UPDATE, 1/12, 11:55a 1/13, 11:05a: Here is the current list of cosigners. I’ll update it every few days. There is nothing published online:

Reps. Smith and Lipinski are joined by Akin, Bachmann, Bishop, Brooks, Broun, Buerkle, Burgess, Burton, Chaffetz, Cravaack, Duncan, Garrett, Griffith, Huelskamp, Jones, S. King, Long, Mulvaney, Murphy, Pompeo, Ribble, D. Ross, Walberg, and Woodall.

1/12, 11:29a: House Pro-life Caucus Co-Chairs Chris Smith (R-NJ) and Dan Lipinski (D-IL) are requesting members to co-sign a letter asking new House Appropriations Committee Chairman Hal Rogers (R-KY), who is pro-life, and ranking member Norman Dicks (D-WA) who is pro-abortion, to reinstate the prohibition on taxpayer funding for abortion in the District of Columbia. This is known as the Dornan Amendment.

The deadline to sign the letter is January 28. I’m working on getting a list of names of current cosigners.

Background: Between 1996 and 2009 Congress prohibited both local and federal funds from being used for elective abortions in DC. But the Democrat-controlled Congress reversed this policy in 2010, prompted by pro-abort President Barack Obama.

Don’t forget pro-abort Senator Dick Durbin appallingly testified that taxpayers needed to fund abortion in DC because a “disproportionately large number of African Americans live in the District of Columbia.”

According to Guttmacher, 28% of all pregnancies end in abortion in DC, and DC has the 4th highest rate of abortion in the US.

According to the 2010 census, the “D.C. black population still shrinking,” so reported the Washington Post on January 7:

About 54% of the city is African American and 40% is white, the census figures show. At the beginning of the decade, the city was 61% black and 34% white.

This helps explain DC’s falling abortion rate. Although still high, it has been higher, according to Guttmacher.  Currently, “36% of women obtaining abortions are white non-Hispanic, 30% are black non-Hispanic, 25% are Hispanic and 9% are of other racial backgrounds.”

Pro-aborts deny they target blacks for abortion, although history points otherwise. If indeed pro-aborts are not targeting blacks for abortion, they should support the pro-life effort to further stop the decimation of the black population in DC.

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