Breaking: Planned Parenthood Golden Gate and its 7 clinics lose affiliation
The August 6 Bay Citizen article’s title and subtitle pretty much say it all: “Planned Parenthood Golden Gate loses affiliation: National organization cuts Bay Area group off due to management problems.”
This is big news. PPGG is the most renowned if not biggest Planned Parenthood Federation of America affiliate to fall to date.
For backdrop, when PPFA severed ties with PP of South Palm Beach and Broward Counties in June 2008, the Sun-Sentinel reported:
It’s only the second time in 90 years that a chapter has been expelled; the first was 10 years ago in Hawaii.
So this makes the 3rd. I noted on December 10, 2009, that PPGG had shut down its online store and wasn’t offering its Hanukkah “choice” cards that year either. Those were apparently signs of trouble in the offing.
Ah, memories. Who can forget PPGG’s “A Superhero for choice,” the cartoon it produced in August 2005 showing pro-aborts blowing up and decapitating pro-lifers? PPGG quickly tried to remove the cartoon off the net after pro-lifers roundly criticized it, but nothing ever truly disappears off the net…
Like I said, memories. Anyway, here’s the dish, via Bay Citizen:
PPGG will be a PP no more as of Sept. 3.
A week ago, the board of PPFA voted to revoke the trademark. “They were not meeting our standards for administrative and fiscal management,” said Karen Ruffato, VP of affiliate services [who also shut down the aforementioned FL PP affiliate]….
The local nonprofit operates 7 health centers with locations in San Francisco, Sonoma, Marin, Alameda and San Mateo counties. It provides health care services, including abortion….
Affiliates of the national organization use its medical standards and guidelines, educational materials and collective buying power to get better rates on supplies, like contraceptives, as well as the name. Without the PP affiliation, PPGG currently plans to keep running its clinics in Hayward, Oakland, San Francisco, San Rafael, Rohnert Park and San Mateo.
“We will continue our operations at all of our 7 sites,” said Therese Wilson, interim CEO of PPGG. “… We are working really hard to keep our doors open…” The service is now holding a contest among its staff to come up with a new name.
PPFA has assigned those counties now served by PPGG to 2 of its affiliates that operate in the region, PP Shasta-Diablo… and PP Mar Monte….
It’s possible that PP Shasta-Diablo and PP Mar Monte will open new clinics in those counties or take over some of PPGG’s, but no such plans have yet been finalized. “We are in open discussion and communication with the other affiliates,” said Wilson.
With roots dating back to 1923, a number of local PP services… merged under the Golden Gate umbrella in 1996.
In recent years, the group has struggled financially.
The recession has cut its fundraising revenue in half, according to Wilson. The CA state budget quagmire is adding to the pain, since, starting this month, PPGG will not get reimbursements from the state for Medi-Cal until a state budget is approved, which could take weeks or months. “This causes us to go deeper into reserves already critically depleted due to past budget delays,” Wilson wrote in an e-mail.
But the interim CEO, who has been serving since January 2010, said that some of the current crisis has been of PPGG’s own making. “To exacerbate these problems, over the past 3 to 4 years PP was not as attentive to its financial situation as it should have been. The result is the organization now finds itself in a desperate financial circumstance,” Wilson wrote. PPGG is now attempting a “turnaround,” she wrote, having cut expenses and increased revenue since January.

Gotta love how pro-lifers are portrayed as mindless zombies in the cartoon. Oh and did anyone else catch it? I think the lady said her super-hero name was Dioyonsis, which in Greek Mythology is the god of wine and debauchery. I could’ve heard wrong, but if it is that name, then it’s even more ironic than I thought. Super-powered condoms that knock out pro-lifers…uh, okay. Yeah, and condoms are only like 80-90 percent effective.
Also, it would appear there’s a lot of pro-abort politicians who believe themselves to be above the law as well.
Oh yeah and the pro-lifer who’s portrayed as a shifty man with that stereotypical mustache. And that girl who says “Well, I’m choosing not to get STDs.” HA HA…like a person can choose not to get them.
Did they forget to mention the choice that defines them most; “they choose to kill their offspring”.
Perhaps I’m wrong, but with PP’s missing public money in the news, this announcement’s timing seems a little too coincidental. Throwing PPGG under the bus may be PP cutting off a cancerous appendage? Not meeting the standards for fiscal and administrative management?? Sounds like the upper ranks are feeling the heat. Is this a desperate measure to save someone’s bacon on the PP Executive Board?
This prolonged economic nightmare, of all things, may be PP’s undoing. Their services don’t generate enough revenue to sustain the business. And now people just don’t have the money to help finance murdering babies and pumping teens full of estrogen. Delicious, isn’t it?!
You do give me pause to wonder if PPGG was involved in some of the illegal shenanigans of overcharging the state for Medicaid payments. Hm.
Thanks, Jill- I needed some good news tonight! :o)
I think Jill nailed it — they were doing something illegal that threatened to take down the entire PPFA organization, so they had to go.
Though, of course, it might still turn out to be garden-variety “It’s not our money; let’s just piss it away without any accountability.”
Here is the story from CNS regarding the whistleblower who brought Planned Parenthood’s illegal billing practices to the attention of the gov’t after he was fired for bringing it to the attention of his superiors at Planned Parenthood. (Oh, for more disgruntled employees!)
Emphasis mine.
“The effect of this at [Planned Parenthood-Los Angeles] is overcharging the State of California and self-pay patients approximately $2,000,000 per year,” the lawsuit alleges. “This has been going on for a number of years, and is prevalent with all the other California [Planned Parenthood] affiliates. As a result, the overcharging exceeds $10,000,000 per year.”
Mother In Texas
August 10th, 2010 at 1:45 am
Nope, she definitely said her superhero name was Dionysus. How astonishingly un-fitting.
Wow. How incredibly DEPRAVED would you have to be to make that cartoon?
American Life League covered the California story some time ago in a video. No mention of PPGG, though. One can suspect most California PPs may have been guilty of the same.
I’m not popping the champagne yet. The clinics can try to stay open; they’re not closed. Hopefully they will all close one day.
Just wondering if anyone noticed that the “superhero” had a striking resemblance to the devil? An unintended yet interesting coincidence starting at 4:28.
The truth always shines through!
I have to agree with everyone – PP trying to disassociate with the problem clinics – and those clinics are not closed…. you’d think though, that if they are found guilty of the charges, at the time they were operating they were PP clinics. We’ll see!
I just wish they would close, period.
Ironically here in Champaign Illinois one of the free medical clinics closed down (I think due to lack of funds) while our local PP is raking in $$ from United Way and their other sources and are planning a renovation/expansion.
So a free health clinic closes and PP is still profiting and stays open. Go figure.
This caught my eye: ” our local PP is raking in $$ from United Way “…
When I started here at my current job…I was made aware that the company is very big on donating a portion of your salary (voluntarily, of course) to United Way efforts.
I Googled “United Way” and PP and voila, there were several links from several cities across the US confirming the ‘donations’.
I mentioned this to the United way volunteer asking for my salary-deducted donation and stated I would not be able to donate anything that supports PP….and she said, ‘oh, you may be able to specifically state where your donation goes’..yeah, right..we know how that works.
She also stated, ‘we don’t donate to PP here in Chicago’…but they do in NY , in Toronto..etc., what’s the diff?
This just means they lost their affiliation. They will change top level staff, fix complaints and re-apply to PPFA in 6 months to a year. As for that video… that’s some of the worst PR I have seen in a while. I guess I can see where they might have thought that would play well in San Francisco but the internet goes a little farther than just California. I really don’t get the Greek myth reference. When she said her name my reaction was “What does wine and music have to do with anything” and Dionysus was a male and the brother of Apollo???
PPGG will be back after a few changes simply because of its location. PPFA won’t just write off most of California.
I did find this very distressing article about twins who were aborted two months apart, which was done at Planned Parenthood Golden Gate. This may explain some of their “mismanagement” and “financial distress”.
<a href=””> Twin Babies Aborted </a>
Here is an excerpt from that article:
“Suffering from uncontrollable crying and haunting visions, a California woman won a lawsuit against a Planned Parenthood clinic for a 1997 “botched abortion” that left one of her twin unborn children alive. The second baby was aborted more than two months later, when the woman – – after repeatedly being told that everything was normal – – discovered she was still pregnant.” The second baby had already lost two limbs when his/her mother aborted the first twin.
How bad do you have to be to warrant being considerned no longer acceptable for even the Ku Klux Klan.
You so baaaad when you was birthed the doc slapped yo mamma.
Looks like even the ‘dead babies r us’ folks have a standard for inappropriate and unacceptable behavior.
At least they give the appearances of having a standard.
Dis-establish and de-fund pp now.
No more tax dollars for pp.
Remove pp from the public teat.
Get pp’s snout out of the welfare trough.
Keep pp’s blood stained and sticky fingers out of my wallet.
Break her plate and tell pp it’s time to get out and make it on her own.
No more free lunches for pp.
If pp can’t support herself then pull the plug and let her slip quietly, and hopefully quickly, into that deep dark night.
Some holy water, a silver bullet, a well placed wooden stake and/or crucifix should do the trick.
Just tell me where pp’s grave will be so I can urinate on it frequently.
Wynette I’m a little confused about that story. Did she know she was pregnant with twins and went in to have them both aborted or just one of them? Obviously something went very wrong and I would say she has a good case.
PPFA won’t bring them back until they do some massive house cleaning which they will do and we will see them back in PPFA in a year or so. They will have to go thought the PPFA accreditation process again before they could be cleared. However let’s keep this in prospective, malpractice suits happen every day, in every single branch of the medical field, and lawyers ALWAYS over state the physical and mental damages because they get a third of the final settlement.
Note that in a court of law they are referred to as “Fetuses” not baby, child, or person….
I have another perspective. When a few malpractice suits are won against PP, the hearts of moms who aborted will begin to heal, some tears will be shed and then they will decide maybe it’s time to get some justice in civil courts. And then when abortion providers regardless of their affiliations start experiencing some civil justice maybe they will begin to see the error of their ways. I’m thinking they are counting on the fact that once a victim always a victim and aren’t able to see women getting angry enough at their losses to really start shaking their (abortion providers) house of doo doo. Once the doo doo really hits the proverbial fan or their house of cards begans to fall they will have a better understanding of the power of women.
Um Myrtle… Abortion is an elective surgery. No one holds a woman down and performs an abortion. If women have a problem with the surgery they CHOOSE to have done that is their own problem. It’s like Kayne West’s mom, she was told not to have another plastic surgery done because it could kill her. Doctor after doctor told her no. Finally she found some crackpot who said yes and she died. I feel no sorrow for her at all. She made that choice. If a woman regrets her abortion that’s sad but it was still her choice. Also I sometimes think that women who “regret their abortions” are looking for attention and sympathy. It’s easy to look back 10 years ago and say I shouldn’t have done that. We all do it because we can see how things turned out. Hindsight is in fact 20/20 but at the time they didn’t have the benefit of knowing what they know 10 years later. Had they not had the abortion their lives would certainly have been different but that does not mean necessarily mean better. Most women make what they think is the best decision for them and their families at the time. Funny thing about regret, you can regret something that was the right decision too you know. 10 years ago I sold my 64′ Chevy Impala 2 door hardtop with 34000 original miles on it. I have regretted that decision every weekend since. But the money I got from it paid my parents mortgage for almost a year while my dad recovered from his cancer surgery which I don’t regret.
You are wrong, Biggz. I have friends who were held down by the “nurses” in the abortion clinic and forcibly aborted all while they were crying and screaming and begging the abortionist to STOP!!! It has happened.
64% of abortions are coerced. That is not choice.
My. My. Your compassion for those that have had abortions and been hurt by them is breathtaking. Go you.
Yes. You are correct I only tell my abortion story for attention and sympathy. ::eyeroll::
But you equating regretting the killing of my own child to your Chevy Impala saga was quite amusing. Thanks.
Take heart my dear!! Operation Outcry has the world’s largest body of evidence about the pain of abortion. Women and men have filled out declarations that are used in prolife legislation and it is only a matter of time before they are filed as friend of the court briefs in a case.
Wow. Just wow. Chevy Impala sale regret = abortion (killing of one’s own offspring) regret.
Jaw-droppingly absurd.
LOL you guys lol I wasn’t equating the two I was demonstrating the different aspects of regret. I regret putting my dog to sleep, she meant the world to me, but it was the right thing to do.
Carla – You’re lying. 64% huh… ok. I would love to see what ridiculously slanted study came up with those stats. If you want to believe that women get held down and have abortions performed against their wills…., well I guess that would amplify your need for attention and sympathy in your own mind… If you choose to shoot yourself in the foot how can you be a victim of gun violence? You might regret the decision to put a hole in your foot but you’re still not a victim. Women who get raped are victims, children who are subjected to incest are victims, young people who contract a disease from a lying partner are victims, and they all go to PP to get treated. You are not a victim, you are someone who regrets the choice she made and wishes to take that choice away from everyone else because you know what best for everyone… That’s called Fascism.
The only time I have even heard of such a thing is when a woman tries to change her mind half way through the surgery, in which case it is necessary because the pregnancy is already terminated and sudden movements by the patient while instrument are inserted can cause serious damage. You cannot change your mind half way through ANY internal surgery. Why would a doctor risk his license to practice medicine for what a $400 abortion? Those 8 years at med school were just for a good time anyway….. or do doctors just hate “babies” that much…. No, the answer is you guys demonize anyone who performs abortions as evil murderers, but the truth is that they are caring health professionals who believe a woman’s life and freedom comes first, long before any children she might have in the future.
At PP the woman is separated from all family and spouse at the beginning of her appointment specifically so the clinic assist can make sure she is not being pressured into anything by her family or partner. After that she can be joined in the exam room by anyone she chooses. I have witnessed it myself in person.
That’s nice what you done to help you parents. O.K. so you loved your chevy impala pretend that before the need to sell it came up a master mechanic convinced you that your 64 chevy impala was in actuality a big hunk of metal. Even if you were really ignorant you would know better because you could see it. Well when doctors go to school before they graduate, have they not seen what a dead baby miscarried prematurely looks like. When they work on those cadaveres in the history of medicine do you not think they have seen at least one preborn baby that had not reached maturity? So to tell people it’s a bunch of cells that’s at the very least intellectual dishonesty. That’s how it was justified on a big lie that doctors and scientists knew to be a lie. So when women start holding individuals accountable I see nothing wrong with that. A baby is what they sold out.
Yes. I must be lying about the friends I have that were held down and forced to abort. I BELIEVE it because it is true.
Again with the attention and sympathy thing??? Really? I am not 11, Mr. Biggz.
I am also not a victim. I have learned much through 20 years of abortion recovery thank you very much and my story is irrefutable, Biggz. You can’t seem to wrap your brain around a young scared pregnant woman NOT wanting an abortion but feeling like she has no other choice, being lied to about a “bunch of cells” and then learning the hard truth! That is my story.
Don’t care a fig what you think about me or my story. Know this. I am not going anywhere. I will be here to refute your lies and half truths and your idiotic assumptions about what “abortion is really like.” Been there. Done that.
64% of abortions are coerced.
So you are either an abortionist or you paid for an abortion or you were just there to SUPPORT her right? Which is it?
Please prove to myself and others that I am a Facist. Resorting to name calling doesn’t become anyone btw.
Abortion hurt me and killed my daughter Aubrey. Aubrey was the victim. I will say it until the day I die.
Biggz–Well that’s lovely for you, but I’ve talked to someone who was forced into having an abortion. She felt she had no other choice, but she didn’t want the abortion at all. She told me she wouldn’t wish what she went through with the abortion and the guilt on her worst enemies.
I know women who have said they didn’t want to have the abortion but felt, “they didn’t have any other choice.” So, this is what the “pro-choice” movement has left us with. Women who think and believe, no matter what anyone else tells them that they have no other choice but to abort their baby–even if that’s not what they truly want to do.
Our society is so brainwashed. Sure, there’s resources available. Sure there’s contraceptives, but I know a woman who got pregnant on contraceptives who had an abortion. (I don’t approve of artificial birth control, I’m an NFP user myself and an advocate of chastity with abstainence, but not everyone agrees with me on that). But there’s STILL women being lied to, forced, pressured and told they had no other choice.
I’ve heard of people who used to work for PP who said they pushed for abortions. Perhaps you’ve seen them separate the women to determine if they’re being forced, but based on other evidence, that that’s not always the case and based on evidence provided by Live Action, PP doesn’t give the whole truth by any stretch of the imagination.
I could easily believe Carla’s statistics, because the one thing I’ve noticed about Carla is that she’s done her research and she’s BEEN there. Her story proves she has at least some first-hand clue as to what’s REALLY going on out there.
It’s foolish of anyone to ignore what Carla and other people like her have to say. They know what happens, because they were on the receiving end. Maybe that’s not the way it is everywhere, but as someone once told me, “in every stereotype there’s a grain/basis of truth somewhere” so I’d imagine that in many places coercion to have abortion does exist even if it doesn’t at the exact location you’ve observed, it exists in enough places for people to know about it and be concerned about it.
It’s a serious mistake for society to ignore the cries of the women who have repented abortion and those who have exposed abortion for what it is.
Hello Mother in Texas,
I appreciate your comments very much! :) There is no mistaking the validity of an abortion story. The truth of abortion is horrifying. I have heard stories(I am a Rachel’s Vineyard facilitator)that leave me feeling sick inside. What women have endured for “choice” is beyond evil. I have held women in my arms that sobbed for hours. That is truth.
Biggz will ignore valid points and rip Live Action to shreds as a group and claim they EDIT all of their footage and then go on and on about their twisting of words. Biggz will not provide any evidence to the contrary, start the name calling and then never respond to the questions asked. That is the best he can do right now.
Well you know…verbal gymnastics has helped the pro-abortion agenda for years. Why stop now?
True that.
Waiting for someone to say WIRE HANGERS!!