America’s Haunted (White) House
[HT: Daena]
[HT: Daena]
I loved all the pro-abort tweets from yesterday’s Rally to Restore Sanity in DC…
Happy Halloween! Cartoons featured today will politically celebrate the theme… by Steve Sack at…
From one man he has made every nation of humanity to live all over the earth. He has given them the seasons of the year and the boundaries within which to live. He has done this so that they would look for God, somehow reach for him, and find him. In fact, he is never […]
The girl became even more convinced she did not want an abortion after she received information from a pro-life advocate who was praying outside one of the clinics. ~ Baptist Press, October 29, reporting about a 14-weeks pregnant 16-yr-old whose parents drove her to 2 Austin, TX, abortion mills in an attempt to force her […]
Here’s my new poll question: How many seats do you think House Republicans will pick up on Election Day? Vote on the lower right side of the home page. Here were the results of my previous poll question. No real surprises, given the assumed demographics of my site, other than the relatively high percentage of […]
An October 28 Christianity Today article entitled, “The death of pro-life Democrats,” included this sobering observation: Thanks to pro-life groups and backlash over health care reform, the Democratic pro-life vote in the House of Representatives is likely to halve on November 2, making abortion even more of a partisan issue. The actual decrease according to […]
We’ve seen this before. And I love it. Pro-aborts are up in arms that pro-life protesters and sidewalk counselors at Affiliated Medical Services abortion mill in Milwaukee, WI, are donning vests that look similar to those worn by deathscorts. But all’s fair, as they say, particularly to get a few precious extra moments with an […]