(Prolifer)ations 12-31-10
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs! Please email Susie@jillstanek.com.
- Parenting Freedom nails wealthy, father-of-5 population control advocate Ted Turner on his hypocrisy. Turner espouses China’s 1-child rule for everyone, especially the poor. Eugenics, anyone?
- At Judie Brown’s blog, Fr. Raymond J. de Souza discusses the contradiction between Obama’s legislation replacing the words “mentally retarded” with something less “harsh,” and our actions toward those with Down Syndrome:
We insist that harsh words are not used in regard to the mentally disabled, but the most lethal words today in medicine are those that announce Down’s syndrome. It is far better to be diagnosed with terminal cancer as an adult than to be diagnosed with Down’s syndrome as an unborn baby. No cancer has a 90% death rate within a month.
- Big Blue Wave comments on a study of mothers who kill and the ambivalence of society toward them.
- ProWomanProLife discusses the “children at any cost” mentality of surrogacy and its relation to the abortion culture:
I can’t shake the idea that surrogacy and desperate attempts to conceive are intimately connected to our abortion-friendly culture, which seems counter-intuitive, really. At one end you have someone who really wants life, and at the other, the person who kills.
But in the end, it seems, control is the unifying factor: We don’t have babies when we don’t want to, but when we do – come hell or high water, we will have them.
Speaking of eugenics, have you heard of the contrversial, “Project Prevention”? A woman (can’t remember her name) adopted 4 children who tested positive for drugs at birth and started the program to reduce the number of children born to drug addicted mothers and offerst cash incentives for women with susbstance abuse issues to receive ong-term birth control such as the Dep Provera shot and to get permanent sterilization. There is no mention of referring or giving these women information and referrals for treatment, just the best solution if for them to get sterilized and target the women with cash incentives (which as a side issue will likely fuel the drug habit if there are no incentives there for her to get clean).
Rachael, that is so sad. :( I can understand the desire to see no more helpless infants born addicted to drugs, but simply sterilizing these women and then not offering them treatment just doesn’t seem like the best solution. It’s basically bribing these women with drug money so they’ll get sterilized. And while it’s nice to see compassion for those born to drug-addicted mothers, where is the compassion for the mothers themselves? Where is the real “help for women?”
Kel, that pretty much summarizes how I feel about it too.
Way off topic, but does anyone know how Miller lost the Senate seat to pro-abort Murkowski in Alaska with Palin’s endorsement? He won the primary but must have really botched his campaign to have lost to Murkowski as a write-in candidate.
I guess it’s water under the bridge now but it just irks me that Alaskans voted in an advocate for child-killing under those circumstances.
How can Americans have such calloused disregard for aborted babies?
What’s happened to our country?
Um, I voted Miller all the way. Mrs. murkowski won by doing her write in campain and sluring Millers name all across the country. Plus most people up here don’t take Palin seriously anymore b/c of her TV show.
The surrogacy drive isn’t about life. It’s about, as ProWoman ProLife put it, CONTROL. It’s about children as consumer goods. It’s about getting what you want and getting it NOW.
That’s interesting Krystal. From what I’ve read the show’s a big hit down here.
She’s definitely got the NRA vote.
It’s so sad that so many voters don’t see through the smear campaigns and actually turn against the one doing the smearing.
Our country needs prayer and revival.
Thanks for your vote for life. All we needed was another 5500 or so to have voted for Miller instead of Murkowski to have picked up another critical Pro-life vote in the Senate.
So close…we’ve got to keep pushing and fighting for every Pro-life vote.
I agree with sterilizing drug addicted women. I know of 1 who birthed 13 babies and doesn’t have custody of 1!!!! That makes me livid. And countless others fill up the abortion clinics time and time again. Enough is enough! I know of plenty drug addicts. They are not going to change. They are selfish and choose their addiction first!! They choose it over their families, unborn children, and living kids. They need treatment, and they must stop making babies!….just my 2 cents.
Not against their will or without their knowledge right Heather? Only if they want to be sterilized.
NOBODY is beyond hope.
I know someone who has adopted drug addicted babies and is very thankful they are here instead of aborted.