Jivin J’s Life Links 2-15-10
by JivinJ
Black points out that early last century, the American Breeders Association – supported by generous grants from Andrew Carnegie – created a committee to study “the best practical means for cutting off the defective germ-plasm of the American population.” The panel included doctors, economists and attorneys from Harvard, Yale, Princeton and the University of Chicago.
Black continues: “During a number of subsequent conferences, they carefully debated the ‘problem of cutting off the supply of defectives,’ and systemically plotted a bold campaign of ‘purging the blood of the American people of the handicapping and deteriorating influences of these anti-social classes.’ 10 groups were eventually identified as ‘socially unfit’ and targeted for ‘elimination.'” Among those groups, according to Black, were the “feebleminded,” epileptics, the “insane,” the “deformed” and the “deaf.”
James says she miscarried the first child and aborted the second without Tiger’s knowledge.
[Photo attribution: ABC.com]

“One of Tiger Woods’ mistresses, former adult-film star Veronica Siwik-Daniels (a.k.a. Joslyn James) (pictured left), is claiming she conceived two of Tiger’s children.”
“James says she miscarried the first child and aborted the second without Tiger’s knowledge.”
Oh my goodness.
I have been wondering why there have been no children from these situations.
Once again, if this story is true, we see how the contraceptive mentality feeds promiscuous sex. And how promiscuous sex views children – they are unwanted consequences.
Unwanted consequences MUST be gotten rid of.
This is why abortion and contraception go together.
What a shame.
If Elin Woods stays with this man, she will get no sympathy from me.
He’s a reprobate. :(
“contraceptive mentality feeds promiscuous sex”
LOL – folks were having “promiscuous sex” long before contraceptive were readily available. My mother was born in 1920 to a single woman who was impregnated by a married man. My father was born, at his full weight, 7 months into his married mother’s pregnancy in 1920. Big deal. Google “Magdelenes” and you’ll learn about the shame and abuse that unwed mothers (promiscuous sex) experienced in Ireland. I certainly hope that you pro-life folks don’t want to bring that back!!! And in case you don’t know – the anti-sex crowd brayed, in indignation, about the invention of the automobile because it presented opportunity of – get ready – sex!!! I do love this “promiscuous sex” thing because it seems to indicate that some people seem to be obsessed about sex. Whassup with that? Does the word “repression” come to mind. Is the pro-life movement anti-sex as well as anti-abortion? But yeah, contraceptives allow everybody – married and unmarried – to enjoy a natural, bodily function. Ewwwww – sexxxxx without consequences. Is that what it’s all about, Alfie? Ya make yer bed and you lie in it doesn’t play in Peoria anymore and you anti-sex types just can’t deal with it!
and if your grandmother had aborted her son (your father) you wouldn’t exist, would you Artemis?
and if your grandmother had aborted her son (your father) you wouldn’t exist, would you Artemis?
Posted by: LizFromNebraska at February 15, 2010 6:21 PM
This argument, I don’t get. There are a million different scenarios that would have prevented the existence of Artemis. Including the grandmother waiting until marriage to have sex.
I love how the pro-abortion crowd keeps squawking about how abortion isn’t about consequence-free sex, and then Artemis says this:
But yeah, contraceptives allow everybody – married and unmarried – to enjoy a natural, bodily function. Ewwwww – sexxxxx without consequences. Is that what it’s all about, Alfie? Ya make yer bed and you lie in it doesn’t play in Peoria anymore and you anti-sex types just can’t deal with it!
It’s no wonder people in the middle aren’t buying the choice line anymore. Even you can’t stick to it.
you anti-sex types just can’t deal with it!
Posted by: Artemis at February 15, 2010 6:02 PM
You mean us anti-sex types who have more than the recommended 2 children? Us anti-sex types like the Duggar family? LOL!! Nah, we’re not anti-sex. We’re just anti-murdering innocents so you can continue in your “sex without consequences” lifestyle–if you can accurately call it that. It certainly doesn’t seem to be so consequence-free from where I stand. Unless you count abortions, STDs, pornography, adultery, and broken marriages “consequence-free.”
Conception as a result of sex is also a natural, bodily function. But kids are so disposable these days, it seems you’ve forgotten that…
How many porn stars has Tiger Woods now bedded? It boggles the mind to think of how many diseases this man might have brought home to his wife. If I were her, (first, I’d vomit, ugh) and then get the heck away from him, for good.
The anti sex arguement is so silly. I am a married woman who dated my husband for two yrs before I got married. We did not have sex before marriage. I love sex with my husband. I do not take contraception. I used natural family planning. If I do get pregnant, my husband and I are willing to face the responsiblity of having sex. That is the difference. When you have casual sex and are not thinking of consequences of what sex can create, you set yourself up for “unplanned” pregnancy. That is the problem. I am a christian woman. Even if I wasn’t, sex can equal pregnancy with or without “protection”. If you do not want a child with a person, do NOT have sex with them. To me it is common sense. If that mentality would catch on, just think of how much better off our society would be.
I don’t feel that pregnancy is something I need protection from. It is something I greatly desire even though I already have two children –a girl and a boy, no less.
Pro-life, pro-family, pro-marriage, pro-birth, pro-babies, pro-sex, pro-fetal rights.