CBR targets voters of five four vulnerable Democrat districts with mobile billboard campaign
UPDATE, 1/9, 8:50a: The Center for Bio-Ethical Reform has announced it is suspending its plan to send Truth Trucks to pro-life Democrat MS Congressman Gene Taylor’s district after receiving this statement from Taylor’s office:
[Rep. Taylor] voted for the Stupak Amendment and then voted against the House health care bill. There is absolutely nothing in his 20-year record that would suggest that it is remotely possible that he would vote for any funding for abortions, direct or indirect, and all of his statements since at least last summer have made it very clear that he will not vote for any new health care program even if it does not have any abortion funding.
CBR is instead scooting the MS Truth Tour bus to Kathy Dahlkemper’s district in PA, after The Herald on January 7 carried this quote…
Mrs. Dahlkemper said she is concerned about differences between the House and Senate versions but said she can’t see any single issue that’s a “deal breaker.”
Perhaps 2 Truth Trucks in Dahlkemper’s district will remind her of a particular single issue worth standing up for.
UPDATE, 1/5, 5:40p: The Hill has posted a fair piece on CBR’s plans….
1/5, 12:55p: Usually graphic abortion photos involving politicians are targeted at pro-abort offenders.
But the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform is aiming its new campaign at voters, to remind them why they oppose public funded abortions in healthcare and why they should encourage their reps to stand strong in opposition.
CBR will operate billboard trucks in the districts of 5 Democrat congresspersons who voted for the Stupak Amendment in Round 1 but who CBR thinks needs bolstering for Round 2.
CBR has judged these 5 the most vulnerable to defeat in the 2010 elections: Reps. Dan Boren (OK), Chris Carney (PA), Kathy Dahlkemper (PA), Steve Driehaus (OH), and Gene Taylor (MS).
CBR’s press release states:
Trucks will display large abortion photos in a campaign to remind voters that abortion is not health care and consequently should not be federally funded as an element of health care reform, either directly or indirectly.
We thank Rep. [ ] for opposing abortion funding through government subsidized health insurance policies that would launder government money through an insured’s personal checking account to create the misleading impression that public funds have thereby been transformed into private premiums. We urge [him/her] to persist in his opposition.
CBR will begin running the trucks next week and keep them going until the final version of any healthcare bill is voted on.
Following are the other 3 2 billboards…
Let’s see…
One, two, three, four, five little fingers.
That’s right congresspeople; reach out and touch someone.
As Bobby would say,“Go CBR!”
” As Bobby would say,”Go CBR!” ”
Oh, I’m flattered!
I just checked on Taylor’s voting record at National Right to Life.
His voting record over his career is 80 with us, 6 against, 3 not scored.
My, my, my
It just keeps getting better,
Check out the Drudge Report. Looks like Democrat senate majority leader privately described then Senator Obama as “light-skinned” and “with no Negro dialect unless he wants to have one.”
Then there’s Bill Clinton, who greatly offended Ted Kennedy when he, according to Kennedy said during the primary campaign, this guy(Obama)would have been getting us coffee.
This is the same Bill Clinton who so proudly pointed out his office in Harlem. Isn’t that just so white of massa Clinton to be among the black folk? He didn’t mention he actually had wanted an office in Manhatten but the feds wouldn’t cough up the money.
Now, let’s just pretend Republicans made those comments and try to imagine what the reaction would be.
Being a ‘progressive/liberal/humanist’ is NOT enough when you are a ‘black’ democRAT.
Speaking the kings english and dressing right and cleaning up good is NOT enough when you are a ‘black’ democRAT.
The democRATs are going to have to do something about the ‘institutional racism’ in their own party.
And for todays joke the banner on the wall benind B.O., Reid and Pelosi declares:
Honest Leadership
Open Government
Could we at least see B.O.’s original long form birth certificate as a starting example of ‘honest leadership/open government’?
yor bro ken
Talk about hypocritical and racists. Oh don’t get me wrong there are plenty of racist and hypocrites in the Republican party but the party that has played the “race card” down through the years, has manipulated and has taken the Black vote for granted needs to be exposed for what it really is. The party of “Uncle Sam’s Plantation” (see Star Parker’s book), the welfare nanny state, the party of death, the Dead Babies R Us crew (PP,NARAL and Emily’s List), party of the “Maggie Award” winners. I am going to pray now.
Dear Lord Jesus,
Expose every crooked, corrupt, deceptive, bribe-taking, greedy, racist, immoral, perversed politician in every level of government from the White House, to the State House, to City Hall, to the courthouse no matter what political party, race, religion, socioeconomic status or gender. May we vote every one of them out of office that is corrupt and are not being public servants. God we ask for your forgiveness and for you to heal our land. Amen.