Why do pro-aborts hate to hear Planned Parenthood leads the industry in abortions?
Usually industry leaders love to be known as industry leaders.
So I don’t understand why Planned Parenthood and pro-aborts have such a problem embracing the fact PP is far and away the United States’ largest abortion business. What’s the problem? If abortion is such a great right, and that which is being aborted is only a blob of cells anyway, akin to an internal wart, why not welcome PP’s abortion stats?
But yesterday at RH Reality Check, cpc_watcher, i.e., Lauren Guy-McAlpin, began a piece entitled, “Antis misrepresent Planned Parenthood data, as usual”:
Just another day in the life of an anti-choice wingnut: the American Life League and Jill Stanek are both reporting that, according to 2008 data, PP does little more than offer abortion services.
Lauren was referring to my September 10 post, “Planned Parenthood 2008: Abortion comprised 96% of pregnancy services.” After complaining about the pie charts and bar graphs I posted so people could visualize the overwhelming number of babies PP kills vs. the babies it claims to save, Lauren posted one of her own:
Well, I’ve never been so flattered. Lauren concluded:
ALL and Jill Stanek are running with grossly misrepresented data. Never mind that the largest chunk of PP’s medical services go directly towards preventing the need for abortion in the first place; no, that fact doesn’t adequately fit the agenda of the antis, and it certainly doesn’t help them paint a picture of a PP that only exists to profit off of women’s abortions.
Sorry, Lauren, but the truth is PP has for years been working – with great success – to corner the market on abortion. Here’s another chart, from ALL (click to enlarge):
Explains ALL:
Nationwide, abortion numbers began falling in 1990 from an all time high of 1.6 million per year and declined through 2006, when they reached 1.2 million.
However, while nationwide figures were declining dramatically, PP’s abortion numbers continued to increase steadily. In 1990, PP’s share of the abortion market was 8%. By 2008, its share of the abortion market had catapulted to 26.8%, proving beyond a doubt that the focus of PP’s business is increasing abortions, and that PP’s mantra that it is decreasing abortions through its salacious sex education and birth control is patently false.
The 2008 abortion figure of 324,008 brings the total number of abortions committed by PP to 4,987,817.
Other interesting finds on the “Services” sheet (hat tip: ALL):
1. In 2008 PP recorded a 4% loss (almost 100k) in its female birth control customers.
2. While PP also touts it is the primary health provider of many women, its 2008 report shows these accounted for only .1% of services provided.
That pictureof Gloria Steinem says it all.
But, but, but abortion isn’t all we doooooooooooooooooo! ::whine::
The source of her whining seems to be that you supposedly didn’t clue your readers in to the fact that you were only listing the services they offered to pregnant women.
*goes to look at post in question*
*examines pie charts and graph*
Huh. Well, Jill, it would seem that you not only titled the entry with the words “pregnancy services,” but the graphs with “services to pregnant women,” as well. And your very first sentence said “stats for pregnancy related services.”
I am forced to come to the conclusion that pro-aborts can not read. ;)
I just cannot imagine wearing a shirt like that. Most post abortive women I know are sad and sorry for that decision. I have met no one who is proud. It is almost like she went out and got pregnant so she could have an abortion and get the shirt.
You know PP is like a monopoly almost on the abortion issue. They have driven most of the other providers out of business so like the telephone company, the govt. should break up this monopoly.
And about the birth control issue of PP, although I am not on any artificial birth control, some of my friends do and they don’t get it from PP. They go to their OBgyn and get a prescription. To say that birth control is what PP does more is a big fat lie.
I would wear a tshirt that said
I was lied to and told it was “a bunch of cells” before I had an abortion.
That “I Had An Abortion” t-shirt is just……. repulsive.
They aren’t big sellers.
I just cannot imagine wearing a shirt like that. Most post abortive women I know are sad and sorry for that decision.
Or even if they’re not, it’s at least not something they want to advertise.
My mom and I were talking about those shirts once, and she was saying that if abortion is “just another medical procedure,” why don’t we ALL get shirts that tell people what medical procedures we’ve had done?
I Had A Colonoscopy
I Had A Benign Cyst Removed
I Had A Vasectomy
I Had Skin Grafts On My Lower Back
I Had Breast Implants
I Had Half My Prostate Removed
I Had An Ingrown Toenail Pulled Out
I Had An Episiotomy And Two Of The Stitches Ruptured
I Had An EKG Scan After I Accidentally Took The Wrong Medication
I Had A Mole Removed From The Back Of My Leg Because It Could Have Been Cancerous
Last two happened to me, by the way. Read a book the entire time they were cutting out the mole.
We get people on this site all the time saying that Planned Parenthood offers pre-natal care as a matter of course, as though pre-natal care ranks up there with abortion for them and is something all pregnant women who come there are aware of. Well, guess again…
Hey Jill,
The RH Reality Check folks deleted your comment. They’re willing to talk about you but not let you respond? Cowardly, dishonest… typical.
What is even more disgusting than the t-shirt is that she has her arms raised in triumph. Sick and wrong.
I always wondered why there are no long parades of happy, proud, post-abortive women. PP and the pro aborts who comment here and on the pro abort blogs, downplay and in some cases deny any post-abortive trauma, claiming relief, joy, contentment, assurance and a willingness to do it again if need be. Where are the celebrations? The visible counter-demonstrations to pro life events look mostly defensive and angry, focused more on fiercely holding on to “freedom” and “choice”. If abortion wraps women in a healing embrace, why aren’t there hundreds of thousands gathering to show that to the world? If there is such a parade some day, the photo above suggests there is potentially one proud participant, though I suspect Ms. Steinem would be marching through empty streets.
Jennifer, all pro-abortion blogs delete pro-life comments. They can’t even engage in a debate. Cowards, liars, and really just morons. That’s what they are.
I think that photo of Steinem should include the bloody, dead baby she is probably holding above her head in victory.
I’m younger than Gloria and even I know better than to raise my bare arms in a photograph. Yuck!!
Cowards, liars, and really just morons. That’s what they are.
I think that’s a bit harsh, Mary Lee. I believe that many prochoicers are basically good people, just misguided. Remember — you catch more flies with honey than vinegar. I do, however, have a problem with those that actually take part in the killing. I have a weekend job and one of my coworkers used to work in an abortion clinic. Now I’ve developed a dislike for her, and I know that’s not right.
Anyway, I think that we should print T-shirts for people that were the product of unplanned pregnancies, that say something like UNPLANNED, BUT NOT UNWANTED!
Wow, there was nothing offensive to your post, perhaps you can repost your reply here Jill, so that we can read how “offensive” it was.
I believe Gloria Steinem killed her unborn child around the time that I was an unborn child.
I am so glad I was in another Mummy’s tummy, not Gloria Steinem’s.
You’re right, Phillymiss. It’s harsh. But this is a tenuous issue, and I’m really very tired of trying to be nice to people who think it’s okay to kill babies. Especially the ones who work in this industry. Yes, my pro “choice” friends are nice people, they really are. They’re not the ones I’m calling cowards and liars. But Steinem is a liar, and Cecile Richardson is a liar, and any person, male or female, who makes money from the killing of children is a despicable human being.
Mary Lee:
I hear you Mary Lee.
You’re a nicer person than I am, Phillymiss!
Big love to you.
<<The RH Reality Check folks deleted your comment. They’re willing to talk about you but not let you respond? Cowardly, dishonest… typical.>>
A post by Jill Stanek has been deleted, with explanation, by Brady Swenson at RHRC. As of now (1pm, 16th September) other comments still exist. Visitors to that thread can come here to see what was deleted. (This site was easy for me to find with Google.)
Marauder…I agree with you. Lets start a crusade so all those women who are so proud of their dead babies can wear their “I had an abortion” t-shirts and we can wear ours. I will proudly wear my “I had my wisdom teeth out, a pin put in my foot and exploratory surgery on my belly button” t-shirt.
The belly button surgery is the one I’m most proud of. Apparently, when I stopped being a blob and morphed into a baby in my mother’s birth canal the nerves around the umbilical cord which are supposed to die off never did. So they had to go in and surgically cut them when I was a young teenager as they were causing a lot of pain and awful sensations. Its so weird to have lasting repercussions from when I was a POC.
I had a rectal polyp removed.
I hate to say it but the first thing I thought of when I read the T-shirt was ‘Enjoy your breast cancer’
I had my appendix out!
Gee, golly, willikers, how come no one protested that? Oh, yeah, it saved my life without killing anyone *smacks forehead*.
Remember (if you’re older) when Gloria spent a short stint as a playboy waitress and made such a big stink about how objectified she felt?? Say, Gloria, what do you think of today’s multi-billion dollar international porn industry? Gee, things sure got better, huh?
That pix of Gloria is the picture of PURE evil … wow!
While funny, I don’t think it would be very effective to wear a shirt about your colonoscopy in response to the “I had an abortion” shirts. It sort of legitimizes the view of abortion as just a medical procedure instead of a murder.
It’s horrible that Gloria Steinem is treating the murder of a child like it’s something to be proud of, but, giving the devil his due, it pleases me to see an advertisement featuring a middle-aged woman looking like herself instead of an airbrushed doll, and not advertising hemorrhoid cream. The whole thing is pure evil for sure, but I will give them a smidgen of credit for that.
I hear you Clarice.
I’m changing my Tshirt.
The front will say: I had a rectal polyp removed. . . .
The back will say: and no one was killed during the procedure
I wonder if Ms. Steinem is thankful her mother didn’t abort her.
Also Gloria, it doesn’t look attractive for us older women to display our arms like that. Flab is not attractive.
Hi Marauder,
I would also suggest:
I had a hemorrhoidectomy
As a sidenote, I always find it amusing that these celebrity hobnobs will tell the world of their adultery, drug and alcohol addictions, incestuous relationships, and abortions, all things that no one would otherwise know about but will swear up and down they never had cosmetic surgery, which everyone knows darn well they did have!
Hi Clarice,
Though you are very charitable, Ms.Steinem is well past middle age, more like approaching 80.
“I wonder if Ms. Steinem is thankful her mother didn’t abort her.”
Seems like we have this discussion at least once a week. People who favor abortion rights don’t really care that our mothers had the option to abort us. Doesn’t make us tremble in fear, or express endless gratitude. My mother had me, and not an abortion, because she wanted a child at that point in her life (or maybe just didn’t want an abortion). Doesn’t matter.
@Marauder: I like this list you posted above, however, the one about “I had breast implants’ would be redundant…it’s usually pretty obvious ! LOL
How would it be if men wore t-shirts that said things like;
I’m a wife beater.
I abandoned my wife and children.
I cheat on my wife, because I CAN.
I use Viagra…and it WORKS !
I fathered 7 kids…that I know of.
Real men don’t use condoms.
Ban DNA testing.
Here’s an add-on for Ms Steinem’s “I Had An Abortion” t-shirt;
“…and all I got was this lousy t-shirt”.
Don’t be so certain you were planned and wanted. The loved and wanted child isn’t necessarily the planned and wanted pregnancy, but rather quite the opposite.
Of course PA folks don’t care if your mothers had the option, you’re alive! Nothing wrong with dying … so long as someone else is doing it.
Couldn’t PP find a large number of young women to proudly wear this tee shirt instead of some feminist has-been?
Hi Clarice,
Take my word for it, Gloria was fixed up for this picture. Maybe not airbrushed to look like Angelina, but she had something done.
It is illogical to fund an organization to solve a problem when if profits more fromit’s failure than it does from it’s success.
[Of course whenever liberal/progressive/humanists tackle a problem, though they pay homage to , some might even say ‘worship’, logic and reason, when you analyze the data and present them with the facts, they refuse to entertain the notion that their ‘solutions’, more often than not, only exacerbated the problem.]
If pp where a publicly traded for profit industry, where it only got paid when it successfully addressed the problem, pp would have gone ‘t u’ quicker than an armadillo attempting to cross an interstate at rush hour.
[‘t u’: Think of the slow squirrel, lying on it’s back, buck teeth bared, who did not make it to the other side of the road.]
hal September 16th, 2010 at 11:07 pm
“My mother had me, and not an abortion, because she wanted a child at that point in her life (or maybe just didn’t want an abortion). Doesn’t matter.”
Ronald Reagan once observed [and I paraphrase] “I’ve noticed that all the people who are for de-criminalizing ‘elective abortion’ have already been born.”
One of the most accurate indications of how people really feel about something is when they vote with their feet.
When the situation is intolerable and they have no realistic expectation of immediate relief, then they re-locate to escape the ‘pain’.
Pre-natal humans react to and move away from painful stimuli.
I would take that as indication, they are ‘voting against’ their murder by abortion.
While funny, I don’t think it would be very effective to wear a shirt about your colonoscopy in response to the “I had an abortion” shirts. It sort of legitimizes the view of abortion as just a medical procedure instead of a murder.
It wasn’t a real idea, it was my mom’s satirical idea. :)
Couldn’t PP find a large number of young women to proudly wear this tee shirt instead of some feminist has-been?
Good point. If I remember correctly, Gloria Steinem had her abortion before Roe v. Wade.
Mary: I’m sure she was fixed up. But since so many people seemed to be focused on her appearance, I thought I should say it’s nice to see a woman who didn’t get every imperfection photoshopped away. It would be unseemly for the pro-abort lurkers to come away thinking pro-lifers only judge women based on their attractiveness or youthful appearance.
I’d rather people focus on why a 76-year-old woman still thinks she has something to prove by openly admitting to a so-called routine medical procedure, of no more moral import than having a tooth extracted or a tumor removed. If it’s so great, why do you even think about it forty or fifty years later?
Hi Clarice,
Good points. Thank you.
We can also ask why PP has to scrounge up a 76y/o woman to wear this shirt. Just how desperate are they? Personally I think it looks absurd on a woman this age and Ms.Steinem and PP are doing nothing to further their cause.
I wonder if Gloria S will make that claim in the afterlife?
I often wonder why if you don’t regret something why you would constantly feel the need to bring up that you don’t regret it!!
But of course that can be blamed on me I suppose.
If I didn’t stand with my I Regret My Abortion sign they wouldn’t have to scream at me that they don’t regret theirs!!! :)
Hi Carla,
A good point. You’ve probably guessed from my posts that I have a problem with an elderly woman who seems to view herself as a college girl. I think Steinem looks ridiculous posing in this tee shirt as she is and this only proves what PP has been reduced to in promoting these tee shirts. Have some dignity Gloria.
I could NEVER imagine my idol, Sophia Loren, doing anything like this! :)
I did gather that, Mary. :)
Gloria is standing alone. Where are all of those women who don’t regret their abortions? Get organized, girlies!! Be Loud, Be Proud!!!
Gloria Stienam had an abortion in 1957 in London. She had two doctors give her the ok by saying it would be detrimental to her mental health. She never had another child.
She had Breast Cancer in 1986.
Fortunately for us, pro-aborts aren’t reproducing…they are becoming a self fulfilling prophecy. Pro-life is winning by attrition.
Great point Angel,
There are two ways this will pan out for her. Either she will repent for her sins and cry out for mercy from the Lover of her soul, her Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; and become washed in His Blood, cleansed and made new; set on fire to preach about the Love and Forgiveness of our Wonderful Master…
Or she will die in her sins, tragically, having rejected the Gospel. She will suffer for eternity in deep sorrow and excruciating pain, regretting not only her abortion, but her rejection of Her Savior’s Love.
Lord, have mercy.
Please stop tormenting the pro-choicers with facts. It’s like feeding red meat to an infant. Their morally immature tummies can’t digest it, and it hurts. ;-)