Abortion proponents disappointed in Maddow documentary on Tiller
Read backstory here. If you didn’t see pro-abort Rachel Maddow’s documentary, The Assassination of Dr. Tiller, it’s worth watching. Click to view Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V, and Part VI.
I came away from watching the special thinking it was nothing special. So I was surprised to read of pro-abort discontent.
Maddow’s goals were to 1) evoke sympathy for slain late-term abortionist George Tiller; 2) promote a conspiracy theory that shooter Scott Roeder didn’t act alone; 3) blame pro-life activists for provoking Roeder to murder Tiller if he did act alone; and 4) influence the 2010 elections, coming only 8 days after her special, as she freely told Today Show’s Matt Lauer:
And I think it’s important that it’s airing right now because there are… 5 Senate candidates running right now who have a position on abortion that has never really been seen in mainstream politics before. They want it criminalized, including people who are, who become pregnant because of rape or incest….
Well if the far edge of the pro-life movement is getting mainstreamed by… high level candidates adopting their position, what do we need to know about the far edge of the anti-abortion movement?
In all I thought Maddow did a fair job preaching to her choir, although I don’t know how much new support she garnered from those ambivalent about abortion. It’s a tall order to illicit sympathy for the murder of a murderer, particularly of little babies.
And for however wrong the pro-life community thinks it was for Roeder to murder Tiller, Maddow strangely gave him plenty of airtime to explain his rationale, and he came across as quite clear thinking.
I also thought both pro-life activists profiled, Troy Newman and Randall Terry, came off well. I winced a little at Randall’s blunt closing comment, but it was all true:
Wichita’s chapter is closing in the history books. Summer of Mercy happened, all the abortion mills are closed, Tiller’s dead. We move on to the next battle. We move on to the next villain.
Thinking Maddow accomplished her goals, as I wrote at the top of this post, I was surprised to read that some pro-aborts were unhappy with the end product. Thoughts from the other side were indeed enlightening. Jodi Jacobson, editor-in-chief of RH Reality Check, wrote:
But, being honest, I also found myself disappointed at the end….
[T]he documentary fell short in doing any real investigative journalism. It told a story of the murder of Dr. Tiller. It did not take that story much further. It did not, for example, really examine financial, political or other links between groups such as Operation Rescue, which is crazy enough, with groups such as Army of God, or with the shennanigans [sic] of a Jill Stanek posting pictures on her website of the locations of clinics and the home addresses of physicians… as a public service of course…
Wait, how’d I get mixed up in this? Jacobson was inaccurately repeating an inaccurate Keith Olbermann report, but whatever. The reason Maddow didn’t go down that path was because there was no path to go down. Jacobson continued:
It did not explore the failures before the murder of the government (including but not limited to the Obama Administration) to enforce the FACE Act, or the lame response by the Administration or Congress to Dr. Tiller’s murder….
In the end, I did not feel it adequately challenged the “lone wolf” theory and put the issue of murdering doctors in the context it belongs. The Taliban murders doctors, the anti-choice movement in the U.S. murders doctors… these threads need to be connected.
Jodi, it does your side no good to compare us to the Taliban. Everyone knows a pro-lifer and knows that’s crazy talk. It furthermore makes you look hypocritical when out of the other side of your mouth you’re arguing to stop equating 9-11 terrorists with the Muslim faith.
Lauren Sabina Kneisly at barf.org (Biblical America Resistance Front, cute) went much further in her critical analysis, starting with (click to enlarge):
Kneisly expounded with several examples of what she considered pro-life bias in Maddow’s piece, for instance:
While the film spent a fair amount of time on painting a portrait of Roeder, his family life, some of his personal history, having him speak in his own words, and a full blown oh so television re-enactment of his final Friday night spent with his son, right down to pictures of an ice cream cone, showing how much he supposedly must have cared about his son to step outside his usual Friday night christian co-optation of jewish observances, after watching the film how much do you come away from it knowing about Dr. Tiller himself?
It does after all proport to be a film about Dr. Tiller. We see precious little footage in which he speaks in his own voice, and when he does, much of it is about his initial revulsion at discovering abortion had been part of his father’s practice….
Worse still, what happens when you end up with sonogram images being utilized to negate the very words being spoken?
Examine the actual structuring of the video itself, this example from part 2 at time marks roughly 4:43-5:17. We begin with the interview of Doctor Tiller, speaking of the way he learned his father had performed abortions as part of his practice. Dr. Tiller speaks of being “horrified” at the revelation, and upset that women would say his father had provided abortions, “why would these nice people say that he was… scumbag type physician?” Eventually he comes to learn that “abortion is a matter of survival for women.”
The visuals throughout these sequences reinforce the compulsory pregnancy advocates memes perfectly negating any positive messaging about abortion that could possibly come out of such…
First we are treated to images of an empty procedure room, complete with stirrups just as the phrase “scumbag type physician” goes by on the audio track…. As he utters the phrase “a matter of survival for women” an image of a sonogram negates/short circuits precisely that focus on women. Throughout this portion, a heartbeat-like drum sound effect plays.
That’s all true, although I never would have noticed any of it. Kneisly also noted that Tiller nemesis AG/SA Phill Kline was never mentioned, which I agree was odd. More…
[Tiller’s] interaction with Shelly Shannon is portrayed almost as if *HE* was provoking her [to shoot him in both arms in 1993] by giving her the finger.
Meanwhile, here we have Troy Newman, dressed a suit, against that well lit gray background….
The root problem is, it doesn’t take a media conspiracy to produce work this bad. Even those who support abortion access and providers are at this point, so tangled up in a basic inability to think or tell a visual story beyond those false memes that we’re at the point where you have plenty of people willing to do this themselves, to themselves.
Well, wow. I suppose Maddow would say if she made both ends of the abortion spectrum angry, she did her job in telling a fair and balanced story.
The problem is Maddow’s stated intent was not to be fair and balanced but rather to advance pro-abortion ideology. So I’m beginning to wonder if her documentary was a big fail.

Perhaps abortion is such an absolutely evil and awful subject, it is nearly impossible to put a positive spin on it, even by its champions.
It was horribly biased with dramatic, heavy-handed music and ridiculous “reinactment” scenes which of course portrayed pro-lifers outside the clinic as very unappealing. I don’t know how long Maddow’s team had been working on this but it’s certain the timing was intended to motivate the Twitter Universe into action right before the election. Maddow’s appearance on the Today Show the morning after was an attempt to link the “pro-life conspirators” to current Senate candidates who have a life of the mother and/or rape/incest exceptions. Then Maddow tries to make the case that there have never been such “extreme” Senate candidates before. What?! Obviously she has not paid much attention to Senate candidates’ positions in previous years. Our PAC has endorsed Senate candidates for years who hold only a life of the mother exception which to Maddow is extreme but in Nebraska it’s pretty normal. We even have House candidates who have NO exception to abortion. Guess she would come really unglued at that. Anyway, spot on Jill. They are desperately trying to link Tiller’s killing to some imagined conspiracy which could then help them to impact the ballot box next Tuesday. More evidence of that is the fact that Tiller was killed May 31, 2009 and this was supposed to be a “documentary” upon the “anniversary” of his death; uhmm 17 months later, not one year later.
How could a story about a real life baby butcher be an uplifting, inspiring experience?
i am certain that all those pro-aborts were singing ‘Halleluya,” and seeing the Light, hearing choirs of angels singing, and feelinig the inner Bliss of total Enligthenment.
Cue the music.
Cue the bright light.
Cue the bliss.
“Viewing that documentary with Jane Maddow inspired me. i can see that George Tiller, the Baby Killer, was doing the Lord’s work, and will have a high place in the after life in the Kingdom of Heaven.”
It is just so likely that the slaughter of babies will inspire more people to get involved and rush off to the nearest abortuary, submit themselves to medical rape, and have their baby butchered in the most cruel, violent, bloody, sadistic manner.
How sweet.
barf.org says there’s too much assassination and not enough Tiller in a documentary called The Assassination of Dr. Tiller? “It does after all proport to be a film about Dr. Tiller.”
Uh… no it didn’t. I think from the title alone one can tell what the documentary is about. But hey, why should we surprised when a pro-abort is too dumb to see something so clear to the rest of us?
Well, “Nick,” that should be the last we see of you around here. And rightfully so.
I think it was a 45 minute documentary and really did not have time to connect all the anti-choice dots that led up to Dr. Tillers murder.
I did like what the Dr. from Ore said about getting rid of abortion clinics all together. Abortion needs to be 100% confidential to all patients just like any other surgical procedure. It should be done at regular hospitals for patient safety and anonymity. Doctors should not be allowed to refuse to perform or refer abortion treatment to any woman. This would make abortion clinics a thing of the past and would make for safer conditions for all parties concerned. “No a fetus is NOT a concerned party”
Maybe no conspiracy was shown because no conspiracy ever existed. For heaven’s sake do we look for conspiracies every time deranged people kill? The administration took no action? Weren’t US marshalls sent to some abortion clinics after Tiller was shot? They should have been sent to Detroit where schoolchildren are being gunned down by gangs. They would have been put to better use. But apparently black schoolchildren are not quite as important as a white abortionist.
Oh yes Roeder spoke with people from OR. That’s proof? So if a co-worker with whom I socialize is caught embezzling money from our place of employment, does that make me part of a “conspiracy”? Oh, and clinic location and addresses can be found on line. It does not take any “shennanigans” on Jill’s part.
I wish Madcow and her ilk would give this a rest. Its getting old and few people even give a hoot. Certainly if PL people are running conspiracies and terrorizing abortionists and their clinics, there is no need for Madcow to keep kicking this dead horse.
I have a news flash for you. Doctors and hospital staffs have always had the right to refuse to perform any procedure that violates their conscience. Live with it.
If there were any “dots” to be connected they could easily have been in 45 minutes. Ya think maybe, just maybe, there was no conspiracy? Patient confidentiality must be protected whether its in a hospital, clinic or doctor’s office.
Wedge, I recommend you read Dr. Bernard Nathanson’s book, “The Hand of God.” He explains quite clearly why today women don’t line up for their elective abortions, that is elective murder of healthy babies developing in healthy mothers, at hospitals. While you’re at it, read to Norma McCorvey’s “Won by Love.”
And it will be nice not to have to read Nick’s caustic comments any more. As we say on the interwebs, “Da line, you haz crossed it.”
Doctors and hospital staffs have always had the right to refuse to perform any procedure that violates their conscience.
Yep, especially elective procedures that are not medically necessary.
Abortion needs to be 100% confidential to all patients just like any other surgical procedure. It should be done at regular hospitals for patient safety and anonymity. Doctors should not be allowed to refuse to perform or refer abortion treatment to any woman.
But abortion isn’t treated like “any other surgical procedure” by our society, it is treated as sacrosanct. Minors can’t even get their ears pierced without parental permission, but they can obtain an abortion (even in states where there are parental consent laws, there is the oft-used judicial bypass). Elective abortion isn’t a treatment, because pregnancy isn’t a disease. And furthermore, it ISN’T just like any other surgical procedure, and people inherently know this (which is why there’s so much talk of “agonizing decisions” even by pro-aborts). It is the killing of a dependent, weaker human.
Totally agree with you. Shut down the abortion mills.
Bring abortion into the hospitals and doctors will REFUSE to do them.(as they have a right to do)
Well said.
I’m not cheering any murderer- Roeder infuriated me, too. It was horrific. How much more violence is necessary to get people to try peace and discussion? I disagree with Tiller, but I can’t deny that he believed in the righteousness of what he did, just as I believe very much in equal rights for unborn and born people- all the same, equality. I’m not a terrorist. I don’t support violence. Period. Try and see things from my point of view and I’ll try and see them from your point of view. Deal?
I’m not “cheering” a murderer. I’m not “enabling” one. (I’m not even sure I know what you mean by that.) I don’t know any pro-lifers with violent tendencies. The one’s I know mostly pray. What Roeder did was wrong. Period.
You will need to pick a moniker and stick with it. Or you will be banned.
Why are you deleteing all my posts?
You’re just like your daddy, Jn 8.44.
You hate Jill and this site because it exposes the darkness of your heart.
One day I hope, for your sake, that you recognize your miserable condition, and that you look to the One Who can rescue you from eternal punishment, clean your conscience and give you His abundant life.
You don’t know what you’re missing…and it’s free.
It’s the Great Exchange. All it costs is your miserable life.
By the way Nick, I speak from experience. I don’t care how successful you may be by this world’s standards, living life without Christ is miserable compared to living for Him. That’s not to say your life becomes a cakewalk. But the gift of His Spirit and the working of His Grace are tremendous blessings.
Roeder killed a human man – he was morally wrong.
Tiller killed pre-born human children – he was morally wrong.
And how awful that Wedge would call for the “assassination of Jill Stank.” Truly disturbing.
No pro-lifer wants the purposeful death of another human – born or pre-born.
Moderators – why are we tolerating a death threat?
Did anyone notice how they conveniently didn’t mention Anne Kristin Neuhaus (sp?) by name as the “other physician” who had to sign off on the lat term abortions ? She’s about to get HER day in court pretty soon. Stay tuned.
Oh…and that other lovely woman who worked for good old George: Edna Roach
Her list of qualifications was endless…especially her driving expertise.
I wonder why they didn’t give us any footage of Kathleen Sebelius ???
Joy asked, “Moderators – why are we tolerating a death threat?”
To have more evidence to give to the FBI about Theodore Shulman.
Ooooh, the FBI? This could get exciting. It would be awesome if they kicked in his door and yelled “Freeze – federal agent!” like they were Jack Bauer or something.
Marauder/Giantz/Han Solo
We don’t make deals with trolls.
Wedge did not make a threat against Jill. Theodore Shulman/Nick/SoMG did.
We really need a campaign to oust SG Co. DA Nola Foulston. She’s not the brightest bulb. By her logic, I suppose every time she calls a SG Co. murder a vile, evil, human being, speaks out against murder, or attends an anti-murder rally, and they get knocked off in prison by some nut-job, she is responsible–part of a “conspiracy.”
So, Nick has a real name! I wonder how the real Dr. Nick would feel about Theodore Shulman using his identity and perverting his good name to make death threats? There has to be a law about that.
A quick search on Theodore Shulman makes me think he should have chosen ‘Scott Roeder’ as his screen name. He’s also a nut, but one who believes anyone who calls abortion murder deserves to be murdered.
It appears he has threatened several prolifers, and is currently under FBI investigation for his death threats.
Maddow should do a documentary on folks like Theodore Shulman.
I wish Jill and other prolifers the best in their efforts against him, and hope someone in the media can report on his illegal activity.
I agree with Mary Ann. I Googled his name and am now vaguely terrified.
Wow. Beyond troll, to raving lunatic… or demonic possession, maybe. I second Dr. Nadal’s comment: has anyone written to the real “Dr. Nick” and told him about the psycho-troll who’s impersonating him?
Don’t worry folks. Just don’t feed the troll. This sort of individual feeds on intimidation. Let’s just keep witnessing the truth and doing God’s will for each of us and trust the rest to Providence. Christians around the world are suffering persecution for the sake of the Gospel. We simply need to keep our eyes fixed firmly on Jesus and not falter in our efforts.