lose if the jock’s public image is tarnished.
The children just give her more leverage and will increase the size of her take when she walks away from the table.
Look for her to conceive at least one more child before she files for divorce.
Elin has made calculated decision to continue the facade of a marriage in order to increase the size of the purse.
She could just have easily been ‘the other woman’. Tiger just happened to marry her.
Even so it seems Elin was not willing to be publicly humiliated and/or risk losing her meal ticket.
That is why she teed off on Tiger.
(I understand she used an iron instead of wood.)
I would love to see the secutiy camera video of Elin, club in hand, in hot pursuit of Tiger as he was running for his life.
Maybe Jerry Springer or Judge Judy can book Tiger and Elin for before Oprah secures the exclusive rights to the interview.
Humans are stupid and money does not seem to innoculate them from the affliction which is common to ‘man’.
yor bro ken
I guarantee you, a cheater with a contrite heart will experience consequences. I’m not saying that it is a frequent or likely occurrence. I’m saying that there are cases, I believe, where a person who has had an affair feels genuinely sorry about it and works through the trials caused by the affair with the help of their spouse. I’m saying that there are cases, I believe, in which it is acceptable not to simply throw the cheater out on his or her butt.
No, forgiveness won’t simply prevent further occurrences. Sometimes, for people we love and want to trust, we take that risk. Sometimes, with lots of hard work, it is a risk that pays off.
God always accepts the apology of the contrite. If He can forgive the sins, I believe that we can, too. I don’t believe that we should always give people another chance to damage our lives and our families, but I do believe that sometimes, people deserve to be given a second opportunity.
Again, this wouldn’t be one of those times. It’s apparent that neither Tiger nor Elin is in the relationship for each other. But I honestly believe that it is possible to rectify these situations at times, with great commitment and work.
“I would love to see the secutiy camera video of Elin, club in hand, in hot pursuit of Tiger as he was running for his life.”
So would the Orlando P.D.; it’d make things rather easier for them.
“God always accepts the apology of the contrite. If He can forgive the sins, I believe that we can, too. I don’t believe that we should always give people another chance to damage our lives and our families, but I do believe that sometimes, people deserve to be given a second opportunity.”
I agree. We can and should forgive, even if the person is not sorry. We forgive because God tells us we should and we need to obey Him.
People that have affairs and are sorry for them may deserve a second opportunity. However, if it’s me the person cheated on, their second opportunity will not be with me. They can have their second chance with their next spouse!
Biblically speaking, adultery severs the ties of marriage the moment is committed. The couple needs to either recommit to their vows or follow through with abdicating the union… but the union has already been broken by the offending party.