Abortionist Eugene Glick is dead
At age 80, abortionist Eugene Glick died on January 10 in Chico, CA.
Glick segued from obstetrician to abortionist in part, according to the New York Times, after watching his then girlfriend, now widow, get an infection after illegally aborting their baby in 1951.
Glick started by committing illegal abortions in the 1960s after graduating medical school, as quoted from Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health…
I started looking for ways to circumvent the law. When I first got involved, it was for personal friends or people I knew who were having a problem. The first abortion that I remember performing was on a woman who was a girlfriend of my best friend. She was able to walk out about an hour later. They were both desperate not to be pregnant.
As soon as I started doing it, someone else is going to tell someone else, is going to tell someone else, because everyone wants to help each other. It’s an evolutionary thing. You know, you do it once or twice, then you feel good about it. Then you feel better.
And you realize you can do it and it’s a simple thing and why the hell doesn’t this become legal? Because if it’s not legal, look what happens. I know other physicians who went through the same process, and who honestly feel that this is a tremendous service to women. To be able to give them a safe, comfortable abortion.
In a 2003 PRCH documentary, Glick described a patient he saw after she attempted to self-abort…
In 1977, according to NYT, Glick began aborting full-time. According to PRCH, Glick was the “medical director” – chief abortionist – at the West End Women’s Medical Group in Reno, NV, from 1978 to 1992, where he was the “recognized leader in the modern, caring, and gentle abortion technique,” according to its website.
Glick went on to write the book, Surgical Abortion, in 1998, on how to commit abortion procedures, including 2nd trimester D&Es..
By 2004 Glick attained the status of Emeritus Clinical Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at the University of NV Medical School in Reno, according to an amicus brief he, along with 62 other abortionists, filed in 2004 in support of partial birth abortion when late-term abortionst LeRoy Carhart sued John Ashcroft.
And now Glick is dead. A life that could have been heroically spent helping pregnant mothers in desperate situations find their way to good lives for themselves and their babies – including his own child – was instead spent killing babies.
What a tragic, pathetic obituary.

“As soon as I started doing it, someone else is going to tell someone else, is going to tell someone else, because everyone wants to help each other. It’s an evolutionary thing. You know, you do it once or twice, then you feel good about it. Then you feel better.
And you realize you can do it and it’s a simple thing and why the hell doesn’t this become legal?”
I’d like to note that these could also be the words of a crack dealer, hit man, or pimp. It seems people confuse giving people what they want with genuinely helping them. Providing someone with the quick/easy/temporary answer to their situation is not really helping them.
This just in from the Los Angelos Times, not exaclty a bastin of conservative thought.
“Joe Biden Update: He meets on transparency today. But the meeting is closed.”
yor bro ken
May God have mercy on the soul of this wretched, deluded man….
The wheels of justice turn slowly but they grind exceedinly fine.
I expect millstone will yield lots of chaff and little substance from this mispent life.
Another mass murderer and serial killer assumes room temperature many years and many lives too late.
I am sure someone somewhere will miss Glick.
I for one will not.
If there is no rest for the wicked Glick is going to be one exhausted soul.
yor bro ken
While satan has lost a great champion for his evil empire above the Earth’s crust, it is highly likely Glick has assumed his rightful place in the regions of the damned.
Tragic. Heartbreaking.
He believed lies his whole life.
“The human heart is the most deceitful of all things,
and desperately wicked.
Who really knows how bad it is?
But I, the Lord, search all hearts
and examine secret motives.
I give all people their due rewards,
according to what their actions deserve.” Je 17:9-10
We can only hope, that in his last moments on earth, he was convicted of his sin and his need of a Savior; and with his last breath he cried out for mercy from the One Who died to save him from an eternity without hope.
Lord, have mercy.
How true.
* * *
How many women are mentally tortured today by memories of the babies he aborted? He had no right (other than the law) to take those babies from them. Life is not ours to take.
Eugene Glick died on the Catholic Feast of the Holy Family and The Baptism of our Lord, in which we celebrate the goodness of the family. Lord, have mercy on Glick’s soul.
Some observations:
He was not a hero, he was a criminal for killing countless helpless innocent human beings.
He violated Jewish moral law by committing abortion crimes. I am assuming with a name like Glick that he came from that background.
His girlfriend and he committed a crime when they killed their own child. What type of person kills their own child?
It is a moral travesty and shows the bankruptcy of the medical profession that a criminal abortionist, who should have received life in prison for his crimes, could be honored as a distinguished professor at a school of medicine.
This also demonstrates the weakness of the position held by many people in the pro-life movement that mothers and fathers should not be prosecuted for their own freely chosen crimes against their unborn children. If you are unwilling to do this, you really cannot properly protect the lives of unborn children.
After he started “circumventing” (breaking) the law and killing children, why wasn’t he immediately arrested, prosecuted and sent to the state prison where he belonged? This shows clearly the tragedy of having laws to protect unborn children which are not vigorously and aggressively enforced. Sometimes they were, but mostly not because the authorities did not really care. The tragedy is that then and now born humans do NOT have an incentive to care about the lives of unborn humans and therefore really do not. This is why protecting them from the deadly danger of the abortionist has always been tentative at best. We failed them then and we are failing them today.
I have said that no one really represents the unborn and I think this is true. Each organization in our movement tries to stop the killing but represents itself and does its own thing even if this does not necessarily serve the unborn.
What we needed in the past and will need in the future is vigorous enforcement of laws to protect unborn children. An illegal abortion crime business, such as Glick’s, is very fragile and vulnerable to infiltration and disruption. After legal protection is restored, we need massive police stings and a large base of pro-life volunteers to disrupt crime networks and apprehend abortion perpetrators.
Finally, have you noticed there is no mention of unborn children? The abortionists either call them “fetuses” or “things” disparagingly (they are talking about our children) or they completely ignore their existence! So we hear about “countless lives” saved and “tremendous service” being offered, but absolutely nothing to indicate that they realize they are killing human beings.
The unborn apparently do not even exist! This shows the utter blindness of the abortionist movement.
“He violated Jewish moral law by committing abortion crimes. I am assuming with a name like Glick that he came from that background.”
Gotta love the “goy” who think that they know Talmudic law. Thing is that Reform and Conservative rabbis would disagree with the above statement – and that’s why the majority of Jews are pro-choice. Guess we’re just baby killers as well as “Christ killers” (snark)
Graduate school for those pursuing Ph.D.’s in the sciences, and medical school are unbelievably arduous experiences, as is post-doctoral training.
To have spent so many years of ones’s adult life, twelve at a minimum, in training, only to requite those years with the blood of infants is as mindlessly evil as it gets.
What an utter waste of a world-class education, of countless opportunities to aid women and children with authentic love.
May God have mercy on his soul.
Sabra wrote, in reply to Joe:
Thing is that Reform and Conservative rabbis would disagree with the above statement – and that’s why the majority of Jews are pro-choice.
Well… just to play devil’s advocate for a moment: it could be said that the extent to which a particular Jew is “pro-choice” is the extent to which they disdain Jewish law. True, Judaism isn’t solidly pro-life in the sense of defending all life from conception until natural death, but it isn’t “la-de-da” about abortion in the sense of “being completely up to the choice of the mother” (i.e. “pro-choice”), either.
I could point you to many groups of so-called “Catholics” who stridently insist on the “legal right to abortion”, but that says nothing at all about actual Catholic teaching.
Guess we’re just baby killers as well as “Christ killers” (snark)
Snark aside… you do know that the wrongness of abortion can be known from natural law, and not only from Divine revelation–right? The idea that babies are being killed isn’t merely a theological nicety.
I do not believe that anyone has mentioned that the illegal abortions mentioned in this story were done by this physician Dr. Glick. This was common prior to legalization of Roe v. Wade; most abortions were done by board certified physicians “secretly” in their medical offices. The idea that amateur “coat hanger” abortions were rampant prior to legalization is a bold-faced lie. Why? Because only an idiot would allow the use of a coat-hanger or similar object to accomplish anything even barely resembling “medical.”
“recognized leader in the modern, caring, and gentle abortion technique,”
I wonder if the babies he aborted would agree with this?
Its interesting to me that Bernard Nathanson who helped changed abortion laws and provided 60,000 abortions to women also was involved in the abortion of two of his children. Eugene Glick was involved in an abortion of his own child…I just wonder if a lot of these abortion doctors got started after their own children were aborted? You know how some post-abortive mothers work in abortion clinics because it helps ease their guilt when they see other women making the same choice they did? I wonder if there is a little post-abortion syndrome going on in these docs . Abortion affects men too.
What a wasted life.
I’m a second year medical student. I want to become a doctor so that I can heal people, and help keep them as healthy as possible. NOT to destroy life.
It saddens me when doctors (or should I say “doctors”?) choose to use their training to do the latter.
Thanks for being committed to life!
Being a second year medical student, what is the general feeling towards abortion with your peers?
“The idea that amateur “coat hanger” abortions were rampant prior to legalization is a bold-faced lie.”
As I noted yesterday, middle class women (the Cathlic women in my neighborhood) had “D&C’s.” My mother (a Catholic) had one and to this day (she’s 90) never regretted it! It enabled her to continue with a fullfilling and lucrative career. Yeah, right, she’ll burn in hell….
Lucy, I love you! It seems that most female doctors are strongly pro-abortion. Good for you.
Posted by: sabra at January 14, 2010 11:51 AM
‘Guess we’re just baby killers as well as “Christ killers” (snark)”
No guessing about it.
We are all “Christ killers.”
But we are not all ‘baby killers’.
That ignominious distinction is reserved for barbarians like Glick.
So Sabra next time you are breaking bread with your Rabbi ask him what species of embryo/fetus was resident in Sarah’s womb when she was pregnant with Issac?
Or better yet ask him what species of embryo/fetus was present in your mother uterus when she was pregnant with you.
Gen 25:21-24 21 And Isaac prayed much to the Lord for his wife because she was unable to bear children; and the Lord granted his prayer, and Rebekah his wife became pregnant.
22[Two] children struggled together within her; and she said, If it is so [that the Lord has heard our prayer], why am I like this? And she went to inquire of the Lord.
23 The Lord said to her, [The founders of] two nations are in your womb, and the separation of two peoples has begun in your body; the one people shall be stronger than the other, and the elder shall serve the younger.
24 When her days to be delivered were fulfilled, behold, there were twins in her womb. AMP
Eccl 11:5 As you know not what is the way of the wind, or how the spirit comes to the bones in the womb of a pregnant woman, even so you know not the work of God, Who does all. AMP
Gen 49:25 By the God of your father, Who will help you, and by the Almighty, Who will bless you with blessings of the heavens above, blessings lying in the deep beneath, blessings of the breasts and of the womb. AMP
Jer 1:5 Before I formed you in the womb I knew [and] approved of you [as My chosen instrument], and before you were born I separated and set you apart, consecrating you; [and] I appointed you as a prophet to the nations. [Ex 33:12; Isa 49:1,5; Rom 8:29.] AMP
Isa 49:1-2 49:1 LISTEN TO me, O isles and coastlands, and hearken, you peoples from afar. The Lord has called me from the womb; from the body of my mother He has named my name.
2 And He has made my mouth like a sharp sword; in the shadow of His hand has He hid me and made me a polished arrow; in His quiver has He kept me close and concealed me. AMP
Ps 22:9-10 9 Yet You are He Who took me out of the womb; You made me hope and trust when I was on my mother’s breasts.
10 I was cast upon You from my very birth; from my mother’s womb You have been my God. AMP
Ps 127:3-5 3 Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. [Deut 28:4.]
4 As arrows are in the hand of a warrior, so are the children of one’s youth.
5 Happy, blessed, and fortunate is the man whose quiver is filled with them! They will not be put to shame when they speak with their adversaries [in gatherings] at the [city’s] gate. AMP
Ps 139:7,11-13,15-17 7 Where could I go from Your Spirit? Or where could I flee from Your presence?
11 If I say, Surely the darkness shall cover me and the night shall be [the only] light about me,
12 Even the darkness hides nothing from You, but the night shines as the day; the darkness and the light are both alike to You. [Dan 2:22.]
13 For You did form my inward parts; You did knit me together in my mother’s womb.
15 My frame was not hidden from You when I was being formed in secret [and] intricately and curiously wrought [as if embroidered with various colors] in the depths of the earth [a region of darkness and mystery].
16 Your eyes saw my unformed substance, and in Your book all the days [of my life] were written before ever they took shape, when as yet there was none of them.
17 How precious and weighty also are Your thoughts to me, O God! How vast is the sum of them! [Ps 40:5.] AMP
Your reformed and orhtodox rabbis aside, the ‘book’ does seem to indicate that children are some of God’s premo blessings.
If my father gave me what he thought of as one is most precious gifts and I rejected it and discarded it with the trash I think he would be more than a little disappointed, even grieved, perhaps angry.
Your rabbis do not teach as ones having ‘authority’.
They teach from their own imaginations.
I would not want to be covered with their dust.
yor bro ken
And it’s my belief that abortion is a cop-out by employers, insurance companies, and society. Rather than embrancing our strengths and hold our own as women, women are enslaved by abortion and led to believe that we must supress our fertility and natural strengths and become like a man in order to suceed. Hwhere’s the empowerment in that? Women shouldn’t have to feel they “need” elective abortions or “D&Cs” and to sscrifice their fertility to be able to continue with a fullfilling career or their education and women shouldn’t have to choose between having a family or career/education, but rather they should be given the support and resources, to be able to do both, if they desire.
And it’s my belief that abortion is a cop-out by employers, insurance companies, and society. Rather than embrancing our strengths and hold our own as women, women are enslaved by abortion and led to believe that we must supress our fertility and natural strengths and become like a man in order to suceed. Where’s the empowerment in that? Women shouldn’t have to feel they “need” elective abortions or “D&Cs” and to sscrifice their fertility to be able to continue with a fullfilling career or their education and women shouldn’t have to choose between having a family or career/education, but rather they should be given the support and resources, to be able to do both, if they desire.
Do you feel a need to be pro-choice to justify your mother’s actions?
I find it sad that you feel so strongly the need to legitimize the decision of your mother to have one of your siblings killed that you would help other women to do the same to their children.
What your mother did was wrong. It’s not your fault though. Every parent is nothing more than a person, and every person has their failing(s). Encouraging others to do the same horrible thing your mother did doesn’t make what she has done any more right, it just makes more people wrongdoers-yourself included.
Survivor’s remorse is a sad thing.
Honestly, I’ve never gotten into a discussion about abortion with my peers. But the whole atmosphere (especially among the faculty) is pro-abortion. There is also a very active “Students for Choice” group. Apparently, there was a “Students for Life” group before I was accepted, but it seems to have disappeared.
Well, thank you :)
Yes, many doctors are pro-abortion, which really doesn’t make much sense. They should know better. Every first year medical student studies embryology– we do know when life begins.
Artemis: “It enabled her to continue with a fullfilling and lucrative career.”
So would have adoption.
When will brain-dead pro-choicers figure out that financial reasons are never good for abortion? I mean, could you kill your newborn for the very same reasons? I mean, for the love of God, use your brain a little before you open you mouth and start spewing this crap!
It’s also saddening to me that either your own mother was able to tell you outrightly how much more her “lucrative career” was worth than your sibling (I can’t imagine how that would make me feel, if my own mother told me that she pretty much would’ve had me killed if I had gotten in the way of her life goals)…or…that you think your mother’s career was worth more than the brother or sister she had killed because she thought that was the only way she could keep it (I find it impossible to equate the value of the lives of any of my siblings, all 5 of them, with any sort of goal, achievement, or life’s work. You must have a very low appreciation for human life…do you include yourself in that? Or have you done enough with your life that you “deserve” to live, in your mind? If so, who doesn’t deserve to live, in your opinion?)
Gotta love the “goy” who think that they know Talmudic law. Thing is that Reform and Conservative rabbis would disagree with the above statement – and that’s why the majority of Jews are pro-choice.
Posted by: sabra at January 14, 2010 11:51 AM
Who cares if 100% of Jews are pro abortion? That doesn’t mean that their opinion is in agreement with Jewish law. Duh.
Here is his obit and memorial website. I was creeped out by several things…
looking at pictures of him as a baby and knowing he would grow up to kill other babies. ick.
A picture of him holding a baby (grandchild?) and wondering what he is thinking as he holds the baby’s hand. Maybe thinking of how much force would be necessary to disarticulate the baby’s little arm such as described in Glick’s book on D & E abortions…a procedure he seemed to be very proud of. I mean is it weird to dismember nearly full-term infants all day long and then go home and hold your infant grandchild? ick.
Reading the obituary where his sons say what a wonderful father he was ( not to your sibling guys. He allowed your sibling to be aborted. Your mom wasn’t very good to your dead older brother/sister either) They said their father said on his deathbed that he was content with his “beautiful life”. WHAT? What is beautiful about ripping arms and legs off babies? I immediately flashed to all the gruesome photos of aborted babies I have seen. How could that make you content? ick!!!!
Sydney M.,
Thankfully there are very few who feel compelled to follow in his footsteps. Lord have mercy on us all.
* * *
Lucy, I’m sure you know that you will be asked to assist in an abortion procedure during your medical training. I hope you have thought about how you will respond when the time comes. God bless you.
The God of the Bible condemned child sacrifice.
The aborted babies are sacrificed too. To the gods of money, self, etc. God does
not approve. It is a heartless procedure-no
matter which procedure is used. I have seen
pictures of aborted boys and girls. Reminded me
of pictures from the holocaust. Sick. Those
who perform abortions have a heart of stone.
So sad.