Blogs for Life Conference
UPDATE, 1/21, 5:50a: Sorry to report Rep. Michelle Bachmann had to cancel. Speaker Pelosi decided to wrap things up today instead of tomorrow, so Bachmann is flying home to attend the MN March for Life.
But we’re happy to report Rep. Todd Akin of MO has offered to stand in Bachmann’s stead.
I’d like to think Pelosi thought it best to close up shop early to allow her pro-abort members to skedaddle and avoid pro-lifers attending the March for Life.
The schedule has shifted around a bit, so I’ve updated it. has posted an article on the event.
1/20, 6:58a: The 5th annual Blogs for Life Conference will be this Friday from 8:30 to 11:30a EST, hosted by Family Research Council.
You can still register to attend in person. Or make plans to view online. Bloggers can live stream the conference on their sites. Get the embed code here.
Here is the tentative final schedule…
8:30 – 8:35a Jill Stanek, emcee introduction
8:35 – 8:45a Kristen Day, Democrats for Life
8:45 – 9:00a Joseph Farah (pictured right),
9:00 – 9:20a PANEL: “Hosting a winning pro-life blog, ” American Life League’s Katie Walker and ALL’s Pro-life Blog Contest winners
9:20 – 9:33a Carol Clews, Executive Director, Center for Pregnancy Concerns, Baltimore, MD
9:33 – 9:35a Kristin Hansen, VP of Communications, Care Net
9:35 – 9:45a Marjorie Dannenfelser, President, Susan B. Anthony List
9:45 – 10:05a Rep. Michele Bachmann Todd Akin, R-MO
10:05 – 10:15a Break
10:15 – 10:25a Charmaine Yoest, Ph.D (pictured right), President and CEO, Americans United for Life
10:25 – 10:45a Rep. Jim Jordan, R-OH
10:45a – 11:05a PANEL: Emerging Online Technologies, Molotov Mitchell, Illuminati Pictures; video columnist,; Peter Shinn, President, Pro-Life Unity; Founder, Blogs for Life; Krystle Weeks, Web Editor, Family Research Council
11:05 – 11:15aTony Perkins, President, Family Research Council
11:15 – 11:30a David Prentice, Ph.D, Senior Fellow for Life Sciences, FRC,
This looks like an impossible schedule to keep. 9:25am – 9:37am? Does that actually work?
Yes, it’s a pretty ambitious schedule. And the couple of other times we’ve attended, we’ve had to leave early to get over to the March. Let’s hope everybody stays within their time.
I like most of the other people on that list, but Joseph Farah is a twit. After Clara Harris killed her husband David by running him over because he had been having an affair (as was SHE), Farah tried to nominate her as freakin’ woman of the year. When angry readers wrote in that she’s a cold-blooded murderer, Farah responded that he had no idea there were so many “defenders of adultery,” as if that was their point. He’s an idiot.
And are all of these people bloggers? Seems like most of them are not!
While I won’t be able to go to D.C. this year, my thoughts will be with those marching, especially my post-abortion sisters in Silent No More Awareness, and I will be covering the March on my blog as well as representing myself at the March through the Virtual March for Life
Andrew, I was the timekeeper last year, and the schedule flowed like… well, clockwork. I’m the timekeeper again this year. And you know how tough I can get… :)
Joseph Farah is a winning example of one who has pursued a successful new media venture.
All speakers, even if not directly involved with blogging or the new media, have been requested to tie their talks to blogging and/or the new media.
Good to hear Jill. Good luck. Wish I could be with you at the conference…
Michele Bachmann was at the March for Life in St. Paul, MN! Woot!