NARAL publishes annual state ranking, report cards – with 19 getting “F,” woot!
UPDATE, 1/15, 1:35p: Kelsey at Secular Pro-Life has found an interesting stat: Apparently high abortion rates earn states an “A.”
UPDATE 1/14, 7:57p: National Right to Life has a good commentary entitled, “Is NARAL’s annual ‘Who Decides?’ report becoming delusional?”
1/14, 4:13p: Here’s one time when we hope for a bad grade, an “F” in NARAL’s annual state report cards and ranking.
NARAL has just released its 20th annual report, Who Decides? The Status of Women’s Reproductive Rights in the United States, and I’m happy to announce 19 states got Fs this year. Taking reverse first place would be North Dakota, ranked 50th!
On the other end – bummer – NARAL gave As to 16 states, A+ even to California and Washington, ranked 1 and 2 respectively.
Reporting on Who Decides?, quoted NARAL policy director Donna Crane as predicting “2011 will be a banner year for anti-choice legislation in the states,” anticipating a “deluge” of pro-life legislation due to the shifting state legislatures. We can only hope.
Proud we got an F-again! Go Looziana! Prolife and proud.
Anyone else notice when navigating this PDF the cursor looks like a tiny fetal hand?
I was actually reading this on their site right before this post. I moved from a state that got an F to a state that has a C. We’ll have to do something about this… >:D
I’m seriously sick and tired of them attempting to put their agenda in the guise of “women’s rights” though. This is ridiculous. So many of us in the pro-life movement ARE WOMEN. So many of us in the pro-life movement are women who have been in crisis pregnancy situations ourselves! This has nothing to do with women’s rights. We’re not trying to take rights from ourselves, we’re trying to give the right to live to everyone, including women in the womb! How’s that for “women’s rights”?
Woo Hoo! Nebraska retains it’s “F” from NARAL. Alright!
Wooohooo! Nebraska got an F! That’s probably because of the bill that protects UNBORN FEMALES past 20 weeks gestation.
Yes, isn’t that a concept…..protecting UNBORN FUTURE WOMEN from the death penalty!
As a woman, I do not have the right to drive my car while intoxicated.
As a woman, I do not have the right to purchase, distribute, or consume illegal drugs.
As a woman, I do not have the right to go on a shooting rampage.
And as a woman, I should not have the right to kill my children, born or unborn. There is no need for it. If there is not a “need” for me to think I have the right to take someone else’s life when it negatively affects mine (either temporarily or permanently), then there is not a “need” for me to take my own child’s life before his or her birth.
I’d rather not have to download the report, but I’d also like to know if Indiana is one of the 19 states NARAL gave an F to. Is it?
Every year we need to compare their report cards to their RESULTS. Are the ones best at “reproductive health care” also the ones with the lowest rates of unintended pregnancy, STDs, abortions, and pregnancy-related complications?
Somehow I doubt it.
Texas got an “F” and number 38 ranking…not too shabby :-)
“And as a woman, I should not have the right to kill my children, born or unborn.”
Actually, you do.
I believe I said “should not.”
You think I have the right to kill my born children? Interesting.
Nice to see you back after that little “one of yours” snipe regarding Loughner the other day – which turned out to be incorrect. What, no apology? ;)
So you’re cheering states that put women in a position of having to give birth, or attempting to self-abort or having an illegal abortion (YAY, dead sluts who shouldn’t be having babies. Good enough for them).
BTW, it’s interesting, states (for the most part) that are considered the best educated get a high mark. These states also have a relatively high standard of living. The poorest states get the worst grades. YAY. “The rich get rich and the poor get babies, ain’t we got fun.”
States ranked by US Census – people over 25 with advanced degree.
DC – A+
Mass. B-
Maryland A
Connecticut A
Virginia F
Colorado C+
Vermont A-
But hey, if there are more poor, uneducated folks, they will be more able to be manipulated by those who peddle the dogma so it’s all good. Gotta love it, third world living conditions but lots of precious babies. Ah, good times!
And hurray for Texas – 38th for women and 36 for education. YAY.
A banner year? I predict a banner year for Naral, PP, and all the rest of them to be asking for donations in earnest! “Oh, those mean anti-choicers, they are scaring us, please donate generously, yada yada, the thing, and the thing.”
I feel so sorry for Cecile, I almost don’t want to give another dollar for CC. Ah, what the hey! $51. “Please, please, don’t make Cecile have to buy her jewelry at Claire’s Boutique, the poor little dear, she only gets a measley little one dollar per abortion… please give to your local prenatal homicide provider!”
“one of yours” snipe regarding Loughner the other day – which turned out to be incorrect. What, no apology”
The quotes, attributed to him, regarding abortion seem to be conflicting. So he doesn’t appear to be either yours or mine. But the “profile” does fit your guys who, so far, have the record for abortion doctor assassinations.
Woot! Alabama is 37th, and scored a solid F! Bad grades are wonderful. :P
Minor nit on the article: Louisiana is reverse-first-place, ranked at 51. The report is counting D.C. as a state.
“I feel so sorry for Cecile, I almost don’t want to give another dollar for CC. Ah, what the hey! $51.
Actually, you motivate me to make even more comments. It’s your money and somehow I don’t think that you’re a person of means so keep on shelling out the scarole while I keep on commenting. Meanwhile, I’ll contribute to Planned Parenthood.
No, he just appears to be crazy. Like we all thought.
And of course, no apology. LOL!
If I were you, I wouldn’t be comparing “records” on assassinations. But I will say that at least your side gets paid well for its assassinations.
It’s your money and somehow I don’t think that you’re a person of means
BAAHAHA! Between you and Robert Berger, the stereotyping, racism and flat out astonishing comments are just all over the place today! :D
We already know you and your turkey baster self contributes to PP. I’m sure Cecile’s penthouse fund thanks you.
DC – A+
Do we REALLY need to run down the list of things wrong in DC? lol! High taxes, high abortion and crime rates, high STD rates… yup. I guess that there edjumucayshun sure pays off!
Woot. Alabama is number 41 for education. Be proud. Role tide.
Woot. Alabama ranks #8 in the bottom 10 poorest states. Let’s take a look at their abortion grades.
Mississippi – F
Arkansas – F
West Virginia -B (Interesting)
Tennessee – D
South Carolina – F
Montana – A- (not really bible belt)
Kentucky – F
Alabama – F
North Carolina – D+
Louisiana – F
Hopefully the women in these states have the resources to get to states where they can get the help that they need.
YAY, dead sluts who shouldn’t be having babies. Good enough for them
Ya know, so far, I’ve only seen pro-aborts say things like this. Never pro-lifers. But still, people attribute this crap to our side. Huh. Makes me wonder if the pro-aborts are projecting a wee bit…
Do we REALLY need to run down the list of things wrong in DC?
So then the solution, for a high crime area is more babies?
And BTW, in case you’re not familiar with DC, there are some lovely areas – Georgetown, in particular.
Ya know, so far, I’ve only seen pro-aborts say things like this
It’s called snark. But it’s based on the old “she should have kept her legs together which is seen on many right wing blogs and pops up occasionally on RH Reality Check.
BTW, Jill’s name came up on “News Hounds” as an example of how Fox News isn’t “fair and balanced.”
Forgot the link.
When will this country wake up and realize that with no children – or a severe lack of them – our economic calamity will consume us? Ms. Pelosi’s statement that we should abort ourselves out of this recession of ours is exactly the opposite of that which we need. Might I strongly suggest everyone look at the website of Mr. Dennis Howard: He’s got quite a compelling look at the economic destruction abortion has created.
[I]f we accept that a mother can kill even her own child, how can we tell other people not to kill one another? ~Blessed Mother Theresa
Ah, so I must be poh cuz I’se a pro-lifer, huh CC? Wow, even Ole Peggy Sanger would find your prejudice excessive.
“It’s called snark. But it’s based on the old “she should have kept her legs together which is seen on many right wing blogs and pops up occasionally on RH Reality Check.” Double Wow, cuz I dids not realyse that RH reelty check wuz a right wing blog. (Sorree I sumtiems has trouble with mah spellin’ cuz I has no edumacation neether). hahaha!! $53.
Role tide.
: P
When will this country wake up and realize that with no children – or a severe lack of them – our economic calamity will consume us
And too many poor children will consume any country. There’s a reason why countries with large populations and little economic opportunity are poor – as opposed to western European nations, with smaller populations, that provide a decent quality of life. Ireland’s economy (not good now) started turning around when their birth rate stabilized.
And “Movement for a Better America” – This is a “pro-life” site. Try linking to something more scientific and more objective.
Ninke, $53 is chump change. Why don’t you pony up some truly serious bucks? How bout pledging the entire cost of what it cost the state, in one year, for the assistance payment for a mother and child? That would include food stamps and medical care. The CPC could offer that as an alternative to welfare for one of their clients. How bout it? You’d be saving a baby and saving the taxpayers some money. You game?
Our state just went from blue to red!!! Let’s see what our fearless new leaders have in mind. :)
CC says:
January 14, 2011 at 5:42 pm
But the “profile” does fit your guys who, so far, have the record for abortion doctor assassinations.
One of “ours” CC? I think not. Those disturbed individuals are not on “our” side. There have been FOUR abortionists killed (according to WIKIPEDIA)….How many BABIES and WOMEN have been killed by “your” side?
Gee, CC, your powers of fortune telling are so good, why don’t you re-start the Psychic Friends Network, cuz like it’s so awesome that you can predict that ALL mothers who are experiencing a financial hardship today WILL BE POOR FOR THE REST OF THEIR LIVES. Amazing. Can you offer us some stock tips too? Seriously, I am so in awe of your powers. Lol! You know it’s uncanny, if you take all my parents’ tax returns and line them up, you’ll see that they made exactly the same amount of money every single year for each of their entire lives…NOT.
CC should tell the IRS that we don’t need to file every year, cuz like nothing ever changes in anyone’s job situation or nothin’. I mean, if CC says my checking balance is one amount, that is never, ever going to change… gosh, gee. I wish I were as smart as CC. It’s so hard, bein’ all poor and dumb…
CC says:
January 14, 2011 at 5:58 pm
Oh, bless your heart, sugar pea. Well-bred individuals do not say those words. What you’re looking for is “War Eagle.”
…Also, you spelled the other thing wrong, but since they can’t even spell “Mississippi” at that school, then that’s sort of par for their course.
“…as opposed to western European nations, with smaller populations, that provide a decent quality of life.”
Like France and Italy? Maybe you haven’t noticed but neither of those countries have many true countrymen left. The Muslim community are the ones having the children. And with the retirement age increasing (for lack of economic revenue and people to care for them) they aren’t exactly great examples for us to follow. And what of Greece with their retirement age set somewhere in the 50s? No taxes going into the government that way either. And what of Russia who is expected to have a drop in population by a whopping 33% by 2050! Russia, by the way, has an astronomical abortion rate! You’re probably right, though. This abort-ourselves-into-oblivion route seems so much more logical! And better yet, it actually seems to be working. :| Are you kidding me?
cc says:
“The rich get rich and the poor get babies, ain’t we got fun.”
Once again cc admits that abortion kills babies.
Give me one example of any supporter of prenatal homicide anywhere who makes any sense.
PA with a grade of “F” is surprising to me, considering the influence of the far-left city of Philadelphia in this state. Of course, we just elected a pro-life Governor and US Senator to replace a pro-abort Governor and US Senator. I’m proud to live in PA’s second largest city, the real city of brotherly love and charity.
For some reason this reminds me of something my church does for Christmas, and I wonder if anyone does this at their church, too, because I think it’s a great idea. We have the standard Christmas Giving Tree where during the month of December we can take one of the paper ‘ornaments’ off the tree, and on the “ornament” is the name of a gift to buy for a poor family. But something else we do is that during the Christmas Masses themselves, we bring in baby gifts and put them in front of the Nativity scene in the front of the church. These baby gifts are distributed to various pro-life organizations around the city to be given to poor mothers. In placing the gifts for the babies in front of the Nativity scene, it is like we are giving the gifts to the Baby Jesus himself, in the form of other poor children. It’s really an excellent idea.
And there is also record of your side killing or maiming pro-lifers. Want to trade tit for tat?
It’s called snark. But it’s based on the old “she should have kept her legs together which is seen on many right wing blogs and pops up occasionally on RH Reality Check.
Really? You don’t think that might be considered inflammatory or incendiary language? Gosh, when one of us gets snarky, what do you do? Run over to RH Delusion Check and tell them allll about what we nasty, nasty, eeevil “anti-choicers” had to say?
Keeping one’s legs together would certainly do a lot to eliminate the problem (lol! SNARK!) but I don’t think women have to be promiscuous in order to find themselves unexpectedly pregnant.
Please do give some awesome examples of the fair and balanced MSNBC and CNN. Oh, purdy please.
We’ll wait.
For a reeeeeally loooong time, I’m sure. :D
Ninek 2011/01/14 at 7:05 pm
I know, right? What’s up with CC and Robert Berger, who seem to believe the true solution to a host of ills is to eliminate the undesirables (under the guise of alleviating their suffering, hmmm). Gosh, I wonder where I’ve heard that before…
Hey CC and Berger-man, would you like to hear some statistics?
“She is a Mother; She is Divorced or Separated; She is Employed; She and Her Children Do Not Live in Poverty; She Does Not Receive Public Assistance; She is 40 Years Old or Older; She is Raising One Child.”
This is interesting, too: * 27% of custodial single mothers and their children live in poverty; * 12.9% of custodial single fathers and their children live in poverty
From all the talk around here, you’d think 100% of single moms lived in poverty! Wow. But the statistics say something very different.
Joe, a broken clock is right twice a day. :>) !!
CC: “Woot. Alabama is number 41 for education. Be proud. Role tide.”
I believe the phrase in Alabama is “ROLL Tide.” Kinda surprised you made such a mistake. Since, you know, you value education so much.
And I had thought the party line was that pro-lifers are rich conservative farts who care only about themselves and not the poor or middle class. Now we’re finding out that they’re POH, too?
Sad. Georgia is only a D. Hopefully we can drop that down some more.
Ah, so I must be poh cuz I’se a pro-lifer, huh CC? Wow, even Ole Peggy Sanger would find your prejudice excessive.
“It’s called snark. But it’s based on the old “she should have kept her legs together which is seen on many right wing blogs and pops up occasionally on RH Reality Check.” Double Wow, cuz I dids not realyse that RH reelty check wuz a right wing blog. (Sorree I sumtiems has trouble with mah spellin’ cuz I has no edumacation neether). hahaha!! $53.
Ninek, you crack me up!
Hello from a fellow Hoosier! Indeed, Indiana does rank in 38th place with an F.
It’s your money and somehow I don’t think that you’re a person of means
Wow. This reminded me of my meeting with a divorce lawyer. We were talking about custody issues and I told her, “this isn’t about money to me, it’s about what’s right for the kids.” She responded, “that’s what everyone who doesn’t have money says.” I said, “No, that’s what people say when their life doesn’t revolve around money.” I fired her and walked out. (she should have been nice because the next lawyer got the house).
I still don’t have that much money and she’s still an arrogant idiot.
Just another reason to move from Illinois to Indiana.
CC must be representing the eugenicists view today. They’ve been trotting out the support of the poor mother and child canard for about 100 years now.
Classic problem-reaction-solution model. Destabilize society by introducing welfare to problem population, then complain problem people are using the welfare, eliminate the problem people by whatever stealthy means necessary.
Have you guys seen the Maafa 21 documentary? You may have highlighted it here before, but its really great at exposing the roots of the eugenics/abortion movement.
Gah! New Jersey has an A-! Time to move?
Kinda seems odd we ranked so high with Christie and Smith in our state though. :/
As long as we’re comparing NARAL’s rankings against other data, how about state abortion rates?
Kristen, Morgan, Lori, Rachael, Amanda, Kelsey…
I’m just noticing..such pretty names on here! :D
Aww, well thanks Pamela! :)
Our state just went from blue to red!!! Let’s see what our fearless new leaders have in mind.
Must’ve heard I was comin’. I have ’em running scared already. ;P
And what exactly is CC’s point? That there are quite a few women out there who will literally kill their own child to get a piece of paper declaring them “educated” in the eyes of others? Other than how absolutely tragic and depraved that is, I don’t see the point. Killing one’s children to facilitate an education isn’t the behavior of savants. It’s absolutely barbaric.
We’ve been waiting for you!!! :)
This sounds funny coming from a teacher, but I am so happy about Kentucky’s “F”!!!
“Hello from a fellow Hoosier! Indeed, Indiana does rank in 38th place with an F.”
Hello to you, too, Rachael C.! And much thanks to you for the response!
And Pamela, thanks, but I should warn you I’m a guy, not a girl (just in case you got the wrong idea).
Interesting how such a liberal organization as NARAL would be doling out GRADES and a–gasp–REPORT CARD!
I thought grades were detrimental to self-esteem?! Way to pigeon-hole the states, NARAL.
I REALLY hope they didn’t use red bloo-I mean, ink, to make their marks.
Gee, CC, if only I’d known that paying to have my boys killed would have raised me from abject poverty, perhaps I would have a degree and be debt-free today! Wouldn’t that be *joyous*?
Then I could spend all those all-important bills I was making on a therapist who might maybe help me work through my abortion-related issues. Or, more likely, (s)he would spend the whole time trying to get me to feel better & justified about my “choice.”
Man, would I ever be living the life!
LOL Mary Rose, we really missed out on a lot huh. We could have had all that instead of hugs around the neck and being needed by someone else. What were we thinking?
I believe my thought process went something like, “A baby?! Can we handle a baby?” followed not long after by, “Thank you, Lord, for this AMAZING gift!” :)
And what exactly is CC’s point? That there are quite a few women out there who will literally kill their own child to get a piece of paper declaring them “educated” in the eyes of others? Other than how absolutely tragic and depraved that is, I don’t see the point. Killing one’s children to facilitate an education isn’t the behavior of savants. It’s absolutely barbaric.
I think she’s trying to claim that because better educated areas tend to be more pro-abortion, and that better educated demographics tend to be more pro-abortion, abortion actually is moral and okay, and pro-lifers are just too far behind the curve to figure that out.
Aside from the obvious correlation-does-not-equal-causation-I-can’t-believe-she’s-actually-implying-that-has-she-never-taken-a-rudimentary-science-course-in-her-life rant that I’m just itching to lay on her head, it’s worth noting that a number of the best educated societies throughout history also perpetrated the worst atrocities and human’s rights abuses. Which they usually justified with the same rhetoric used by pro-aborts now. The Nazis with their…well, everything, really. The British Empire, which went around conquering everybody whether they liked it or not, the United States’ treatment of Native Americans, the US again with slavery, the Roman Empire with the gladiators, the Roman Empire with all their conquering everybody whether they liked it or not, the Greeks and their slaves. Heck, the Babylonian empire had the first written legal system, and they also went around conquering people, enslaving them, and generally trampling over their rights. Obviously more education does not make a society more enlightened or moral.
In fact, if we used CC’s logic and correlation did equal causation, we would be forced to conclude that since a better educated society is capable of atrocities on a grander scale than an uneducated one, education is a bad thing and should be utterly shunned! Thank goodness CC is employing poor reasoning skills. Again.
I love the section against informed consent. It just shows how contradictory the pro-(blind)choice side is.
Again, reading about the TRAP laws, proves how pro-aborts don’t care about women’s health. Shouldn’t they be happy that abortion physicians are required to prove they are qualified? Nope, they would rather forgo quality assurance and sacrifice well-being in exchange for the hastiness of drive-through abortions.
So you’d rather there were more states killing babies? Education can be improved…but a life killed off cannot be brought back. Abortion ends lives and doesn’t do much for improving anyone’s education. (Aside from a person learning what it’s like to have an abortion, but that’s an education I can do well in my life WITHOUT).
There is also the fallacy of assuming that someone who is “more educated” is more intelligent or more wise than someone who is “less educated”. Neither of my parents attended college but both of them are highly intelligent and wise. Sitting in a classroom for 4+ years in an “institution of higher learning” doesn’t necessarily make you either.
It’s also interesting that whenever someone brings out the “education” argument, they tend to ignore that Pope Benedict XVI is an extremely highly educated, extremely highly intelligent scholar.
Oh, NARAL *shakes head*
My state got an D- ! Not bad; still some room for improvement, though. Hoping for an F next year (as a student, it feels so strange to be typing those words)
My birth state, however, received an A+ *shudders*
John Lewandowski says:
January 15, 2011 at 10:03 pm
There is also the fallacy of assuming that someone who is “more educated” is more intelligent or more wise than someone who is “less educated”. Neither of my parents attended college but both of them are highly intelligent and wise. Sitting in a classroom for 4+ years in an “institution of higher learning” doesn’t necessarily make you either.
Exactly! I wasn’t necessarily taught wisdom in the classroom. I was taught wisdom from my parents and their example and the foundation of faith they gave me. Not that I claim to have that mastered (nope, lifelong journey) but it’s true. Most of what I learned in a classroom was academic. Things I learned about life was from life and from people who’s wisdom and experience I respected. (There were some teachers who’s wisdom I also respected, but generally in the classroom it was all just academics).
My husband didn’t go to a 4 year college. Yet, he’s extremely smart and has educated himself on several topics. I call him my “amateur Egyptologist” and he knows a lot about Astronomy. He also knows how to break things down so that others can understand things better.
It’s also interesting that whenever someone brings out the “education” argument, they tend to ignore that Pope Benedict XVI is an extremely highly educated, extremely highly intelligent scholar.
True. Pope Benedict XVI is very intelligent. So was Pope John Paul II.
Hoping for an F next year (as a student, it feels so strange to be typing those words)
I haven’t been a student in years and it felt strange for me to rejoice over the fact Texas got an F LOL But given the fact that a low grade means something good for pro-lifers in this instance, I’d ignore the strange feelings LOL
Mother In Texas,
Very true :)