web grab.jpgby JivinJ, host of the blog, JivinJehoshaphat

  • The Alliance Defense Fund has secured a temporary restraining order which prevents the parents of teenage girl in TX from forcing her to have an abortion:On two occasions, the teenager’s mother literally dragged her to local abortion facilities, including International Healthcare Solutions and Planned Parenthood of the TX Capital Region, demanding that her daughter terminate the life of her child.

    Though she refused and the child’s father also does not want the baby killed, her parents continued to insist that they will force her to have the abortion. The court’s order prevents that from happening.

  • The Live Action blog has a video of a speech by Stephanie Gray, Executive Director of the Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform, relaying what she believes is the best pro-life argument.

  • CO abortionist Richard Grossman (who previously claimed “When a woman says a fetus is a person, I think it is one. I believe the woman empowers the fetus,” is one of those “the world is overpopulated” types and is somehow employed at a Catholic hospital) has an editorial in the Durango Herald against CO’s personhood amendment. In it he ridiculously claims:

    If Amendment 62 passes, it would make removing a diseased ovary illegal. Worse, a doctor who performs such a lifesaving surgery would be punished for murder.

    … [T]he proposed Amendment 62 says: “… the term ‘person’ shall apply to every human being from the beginning of the biological development of that human being.”

    Anyone who graduated from an 8th-grade health class knows that the start of the biological development is the human egg, and girls are born with all the eggs that their ovaries will ever contain. So removing an ovary – even if diseased – would mean the removal of thousands of “persons.

    Looks like Grossman wasn’t paying much attention in his 8th grade health class if he thinks the biological development of a human being starts as a human egg. If that’s the case then women would reproduce asexually.

  • An OH probate judge allowed a 17-year-old to marry her boyfriend without her parents’ permission because the girl believed her parents would force her to have an abortion if she was living with them:

    According to [Judge Alan S.] Acker’s ruling, Gabrielle [Squeglia] (pictured right at the prom with husband Dustin Goldman) believed she would be forced to have an abortion if she remained at home.

    “Gabby felt she was in an unsafe environment for her baby,” said Jerome “Jerry” Goldman, Dustin’s father and a lawyer who was admitted to the OH bar in 1973. According to Acker’s entry, testimony demonstrated that “Gabrielle is currently living in a volatile home where Gabrielle fears for her and her unborn child’s physical and mental health and safety.”

    Gabrielle’s parents said they were never told of a hearing and never got to tell their side….

    His wife said she never pushed her daughter toward an abortion and recently saw a priest for guidance. The Rev. Michael Watson, of St. Andrew Church in Upper Arlington, confirmed that Mrs. Squeglia phoned Wednesday, worried that her daughter had married so young and asking for help. He said he recommended a woman’s care center “that preserves life.”

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