FINAL UPDATE, 1/24, 5:30a: I continued to receive requests to participate in our “Ask Them What They Mean By ‘Choice'” Blog Day from pro-lifers even as the day ended. I have updated the list to showcase the 111 pro-life bloggers who used January 21 to expose “choice” as the code word for killing preborn innocence children with only 2-1/2 days notice.

NARAL posted its list of 90 participants for its “Blog for Choice” Day that morning, fewer than ours with much more notice.

And, as previously discussed, we completely overwhelmed the pro-aborts on Twitter.

This was quite a positive learning experience for me, and I have used the example of what you accomplished by this endeavor many times the past couple days here in Washington when discussing online pro-life activism with friends and colleagues.

Perhaps liberals owned social media back in the day but no more, that’s for sure. I think this was definitely an indicator that pro-lifers have come into our own for online advocacy of the sanctity of preborn human life.

UPDATE 1/21, 4p: Well, lol. NARAL couldn’t compete with pro-lifers on Twitter with its #BlogforChoiceDay hashtag and had to create a new one mid-morning: #Tweet4Choice. Lol. Bravo, pro-lifers!

UPDATE 1/21, 1:50a: Today’s the day! 87 89 95 99 pro-life bloggers* have signed up to respond to NARAL’s “Blog for Choice Day” with our own “Ask Them What They MEAN By ‘CHOICE‘ Blog Day.” When you write something on your blog, post a link in my comments section.

Facebook users please click “Like” to this post and add your own comment.

Twitter users please add hashtags #BlogforChoiceDay and #prochoice to your tweets. Also copy @NARAL and @JillStanek if you have room. I’ll try to retweet. Some pro-life Twitter samples already spotted:

@ProLifeBlogs: @matttbastard what do u mean by “choice”? These kids had no choice #prochoice @NARAL #BlogforChoiceDay

@ajenable Im #prolife b/c stabbing babies w scissors in utero or out shld NEVER b a choice! #abortion #prochoice @NARAL

@JackYoest Yes, @JillStanek gets it right: Its not #prochoice, its a “Mean Choice” @NARAL #prolife #BlogforChoiceDay

NARAL gives great fodder for discussion:

We truly need people talking about choice now that anti-choice John Boehner is speaker….

Say what? Exactly what choice does NARAL want people to talk about?

* I may not be able to add any more blogs to the list on page 2. My schedule is jam-packed today. If you want to cosponsor our Blog Day and are not listed, please add your name in the comments section.

UPDATE 1/20, 9:20a: Response to tomorrow’s “Ask Them What They Mean By ‘Choice’ Blog Day,” aka “Blog Against Pro-Abort Cover-Up Rhetoric for Killing Children Day,”  has been overwhelming!

In the past 40 hours 67 bloggers have signed up to spend some amount of their day tomorrow disallowing pro-aborts from posting about their ambiguous blathery “Blog for Choice Day” unanswered. Pro-lifers will ask them to explain what “choice” actually means.

And we’re not just talking blogging. All pro-lifers can participate by posting on social media such as Facebook and Twitter, too.

On Twitter use the hashtag #prochoice and copy @NARAL and @JillStanek if you have room on your messages. Then track the #prochoice hashtag throughout the day and respond to pro-abort tweets.

Bloggers – FB and tweet links to your posts, including the hashtag and @NARAL, @JillStanek.

Since NARAL is the sponsor of the other side’s blog celebration of the freedom to kill innocent babies, here is NARAL’s contact info:

NARAL email:

NARAL on Facebook:

NARAL on Twitter:!/naral – aka @NARAL

NARAL on YouTube:

I’m not guaranteeing pro-life messages will get through or stay up, but you can try.

Also google “Blog for Choice” frequently throughout the day, since NARAL has asked its supporters to tag their posts with that phrase. Try to comment on their posts.

Always maintain decorum.

NARAL has yet to post the names of the blogs participating. If it ever does, I’ll crosspost.

I’m having a hard time keeping up with bloggers emailing their desire to participate. Will update the list when I can.

1/18, 4:22p: When NARAL announced a “Blog for Choice Day,” to be held this Friday, January 21, my blood boiled.

How dare they celebrate the upcoming 38th anniversary of the infamous Roe v. Wade decision with their ambiguous claptrap.

Over 50 million babies have been killed in America since that terrible day, most certainly nothing to cheer about, unless you’re in Rome at the Colosseum perhaps.

So pro-life bloggers are banding together to sponsor a counter “Ask Them What They Mean When They Say ‘Choice’ Blog Day” on the same day, January 21.

We’re also encouraging all pro-lifers on Twitter and Facebook to participate.

The idea is simple. Any time any of us reads pro-aborts spouting their obscure “choice” rhetoric on a blog, website, Facebook, or Twitter, we call them out on it. We ask them to explain what the “choice” is.

Is it to eat carrots rather than broccoli? To wear red instead of blue? No, of course “choice” is code for killing babies. What’s their problem with the A-word?

Yes, this is a shameless scheme to suck oxygen out of the pro-aborts’ social media universe, to deny them any time whatsoever to support abortion without defending it.

Co-sponsors thus far…

5 and Counting
11 On My Own
40 Days for Life
A Catholic Mom in Hawaii
A Star of Hope
Abby Johnson
Abigail Seidman – The Abortion Nurse’s Daughter
Abortion in Washington
Accepting Abundance
American Life League (Judie Brown)
And Sometimes Tea
The Anti-Modernist
Axe Swipe
Big Blue Wave
The Black Kettle
Bro Jer’s Blog
C5’s Simian Roadhouse
Canadian Centre for Bio-Ethical Reform
Catholic Dads HQ
Catholic Fire
Catholic Heart and Mind
Catholic Preachy
The Center for Women of Faith in Culture
Cheeky Pink Girl
Citizens 4 Freedom
The Cloakroom (FRC blog)
Coming Home (Dr. Gerard Nadal)
Concerned for Life
Constitutionally Right
Crazy Cat Lady Mews
Daughters of the Heavenly King
Debunking Atheists
Defend Us in the Battle
Don’t Buy the Abortion Lie
Faith of the Fathers
First State for Life
Flash Point
The Four Last Things
From Beginning to End… and Back Again
Freedom Eden
Generations for Life
God is at Work in You
Hear Their Cries
Hawaii Right to Life
Hudson Valley Patriots
I Am Joe Sales
Illinois Review
The Immoderate Blog
In Him We Live
Is Anybody There?
Joseph Karl Publishing
Josiah Concept Ministries
KatyPunditThe Lady in the Pew
Lake Co. Right to Life Blog
Latter Days Ministry (Steve Ertelt)
Little Catholic Bubble (Lila Rose)
Living on Faith
Man with Black Hat
Maureen’s Thoughts
Mom and Then Some
Mommy Life
Musings of a Catholic Mom
On Pilgrimage
One Voice
The Passionate Pro-Lifer
The Political Housewyf
Pro Ecclesia * Pro Familia * Pro Civitate
Pro-Life Action League
Pro-Life MN blog
Pro-Life in TN (Susie Allen)
Pro-Life Tribe
Pro-Life Wisconsin
Radiant Cross Right to Life
Random Thoughts and Musings
Run With Life
The Screllos
Shoved to Them
Sober Catholic
Social Justice Begins in the Womb
Speaking 4 Life
Stand for Life
Star-Studded Super Step (Andy Moore in New Zealand)
Students for Life of America
TFP Student Action
The Suzy B Blog (Susan B. Anthony List)
Teri O’Brien
Thoughts of a Regular Guy
Today Again
Training Happy Hearts
Truth or Scare
Van Maren Traditionalist Views
View from the Choir
Vital Signs
What Does Mike Think?
Wheat & Weeds
Where the Rubber Hits the Road
Worship From the Heart
Zeal for Your House Consumes Me

Email me and I’ll add your blog to the list. Feel free to use our graphic.

Notice “MEAN” and “CHOICE” are highlighted in the graphic, because that’s what “choice” is – mean. Thanks to Kimberly P. for coming up with the concept.

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