(Prolifer)ations 11-16-10
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
- Ethika Politika dissects psychologist Brenda Major’s Washington Post article against the negative mental effects of abortion.
Big Blue Wave links to a heartbreaking blog from a post-abortive mom who expresses her regret and pain:
The self-hatred is paralyzing. It lurks closely and tells me that I don’t deserve happiness. The guilt is suffocating. It has affected every relationship I have. I can’t trust or attempt intimacy.
I would take a bullet for my out-of-the-womb children. Why didn’t I protect the ones inside?
… I cannot change what I did. Every Bible study, counseling session, and prayer seems to just be a band-aid over a wound that will NEVER heal…. So, please spare me your pro-life/pro-choice arguments. I know what I saw. I know how I feel….
And if I don’t take this pain and make it my purpose, I think it might kill me.
- Generations for Life remarks on a pro-abortion opinion piece, by 2 undergraduate MIT students:
Notice what they’re saying here: Merely permitting abortions isn’t enough; it’s the failure to actually provide them — that is, to force you and me to pay for them, and to force a doctor to do them — that constitutes “depraved indifference to human life.”
- Moral Outcry reports another abortion mill has bitten the dust – this one in Yakima, WA. Apparently, the area is “overserved,” as there is also a Planned Parenthood in town.
- Judie Brown discusses euthanasia and shares some truly chilling insights from the euthanasia movement’s proponents.
- Culture Campaign links to articles which report groups such as GOProud, the Tea Party Patriots and the New American Patriots are urging Republican leadership to ignore social issues like abortion and focus only on the economy – despite polling evidence that shows most Tea Party members are social conservatives.
“Culture Campaign links to articles which report groups such as GOProud, the Tea Party Patriots and the New American Patriots are urging Republican leadership to ignore social issues like abortion and focus only on the economy – despite polling evidence that shows most Tea Party members are social conservatives.”
Yet it was economic issues that motivated them to start throwing “tea parties” in the first place. The only thing that can ever motivate large portions of the middle class is a real or perceived drop in their living standards: high unemployment, a weakening dollar, and the other ills of the present recession. Never in a million years would a social issue prompt that many people into becoming politically active and grouping into a political force with some kind of coherent overarching ideology. That, of course, is why “social conservatives” are so determined to piggyback their cause on the broader “Tea Party” movement–because they know as soon as the economy returns to normal, the Tea Party is finished, along with their chances of becoming politically relevant again.
Research from Finland also confirms a link between abortion and mental health issues:
The risk of suicide after birth is half of that among women of reproductive age in general
Suicides are more common after a miscarriage and especially after an induced abortion than in the general population
Increased risk for suicide after an abortion indi- cates either common risk factors for both or harm- ful effects of induced abortion on mental health
UK has long since acknowledged the negative side effects of abortion and PRC’s (which most are neutral here, not pro-life or pro-abortion) provide this information to women considering abortion:
Thanks, Vita for the links.
November 16th, 2010 at 6:12 pm
Thanks, Vita for the links.
You’re always welcome ;)
The Finland study was most useful.
What is hilarious is that on the Ethika thread, the trolls there are just a silly as here. You give them a scientific study and they come back with pedophile priests, again! It is so obvious that abortion supporters have no argument, no logic, and nothing of any value to say on the subject. If our psychiatric profession weren’t so inconsistent (you might find a gem of a counselor or you might find one nuttier than you), I would recommend all abortion advocates seek mental health care immediately! They surely need something. Say, how about prayer! Jesus, it’s time to gas up the backhoe, we’ve got a very large dirt mound to move!