31 US abortion clinics have closed in past 12 months
It has seemed to me an awful lot of abortion mills have been closing lately (for instance, here and here).
So Cheryl Sullenger of Operation Rescue was kind enough to compile a list for us.
OR keeps the most accurate and up-to-date record of active and closed abortion mills I’m aware of.
Cheryl tallied a whopping 31 abortion mills that have closed just this past year. Meanwhile, 9 new mills have opened. So there has been a net loss of 22, which is great.
As of now a total of 689 surgical abortion clinics remain in the US, from a high of almost 2,200 in 1991, according to OR. (This number does not include abortion mills that solely commit medical abortions, i.e., distribute the abortion pill, RU-486.)
As OR writes, “The pro-life movement should take encouragement in the fact that since 1991 over two-thirds of all abortion clinics have permanently closed.”
Read the list of 31 closed clinics here.
[Photo is of Central Women’s Services, a Wichita, KS, abortion mill that OR bought in June 2009, closed, renovated, and established as its national headquarters.]

any idea as to how many NEW abortion clinics have opened.
In other words, are we gaining any ground in shutting these killing centres down?
How many are private clinics that were swallowed up by Planned Parenthood? In those cases, there will be more abortions, not less.
Eh, I wouldn’t rejoice yet. Have the numbers of total abortion dropped 2/3 since 1991?
If not, then most of what you are seeing is merely consolidation in the abortion industry. This happens to all industries and economic sectors.
An initial season of many different sources and outlets, followed by buyouts, business failure, a search for gov’t subsidy and regulation to offset and drive out competition, followed eventually by a varying degree of oligarchy.
Not trying to downplay this totally, because I feel that some of this is an answer to prayer, but I just wonder if this is merely the ‘mom and pops’ losing ground to the Planned Parenthoods, and whoever else owns many abortion mills, but perhaps is not as well known as PP.
I wonder the same thing as Todd. If abortions haven’t declined 2/3 since 1991 then what have we really gained? Another question I have is whether or not these clinics have closed due to financial reasons. And if so, I would be interested in seeing how many pro-life clinics closed and opened during the same time. Are the tides really turning and we are gaining ground, or is the economy to blame for the apparent victory? Not trying to throw cold water on the enthusiasm, but I’m just trying to understand the whole picture.
Even if some of the abortion business closures are the result of industry consolidation, this is still a huge answer to prayer because having fewer business sites to cover makes it much easier for us on the front-lines, as we help women choose LIFE at the sidewalks in front of these killing centers. By reducing the number of business locations, it is much easier for us to maintain a sustainable, year-round, prayerful, life-saving presence at the remaining abortion sites. Therefore, I am very thankful for the 2/3 drop in the number of clinics! Praise the Lord for such encouraging news!
Our local 40 Days for Life abortion clinic vigil site, which does abortions through six months of pregnancy, just laid-off half of their employees due to “dwindling finances”, resulting from reduced number of clients and low reimbursement rates for their surgical abortions. Therefore, we are intensifying our prayerful presence at this location, hoping it will soon be added to the Operation Rescue Clinic Closure List, so that at least this business location will no longer hurt women or destroy lives here in Sacramento. Also, the three former employees are seeking new jobs unrelated to the abortion industry! We have much to be thankful for!
having fewer business sites to cover makes it much easier for us on the front-lines, as we help women choose LIFE at the sidewalks in front of these killing centers.
That’s a good point, Wynette, few outlets means prayer sieges and sidewalk counselors can concentrate their resources, too.
But let’s not forget that we still need to have a presence in the towns the women are traveling from. They’re a lot more likely to follow through on an abortion plan that they’ve had some difficulty in putting together, from sheer inertia, than to follow through on just calling Acme Reproductive Services and driving over.
The abortion rate has dropped 25%. From 1.6m to 1.2m. With a rising population the rate continues a downward trend. Planned parenthood can only stay open with government bailouts.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, the abortion rate in 1991 was about 26 per 1000 women aged 15-44. In 2005, the most recent year available, it was 19.4. That’s not a 2/3 decrease, but it’s still considerable.
View graph here:
@Kelsey and Troy – Thanks for the stats. I appreciate them. I agree with the others about the pro-life side being able to consolidate their resources and sieges as well is a good thing. I think we all need to continue to pray because abortion is a spiritual issue with a physical manifestation. We need the hearts of people to be turned back to God. I pray the Bound4Life prayer often: “Jesus I plead your blood over my sins and the sins of my nation. God end abortion and send revival to America.” We need the Lord. That’s all. We just need the Lord.
Do you really think that closing abortion clinics will ever stop women from having abortions?
How can you be so naive? Women will always find a way to have them whether abortion is legal or not.
And what will happent o the children who are born if women cannot have abortions? How will poor women provide for them? How will they prevent their children from growing up malnourished ,poorly educated ,being dineid a chance to escape their poverty and being surrounded by filth,squalor,drugs,crime,violence ,physical and sexual abuse and neglect?
That’s why women have abortions.They don’t want to bring children into the world and see them grow up in these awful circumstances. Until we can change conditions in society where women will not be forced to bring childreninto the world in such conditions,we will never be able to do anything about the problem of abortion.
You can’t just declare abortion illegal and expect women to comply with this kind of law.
You anti-choicers just don’t think about why abortion actually happens.You just have unrealistic expectations for it to stop. And you stupidly call abortion murder even though it is a tragedy,not a crime.
And please don’t give me that hypocritical,disingenuous and self-serving blather about how much you contribute to charity, because charity alone can never solve the problem of abortion,nor can adoption.
That’s right-your concern for the unborn inevitably ends at birth. That’s a fact and don’t try to tell me otherwise.
@Robert Berger, I would tell you otherwise, but I doubt it would do any good. You seem like a very angry man whose hope in God was extinguished long ago. I will not debate the finer points of pro-abortion versus pro-life because your heart is hard and angry. I will pray for you, however. I hope that the mercy and grace that come from Jesus alone will soften your heart and lend itself to a deeper understanding of the very horrible practice of abortion.
Hi Robert.
“And please don’t give me that hypocritical,disingenuous and self-serving blather about how much you contribute to charity, because charity alone can never solve the problem of abortion,nor can adoption. That’s right-your concern for the unborn inevitably ends at birth. That’s a fact and don’t try to tell me otherwise.”
Okay, so I’m trying to understand this here. You seem to be saying that no matter how much charity one does, it can NEVER imply that you care about born people, right? You seem to be saying that the only way one can ever truly care about the born is if they support abortion… is that right? In other words, is it possible to care about the born AND be anti-abortion, or is that a logical contradiction?
“I would tell you otherwise, but I doubt it would do any good.”
We have been trying for as long as I’ve been around here… at least 5 years. RB has been posting the EXACT same arguments the whole time NEVER ONCE really engaging a counter-argument which calls out his question-begging assumptions. It is very heart breaking.
@Bobby Bambino…oh, okay, thanks. I was unaware. I don’t think I’ve ever posted anything here before, so I am unfamiliar with the regulars. Thanks for the heads up! =) Have a wonderful day!!
Do you really think that closing abortion clinics will ever stop women from having abortions?
Well, yeah. It doesn’t matter if there is a demand for something if there’s no supply of it. If all abortion clinics are closed, the number of abortions occurring in the US will go way down. It’s kind of like the Dr. Pepper distribution network. Here in the US, there’s lots of places where it’s bottled and sold, so people drink it all the time. Internationally, there aren’t nearly so many places where it’s manufactured, resulting in (you’ll never guess) fewer people drinking Dr. Pepper! If something is not readily available, people don’t go looking for it in nearly the same numbers they do if it is.
How can you be so naive? Women will always find a way to have them whether abortion is legal or not.
You say this every single time you post. And you really have to know by now that that is not an argument for anything. “People will do it anyway” does not justify bank robbery, or FGM, or arson, or firing guns within city limits, or any number of other things that society not only discourages but outright bans–because they are so harmful and dangerous–and it doesn’t justify abortions. Nor will it ever. This Mr. Monotony routine is beyond tired now.
I see some fresh names, awesome!
Robert is very invested in his belief in perpetual abortion. It is one of the many symptoms of the mental illness that is abortion advocacy.
Our next step, in addition to a presence outside the abortion clinics, is more presence in other places where young people gather. I’m so encouraged by the displays on campuses and the hard work of Lila Rose and all the other young people who are stepping up to help. I wish I knew all their names. It’s very encouraging.
Yes, desperate women will do desperate things. So we offer them help and hope in their moments of desperation, not killing.
Had abortion been illegal, myself and many of my post abortive friends would have never even considered it.
While it may be true that morality cannot be legislated, behavior can be regulated. It may be true that the law cannot change the heart, it can restrain the heartless.
-Martin Luther King Jr.
Many women who have abortions are middle class. Fixated on poor women much, Robert?
Has any research been done to estimate how the body count has been affected by the closing and opening of these abortion mills? For example, the mega abortion mills that have opened may be doing more abortions than several smaller ones that closed. While it’s good to count the facilities, perhaps a more important number is how many net babies are saved, giving us a more accurate picture of how the pro-life movement is doing.
it’s ‘cuz poor people are icky to Robert, phillymiss. ;_;
Robert Berger strikes again–guess it’s Pro-Lifers Strike Back LOL (Get the “Star Wars” reference everybody? Sorry, big fan).
All right, Robert, if we care so little about the BORN children, how come a good number of pro-lifers are mothers (including myself)? What about ones who have big families (I come from a family of 8 children–my mother would’ve had more if she could’ve–2 of my siblings are adopted, by the way).
I’ve done volunteer work over the years because I care about people.
I’m not going to list everything I’ve done for folks because I don’t want to look like I’m bragging, but trust me, I do.
I’m motivated by faith, care for others and the fact that I like to be helpful.
I do know why abortions happen, but that doesn’t make them right or good.
I hate to say it, but we can’t celebrate yet, as the number of clinics offering surgical abortions dwindles more non-surgical centers and PP affiliates are offering medical abortions in its place and it seems non-surgical medical abortions are on the rise in place of the D&Cs or Vacuum Aspirations during the first trimester. It would be interesting to see statistics on this.
“Robert Berger strikes again–guess it’s Pro-Lifers Strike Back LOL (Get the “Star Wars” reference everybody? Sorry, big fan).”
Perhaps Brandolyn is “a new hope” in the fight to win RB.
When RB posts the same thing over and over, should we refer to it as “attack of the clones”?
LOL! Love the Star Wars reference Bobby! Another big SW fan here! (any of the mods get the SW reference in my e-mail address?)
I do!
Carla wrote: Had abortion been illegal, myself and many of my post abortive friends would have never even considered it.
Amen! If abortion had been illegal, my doctor would not have pushed it, and I would never have tried to harm myself. I think most girls would not harm themselves either, if abortion were no longer legal.
The abortion business pushes girls and women along a path of destruction, a path they would not otherwise take. When we were teens in a small community, we knew that sex created babies. We knew that if you slept with a boy, you could get pregnant and then all your families would be involved, etc. You better believe we were much more careful about sex.
So what anti-lifers fail to comprehend is that life did exist before widespread elective abortion and it can exist that way again. It will be challenging, of course! People might have to find ways to relate to each other besides hooking up and having sex when you haven’t thought over the possible consequences. There is nothing wrong with being more choosy. It’s not oppressive, sex is not a bad thing, but it isn’t just about you and your partner. It may involve a third person, a human child, who is not to blame for the fact that his existence complicates his parents’ lives. It’s time to get real about life and sex. Abortion has got to go. It has no place in civilized society.
Bobby Bambino
November 30th, 2010 at 11:38 am
“Robert Berger strikes again–guess it’s Pro-Lifers Strike Back LOL (Get the “Star Wars” reference everybody? Sorry, big fan).”
Perhaps Brandolyn is “a new hope” in the fight to win RB.
When RB posts the same thing over and over, should we refer to it as “attack of the clones”?
I think “Attack Of The Clones” could be a lot of the pro-abort/choicer arguments we get on here.
I also think “Return Of The Lifers” refers to people like xal and other pro-lifers who have been gone and come back.
I recommend having Gerard Nadal play Han Pro-Lifer. LOL ;-)
As long as I get to be Jar-Jar Binks, MIT.
As long as I get to be Princess Leia! ;) And I think Ken should be Obi-wan (Ben) Kenobi with the way he shares words of wisdom from the Bible.
Maybe you should change your avatar to Leia?? :)
“I don’t know..I’ve got a bad feeling about this..”
It’s alright, ninek. It’s only a Minok… chewing on teh power cable…
you really want to be Jar Jar Binks, Bobby? He’s the reason Palpatine got more powers like creating the grand army! Wouldn’t you rather be Mace Windu?
I LOVE STAR WARS, too! I watched part of the Star Wars weekend on Spike TV this weekend, except most of ROTS, which I hated, especially the temple scene…..it still makes me cry thinking about it……..
Alice and Robert Berger,
Alice is right…it is dependent on the supply. If there is reduced supply, there will be reduced abortions. I’m in Australia, and I almost always dont see Dr Pepper anywhere> It came here a few years ago and disappeared. I recently noticed it in a candy store at a very exorbitant price – so I surely wont be buying any!
For those that have illegal abortions because legal abortions arent available – there again…they have them because they are supplied illegally. By greedy people like the “lady” in Bangkok who offloaded her aborted foetuses (over 2000 of them) to a buddhist monastry! She made a killing- from killing. Ironic.
People who are anti-abortion are also anti-child abuse and anti-pedophilia too. And I have many times offered to take on “unwanted” children myself (I want them!!) when friends have spoken about wanting an abortion. Sadly, none have taken me up on the offer, because they were too selfish to go thru a few months of discomfort and stifle their careers, reputations etc.
I donate to child welfare charities. I bring my kids up to be anti-abortion and to want to volunteer to help underpriviledged kids…
Anti-abortionists are clearly child-loving, caring, compassionate people who seem more capable of empathy than the “norm” of society.
who will be Chewbawcca?
great quote Carla.
The fact is that PP cannot exist without funding from governments. Amazing that in these times when governments will lay off thousands of workers but still fund an organization that is devoted almost solely to killing off it’s citizens.
Bobby you can be Jar Jar but I worry about you wanting to be him LOL
I think I’ll be Yoda even though Yoda was a man. I will call myself Yodita!
Chewbacca…hmmm that’s a tough one.
Now what about the opposing side? Who’s who?
Yes,some middle class women have abortions.But remember-economic times are extremely tough today even for the middle class.It’s tough enough to raise a family and provide for them if you’re not poor. But you forget that there IS a lot of poverty in America. Until more is done to aleviate poverty there will be no way to prevent abortions.
Pro-choicers like me are not pro-choice because we like abortion-we certainly don’t,or because we want them to happen and want to increase them,or because we hate children.We don’t hate them any more than pro-lifers.
We just ralize that making abortion illegal is the wrong way to deal with the problem. It won’t solve anything but only make things infinitely worse.
And even if it does stop some women from having abortions, we will still be faced with many,many more poor children who are doomed to lives of misery.
We already have too many children in thr world who are growing up in abject poverty.Instead of being so fixated on the unborn,we need to provide for children who have been born.
Robert, China is trying to deal with overpopulation through abortion and they aren’t doing too hot at it. What makes you think America would handle it better? You want to seek a resolution to overpopulation, well, abortion isn’t the answer. It creates more problems and more poverty. Women who have abortions are more likely to do drugs, drink, and develop psychological issues that render them unable to participate effectively in society. It’s a horrible cycle. The only answer is Jesus. Plain and simple. When Jesus enters your heart you begin to view the world through the eyes of eternity. It really is all about Him…
Hi Robert.
Mee-sa gonna put yo above post into syllogism, okey-day?
If a certain class of human beings are suffering a hardship, then it is morally permissible to kill a different class of human beings.
‘Children who are living in abject poverty’ is a class of human beings who are suffering.
The unborn are a class of human beings different from the class of human beings who are living in abject poverty.
Therefore, it is morally permissible to kill the unborn.
Mee-sa get yo point?
Robert Berger
December 1st, 2010 at 10:43 am
Pro-choicers like me are not pro-choice because we like abortion-we certainly don’t,or because we want them to happen and want to increase them,or because we hate children.We don’t hate them any more than pro-lifers.
I hate this excuse. “No, it’s really bad, I swear, but it’s better than the alternative!” You are permitting yourself to settle for a “solution” that you already acknowledge is a bad one (and this is without going into how this supposed solution causes far worse problems and harms than it ever solved) rather than getting up off your lazy butt and doing something to eliminate the problem. Even from your own point-of-view, this is absolute crap.
We just ralize that making abortion illegal is the wrong way to deal with the problem. It won’t solve anything but only make things infinitely worse.
Unsupported assertion presented as fact. Back it up. (If you say, “Go Google it,” you instantly loose. You made the assertion. You put supports under it.)
And even if it does stop some women from having abortions, we will still be faced with many,many more poor children who are doomed to lives of misery.
Yes, because being poor is soo much worse than being dead. Are you hearing how ridiculous that is?
We already have too many children in thr world who are growing up in abject poverty.Instead of being so fixated on the unborn,we need to provide for children who have been born.
Too many children according to whom? You? Who made you the judge, jury, and executioner of the world’s children, poor or otherwise? How dare you presume, from your privileged, cushiony armchair in the United States that other people’s lives are so miserable they are not worth living without even consulting them?
We already have too many children in thr world who are growing up in abject poverty.Instead of being so fixated on the unborn,we need to provide for children who have been born.
Then I say we need to find a way to eradicate poverty! Here’s one of many effective organizations that are working to help poor people around the world:
I love Heifer and I also love KIVA loans.
You know, when God spoke to Abraham, he didn’t say, “Look up at the stars, don’t have that many children..” He said that Abraham’s descendents would be as uncountable as the stars or the grains of sand on the earth. He did not say to stop at some defined point.
Once we got a vessel out of our planet’s orbit and into space, we achieved the ability to get off this (beautiful) rock. If the rock is too small, it’s time to spread out. And besides, most poverty is not caused by population; it’s caused by corruption. Our planet can sustain us just fine for quite a while, if only we work smarter.
Robert Berger
December 1st, 2010 at 10:43 am
Yes,some middle class women have abortions.But remember-economic times are extremely tough today even for the middle class.It’s tough enough to raise a family and provide for them if you’re not poor. But you forget that there IS a lot of poverty in America. Until more is done to aleviate poverty there will be no way to prevent abortions.
There’s couples (I know at least one) who are willing to adopt a baby rather than have him or her killed (aborted). Wouldn’t shock me if there’s thousands more. I don’t know the numbers, but I know they exist.
Pro-choicers like me are not pro-choice because we like abortion-we certainly don’t,or because we want them to happen and want to increase them,or because we hate children.We don’t hate them any more than pro-lifers.
We just ralize that making abortion illegal is the wrong way to deal with the problem. It won’t solve anything but only make things infinitely worse.
So aborting (killing) the pre-born baby is the RIGHT way of dealing with the problem? Y’all NEVER encourage adoption–not ONE pro-abort/choicer that I’ve ever talked to EVER said “Yeah, I’ll encourage and help the adoption agencies so that we don’t hae to have so many abortions.” It’s always excuse after excuse “well there’s so many children in foster care” yeah, well, there’s also a ton of couples who want to adopt and sometimes they’re rejected even if they would make good and loving parents. No, the system is NOT perfect, but abortion certainly doesn’t do anything to make it better.
And even if it does stop some women from having abortions, we will still be faced with many,many more poor children who are doomed to lives of misery.
We already have too many children in thr world who are growing up in abject poverty.Instead of being so fixated on the unborn,we need to provide for children who have been born
I know a lady who would’ve gotten help from me and my husband and others but she STILL chose to abort even with other life-giving options. I gave her the number of an adoption agency and I offerred to do what I could (however much or little that was–I had a newborn at the time) to help her. I offered to walk with her as much as I could…I offered her help.
Some people just choose abortion because it’s been ingrained into our society that it’s the big “savior” of crisis pregnancies while every other option is too “hard” or whatever.
I’m sick of the excuses. I’m sick of the whole “well we don’t have any viable options.” Even when we pro-lifers offer those “viable options” there’s a lot of people who either won’t take them or act like it’s a fate worse than possible infection, proferated uterus, or numerous other problems.
Stop the excuses. There are people willing to help those in crisis pregnancy and even people willing to help those in poverty.
P.S. On the Planned Parenthood website they mention Natural Family Planning in quotes–which strikes me as odd.
Also they make it sound like if a person has “irregular cycles” they can’t practice NFP which is FALSE. It might be tougher for a person with an irregular cycle (which that cycle could be perfectly regular for that woman since every woman is different) but some women who have irregular cycles have been able to use NFP successfully. (I have had “problem” cycles which revealed health issues that I had to get taken care but I was STILL able to practice NFP). I have a friend who has strange cycles, but she was still able to read her charts AND she and her husband also taught NFP for awhile–they got certified to be a teaching couple.
So it IS possible for those with unusual/irregular cycles to practice NFP.
Oh and they don’t even mention Couple To Couple League as a place to learn NFP. They also mostly recommend other PP places.
Also, on the Consent Laws under my state (Texas) they don’t encourage underage teens to get the consent from their parents. They said they needed permission and parents be told 48 hours in advance, then they add “a judge can excuse you of both requirements.” Which, may be true, but what about loving parents who WANT to be told. Who want to offer other options? So their kid goes and gets themselves excused from these requirements and then what if the mother and father were loving and wanted to help and they don’t even get to as parents have a say?
You anti-choicers are totally out of touch with reality.You give me ridiculous excuses such as that God didn’t tell people to have very few children. What lame reasoning!
Let’s face it;if abortion ever becomes illegal in America again,the back-alley abortionists will do a brisk business.If you think they won’t you are extremely naive.
And you can be sure that many women will die from these unclean and incompetent non doctors,as they did in the past and do thousands of time each year in poor countries where abortion is illegal. And many of you anti-choicers are foolish enough to want to make contraceptives illegal,which would only greatly increase the numbers of abortions and create a black market.
Many women will also be seriously harmed and possibly permanently disabled from these botched illegal abortions if they do not actually die.
And yet you anti-choicers co0ntinue to spread ridiculous fals rumors about the supposed dangers of contraceptives,which you exaggerate wildly and conveniently ignore the fact that the vast majority of abortions in America do not phycially or mentally harm women at all, and that countless women have been using contraceptives for decades without any ill effects.
And again,you could not care less about the unborn after they are born. None of you has arranged to provide everything mothers and children need to do decently.You just make false claims about this and try to interfere with the private lives of women everywhere.
And the Catholic church is a criminal organization,not merely because of the pedophile priest scandals, but because of its blind opposition to abortion ,contraception and everything that would would avoid catastrophe in this world. Individual Catholics are not to blame,just the Vatican.
The Vatican is an appallingly backward and obscurantist organization which has caused untold amount of misery in the world in our time.It must be stopped.
Dear Robert Berger,
It seems you are having a really bad day. Praying you find peace.
Robert Berger said: And the Catholic church is a criminal organization,not merely because of the pedophile priest scandals, but because of its blind opposition to abortion ,contraception and everything that would would avoid catastrophe in this world. Individual Catholics are not to blame,just the Vatican.
The Vatican is an appallingly backward and obscurantist organization which has caused untold amount of misery in the world in our time.It must be stopped.
I’m going to focus on your birth control attack on the Catholic Church since that’s the main focus right now.
The Catholic Church does NOT have a “blind opposition to abortion” as you so put it. The Catholic Church is well aware of the physical, mental, emotional, psychological, and yes, spiritual implications and problems with abortion.
Death from abortion can happen even with abortion legal.
Proferated uteruses happen no matter if abortion is legal or illegal. Abby Johnson says the majority of doctors performing abortions do NOT use ultrasound equipment or anything other than feeling for “tension” (which could be anything from a pre-born baby, to the side of the uterus to a bunch of other things). She used to be director of a PP facility and knew abortions were done and even watched an ultrasound 13 week abortion (which was a big part of her conversion to the pro-life side).
Infections can happen even if abortions are legal. (PP website even admits that’s a possibility, by the way).
Women regret their abortions–EVEN LEGAL abortions. (Carla has stated her story and I know others who have, too).
Doctors have left the abortion scene because they KNOW what happens.
I know Catholic doctors who won’t have anything to do with abortion because they know it means the death of a pre-born baby. They’ve gone to school, they know how these things work.
Numerous research done by Dr. Chris Kahlenborn about artificial birth control and abortion and the problems are available in pamphlets put out by One More Soul and online.
Here’s one such article (but I’ve seen it in pamphlet form as well on the site) from One More Soul:
Chris Kahlenborn, MD and Ann Moell, MD: “What A Woman Should Know About Birth Control”: http://onemoresoul.com/contraception/risks-consequences/what-a-woman-should-know-about-birth-control.html
More by Dr. Kahlenborn:
Can find some of Dr. Kathlenborn’s information here: http://www.polycarp.org/faqs.htm
And again,you could not care less about the unborn after they are born. None of you has arranged to provide everything mothers and children need to do decently.You just make false claims about this and try to interfere with the private lives of women everywhere.
What have you done for women in a Crisis pregnancy or in need? Probably only gave them the number to the nearest clinic that would give them an abortion, am I right?
I haven’t made a single false claim and you haven’t backed up any of your claims on here (to my knowledge).
I have named more than once places that help women in Crisis Pregnancy or to care for their babies.
I know a couple who would gladly adopt a child rather than have him or her be aborted (and I have heard of other couples who would do the same).
By the way there is a group of priests called Priests for Life that are working on helping women and pre-born babies and they have a lay order (people who are not in religious orders like married men and women). http://www.priestsforlife.org/intro/introbrochure.html They have listing for women who are in Crisis Pregnancy with numbers: http://www.priestsforlife.org/crisis.html
And yet you anti-choicers co0ntinue to spread ridiculous fals rumors about the supposed dangers of contraceptives,which you exaggerate wildly and conveniently ignore the fact that the vast majority of abortions in America do not phycially or mentally harm women at all, and that countless women have been using contraceptives for decades without any ill effects.
See above. Also, I know doctors who don’t condone artifical contraception because of health risks.
If there weren’t any health risks with aritifical contraception how come there’s pages of warnings with the pills and other artificial contraceptions? Why would Dr. Kathlenborn have all this research (at least 6 years if not more) worth of the link between aritifical birth control and health risks? It would make no sense if contraception was perfectly okay and had no health risks.
Good gosh dude, check the information regarding contraception.
Do you NOT hear the warnings they say on TV commercials with birth control pills and the like?)
If contraception is so safe why would they worry about possible side effects as listed on WebMD: http://www.webmd.com/sex/birth-control/birth-control-when-to-call-a-doctor
Right off the Nuvaring website: http://www.nuvaring.com/Consumer/aboutNuvaRing/possibleSideEffects/index.asp
Most contraceptions have a laundry list of warnings and possible side effects ranging from mood changes to bleeding and such.
A cousin of mine was on the birth control pill and while on it suffered 3 heart attacks, the last one killed her.
I know a lady who used to take artificial birth control…when she got off of it and started practicing NFP her husband and her both noticed she was A LOT HAPPIER than when she was on the birth control pill–like her actual moods were more cheerful.
If these things didn’t or couldn’t happen, they wouldn’t be listed and people wouldn’t be reporting them happening.
December 2nd, 2010 at 12:40 pm
Dear Robert Berger,
It seems you are having a really bad day. Praying you find peace.
You’re right. We should pray for Robert Berger as we should pray for all people. Good reminder there!
I watch the appalling Priests for life program every week. Frank Pavone is a fanatic,a liar and hypocrite ,and everything he says on his program along with the equally appalling Janet Morana is a pack of lies.
They even put up phony numbers of abortions happening worldwide on every show.How do they know this many abortions are happening? They don’t.It’s just a ploy to mislead people with emotion.
It’s totally unrealistic to expect people to adopt every unwanted child. I’m not opposed to adoption per se, but ithis is not the answer to the abortion problem.
I’m sorry if I offended any one with my comments about the Vatican,but I stand by them.
No crisis pregnancy center can ppossibly provide a pregnant woman with all she needs to take care of a child until it is an adult. No individual private organization can do this,because it would require billions and billions of dollars,and only the government can do this. If there were more government aid available to poor pregnant women,there WOULD be far fewer abortions.But there isn’t even remotely enough help.
I don’t hate individual Catholics;most are good people even if terribly misguided.
But what the Vatican advocates for society in general is horrendous. It doesn’t realize how disastrously counterproductive its policies on marriage the family and human sexuality are,and neither do the various priests ,Bishops,and Cardinals etc.
It’s not for me,an non-christian and non-catholic to tell the Vatican what to dictate to observant Catholics. But I and other pro-choicers have not only the right but the duty to oppose what it wants to impose on the rest of society.
” I watch the appalling Priests for life program every week.”
My goodness, if it bothers you so much, stop watching! (We pro-lifers are not here on earth to annoy, contrary to popular belief.)
I’ve been asked to warn you once again to stop with the Catholic-bashing, or you risk being banned. You are in violation of the rules of this comment board.
It doesn’t realize how disastrously counterproductive its policies on marriage the family and human sexuality are
I’m confused here. The policy on marriage – that it should be… what? For life? Between one man and one woman, for life?
On the family – that families should welcome children? Human sexuality – that it should not be used for the purposes of hedonism, debauchery, orgies,
homosexuality, adultery, fornication, etc – but instead for monogamy, love and sexual pleasure within marriage and for procreation?
Robert Berger
December 2nd, 2010 at 6:25 pm
I watch the appalling Priests for life program every week. Frank Pavone is a fanatic,a liar and hypocrite ,and everything he says on his program along with the equally appalling Janet Morana is a pack of lies.
What you’re trying to feed us about abortion being perfectly fine is what’s a pack of lies.
Abortion isn’t fine. It isn’t perfectly safe. It may be legal but it’s far from perfectly safe.
Not only is a pre-born human being destroyed, but I have talked to women AND men who have been hurt by abortions–whether they chose abortions and regretted them or abortion was NOT their choice.
Abortion DOES hurt people.
They even put up phony numbers of abortions happening worldwide on every show.How do they know this many abortions are happening? They don’t.It’s just a ploy to mislead people with emotion.
Putting aside the fact that not every single abortion is reported, I heard Abby Johnson, a former PP Director talk about the numbers and what people say about how many abortions PER DAY is pretty on target with what she said. I’ll have to look at my notes from that talk, but the numbers ARE high.
As for misleading people with emotions…people who used to work on abortions and advocate that choice as a viable solution, have said that PP and other people who provide abortions DO play on people’s emotions to get them to support abortion.
It’s totally unrealistic to expect people to adopt every unwanted child. I’m not opposed to adoption per se, but ithis is not the answer to the abortion problem.
Well, it’s a start in the right direction to advocate adoption over abortion. Perhaps if we educated better on abstainance and chastity, perhaps if we also advocated healthier family planning methods (like NFP–Sympo Thermal, Creighton, Billings, to name just a few of the NFP methods)
Perhaps if we started actually CARING about one another addressing the deeper issues rather than saying “Oh just have an abortion, it’ll solve everything.” Perhaps we might actually GET somewhere with the abortion problem.
And I’m glad YOU said it was a problem. Not many people who advocate support abortion as a choice say that.
I’m sorry if I offended any one with my comments about the Vatican,but I stand by them.
I’ll have to work on forgiving you while you work on not lambasting my faith and Church every time you have a problem with the pro-life position and our answers to you.
No crisis pregnancy center can ppossibly provide a pregnant woman with all she needs to take care of a child until it is an adult. No individual private organization can do this,because it would require billions and billions of dollars,and only the government can do this. If there were more government aid available to poor pregnant women,there WOULD be far fewer abortions.But there isn’t even remotely enough help.
The government can’t solve all the problems either. These organizations are doing more to help women in need than the people who scream at them to quit doing what they’re doing.
Insted of people criticizing Catholic Charities, The Gabriel Project and other organizations, perhaps they could offer assistance or donate to help make things better. Be pro-active to find alternatives and ways of lowering abortion rather than telling people and these organizations they won’t solve anything.
I don’t hate individual Catholics;most are good people even if terribly misguided.
But what the Vatican advocates for society in general is horrendous. It doesn’t realize how disastrously counterproductive its policies on marriage the family and human sexuality are,and neither do the various priests ,Bishops,and Cardinals etc.
Because my faith is so much a part of who I am when you hate my faith and my Church you hate me. Faith IS personal, so I hope you understand that I take your comments regarding how horrible you think the Catholic Church as personal insults to me. However, that’s less of an issue than addressing your problems with the Catholic Church’s doctorine and policies.
They are NOT counterproductive to marriage. Its policies have helped MANY marriages (I have seen it with my own eyes, thank you very much) as well as in my own marriage.
Have you ever tried using their policies? Ever seriously opened up ”The Catechism” to see what we actually say and believe rather than believing the popular media?
The media doesn’t always get it right, in fact it often misrepresents the Church to the general public.
You want to know what we believe and why crack up ”The Catechism Of The Catholic Church” read up on JP II’s “The Theology Of The Body”–and, because that body of work IS very scholarly and not everyone understands it reading it straight through, you can always pull out what Christopher West provides. He’s done YEARS of research on JP II’s “The Theology Of The Body” and has several books, audio CDS and DVDs available. I’ve been to 5 of his talks in person, and have listened to one of his talks on audio CD, seen one on VHS, and 2 others on DVD.
Check out Christopher West’s book “The Good News About Sex And Marriage”.
You can get to his work on his website: http://www.christopherwest.com
It’s not for me,an non-christian and non-catholic to tell the Vatican what to dictate to observant Catholics. But I and other pro-choicers have not only the right but the duty to oppose what it wants to impose on the rest of society.
Now exactly what’s so wrong with what the Church wants to “imposse on the rest of society”?
Nobody, except Catholics have an absolute duty to be obedient to the Catholic Church.
However, on a deeper level, we aren’t encouraging anything that won’t ultimately help a person.
Here’s some of what I mean:
NFP (Natural Family Planning): No artificial hormones, et cetera. People who practice NFP in general have stronger marriages and healthier women.
How can I say that? Well, like I said, no artificial hormones. (Although, I have heard of NFP methods where some people use contraception in conjunction with NFP, but the Catholic Church doesn’t advocate the use of artificial birth control).
NFP when used correctly and consistently has up to a 99 percent success rate.
My husband and I have used NFP to both achieve and avoid pregnancy. Not everyone who practices NFP has lots and lots of children (I know people with only 2 or 3 who use NFP).
I have a sister who noticed something odd on her NFP chart and went to the doctor. She discovered she had the early stages of breast cancer. The doc said he had never had a patient who was diagnosed so early. I’m happy to say through NFP and a good doctor, my sister has been in remission from breast cancer for years (and she didn’t have to lose a breast in the process).
My charts alerted my doctor (who is versed in NFP) to hormone issues. I think they’re better, I haven’t had another blood test in awhile–but I’ve forgotten to ask if she wants me to get another one. Oh and my mother says my cycles look healthier now (not sure why, but healthier cycles probably mean I’m a healthier person).
Through NFP charting I was able to find out (long before a pregnancy test) that I was pregnant. I took a pregnancy test later just to confirm.
Abstiance and chastity before marriage is another thing the Catholic Church advocates. This means people who practice abstainance and chastity are a lot less likely to face a crisis pregnancy, problems with STDs (Sexually Transmitted Dieases) and STIs (Sexually Transmitted Infections). They’re also more likely experience stronger bonds within marriage and less regret. (believe me, I’ve talked to people who wish they had waited until marriage to become sexually active).
Chastity within marriage: This means regarding one’s spouse as made in the image and likeness of God (or, if you’re not religious or have any kind of faith in a higher being) someone to be treated with respect, love and consisderation. This means, living out FAITHFULLY the marriage vows, and not using each other as sex objects. (Now how is that a bad thing?–aren’t stronger and better marriages something we all can agree the world could benefit from?)
People don’t give themselves enough credit. Yes, it’s not always easy to deal with hormones, but with practice people CAN do it. Self discipline isn’t something to abhor. I mean, isn’t that something we teach recovering alocholics and such? To learn to discipline themselves so that they don’t “fall off the wagon”? So how is encouraging self-discpline (as the Catholic Church does with her policies and doctorine) a bad thing?
You seem to have much deeper issues with the Catholic Church than someone who merely either doesn’t understand them, or doesn’t know exactly what they are. I’m sorry if you’ve been hurt by someone in the Church. People are not perfect, and we don’t claim any of us are. In fact, we do not claim the Pope is perfect, either. The only time the Pope is infallible (through the intercession of the Holy Spirit) is when he teaches from The Chair of Peter (which I think is called Ex-Cathedra)
Catholic Answers (http://www.catholic.com ) has this article on explaining Papal Infallibility which (I hope) you might find helpful in understanding things better: http://www.catholic.com/library/Papal_Infallibility.asp (Or anyone who has a question about Papal Infallibility).
I also reccomend reading Scott & Kimberly Hahn’s “Rome Sweet Home” and Patrick Madrid’s books, these are Catholic “Apologetics” who explain the Catholic faith in easy to understand details.
There’s also Jeff Cavins (I’ve read his book called “I’m NOT Being Fed!” which is a short read all about the Eucharist).
Patrick Madrid has a series of books out called: “Surprised By Truth”…you can also find many of the stories on The Coming Home Network: http://www.chnetwork.org/converts.html
I’m sorry you’re so angry with the Catholic Church. I know PEOPLE have made mistakes and sinned, but the faith–the Church, there’s such a beauty there. It makes me sad when other people can’t see it.
but instead for monogamy, love and sexual pleasure within marriage and for procreation?
I’d like to add (just for clarification purposes):
The Catholic Church teaches that sexual intercourse has 2 main purposes:
1. unitative (reaffirmation of the marriage vows)
2. procreation (as Kel said–that is, openess to the POSSIBILITY of children).
The Church is aware that children won’t always happen (and some couples are sterile without knowing beforehand that they are). That’s why POSSIBILITY is there.
The Catholic Church views sexual intercourse as such a precious gift from God, which is why the doctorine/policies on marriage and sexual activity exist.
Now bringing the conversation back to Star Wars (I’ve been away from a computer for several days) and I love having someone to talk SW with!
Mother In Texas
November 30th, 2010 at 1:20 pm
I think I’ll be Yoda even though Yoda was a man. I will call myself Yodita!
LOL! Mother in Texas! But there was a female Jedi Master on the Jedi High Council, who was the same species as Yoda, her name was Yaddle. “She became one of the most revered members of the Jedi Order, and her fellow Jedi would often consult her for her wisdom and knowledge on many subjects. She came to be known as one of the most compassionate and thoughtful Jedi Masters.”
November 30th, 2010 at 4:38 pm
you really want to be Jar Jar Binks, Bobby? He’s the reason Palpatine got more powers like creating the grand army! Wouldn’t you rather be Mace Windu?
I LOVE STAR WARS, too! I watched part of the Star Wars weekend on Spike TV this weekend, except most of ROTS, which I hated, especially the temple scene…..it still makes me cry thinking about it……..
True, so true! Let’s have a Jar-Jar-B-Q! But seriously he was one of the most annoying characters. But keep in mind that Padme, naive and not knowing Palpatine’s underlying intentions also supported the vote of no confidence for Chancellor Valorum, thus also contributing to the rise of Palaptine to power, although she later opposed Palpatines increasing self-appointed powers, including his declaration of the First Galactic Empire (those words still give me the chills) and joined Senators Mon Mothma, Bail Organa, and Garm Bel Iblis in a secret meeting to form the startings of the Rebel Alliance to Restore the Republic .
Oh man, the Temple scene, I cried knowing what was coming. All I could say was, “Oh Anakin, how could you…” He slaughtered the Younglings, innocent, defenseless children, not even full Jedi yet. Actually I think I cried through most of ROTS, lots of very sad scenes, probably one of the most poigant was Obi-wan Kenobi’s last words to Anakin after their battle on Mustafar: Holding back his tears, he replied to Anakin’s hate-filled words, “You were my brother, Anakin. I loved you.” What do you think was the most poigant scenes in ROTS?
BTW, has anyone here gotten a chance to go to “Star Wars in Concert”? I went last winter and it was awesome!!