cannes logo.png22Weeks director Ángel Soto has announced his 28-minute film about an abandoned abortion survivor will be featured in the Short Films Corner (currently spotlighted on pg 25 but keeps moving up as films are added) at the 2010 Cannes Film Festival May 12-23….

22Weeks cannes.pngThis is quite a breakthrough.
22Weeks dramatizes the true story of a mother whose baby was horrifically aborted alive on April 5, 2005, at an Orlando abortion mill.
Mill workers turned ambulance workers away at the door, who the mother had called for help from the bathroom where she delivered when staff refused to give her baby emergency medical care.
Pro-lifers are not the only ones who find 22Weeks compelling. According to Cannes, 22Weeks won: “Angel Awards 2009; won Silver Angel Telly Awards 2009; won Bronze Telly Redemptive Film Festival 2009; won Best Storytelling 2do FICCAG 2009; won Best Int’ Short, Best Nat’ Short, People’s Choice.”
This is great news. The horror of late-term abortions and abandoned survivors will now reach a worldwide audience.
Well deserved congratulations to Ángel.
[HT: Angele]

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