UPDATE, 6:55p: The Schindler family has issued a press release.
11:51a: Last night’s episode of Family Guy opened with a truly shocking scene: a preschool school play entitled, “Terri Schiavo, The Musical.” Watch the 1st 5 minutes, and see for yourself. WARNING: Vulgar…

The rest of the episode sounds just as shocking, although I didn’t watch past the guy cutting off his arm….

This is the same television series that had an abortion episode canceled in August 2009. Creator Seth MacFarlane’s goal is get buzz by being offensive.
terri schiavo the musical.pngBobby Schindler, who called to tell me about this Family Guy episode, said, “This just validates what our family has been saying from the beginning: There is a deep rooted prejudice against people with these types of brain injuries. And it’s why killing these people is being accepted more and more every day… by our culture and our nation.”
This offensiveness isn’t confined to television shows. Bobby told me about the following YouTube video wherein a father teaches his children to mock Terri, apparently during Thanksgiving dinner, as his video is entitled, “Terri Schiavo at Thanksgiving.” In many ways this video is more shocking than the Family Guy episode, because it’s reality…

Ugh, ugh, ugh. I cannot even comprehend the parental mind…
schiavo showdown 3.jpgAs the Terri Schindler Schiavo Foundation reminds us, five years ago today was “Day 5 of Judge George Greer’s court ordered slow death by starvation and dehydration of Terri.” Terri died on March 31. Don’t forget Terri’s Day. Also don’t forget The Terri Schiavo Life & Hope Concert on April 11 in Indianapolis. I’ll be there.

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