(Prolifer)ations 8-20-10
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
- Pro Life Action League discusses how every pro-lifer can make a difference through boycotts. 2 past examples: Urban Outfitters and American Girl.
- ProWomanProLife invites readers to contribute to an upcoming talk about pro-life myths they have encountered.
- Wesley J. Smith points out how Princeton’s Prof. Peter Singer “lies by omission” as he tries to justify his comments about infanticide. Singer opts for quality of life over sanctity of life and sees death as preferable when the first is in doubt. He claims, “Since neither a newborn human infant nor a fish is a person, the wrongness of killing such beings is not as great as the wrongness of killing a person.”
- Sarah Flashing at Flash Point expresses shock that her blog has had visitors from the US Dept. of Justice. Is this accidental or are other conservative bloggers being monitored as well?
- Suzy B encourages readers to visit their action center to notify legislators of their disapproval of Sen. Roland Burris’ and the Senate Armed Services Committee’s decision to allow elective abortions at military hospitals.
Aug.20, 2010 3:30 pm |
Blogs |
Jill and mods are you aware there is a campaign by MoveOn.org to boycott Target because they gave contributions to a CA political candidate who was for traditional marriage? Does anyone know about this? Just wondering.
I know I heard about it. I thought of sending a letter to Target expressing my support and urging them to stand up to the radical left (who is currently threatening boycotts, pressuring for apologies and asking for equal sums of money to be donated to left-leaning groups). They’ll probably cave in and kowtow to the “PC police” though. I don’t know that it would do any good for me to email Target.
Thanks army wife. I wonder if it would help to send an email of support? I just don’t know.
1) Target stock has gone up since the boycott….
2) Yes, conservative blogs are monitored. Bob Parks over at black-and-right.com is constantly having visitors from the Justice Department (and other federal government departments).
A few years ago, the leader of the Australian Greens Party co-wrote a book with Peter Singer, who was also a candidate for parliament for the Greens party around the same time (thankfully, he didn’t win.) Can you imagine the policies of a political party that would write a book about their policies with, and put up as a candidate for election, Peter Singer?
Keeping that in mind, today is the Australian federal election, and the same Greens party is predicted to get a huge swing vote, perhaps even enough to hold the balance of power in the Senate.
The battle for Prime Minister is between an avowed childless atheist marriage-wrecking EMILY’s list founder, and a God-fearing, pro-life, pro-family married father of three. The EMILY’s list candidate has made an agreement with the Greens to help her gain power but hasn’t shared what it contains.
Please pray for Australia today. God’s will be done.
Anyone who lives in the northeast US is familiar with Wawa. A few years back they said they would give a donation to Planned Parenthood. I was one of many who called and expressed my dismay. I boycotted them (which was soooo hard because they have the best hoagies and coffees and the cheapest gas around!) but literally within a few weeks Wawa had lost so much money they announced they would NOT donate to PP.
I just called Gap about their support of PP and they were very nice about it and said they don’t personally give to PP but match donations of their employees and some of their employees give to PP and so they match that donation. I told them I understood but would still not be able to shop Gap and Old Navy in good conscience. Olive Garden and Red Lobster, Kohls, Ebay and Paypal are all on my boycott list now too. It sucks to have to boycott but how can anyone feel good spending money in a business that trickles your dollars to baby killers?
Michelle I will pray for Australia. Has there been a strong push to get conservatives, pro-life, pro-family people to vote in this election?
Thanks, PL. Voting is compulsory here so we have a 99% turnout at the polls- the push has been convincing pro-life people to vote for the pro-life candidates.
There are a lot of people who have fallen for the Greens dishonest portrayal of their policies because they are more concerned about the environment and refugees than the 100,000 innocent little Aussies who lose their lives to abortion each year (and all the damage that brings to their parents and our community,) so much so that they would give their vote to a party that champions the causes of death. We call the Greens the Watermelon Party- green on the outside but red in the middle, for their Socialist (and very anti-Christian) policies and the bloodshed that those cause.
Australia covets your prayers today.
I also will pray for Australia. I believe in good environmental policies but I don’t believe killing unborn babies has anything to do with good environmental policies. What I learned in environmental science is that populations reach carrying capacity at which point population growth stabilizes. Hopefully the tide will change and pro-life candidates will be elected.
Olive Garden and Red Lobster, Kohls, Ebay and Paypal are all on my boycott list now too.
There’s an updated post on ProLifeBlogs.com with an email from Kohl’s stating they don’t support Planned Parenthood. They’ve given money to Komen. http://www.prolifeblogs.com/articles/archives/2010/08/newly_identifie_1.php
Haha! We don’t give money to planned parenthood, we only give money to komen who gives the money to planned parenthood….
What a tangled web is weaved.
ninek, that was my thought as well.