WashPo: DC candidate Missy Smith’s graphic abortion ads “ingenious”; to air 200+ times
When I first posted about DC pro-life congressional candidate Missy Smith 2 weeks ago, she had enough money in her coffers to air her 2 graphic abortion ads 15 times.
Since then money has poured in from pro-lifers around the country, enabling Smith to force network television stations by law to run her ads showing the truth about abortion 200 times – and the Washington Post yesterday noted that number may escalate to 500 by Tuesday, November 2, at 7p, when the ads must end.
It’s all up to us. Show Missy the money, and she’ll show the District of Columbia abortion. We have 72 hours to make donations so Smith can turn around and buy ad time.
According to a press release from Smith today, she has also broken through the cable tv barrier. Cable shows popular with the targeted 16- to 30-yr-old age group will see her ads 96 times this weekend alone. Previously cable had balked, not bound by federal law as are network stations to run Missy’s ads.
The national and international free media Smith has garnered has been phenomenal. So has the conversation. From John Kennedy at BeliefNet.org:
It’s certainly true the content of the Smith spots is “shocking and disgusting.” But then so are images of the Holocaust, genocide in Darfur and even Abu Ghraib. But, as disgusting as those images are, it’s important that they be seen….
It can certainly be argued that the graphic imagery in Smith’s ad is more appropriate in a news program dealing seriously with the issue of abortion than in the middle of Seinfeld. But the fact is 60 Minutes or 20/20 will not be showing us the reality of what happens inside an abortion clinic any time soon. A mainstream media that usually argues in favor of exposing virtually everything to the camera stops short when it comes to abortion.
Pro-abort Tracy Clark-Flory over at Salon thinks the “gruesome” ads of admittedly “dead and dismembered fetuses” should be censored from public view, although she fully supports the “choice.” Still, she’d rather we view puppies – seriously.
Ah, the purposefully blind, barefoot and barren. As Dr. Laura, in endorsing Smith’s ads, wrote on her blog, “Choosing without being totally informed is not really make a choice. It is hiding from actually making a choice.”
But the Washington Post, a decidedly liberal newspaper, gives Smith kudos…
The idea is by any measure ingenious. The federally protected ads are one thing; the barrage of media coverage Smith has gotten as a result – what the campaign pros call “earned media” – is another. She appeared on CNN’s “Situation Room” and on radio shows across the country. And, yes, in The Washington Post….
But give Smith and [Randall] Terry credit for one thing: In an election cycle dominated by economic issues, Smith has found a way to rekindle the most divisive of cultural issues. And, once again, D.C. residents pay an odd price for living in the national capital.
Smith’s campaign could become a biennial tradition. If she doesn’t oust a member of pro-choice Democrats – or, as she refers to it, the “party of death” – she’ll be back in 2 years with the same ads. And 2 years after that.
“All I can see in my mind are these little babies that have been murdered,” she said.
And now, apparently, so do we.

And I think that’s been the whole purpose of her campaign – to get that airtime and to show the truth.
John Kennedy’s comments at BeliefNet are spot-on.
Jill: That is yours truly holding that sign right behind Missy in the picture. We were across the street from the Red Mass in October 2009 in downtown DC.
Good job, Joe! Keep it up! More power to Missy!
America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion.
God bless her! Chad Koppie of the Constitution Party did the same in IL 2 years ago, in the US Senate race against Dick Durbin. But he was underfunded. He never did get any financial support from pro-lifers, even after Jill called attention to the ads several times on this blog. He, out of his own personal funds, ran many ads on FOX stations in the Quad Cities and down-state, but could only afford one prime-time spot on NBC in Chicago. The media in IL would not cover it either, though the TV stations got plenty of complaints.
I’m glad to see people waking up and getting involved.
Go, Missy!
Joe, cool!
Sylvia, yes, I’d forgotten about that. Hopefully in 2 years we’ll see pro-life candidates running all across the country to run these ads.
That’s money well spent!
I wish all the best to Missy Smith.
May she choke on her own bile.
Hey – I thought no bad comments here – Choking on her own bile? Why Rod? Why wish her ill?
What makes any one think they have the right to tell me when I should start my family? Who is anyone tell me when I should have a baby? Why should government and people that do not even know me, be able to tell me what to do with my body?
This is no longer a free country. I am so ashamed.
I will not let anyone tell me I am a bad human being because I once activated my right to choose.
As in my email to Miss Missy Miss Smith, I will do every single thing in my power to keep her and people like her out of power.
She scares me, I do not feel safe with people like her trying to slither into Congress to control my body.
Where is my free will? Where is my freedom?
Anika, nobody is telling you what to do with YOUR body. You have no right to kill another person–your own child. How dare you believe it is our right to dismember our children in the name of “liberty.” That’s not liberty. That’s fascism. I don’t care what anyone does in the bedroom. I don’t care what anyone’s orientation is. But don’t kill your children. That is not a right. Missy is a brave woman, and she tells the truth. Sorry the truth offends you.
Yes, that is exactly what you are doing. Who said anything about YOUR children? Take of you and yours sweetie. I am talking me and what is best.
I dare to believe a lot of things honey. I believe deeply in this one. God gives me the audacity, that’s who!
Miss missy might be brave, but she has no right to tell me what to do with my life.
How about we all come march on Washington and “discuss” it.
Um, Anika, God gives you the audacity to kill your child? I don’t think so.
We tell people what to do with their lives all the time. That’s why we have laws against murder, rape, shoplifting, prostitution, child abuse. I was a pro-abort like you. Then I stopped being so ignorant. Science and logic tells us that the unborn babies are BABIES who are PERSONS with the right to exist. What about their bodily autonomy? Jeez, open your eyes. NOBODY has the right to kill someone simply because his or her mommy doesn’t feel ready. The right to live is the ONLY right we have, and I will fight for the rights of the unborn until I myself am dead. You have no right to kill anyone, unborn or elderly, or in between. The life of an unborn baby is not worth less than, say, a 20 year old woman’s. We don’t ACCRUE rights like credit. We are conceived with the right to live, and THAT comes from God. If you think otherwise, you are seriously delusional. (By the by, I am pro gay-marriage and anti-war, as well as a rape survivor so don’t even THINK of pathologizing me.)
Frankly, whether or not you believe in God, our bodily rights end where another person’s body begins. That includes our unborn babies. It is not convenient for me to admit the unborn are persons; it is simply the truth. Wake up.
How dare you believe that there is a God who would ever condone such a heinous act as the dismemberment and incineration of a baby. Why did you put “discuss” in quotes? Because you pro-aborts don’t know how to actually debate without using slogans? Pffft. I’ve successfully converted three liberals from pro-“choice” to pro-life, using logic, philosophy, biology and reason. Bring it.
Missy is a post abortive mom like me and a State Leader for Operation Outcry. Like me.
God bless her for standing up and telling the world what abortion has done to her, her children and the men and women who have been hurt by abortion!!!
all you pro-life freaks are absolutely insane.
who are you to decide what God would approve of or do or say or think about anything? you must be kidding me. you need meds.
Gosh, Tim, all around the world, there’s this thing called “DO NOT KILL.” I’m not even pro-life for religious reasons. Obviously, you have issues, trolling a website just to call people names and not even add anything to the debate. Anyone who thinks it’s okay to kill their child is insane. The cruelty, lack of logic, lack of selflessness, lack of responsibility, lack of regulations, lack of scientific integrity by pro-aborts like you….THAT’S insane. I guess the abolitionists were insane, too, when they wanted to free the slaves. And the Resistance during WWII. They must have been insane, too. Anyone who spends their time justifying why killing little babies should be legal is insane.
And “Tim” (if that’s “his” real name) just proved my point about pro-aborts not having the ability to debate intelligently. Name-calling, straw man arguments, ad hominem attacks, and slogans, that’s all they got.
this blog entry was posted on which date?
there is no date for the entry….
Always, Pro life is life. pro choice is life, maybe.
life is permited on monday and thursday? but on
certain weeks?