Thumbnail image for blog buzz.jpgby Susie Allen, host of the blog, Pro-Life in TN

As always, we welcome your suggestions for additions to our Top Blogs! Please email

  • Suzy B reports a 2 time breast cancer survivor, 72 yr. old Edie Eason, is writing letters to each of Susan G. Komen’s corporate partners, protesting their connection with Planned Parenthood.

  • Vital Signs notes the solution to the high rate of pregnancy in one Memphis high school is not more of the same:So what are locals doing? More social workers, more programs, more support for young moms. Never mind that the value-less philosophy of these social workers and sex ed programs are related more to the cause of the problem than the cure.

    Just throw more money.

    Recall that a Memphis PP was the target of a Live Action undercover video showing a supposed underage pregnant teen (and victim of statutory rape) being coached on how to circumvent parental notification laws:

  • Priests for Life features statements from the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. on parenting, premarital sex, homosexuality, and abortion. His niece Alveda King calls him a “social conservative.”
  • Wesley J. Smith refutes the rantings of a novelist who has labeled euthanasia an “evolutionary inevitability” and the sanctity of human life a “primitive feeling.”
  • Family Research Council responds to a Politics Daily article’s assertion that there will be fewer abortions if contraception is covered under “preventive services” in Obamacare.
  • Kathryn Jean Lopez contrasts the senseless violence perpetrated in Tucson and the rhetoric of EMILY’s List president Stephanie Schriock in an email decrying the violence, who stated, “Today, I’m reminded of our responsibility to love our neighbors, and to take care of each other.” Lopez responds:The groups that I’ve quoted and others fundamentally disagree with me and believe abortion should be legal. But in the face of violence, it’s hard to get beyond the fact that we’re actually not a country that decries violence against our most innocent. EMILY’s List does not. Schriock’s statement demands further reflection.
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