(Prolifer)ations 1-11-11
by Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN
As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs! Please email Susie@jillstanek.com.
Be sure to check out our newest addition, MN Citizens Concerned for Life.
- Real Choice tells the story of an Australian couple who aborted twin boys conceived through IVF because they insisted on having a girl. The couple now wants to select for a girl before implantation. Australia currently disallows IVF sex selection unless there are genetic reasons.
- MN Citizens Concerned for Life notes Nigeria’s lack of focus on actually improving the health of women, instead promoting legalized abortion with a study on the most “cost-effective” abortion options (vacuum aspiration coming in 1st), released in the African Journal of Reproductive Health.
- Wesley J. Smith draws attention to an “artistic” celebration of… death. Damien Hirst will no doubt offend many a bereaved parent with his latest piece – a baby’s skull studded with 8,000 diamonds. Smith points out:
When human bodies are plasticized and put on display as if they were having sexual intercourse, and a baby’s skull is studded with diamonds, it isn’t art. It is a nihilistic and decadent disrespect for the dead….
- SuzyB posts interviews with all RNC Chair candidates, focusing on pro-life issues.
- ProWomanProLife has thoughts on the case of a Christian mental health worker recently fired for distributing pro-life materials to coworkers.
- SecularProLife discusses the disturbing double-standard between crimes committed by pro-aborts and those committed by pro-lifers. SPL comments on the case of Linda Meek, an abortion clinic director who planted a fake bomb at her facility:
How many years in prison do you think an anti-abortion activist would get for placing a fake bomb at an abortion facility? Ten? Five? Surely not zero.When it’s a pro-abortion activist, though, all she gets is probation!
The Australian story sends chills down my spine. When I was pregnant I just wanted a healthy baby and I got one. What is wrong with people?
Plant a fake bomb–get a pass (that is IF you are pro-choice). There are so many double standards, inconsistencies, and shabby journalistic practices today that a person would have to be blind (willfully so) to not to notice.
Even my pro-choice friends are upset about the Australian couple. “That’s not what we meant,” they say. ….Well, I’m glad it makes them angry, but what did they expect?
And wow, there are people who really think this is okay. I mean, this goes beyond “women’s health”….They just murdered to beautiful baby boys because they wanted a girl. What in the name of all that is holy. What IS that?!
Jerry and Mary Lee:
Please, please don’t use that awful abortionist expression “pro-choice”.
We are talking about a movement which kills human beings, which promotes unlimited prenatal homicide. Anything is better than “pro-choice”. Try “pro-abortion”, “anti-life”, “anti-human”, etc.
Let’s not encourage them with their twisting and distorting of the language.
Joe, I like your use of “prenatal homicide”. And I’ve been slipping in some “anti- lifers” for a while now. Two sides can play at the playing with language game. :>) !
Once again, I am absolutely blown away by Jill Stanek’s lack of concern for Gabrielle Giffords. Is that because she’s a pro-choice Jew? Obviously, Chistian empathy is only directed towards those who are “pro-life.”
Joe, I like your use of “prenatal homicide”.
Cute phrase but in the legal sense – totally meaningless.
Gabrielle Giffords is not a “pro-choice” “Jew”. She is a member of the Hebrew community who has abandoned Judaism by violating its laws and fundamental moral principles. In July 2009, she along with many other members of the House voted to allow the Washington, DC city government to use taxpayers money to kill unborn human beings in our nation’s capital. Any politician who votes for such legislation is committing a crime because she/he is aiding and abetting the crime of prenatal homicide on a large scale (thousands of children will be killed by tax dollars because of this legislation in the years ahead).
I have great sympathy for her and the other victims and I hope she makes a full recovery from this awful act of violence. That does not, however, excuse her voting to kill children in Washington, DC.
CC, you killed your own child in the late 60’s, did you not? Giffords was born in 1970 and therefore was unborn in 1969-70. If she had been conceived by you instead of her mother, you would have killed her, would you not?
Once again, I am absolutely blown away by Jill Stanek’s lack of concern for Gabrielle Giffords. Is that because she’s a pro-choice Jew? Obviously, Chistian empathy is only directed towards those who are “pro-life.”
Yes, of course, that MUST be why Jill hasn’t posted on something unrelated to the abortion issue. Unless, of course, you take some dude’s comment off HuffPo and insist that the atheist, anarchist, anti-Jewish, mentally ill gunman was somehow “pro-LIFE.” Then I could see how you’d think this horrific event is somehow connected to abortion.
“CC, you killed your own child in the late 60?s, did you not? Giffords was born in 1970 and therefore was unborn in 1969-70. If she had been conceived by you instead of her mother, you would have killed her, would you not”
First, I might or might not have had an induced miscarriage of blastocysts. Big deal but I do note the “shaming” that you try to promote. And second, if I had “killed” Gabrielle Giffords we wouldn’t be having this conversation. But let’s get back to what appears to be some serious Anti-semitism on your part (and what the ADL recognizes as part of the extreme “pro-life” community.”)
”She is a member of the Hebrew community who has abandoned Judaism by violating its laws and fundamental moral ”
So you’re saying that Reformed Judaism has no validity. Wow. Jews could say that Jesus Christ was just a false prophet but they don’t. But right, let’s smear Gabrielle Giffords as both an apostate and a “baby killer.” You do know that the “baby killer” rhetoric is what contributes to abortion doctor murders. It’s just a short leap from “baby killers” to killing those who “kill babies.” As many in the anti-choice community said about Tiller – it’s was “justifiable homicide.”
BTW, pro-lifers – you do know, don’t you, that Loughner said that abortion is terrorism – which puts him in your camp (along with the anti-Semiticism that is so frequently seen here by folks like Joe who denigrate Reformed Judaism.
“Gabrielle Giffords is not a “pro-choice” “Jew”. She is a member of the Hebrew community who has abandoned Judaism by violating its laws and fundamental moral principles. In July 2009, she along with many other members of the House voted to allow the Washington, DC city government to use taxpayers money to kill unborn human beings in our nation’s capital”
Thanks, I just posted this gem on RH Reality Check as an example of anti-choice anti-Semitism. It’s good Christians like “Joe” who fuel our movement.
CC says:
January 11, 2011 at 5:40 pm
Yeah, Kel really nailed it. Jill reports on pro-life news and related stories. Giffords, who is pro-choice, was shot by an anti-religion anarchist. Hope she pulls through, but the connection to this blog’s actual subject is tangential at best. Aside from the QOTD yesterday, there’s not really a whole lot to add.
Thanks, I just posted this gem on RH Reality Check as an example of anti-choice anti-Semitism. It’s good Christians like “Joe” who fuel our movement.
And folks, that’s really the only reason why CC is here. To goad us into saying things she can then “use” to try and portray us as bigots and crazies. Just keep that in mind from now on. The only thing CC has are out of context quotes and deliberately misunderstood comments. But then, I’d expect no less from RH Delusion Check.
“She is a member of the Hebrew community who has abandoned Judaism by violating its laws and fundamental moral ”
So you’re saying that Reformed Judaism has no validity. Wow.
Many Christians would have the same thing to say about other Christian-type faiths which stray from the original founding of Christianity. See, the thing with you is, you SEARCH for “anti-Semitic” comments, when all the while, your comments toward Catholics, other Christians and pro-lifers have been by FAR the some of the most bigoted we’ve seen. But that’s ok, because most of us are just Christians. Not Jews. So, that must make it ok, right, CC?
But right, let’s smear Gabrielle Giffords as both an apostate and a “baby killer.”
Did someone here do that? Did I miss a “baby killer” comment toward Giffords someplace?
BTW, pro-lifers – you do know, don’t you, that Loughner said that abortion is terrorism – which puts him in your camp (along with the anti-Semiticism that is so frequently seen here by folks like Joe who denigrate Reformed Judaism.
Please do give us the source for that. And I hope it’s not a lame comment (as opposed to an actual news story) from HuffPo again. By the way it’s “anti-SEMITISM,” not “anti-SEMITICISM.” You could at least spell it right, since you’re so busy hunting for it.
Oh, never mind, I FOUND the source for you, CC! :) In the UK Guardian: http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jan/09/jared-lee-loughner-troubled-past
According to a classmate, Loughner once “compared a young woman to a terrorist for killing the baby” when she read her poem about abortion in front of the class.
I would say that Loughner would be incorrect to compare a woman who had an abortion to a terrorist (oh, and btw, it sounds like that is what he did… he didn’t call abortion “terrorism” but he compared her actions to those of a terrorist). In an abortion, the stronger kills the weaker because she can. So, I guess in that way they might be similar, but I think it’s actually more along the lines of genocide, and even touches on eugenics, depending on the reasons women are aborting. But of course, women who proudly abort would be more likely to call it “empowerment.”
Oh, and btw, in that same article, Loughner was described as “troubled,” was a pothead, believed in governmental mind control, an atheist, angry, “emotionally underdeveloped,” and so on. But that’s ok, you just latch on to that one instance and miniscule part of Loughner’s personal beliefs and run with it. We know ad hominem attacks and hatred are really what RH thrives upon.
Sorry to burst any bubbles, but Joe’s comment about who is and who isn’t a “Jew” or a “member of the Hebrew community” is pretty ugly. Especially, when the woman he is referring to is still recovering in ICU and apparently considers herself Jewish. It’s bad enough when some Christians say other Christians are not “real” Catholics or Christians. I think it’s worse when a Christian tries to attack the religious affiliation of a different religion altogether. Maybe Joe isn’t a Christian, but an orthodox jew. Maybe Congresswoman Giffords doesn’t consider herself Jewish. I really don’t know. But Joe’s comment struck me as bigoted.
Sorry to burst any bubbles, but Joe’s comment about who is and who isn’t a “Jew” or a “member of the Hebrew community” is pretty ugly. Especially, when the woman he is referring to is still recovering in ICU and apparently considers herself Jewish. It’s bad enough when some Christians say other Christians are not “real” Catholics or Christians. I think it’s worse when a Christian tries to attack the religious affiliation of a different religion altogether. Maybe Joe isn’t a Christian, but an orthodox jew. Maybe Congresswoman Giffords doesn’t consider herself Jewish. I really don’t know. But Joe’s comment struck me as bigoted.
I didn’t take it as bigoted. I took it as Joe’s opinion that orthodox Judaism (which is pro-life) is more true to its roots than reformed Judaism. I do, however, think we need to realize that people like hal and CC are just looking for more ways to vilify pro-lifers and we need to be very, very careful how we give our opinions. (I know, they’ll still find ways to label us bigots.) I find it interesting that the “bigot” comments are coming from those who deny the humanity of VERY obviously human preborn children. I also find it interesting that those who claim no faith at all so often feel able to dictate to those in the faith community how they should behave and practice their faiths. I can understand another Christian validly critiquing another person’s beliefs in, say, a different Christian denomination – but an anti-Catholic, anti-Christian, anti-theist? I don’t know. Just seems “off” to me.
BTW, hal, Joe said Giffords “is a member of the Hebrew community who has abandoned Judaism by violating its laws and fundamental moral principles.”
I realize that many people have difficulty understanding that being Jewish by descent can be separate from being Jewish by religion. You can be Jewish by descent but not adhere to Judaism whatsoever. You can also be a non-Jew who converts to Judaism. I think this is where Joe might be coming from. Correct me, though, if I’m wrong, Joe, if you’re still around.
Recently, the two top orthodox Jewish rabbis in Israel took a stand on pro-life principle.
And they are not alone.
I take a Jew to be someone who practices the religion. So I was using the expression Hebrew to refer specifically to the ethnic group normally referred to as “Jewish”. I believe that if you support prenatal homicide it takes you outside of Judaism and Christianity because it goes against the moral teachings of both religions. I was not trying to be “bigoted” simply stating my belief as to what constitutes an adherent of a particular value system. I have been saying the same thing for many years about Christianity (Nancy Pelosi is not a Catholic, Bill Clinton is not a Baptist, Harry Reid is not a Mormon, etc.). I think that the abortionist mentality of unlimited killing of human beings is so horrific that it violates all moral law and makes one incapable of being an adherent of ANY philosophy.
Why can I not examine people’s professed beliefs and their actions as politicians, etc and see if there is any conflict?
The true “bigotry” here is abortionism, which essentially allows the annihilation of a whole class of human beings. I know that people in that movement sincerely believe in this unlimited violence, but that does not change the horrific nature of what they support.
I respect the natural rights of ALL human beings, including the unborn. I also respect the rights of animals. So, a “bigot” I am not. I deeply resent being called an “anti-semite”by someone who has aided and abetted the killing of hundreds of her fellow human beings.
I have deep sympathy and compassion right now for Gabrielle Giffords and the other victims of this terrible violence in Tucson. I hate to see anybody hurt in this way. The reality is that she and other politicians, mostly in the Democratic Party, did cast a vote which at minimum will cost hundreds (and possibly thousands) of human beings their lives in Washington, DC.
What is wrong with criticizing other philosophies? Orthodox Jews say Reform Judaism is wrong. Catholics say Protestantism is wrong. Many Christians say Mormonism isn’t even Christian. Christians believe non-Christian religions are wrong. Muslims believe all other religions are false. Libertarians such find many things wrong in liberalism, conservatism and socialism.
The bottom line is, one is not a bigot by criticizing people’s actions, beliefs and philosophical systems, but only if one hates or believes in violating the rights of or killing another group of human beings.
Jews say all Christians are wrong. (or they believe it anyway. They may be too polite to say it.) Reform Jews and Christians who don’t object to abortion think they’ve got it “right.” I don’t really care. I suppose a “Catholic” who uses artificial birth control may not “be a Catholic.” It’s not my place to say so, nor yours.
If Congresswoman Giffords says she Jewish and believes in abortion rights, it’s probably enough for you to disagree with her position on abortion, and not try to understand or criticize her religious beliefs. Believe me, from the outside, all your beliefs look equally silly.
CC: “Once again, I am absolutely blown away by Jill Stanek’s lack of concern for Gabrielle Giffords.”
WTDH are you talking about? Is the lack of a post evidence of “lack of concern” now?
Interesting… in one version of the story about Loughner and abortion, it’s suggested that Loughner verbally attacked a woman who had an abortion, calling her a terrorist. That is the version of the story linked above. It naturally suggests that Loughner is an anti-abortion activist, or that he at least has anti-abortion leanings.
Another version of the story, however, in fact, the first version of the story I read, was quite different. From the LA Times:
“Still, many of his interactions with poetry classmates were off-putting. One day, a woman read a poem about having an abortion. “He made a really off-color comment,” Ali said. “I remember him saying something about strapping a bomb to the fetus and making a baby bomb out of it.” ”
And from ABC News:
“One Pima Community College student, who had a poetry class with Loughner later in his college career, said he would often act “wildly inappropriate.”
“One day [Loughner] started making comments about terrorism and laughing about killing the baby,” classmate Don Coorough told ABC News, referring to a discussion about abortions. “The rest of us were looking at him in shock … I thought this young man was troubled.”
Another classmate, Lydian Ali, recalled the incident as well.
“A girl had written a poem about an abortion. It was very emotional and she was teary eyed and he said something about strapping a bomb to the fetus and making a baby bomber,” Ali said.”
Hmm… don’t you find it a bit odd that in the other (I would dare say “original”) version of the story, Loughner isn’t calling the woman a terrorist, but is instead saying something completely crazy about the BABY being used as a terrorist? Isn’t it further interesting that this version of the story is far more in-depth and specific, with actual names and actual quotes? And that it fits in with Loughner’s psychotic behavior?
And don’t you find it interesting that the abbreviated version of the story makes Loughner out to be anti-abortion, while the longer version just makes him look crazy?
Coincidence, folks? Or yet another attempt by the media to smear? Considering that they spent the first day smearing Sarah Palin and the Tea Party, I think it’s our turn to be smeared. Just another “drive by” by the mainstream media.
Coincidence, folks? Or yet another attempt by the media to smear? Considering that they spent the first day smearing Sarah Palin and the Tea Party, I think it’s our turn to be smeared. Just another “drive by” by the mainstream media.
ok, so now you’re the victim. I get it. Wonder where you got that term; “drive by.” LOL. Go Eagles.
Wow, John, that changes a LOT. A whole different perspective on this guy’s lunacy.
And yeah, I agree. I tend to think the first versions of the story are less likely to have spin.
Who said I’m a victim? The victims are Gabrielle Giffords and all of the people who were injured or murdered by Loughner. Loughner is a crazy mass murderer. We should be mourning the dead and praying for the injured right now. Instead, we’re arguing about Loughner’s politics. It’s stupid.
And I believe the term “drive by media” was first coined by Rush Limbaugh, though I could be wrong. Regardless of who first said it, it is indeed an excellent description of the modern media which has no regard for the truth and twists the facts to fit the narrative.
Eagles suck.
I’m sorry. Should have insulted the Steelers.
John L says:
“And I believe the term “drive by media” was first coined by Rush Limbaugh, though I could be wrong. Regardless of who first said it, it is indeed an excellent description of the modern media which has no regard for the truth and twists the facts to fit the narrative.”
It most certainly is an apt description of the MSM. But somehow we need to come up with a new term that takes into account how totally devoid of principle they are in addition to the fact that they no longer even make a cursury attempt to actually investigate a story.
This most recent exploitation of a tragic news event was unprincipled if anything. Imagine, as one writer observed, if the story had been a Repub congresswoman wounded and a Democratic/lefty judge that was killed. How different the template would have been. Alas, we have a pothead schizoid satan worshiper lefty who regularly threatened people while the lefty Sheriff did nothing to stop him…and as John L so accurately states the MSM “twists the facts to fit the narrative”.
CC”s post here shows her colors: she makes statements like prolifer bloggers celebrated the murderer of Dr. Tiller.
So dishonest.
Then again RH Reality Check in my view fits the definition of a hate site to the tee.
CC, Hal… why is it that whenever you offer your lunatic opinions that somehow represents the beauty of America but if Joe or any conservative pro-lifer offers an opinion its “bigoted” and us making ourselves to “be the victim”. Get real you two.
stop using YOUR hate language just because you disagree with us. I am so sick of liberals spitting out hate towards conservatives but as soon conservatives state an opinion WE’RE the bigots. Its laughable.
BTW, did you see all the death threats the noble liberal whackos have sent Sarah Palin? Yeah, what peace-loving, non-terroristic champions of good those liberal nuts are. Congratulations Hal and CC. I will personally hold you responsible for those death threats made towards Sarah Palin.
Wohoo! Go Sidney! :)
the Australian story just adds to the reasons IVF is WRONG with a CAPITOL W!
Punisher, don’t you know?? Conservatives are the only ones who spew hate and “incendiary rhetoric!” ;)
CC, can you post this for me on your pro-death blog? I assume I would be censored if I posted it myself because I have never found a pro-death blog that allows the truth to be posted.
Remember in 2008 when Rahm Emmanuel said “never allow a good crisis to go to waste”. Now combine that with the left wing nuts modus-operandi of garnering support by fabricating divisions between citizens where no divisions really exist. Result – CC and the left spew divisive political vitriol without any basis by accusing the political vitriol of tea partiers and conservatism of somehow being responsible for this tragedy. The left takes cover by accusing others of doing things while simultaneously doing just what they accuse others of doing. They find cover by deceitfully accusing others for actions they themselves are perpetrating. Like projecting that choosing life is somehow anti-choice or not even a choice at all. To the left it is only by choosing death that you can truly call yourself “pro-choice”. The left is a kabal based upon lies and deception.
CC, My husband is Jewish and pro-life. I am Christian and pro-life. Yeah, I’m sure the fact that Gifford is Jewish has a lot to do with the fact that in your opinion Jill doesn’t care. Many Jewish women have abortions and my husband always compares this to the holocaust!! Nothing wrong with that. I’d be very careful about making blanket statements.
We pro-lifers care about all life. Why do you call yourself a Catholic? You couldn’t possibly be. Maybe a fake one.
Anyway, what about the old saying “Let’s keep abortion safe legal and rare? Now we are aborting for sex selection?
I wasn’t complaining about Joe’s politics, I was complaining about his comments on the “Jewishness” of a person who considers herself Jewish. The whole “Hebrew” thing seemed a bit offensive. Maybe I’m too sensitive. I don’t care about your politics. I don’t care that you’re pro life. There are some things about Sarah Palin I’m not too fond of, but I don’t hold her responsible for anyone’s murder. By the way, what Lunatic opinions do I have?
It certainly questions whether a law against using IVF for sex selection reasons is a good idea, if nothing else. Personally, I’m just plain stunned that they’re that adamant about wanting a girl, to go through IVF AGAIN.
Hal, the fact that you can see an ultrasound of a baby with arms, legs, fingers, toes, a beating heart, unique DNA and who is clearly a member of the human species and say that that child’s life is not worthy of protection is lunacy to me.
Thanks for the example Sydney.
I suppose a “Catholic” who uses artificial birth control may not “be a Catholic.” It’s not my place to say so, nor yours.If Congresswoman Giffords says she Jewish and believes in abortion rights, it’s probably enough for you to disagree with her position on abortion, and not try to understand or criticize her religious beliefs. Believe me, from the outside, all your beliefs look equally silly.
Read your words really slow Hal.
You state it’s no one’s place to say who is Catholic or not based on artificial birth control but then you turn around and say all of our beliefs look silly.
How is it YOUR PLACE place to say anything about anyone’s belief? Speech censorship based on The Great Hal’s Current Beliefs?
The Australian story is heart-wrenching. I feel incredibly sorry for any child they actually choose to parent. It is a constant shock to me when people delude themselves into believing that they can customize their children. My two sons are both male, but are entirely different in attitude and behavior. You can select for all sorts of traits, but you cannot make a person be what you want. But I’ve found that while I didn’t know it at the time, what I’ve wanted in a baby has been exactly who I’ve been given.
On the tangent that has arisen:
It is plainly evidenced by adherence to one’s holy text whether or not one is a faithful member of a particular religion. In the case of Gabrielle Giffords, however, it is irrelevant. Whether she was a Jew or a Buddhist or a Christian or a Satanist, she was deluded. She believed a false premise and betrayed her nature as a human by allowing the slaughter of the most innocent and helpless of her species. I pray that through this experience God heals more than just her physical body. I pray that He works through this atrocity to bring good to her life and the world.
MaryRose, your comment made me think of my son. I thought for SURE I was carrying a girl. I guess I wanted a girl secretly because my parents have so many grandsons and only one granddaughter. I wanted to give them a second granddaughter. I was a little disappointed when the ultrasound tech said “Okay…for gender…. think BLUE!”
And when I thought of little boys I thought of the little boys I had babysat. I thought of my nephews. The little boy I got is not like them! He is his own person! And today I wouldn’t trade him for 100 little girls! I wouldn’t trade him for a million dollars or more! I am SO THANKFUL that God gave me a son and that He gave MY son. I love every little part of his bigger than life personality. I love everything about his precious body (he is a beautiful child but not perfect!) I am thankful that God gave me THIS child. How can you engineer a perfect child? I think God does a better job at it than we ever could.
I have a very similar situation. With my older son, I was quite excited to find out he was a boy (even though I had a girly moment of sadness over the loss of pink ribbons ;) ) but when I had my second son and the doctor told us he was a boy, well, I was torn between thrilled that he was finally in my arms and frustrated that I had another boy. I wanted my little girl!
But I pretty much instantly realized that this little guy was a gift not a right and every day, he astounds me with his depth of individuality. I love him so much and am so grateful to have another little boy-a brother for my older son, a sweet gentle and sensitive little guy for my husband and myself… he is an amazing and wonderful guy and I am so so grateful that God wanted to give me so much more than what I had in mind!
too bad you guys let CC derail this thread.
I have been horrified to read about the aborting of twin boys by this couple.
There’s alot of muddled thinking going on down under these days. This author tries to cut through some of the fog:
Thats fantastic MaryRose :-)
My older sister has four boys. When she was carrying the fourth they were really hoping for a girl. She cried when the ultrasound tech told her it was a boy! then she felt ashamed for that moment of disappointment when she knew she should be happy that she could be a mother at all (my cousin and his wife cannot conceive and it has been heartbreaking for them).
My sister often remarks that she can’t believe she was ever disappointed over her fourth boy. She is so in-love with her little toddler boy and often looks at her four boys and smiles and says “I am SO BLESSED!”
She can’t physically have any more children so she and her husband are looking into adoption and hopefully will get their daughter that way. And in the process no one will be killed unlike the couple in the story!
I’m head-twisted. Killing to get the dream? I have two boys and a girl, and people say ” Living the dream!”
What if they haven’t the skills to raise a girl? They have boy skills, obviously. But, do they have girl skills? What if she just plain doesn’t come? It’s not exactly like ordering hamburgers or cheeseburgers.
For that matter, what if she can’t conceive? Maybe her body doesn’t carry girls. It happens.
I don’t see how, after having sons, they could abort the new sons. How? How? How? Adoption? They obviously have healthy children, right?
Was there something with the first kids- syndrome X, and they are trying in their own weird way to avoid that pain?
please tell me this is not normal for Aus.