Sunday funnies 3-14-10
It was hard, but here are my top 5 picks for the week.
First, this cartoon by Michael Ramirez at is attracting lots of attention, good and bad…
… although it’s not so different than this one, by Chan Lowe at, the point being Obama is asking Democrats who vote for socialized healthcare to commit political suicide for the cause, him…
by Bob Gorrell at…
by Eric Allie at…
by Glenn McCoy at…

Here’s an article at ProLife ProPatria discussing Obama’s personal views on the “non-substantive” and “ideological” divides in Congress. I think it tells quite a bit about his current outlook on the questions of healthcare reform.
The first one really nails it.
The Democrats aren’t stupid. They’re looking at the long-term gains.
You may have a point. Keep in mind the very best and brilliant minds in Germany followed Hitler over a cliff, also looking at long term gains.
Posted by: Jon at March 14, 2010 9:15 AM
“The Democrats aren’t stupid.”
Now that is a joke!
Progressive/liberal/humanist DemocRATS [pardon the repetitive redundancies.] are ‘STUPID’ and they decieve themselves into believing that those who disagree with them are incapable of understanding what they are saying and doing.
yor bro ken
B.O.’s words are as equally empty as the suit he is wearing.
yor bro ken
What I mean is they’re thinking in terms of the long-term political gains for the Democrat party and the easy living and entitlements for their own generation (who cares about the children and grandchildren?).
Terrorism isn’t funny.
The democRAT leadership is not thinking about anything but fundamentally changing a constitutional republic into a socialistic nanny state where that same leadership will be the more than equal ‘haves’ and everyone else the much less than equal ‘have nots’.
It is about using raw political power to control the ‘less equals’.
‘hellth scare’ is only a scam to implement their socialist agenda.
Progressive/liberal/democRATS are not only ‘stupid’, they are fools.
Bart Stupak has not yet awakened to the reality that the party he once believed in and belonged is no more.
As Ronald Reagan put it, “I did not leave the democRAT party, the democRAT party left me.”
The JFK of the 60’s would not be welcome in the democRAT party of today. Kennedy would find himself at odds with both the social and the fiscal policies of the democRAT leadership.
yor bor ken
yor bro ken
Here is a link for you.
Audio’s of some of Ronald Reagans most memorable speeches.
yor bro ken
“I would want to be free to attack the character of President Clinton — but this guy [Obama], he gives every indication of being a decent guy,” – Richard Land, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission.
Hi guys. Miss me?
I have noted your absence.
I would be interested in knowing the ‘context’ of that one quote by Richard Land.
I know something of Mr. Land and I do not believe he would knowingly endorse anyone as liberal and as abortion friendly as B.O..
I doubt Mr. Land would endorse B.O.’s theology or the theology of B.O.’s former pastor of 20 years, Jeremiah Wright.
Mr. Land might have said something like, “B.O. seems to be a moral guy compared to Bill Clinton.”
I am pretty sure Mr. Land, having the benefit of several more years of observation, would not refer to B.O. as a ‘decent guy’!
Land would be more likely to observe, ‘B.O. makes Jimmy Carter look like good baptist and a great president.’
yor bro ken
Here’s the context:
It’s easy to overstate the depth of concern on the part of social conservatives. Fischer, Perkins, and other figures were quick to add that they feel an affinity for the tea party movement.
“The reason for it is fundamentally secular, but a lot of people involved in it are not secular,” said Richard Land, the president of the Southern Baptist Convention’s Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission. “I don’t see the tea party movement as a threat at all — I see it as additional allies and fellow travelers.”
But while Land and other Christians sympathize with the movement’s limited-government focus, they have been repelled by another aspect of the contemporary right: The vitriolic attacks on Obama.
A prominent Atlanta evangelical public relations man, Mark DeMoss, recently wrote Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele to denounce as “shameful” a fundraising presentation obtained by POLITICO that advised appealing to “fear” and portrayed Obama as the sinister Joker from Batman, over the word “Socialism” — an image drawn from a poster popular at tea party events.
Land said liberals can be equally faulted for demonizing Sarah Palin, but said that if he were an RNC donor, he’d stop giving.
“What [liberal blogs] do with Sarah is just really unacceptable and dastardly, but that doesn’t mean we should respond in kind,” he said. Obama, he said “provides a tremendously positive role model for tens of millions of African-American men” and “seems demonstrably fond of his wife and children, which is a positive role model for people of all ethnicities.”
“I would want to be free to attack the character of President Clinton — but this guy, he gives every indication of being a decent guy,” Land said.
Been a while…welcome back Hal!
Here are some more recent observations from Mr. Land concerning B.O..
One of the leaders of the nation’s influential Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) tells Newsmax that President Obama is “very dangerous” in his economic policies and his foreign policy is causing “severe damage” to U.S. standing in the world.
“I think [Obama] can be particularly dangerous,” Land said. “I think he can do significant damage to our economy; I think he is doing significant damage to our economy …The stimulus package has clearly not worked.”
“And on many of the most important issues we deal with as a society, God does have a side,” Land said. “God’s not a Democrat; God’s not a Republican, but God’s pro-life.”
“Religious groups need to maintain their integrity and the truth of their principles,” Land said.
Land, speaking to the Christian Coalition of Florida during a Sept. 26 banquet, blasted President Barack Obama and congressional Democrats, remarking, “I want to put it to you bluntly. What they are attempting to do in health care, particularly in treating the elderly, is not something like what the Nazis did. It is precisely what the Nazis did. Let’s remember, the first 10,000 victims of the Holocaust were not Jews, they were mentally handicapped German children who were gassed and burned in ovens because they were considered to have…lives unworthy of life.”
I am through with this witness for now, but reserve the right to recall him at a later date.
yor bro ken
Land was being magnanimous toward B.O. in the first months of his administration.
Land was careful to qualify his observations by using the word ‘seems’.
No reasonable person would argue against the notion that B.O.’s election as president for Irish/Kenyan Americans that anything is possible if they are accomplished liars and have the liberal lame scream media covering for them.
B.O. has demonstrated, that given the right set of circumstances, being able to read convincingly from a teleprompter might be enough for even a non-citizen to win an election.
But having the benefit of both experiencing and observing a of a year of B.O.’s dithering, dallying and bumbling, American citizens, casting their ballots today, might produce a completely different outcome at the polls, even against a weak presidential candidate like a former Naval Officer like Jimmy Carter or John Kerry or John McCain.
yor bro ken
“President Obama was the most radically pro-choice candidate of a major party in American history and pledged to Planned Parenthood that he would never back down on this issue,” said [RIchard] Land.
But B.O. seems to be a good family man, so everything is perfect in paradise…. NOT!
Come on HAL.
Get your groove back and get your game face on.
yor bro ken
Ken’s quote from Land is not surprising. A lot of people who once supported Obama, taken up in all of the messiah stuff, are now seeing the real Obama–the one the MSM failed to report, the one we tried to warn them about. They are now disillusioned and demoralized.
From Hal at 12.37: “…they have been repelled by another aspect of the contemporary right: The vitriolic attacks on Obama.” This is another trick being played on the American public by the MSM. They paint with broad strokes and report as fact a contrivance, a caricature of the tea party movement. Oh yes, they can find a few inarticulate types (their favorite right wingers) to parade out there as fodder for consumption by those unwilling or unable to see the reality of it all.
Hal, are you still in denial or have you come to the realization that the “unwanted” pregnancy you chose to destroy was another human life?
Hal, are you still in denial or have you come to the realization that the “unwanted” pregnancy you chose to destroy was another human life?
Posted by: truthseeker at March 14, 2010 2:23 PM
Are those my only two options?
Jerry 1:37PM
Exactly. I have pointed out time and again the ability of the sociopath to manipulate and deceive. To put on the facade he/she needs We have all been taken in by one at sometime in our lives as were the people you mention.
What’s encouraging is the messianic trance seems to have run its course.
This terrorist cartoon is so accurate. Obama will destroy whatever and whoever stands in his path to control of health care. Unfortunately, too many people are ready to destroy themselves.
Excellent posts, thank you.
I like Hal very much and hope that I am seeing signs that Hal may be emerging from his messianic trance. It may be slow and drawn out, but progress is progress.
Yes I missed you. Always good to see you.
Hal, those are the only two options I am aware of unless the baby was non-human or dead before you killed him/her.
Welcome home Hal. Pull up by the fire and grab a coffee.
Sadly, this about sums it up.
Thanks Professor. No time for coffee or debate, however. I’ll check in again soon.
For your info the Church which belongs to Jesus Christ started the University/Education system and the Hospital/Health Care system in this country, not to mention used the teachings of Christ to influence our government system.
The world (the godlessness which is now our government) has taken that which was a product of the Kingdom of God and transferred it to the Kingdom of Darkness.
Now it’s time for us (the body of Christ) to take it back. How do we do it? By presenting Christ to the world as He is; compassionate, gracious, patient, full of loving kindness, reliable, bearing the weight of sin, etc.
By the way, I’ve been relatively absent from blogging as I am now working on my doctorate.
Dr Phil :) Has a nice ring, eh?
Hmm, I doubt the Department of Homeland Security would find that cartoon very funny…
LOL Fed Up :D
I just came back from a trip to Washington DC with some band students from Central Illinois.
I purposely spent most of a day in the Holocaust Museum in Washinton.
Like the Holocaust, the initial abuses came through the government and the medical systems via political gains.
Like the Holocaust, certain people were thought to be ‘inferior’ and useless and a drag on the system.
Like the Holocaust, certain people with power took advantage with those with little or no power.
Like the Holocaust, to improve things economically, certain services were not extended to certain groups of humans, and in the end, those who could not defend themselves and had no voice had their rights stripped from them.
Some lost their lives – (like the disabled, homosexuals, the mentally afflicted and the disenfranchised).
In the cover of the medical system – those people simply disappeared and did not ‘take up resources from the society.’
The rage at the economic situation and the rise of the Nazi party gave a platform to the unthinkable.
And we have the results.
While abortion eliminates the baby and hurts the mom, it is also trying to eliminate future government spending for welfare, and government and medical services to the poor and needy.
It started simply, and like smoke — polluted the whole system. The people at the top had an agenda, and the followers had no idea of the end-game or the extent that the government would go to eliminate ‘the problem.’
While the hatred of the Germans was mainly focused on the Jews… gypsies, gays, disabled, mentally challenged, Jehovah’s Witnesses and others were routinely experimented on and killed.
I am amazed that we are in this mess – 20 or 25 years ago the contents of this bill and agenda would be unthinkable.
While we do need health care reform, we do not need abortion or removal of health conscience clauses or any other immoral aspect to health care.
We must defeat this bill. We must turn the tide of economic decisions versus human dignity ones.
God help us all.
You may have a point. Keep in mind the very best and brilliant minds in Germany followed Hitler over a cliff, also looking at long term gains.”
Mary, eariler up the page.
No they didn’t? Einstein left the country while he still could, and he was by far the smartest of the bunch! And what long term gains are you talking about? As a side note, at the end of the war, America and Russia played snatch and grab at the end of the war over the top German rocket scientists, and we got Werner Von Braun, Germany’s preeminent rockect scientist, who then Lead America’s rocket development for at least the next 20 years. So without these brialliant minds who supposedly “fell off the cliff with hitler” we’d have never had the nuclear stockpile that kept Russia from being the biggest kid on the block.