Couple risks miscarriage while taking votes whether to abort; also generates a profit
Read backstory here.
The mother taking votes whether to abort her 17-wk-old baby, Alisha Arnold, appeared on KSTP ABC News out of Minneapolis on November 18. The news video was ok, but I found the uncut interview (below) more enlightening – and troubling.
It appears the Arnolds’ entire impetus for pulling this stunt was to educate people on the importance of voting.
It also appears the stunt driver is husband Pete, (Alisha: “I’ve been somewhat excited because Pete has been excited to be getting response the way we have and then partly frustrated because I’m by myself and having to deal with more of it than I thought I would on my own.”) who apparently is a tad off-kilter right-wing, pro-life Trekkie.
It also appears Alisha will not abort, no matter what the vote (although she appears to tragically be courting miscarriage)…
- “The ultrasounds are fun… [W]hen I see the pictures, I do connect. I think it’s kind of natural as an expecting mother to feel emotion towards your unborn child.”
- “We are taking everybody’s opinion into consideration. It is very important to us what people vote. But in the end, kind of like the president, we reserve veto power…. But it does really come down to us for making that final decision, because it is a procedure that I have to go through. Nobody else is having to do this for us.”
- “I’m not big for any type of any medical procedure, so [my decision] would probably lean towards keeping the baby, but, you know, anything can change.”
Alisha recognizes she is tempting fate by putting her preborn baby’s life up for a vote when she has lost 3 others to miscarriage. And this pregnancy hasn’t gone so well either. Alisha has been on modified bed rest for bleeding issues and said during the interview her blood pressure was up at her a.m. doctor visit.
Alisha said the scrutiny of publicity has “overwhelmed” her to the point she was “bawling last night,” is “freaking out,” and isn’t sleeping well. This ticks me off. What did she expect? How good can all this be for the baby whose life the Arnolds knew was at risk to begin with? Stupid people, gambling with that precious life to harp on a personal annoyance…
One other note from the news story. The Arnolds are running Google ads on their site… making money from all this.
[HT for interview: Sandy M.]
I wonder if they’ve thought about what their child will think of all of this when (s)he gets a bit older… I can’t imagine thinking – “Oh, my parents took a vote on whether or not to abort me…”
This is beyond infuriating. This woman is disturbed. She keeps speaking of the importance of voting and making opinions heard and making a difference, but her ONLY responsibility is to HER CHILD not the opinion of strangers. Why would any legitimate mother hand over the fate of her child’s life to strangers voting in a stupid poll? She seems to have surrendered any maternal instinct she might have had in order to empower the masses, completely forgetting that the masses might “decide” her baby must die.
The bottom line is these people are already terrible, terrible parents and they don’t deserve this baby. Lord Jesus, have mercy on this innocent child and save him from his own parents.
How sick and disgusting this is.
I thought abortion was between a woman and her doctor.
As a pro-life right-wing trekkie, I would like to say that these people do not speak for me. I cannot imagine putting my child’s life up for vote on the internet. I am not sure what they thought this would accomplish. I do sometimes make arguments using my children as examples–i. e., would it be okay for me to stop providing all nutrition to them–but I think to threaten their lives, even with no intent of following through, is going too far.
Thanks, young christian woman! I hated that trekkie was thrown in there like it was a bad thing to be a trekkie. Couldn’t they instead have harped on his bad spelling? Star Trek had multiple episodes where they worked hard to save babies lives, not put it up for a vote!
She keeps talking about wanting people to see the importance of voting and making their opinions “make a difference”–like she is trying to show how important it is to vote.
Well, ok, why don’t you have them vote on their favorite flavor of ice cream or something since that would make more sense than voting on whether or not someone should kill their unborn child!
On top of that, she said is is ultimately her decision and that she and her husband have veto power over others’ opinions, so isn’t this whole thing just moot??
This lady is just off her rocker. Pretty dumb to continue this thing since it is stressing her out so much and she has already had three miscarriages–seems to me she should get out of the spotlight and start resting and taking care of herself.
Oh, no Carla, you’re way behind the times…
Abortion is between a woman and her doctor (unless s/he’s a pro-life doctor, and then his/her opinion doesn’t count or as in Victoria, Australia, is illegal) and her partner (if he wants an abortion, otherwise he can butt out) and her spiritual advisor (unless he/she advises life over abortion, then they can keep their rosaries off her ovaries) and her doula (unless it’s a pro-life doula- I mean one of those help-you-deliver-a-dead-baby-and-feel-good-about-it doulas) and her goverment funded abortion clinic (but certainly not one of those privately-funded CPCs) and her government funded healthcare plan (coming to an Obama-care clinic near you!) and her pro-choice sistas (who are happy to troll pro-life sites but won’t let a pro-lifer comment on theirs) who are there to validate her decision and remind her that any guilt, discomfort, injury or inconvenience experienced has NOTHING to do with her abortion decision and everything to do with those pro-lifers who stole her contraception, forced her to have sex during her fertile period and then had the audacity to suggest that she might take responsibility for the child she created in other ways besides killing him/her.
And of course, now it’s also between the woman and every Tom, Dick and Harry on the internet, whether you’re Angie the Antitheist twittering away as you bleed and pop painkillers, or Alisha and Pete, looking for 15 minutes of fame, some web-site royalties, an interview on Ellen and a book deal.
Did I forget anyone?
(Sorry, I’m feeling a little cranky after reading so many comments on Alisha and Pete’s blog to the effect of “You guys should have an abortion because you’d be such crap parents” YEAH! That’s the civilised, compassionate response- stupid parents, so take it out on the innocent kid!! What he needs is smarter parents, not dismemberment. GRRR!!!)
Cranky or not, you’re awesome!
These people are pro-life cranks trying to make some kind of political statement with this.
How is this stressing the importance of voting when in the end the votes don’t count because they have “veto” power and are gonna do what they wanna do anyhow? So all this was about was publicity. And the stress this is generating could very well kill their precious baby. THEY ARE DISTURBED and need immediate psychological help! If you wanna take a vote, take a vote on the baby’s name…but this. This is beyond sick. The pro-aborts will jump all over this and this disgusting couple has tarnished all pro-lifers with their shenanigans. Shame on them!!!! do they not even realize they are inviting death threats (the pro-choicers already want to shoot them!) and maybe some nut who will want to kidnap and “save” their child? Do they use their brains AT ALL?
I believe this woman (and husband alike) is emotionally, mentally unsound. If she does have the baby, I believe that this child in their care faces many possibly potentially dangerous consequences. A right thinking person would not consider something like this.
Lord have mercy, I hope they get some help. And I hope that their baby is ok,
I think this poor woman needs counseling and the support of a community. This is obviously a cry for help. She said she feels alone in this. I think there is some revealing truth in this too. Pregnancy and motherhood can be a lonely experience in a culture that does not necessarily rally around you. Because it comes down to your “choice” to have a baby you are left to deal with the consequences yourself, except in communities that value life. There you find more support.
Michelle 10:11 am —
I think I need to sign up for your fan page. :D That was GREAT!!
Also, these parents need counseling. This is disturbing on so many fronts. There are better ways to make a “political” point, for cryin’ out loud.
Lets see, this crazy poll aside, she is married, has already had 3 miscarriages which tells me they do desire to be parents yet she is considering an abortion depending on the vote to prove a point? What the hell is wrong with these people?
Alisha’s honesty is a picture of Romans 1:18-32. God has given her (& all human beings) a conscience (knowledge of right and; wrong); a maternal instinct. We can listen to Alisha doing exactly what the Bible tells us that fallen women do, suppressing the truth in unrighteousness. “For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth. For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them. ..For although they knew God, they did not honor Him as God or give thanks to Him, but they became futile in their thinking, and their foolish hearts were darkened. Claiming to be wise, they became fools, exchanged the glory of the immortal God for …because they exchanged the truth about God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen..” Romans 1:18-19,22-23,25 She knows that she is carrying a child, but considers the child expendable depending on what she wants. (She doesn’t like medical procedures.) This is what every aborting & unrepentant post-abortive woman does. It is how we justify sin & it is why we are without excuse in the day of judgment. Only the gospel provides a remedy for the malady of the wickedness of the heart & sinful human depravity.
I didn’t realize these people were from Minnesota until I saw it on the news last night. Argh. Do not want to share a state with them.
My sincere sympathies to all normal Trekkies for having been wrongfully associated with this guy.
These people are NOT pro-life. No one seriously understanding that it a human life she is carrying, a person complete and with rights, can pull such a cheap, tacky, insanely irresponsible publicity stunt. She’ll murder a baby — or maybe not? — depending on how she feels after the poll?
Motherhood was never an option for me. I can’t understand how this mother thinks. But I have sat with friends after miscarriages, and wept with them — even the ones who thought abortion was right wept over the loss. And I’ve patiently listened as they thought the lost child would be starting school now, starting high school, graduating from college. Mourning every milestone.
Thank you Michelle for your post. Welcome aboard. Pretty sick stuff huh prolifers? Thanks for giving the Romans 1:18-32 scriptures Lifesong very appropriate. This scripture tags the sick pro-aborts who spend their time here trying to take over this prolife blog. Thanks Jill and mods, sometimes I think you are to lenient but maybe exposing the pro-deathers for what they really are is a good thing, but use your power to protect the integrity of the prolife message of this blog. I can guarantee the pro-abort websites would not let us disrupt their message. God bless.
I hated that trekkie was thrown in there like it was a bad thing to be a trekkie.
Kind of like throwing “transgender” into an article about violence and censorship? Being a trekkie has nothing to do with being an idiot. Being transgender has nothing to do with getting aggressive over graphic political displays.
Well of course this mom is a head case! She suffered through miscarriage and is pregnant again all in a short time; her hormones are soaking her brain cells.
This is actually one of the reasons abortion itself is so especially bad: mothers awash in hormones aren’t exactly rational. (I say that as a woman who believes in equality but realizes men and women aren’t physically identical.)
It would be a perfectly homologous situation if the trekkie were a trekkie to the point that he believed himself to be a Vulcan and had surgery to alter his ears.
Women used to drown their children in the river Styx.
Nothing has changed.
Awww, you guys are making me blush! Kel- I’ll start a fan page as soon as I get done opening the six new PRCs we have in the works right now…
Hello!! These people are a fake trying to start controversy, in which they have succeeded. They want their 15 minuets of fame and now they have it. Seriously what a hoax. And yes the media has fallen for one again. Doesn’t anyone remember “Balloon Boy”, in which the whole country was glued to their TV waiting to find the young boy pop out of the balloon as it landed in field??!! What a surprise!! It was a hoax, just as you see in these whacked out people.
Jill Stanek writes:
“Alisha said the scrutiny of publicity has “overwhelmed” her to the point she was “bawling last night,” is “freaking out,” and isn’t sleeping well. This ticks me off. What did she expect? How good can all this be for the baby whose life the Arnolds knew was at risk to begin with? Stupid people, gambling with that precious life to harp on a personal annoyance…”
Amen to that, Jill–very well said. Where will this end, I wonder?
Attention whore.