Jivin J’s Life Links 2-25-10
by JivinJ
He was part of a super-coil abortion experiment in the early 70’s in which 9 of 15 patients suffered serious complications.
According to the Washington Post, 1 of the 40-plus lawsuits filed against him claimed another woman died from a botched abortion at his hands in 2000…
Semika Shirelle Shaw called the office the day after her abortion because she was bleeding badly but wasn’t told to get checked there or at a hospital, according to court documents. The lawsuit alleged that Shaw, a 22-year-old mother of two, died two days later of a perforated uterus and sepsis.
Malina Williams, a woman on whom Gosnell performed an abortion nearly 20 years ago (at age 13) recounted her experience for the Philadelphia Inquirer:
She said she had thought something was amiss when the West Philadelphia doctor eagerly agreed to perform the abortion, even though he allegedly didn’t have permission from her parents as required by state law.
After her procedure was over, Williams said she saw Gosnell cradling a bottle that contained the remains of her fetus. Her eyes darted away and landed on the room with the bottles.
“He left the door open,” said Williams, now 32. “I could see all the little babies in bottles filled with liquid, and I started crying.
“He said he did research on them. He said, ‘Don’t cry, don’t feel bad. Everybody does this.’ “
The ad in question was not about sexuality. It featured a father holding his son and the words, “All I want for my son is for him to grow up knowing how to do the right thing.”…
Focus on the Family spokesman Gary Schneeberger said that if such material were “all of a sudden labeled hate speech, we have deeper problems in our country than we even know.”
Williams said the decision to pull the ad was based not on the message but on the messenger.
I guess it’s no surprise that prochoicers still refer women to Kermit Gosnell’s filthy mill — it’s a tradition! Who cares about complications and hysterectomies and deaths? He was a PIONEER!
You know, OC was actually over on my blog referring to the Mother’s Day Fiasco as if it was a responsible clinical trial?
‘Celebrate Isolation’
‘Celebrate Death’
yor bro ken
‘All I want from the little bastard is to stay the hell away from me!’
yor bro ken
Just trying to come with some ‘slogans’ the heterophobes and anti-theists could relate to.
yor bro ken
I am grateful that GOD does not have ‘bad hair days’.
The only evidence remaining to indicate humans had ever inabited the planet would be piles of ashes and pillar of salt.
yor bro ken
I guess I don’t understand what is so surprising about the group pulling the ad. I would to.
If the ad will redirect a person to a website that is against gay marriage, and you’re FOR gay marriage, why should you be obligated to host that ad? You shouldn’t be. This is America.
I disagree with Focus on the Family about gay marriage, but I think pulling the ad was stupid. Given that it says “Celebrate Life”, if I’d seen it without knowing the controversy surrounding it, I’d think it was more likely to be related to pro-life issues. And even if their idea of “the right thing” doesn’t include gay marriage, that’s hardly incendiary or even an uncommon view. Not agreeing with gay marriage isn’t exactly advocating killing or harrassing gay people.
And while I may disagree with them about gay marriage, if I had to be stuck in an elevator with a group of people for 72 hours, I’d pick Focus on the Family over a bunch of pro-aborts who were for gay marriage. FotF would probably pray for us to get out soon, whereas the pro-aborts for gay marriage would probably get hungry and eat me before 24 had gone by. ;)
(That was tongue-in-cheek, trolls.)
Nate – I do agree with you that they shouldn’t be obligated to host the ad. However, it was dumb of them to agree to host it and then change their minds because some people whined. I got the impression that they didn’t see any issue with it until then.
The people commenting on the Gosnell abortion clinic horror story are devoid of any common sense. One poster said that if Roe V Wade is overturned clinics like this will be the norm. HELLO! Roe V Wade is LEGAL right now and we STILL have clinics like this! How could it possibly get any worse? This was a LEGAL abortion clinic! This wasn’t illegal back alley abortion…this was a post Roe V Wade baby killing center. Whether legal or illegal abortion will always be like this, attracting the roaches of the medical profession, the abusers, the blood-suckers, the ones with no ethics, no compassion, no morality. And they will always have dirty, blood encrusted clinics and they will keep killing women.
Another uneducated poster said the doctor didn’t kill anybody (I guess besides the women) because the babies “weren’t born yet”…Being alive is not synonymous with being born. Basic biological fact. Hey pro-aborts…education. You should really try it!
Way to go NAACP. You are making Margaret Sanger really proud. She never wanted the “unfit, human weeds” to “Celebrate Life”. She needed to indoctrinate a “few Negro ministers” so they would encourage their flock to be sterilized but she “didn’t want the word to get out they wanted to exterminate the Negroes”. The old, white, eugenicist would sure be proud of you. Why would you want fathers holding their children and celebrating family and life when you could have them celebrate “the right to choose” to slaughter them in the womb instead. Sounds like a much better plan.
Regarding the gay marriage PC stuff. Didn’t NAACP know the reason why gay marriage Prop 8 did NOT pass in California is mainly due to the Black community coming out in record numbers to vote against it even though they overwhelmingly voted for Barack Obama on the very same day. What a crock!!
Thank you Christian prolifers who prayed for my friend whose 24 week old unborn baby has a growth in his lung seems to be stabilized and the doctors in Philadelphia seem optimistic. God bless you all. Keep them in your prayers.
NAACP = National Association for the Advancement of Colored People
NCAA = National Collegiate Athletic Association
The acronyms are similar, but the two are totally unrelated.
Sorry Keli Hu I misread the post. Reading to fast for my own good. I do apologize for my comments directed at the wrong organization.
Reason why it is not too far fetched for the NAACP because I read that some A.A prolifers were ostracized at the last NAACP convention when they tried to speak out against abortion, I think it was in Detroit last summer. I could be wrong but I think Jill had an article about this on this blog.
But like I said sorry for mis-reading the name of the organzation.
Posted by: Keli Hu at February 25, 2010 10:25 PM
Just a slight adjustment to bring the similarities into focus:
naa[L]cp = national association for the advancement of [LIBERAL] colored people
NCAA = National Collegiate Athletic Association
and quisling apologists and appeasers for the ‘dead babies r us’ crowd.
yor bro ken
Obama Scolds Rep. Cantor At Summit For Paper Prop
“These are the kinds of political things we do that prevent us from actually having a conversation.”
WASHINGTON (AP) – President Barack Obama scolded Virgina Republican Rep. Eric Cantor for the stack of paper he brought with him to the health summit, calling it the type of political stunt that gets in the way of lawmakers having a serious conversation.
Cantor said he brought a copy of the 2,400-page Senate bill and the 11-page proposal Obama posted online earlier in the week.
your whole ‘health care summit’ is/was a ‘prop’.
At the very least it was just more ‘face time’ for you.
You get the award for taling the most and saying the least.
yor bro ken
Speaker Nancy Pelosi at the health summit: “It’s about jobs. In it’s life, it [the health bill] will create 4 million jobs — 400,000 jobs almost immediately.”
End of life counselors?
Death panelists?
Hearse manufacturers?
Grave diggers?
Are these the shovel ready jobs that B.O. promised us?
yor bro ken
Ken’s breakfast break:
A lady traffic reporter who’s broadcast future can only be brighter after this refreshingly blunt observations about nudists.
There are no purient photos or obscene language, just candidly comical comments.
yor bro ken
Ken @ 6:33AM,
Don’t forget pencil-pushing healthcare bureaucrats who know little to nothing about providing medical care and whose salaries (MUCH higher than ours) will be paid for by “we the people” of this great nation.
Lord, please help us get this right.