Komen giving to Planned Parenthood down by 10%
UDPATE, 12:20p: Someone on Facebook asked if Komen’s overall revenue was down in 2009. Good question. Here’s what I found, from it’s 2008-09 annual report (click to enlarge):
Komen brought in almost $22 million less, or 6% less, in 2009 than it made in 2008. So Planned Parenthood took a slightly bigger cut from Komen than Komen did from donors….
10:18a: I was just researching for a speech I’m giving tomorrow on the abortion-breast cancer link and noticed that the Susan G. Komen Foundation decreased its giving to Planned Parenthood by 10% from 2008 to 2009. That’s not much, but it may be an indication their bond is weakening….
When I wrote my March 31 WorldNetDaily.com column, “Planned Parenthood deepens link to breast-cancer group,” Komen’s Message Points stated, “For our fiscal year ’08, Komen Affiliates contributed nearly $805,000 to Planned Parenthood programs.”
The updated Message Points now state: “For our fiscal year ’09, Komen Affiliates contributed $731,000 to Planned Parenthood programs.”
That represents a $74,000 decrease, or just about 10%.
Both Message Points stated the giving amounted to “less than 1 (one) percent of the total granted by Affiliates that year.”
“Nearly” was a positive adverb that has been removed, although it may not have been germane. I think there were other subtle changes made to the verbiage of the new Message Points to distance Komen from PP but can’t find a cached older version. For instance, I don’t recall the old version stating this was a “very, very” small percentage. If someone else can find the previous version, it would sure be appreciated.

I hope you have a great turnout for tomorrow’s speech. It will be an important learning experience for the attendees.
While organizing sports tournaments promoted as “For the Cure”, Athletic Directors in high schools and colleges across the country may not realize that a percentage of the monies raised for Komen are being donated to Planned Parenthood. Pro-life parents would be smart to contact their children’s schools to let them know that the school is indirectly supporting PP with these kinds of events.
Shocking! Almost a million dollars goes to Planned Parenthood. Don’t they get enought of our money from the government. Again, shocking!
Donating to planned parenthood is horrible, yes. And how about the fact that we are looking in the wrong direction for “the cure?” There is no cure, only natural living that doesn’t put us in the disease state. Seems like a lot of money is going to the wrong organizations.