Abortionist pleads guilty of manslaughter for 2007 patient death; sentenced today
UPDATE, 4:35p: From the Associated Press, this afternoon… also indicates civil suit was settled for $2 million…
[Osathanondh] was sentenced Tuesday to 6 months in jail….
He pleaded guilty Monday, just as his trial was about to begin.
Under a sentencing recommendation that prosecutors and Osathanondh’s attorneys agreed to, he was sentenced to 6 months, but will be eligible for parole after serving 4 months. His jail term will be followed by 9 months of home confinement with electronic monitoring….
He did not speak in court Tuesday, but his lawyer, Paul Cirel, said Osathanondh had expressed “most profound remorse and regret for Laura Smith’s death.”
Cirel said Osathanondh came to the United States in the 1960s and had performed thousands of safe abortions before Smith’s death.
“This is regrettably – terribly – the one complication, the one problem that ever came up in his practice,” Cirel said.
David Angueira, an attorney who represented Smith’s family in a medical malpractice lawsuit, said the case was settled Tuesday for $2 million.
Eileen Smith was asked by a reporter if she was happy to see Osathanondh taken away in handcuffs to begin serving his sentence.
“Nobody won. Laura got justice, but it’s a tragedy all the way around,” she said.
9:15a: Read yesterday’s backstory here. According to the Cape Code Times, today:
On the 3rd anniversary of her death, the doctor who performed an abortion on Laura Hope Smith (pictured right) admitted that his actions led to her death while she was under his care.
Yesterday in Barnstable Superior Court, with Smith’s parents looking on, Dr. Rapin Osathanondh, 67, pleaded guilty to involuntary manslaughter.
Smith, 22, never awoke after undergoing the procedure at the Women’s Health Center in Hyannis on Sept. 13, 2007.
The guilty plea followed an agreement between Cape and Islands 1st Asst. District Attorney Brian Glenny and defense attorneys….
For several hours yesterday, the lawyers negotiated back and forth…. Throughout the day Glenny frequently stopped to discuss matters with Smith’s parents, Tom and Eileen Smith.
Osathanondh faced a possible 20 years in state prison. But the recommended sentence, endorsed by prosecutor and defense, calls for less time in jail.
He is scheduled to be sentenced today in Superior Court.
If [Superior Court Judge Gary] Nickerson approves that sentence – and there was nothing yesterday to suggest the judge would not – Osathanondh will serve 3 months in a county jail, 9 months under home confinement with an electronic monitoring device, and 3 years of probation. Additionally, under the terms of this plea agreement, he must not practice medicine, nor teach.
Osathanondh was allowed 24 hours between pleading guilty and being sentenced in order to make arrangements for settling the civil suit in that case. An agreement in the civil case was also reached yesterday…. Smith’s mother filed the suit… not long after her daughter’s death. The terms of the civil suit settlement were not released yesterday.
Osathanondh, who resigned his license to practice medicine in 2008, spoke in a soft voice, admitting his guilt after he heard Nickerson recite the definition of involuntary manslaughter as a “wanton or reckless act,” or “failure to act” in such a way that it creates “a grave risk to others.”
Smith, who was born in Honduras, was raised and educated on Cape Cod following her adoption by Tom and Eileen Smith. She had studied cosmetology… and was 13 weeks pregnant when she went to the clinic to terminate her pregnancy.
Osathanondh, an obstetrician and a research associate at the Harvard School of Public Health, was accused of failing to monitor Smith while she was under anesthesia and failing to call 911 in a timely fashion when he could not rouse her after the procedure.
Additionally, following their own investigation, the state board of medicine found Osathanondh lied repeatedly to his staff about the incident, telling them he gave Smith oxygen, monitored her pulse and claimed he and his assistant were certified in advanced cardiac life support.
[HT: Operation Rescue]
Osathanondh will serve 3 months in a county jail, 9 months under home confinement with an electronic monitoring device, and 3 years of probation.
And at the end of that light sentence Laura will miraculously be alive again right? What a joke. This is not justice. Laura and her baby are still dead.
I know God will use this story to save other lives. I know there has already been, and will be a more women who are thinking of abortion and will remember Laura and change their minds.
That’s right Carla. Women matter little more to abortionists than their babies. They matter even less to the same judiciary that embraces this barbarism.
This Massachusetts man is getting 4 years!! Silly me. He killed rabbits.
“Thousands of safe, legal abortions”!? It’s likely if the neglect and carelessness was this severe that it wasn’t an oops, one time mess-up, but rather it’s been an ongoing issue for some time and he may of had other patients with complications or who observed gross negligence or carelessness, but didn’t report him, and this time he got caught.
And he was associated with Harvard? How is abortion safe again??
What do you have to say about these shoddy abortion providers pro-choicers – Hal, Ashley H., Danielle, KushieIsMoon, Megan, Operation Counterstrike, etc.
Five’ll get you ten none of them will even comment on this, Rachel. Pro aborts like them suddenly vanish into thin air when one of their “heroes” gets busted. They can’t stand the truth about abortion and will defend it till the cows come home.
I wouldn’t say this man is a “hero” to anybody. The bottom line is that it was a surgical procedure, and something went wrong, AS WITH EVERY SURGICAL PROCEDURE, there are risks. No need to point fingers at “pro aborts” or Think you’re all high and mighty because you’re against this man’s profession.
No. The bottom line is that this man, in addition to killing the unborn baby, was reckless and irresponsible and negligent in his treatment of the mother who also ended up dead in the process. Now 2 people are dead…and all he gets is this insane minimal sentence.
WHERE is the outrage from the pro-aborts about this? There won’t be any…because they DON’T CARE. It’s all about keeping the “choice” out there and keeping a blind eye to the scum who make up this “profession” and pretend everything about abortion is just hunk dory.
Funny how we never see the pro-aborts kicking and screaming and making a fuss when an abortionist gets busted.
A baby almost ALWAYS dies in Abortion! when a woman is pregnant, there are TWO patients
So no outrage over a 6 month jail sentence for a man who killed a woman and her child?
So not surprised.
Business as usual for the proaborts.
Hi Rachael,
Do you think Laura was told that one of the risks to her was death? Or that her unborn innocent child would be killed? Do you think she was shown the ultrasound of her baby?
Do you think the “procedure” was described to her in detail?
Do you think this quack’s office had the appropriate and necessary medical equipment in case something went wrong? Well we all know the answer to that is NO!
Do you think the quack forgot how to dial 911 or just forgot the number??
Nick, where do you get these figures? Do they include women who die directly after the abortion or those who may have complications later on?
I am still waiting for Mr. Berger to answer my question as to why he termed black abortions a “tragedy,” when it’s just a blob, etc., that’s merely being “removed.’
Just to clearify, the other Rachael spells her name the same, but it’s not me, I always go by my moniker Rachael C. & include the web address for my blog.
Rachael C.
:) Totally know who you are. I would LOL though if you told us we were acting high and mighty.
Well let’s see…
People die in a car accident folks think it’s tragic and sometimes someone even goes to jail.
Babies die regularly in abortion. Never makes the news. A lot of people don’t even bat an eyelash. It’s become “the norm”.
A woman dies on the abortion table. Again, people assume everybody always knows the risks in an abortion procedure. What they forget is some women either are too scared to find out, or believe the lies that it’s a totally “normal” procedure and “no big deal”. Then when they die it’s too late for them to understand.
When I was 6 years old I got incredibly sick. I ended up in the hospital and everyone thought I was going to die (yes, fortunately, I got well, but that’s not the point). What happened to me turned out that the statistics say about 1 in 1,000 people would end up with what I had (it’s hard to describe and I always forget the name–I’ll have to ask again what the name of it was– I can’t remember the exact name). But do you think that the 1 in 1,000 was very comforting to me when I was that one in a thousand?
Let me put it in simple terms: Statistics don’t matter until it happens to you.
I heard her mother speak in St. Louis … moving story.
As a matter of fact, I do believe that she was told she could die. She probably had to sign a waiver saying she knew that serious complications, OR DEATH, could happen. I believe she knew that her child would be killed SINCE ITS AN ABORTION, obviously.
When women go in to have abortions, they are asked if they would like to see the ultrasound, and if they would like to know if it is twins. They are told precisely what will happen and they are asked if they are absolutely positive about their decision.
I think this doctor was negligent but I think that this could have happened to any doctor.
Hi Rachael,
What you believe happened and what actually happened are two different things.
IF there is an ultrasound and IF they are asked if they would like to see it then a woman MIGHT get the chance to see it.
You know for a fact Laura was shown an ultrasound?
They are told precisely what will happen? You know this to be true for EVERY single abortion mill??
This abortionist did not have the proper medical equipment present to save Laura’s life.(I have spent time with Laura’s mom.)
But shrug your shoulders and roll your eyes and don’t worry your pretty little head cause it just happened to Laura Hope Smith and her baby.
Another proabort who believes any woman who walks into an abortion mill deserves whatever she gets.
This abortionist was found guilty. btw
Now you’re just being rude. You don’t know me, you don’t know if I’m a “proabort” or not. I’m not defending the abortionist. I think he’s a bad man and he deserves way worse than what he got.