UPDATE, 7:30a: Lila’s piece, dual-posted at BigGovernment.com and BigJournalism.com.

7a: The Associated Press reported last week that after several Planned Parenthoods around the country realized they had been stung again by Lila Rose and LiveAction.org sometime between January 11-15, CEO Cecile Richards tried to mitigate pending damage by belatedly reporting the sex trafficking poser to the DOJ and alerting the press first.

Well, the first horrific video of Live Action’s investigation has just been made public, and PP’s vast but pathetic PR machine will not be able to surmount this one.

The sting:

Joe” is the sex trafficking pimp and “Gia” is his bottom girl. They manage several very young girls, ages 14 and 15, in their prostitution ring, some of whom are Asian illegals who don’t speak English.

In the video the clinic manager of PP Central New Jersey’s Perth Amboy mill, LPN Amy Woodruff, tells “Joe” and “Gia” how to get abortions, STD treatment, and contraceptives for their brothel of adolescents as young as 14, some here illegally.

Woodruff coaches the pair on how to have the younger girls lie about their age. She gives them the name of a mill that is apparently schlockier than hers, Metropolitan Medical Associates, that will do abortions with fewer questions asked.

The most awful part of the video, IMO, is Woodruff’s cavalier business advice when asked what can the girls do during the 2 weeks after their abortion when they can’t have sex?

Woodruff: Yeah, um, waist up.

Pimp: Waist up?

Woodruff: Waist up, or just be that extra action walking by. Because then they’re at more risk for infection, and you don’t want to do that….

“Waist up”? That line will live in infamy.

There is so much more scandal in the video. Here it is…

Here’s Live Action’s post.

Laws broken or manipulated:

1. Sexual Abuse Cover up
2. Aiding and abetting statutory rape
3. Aiding and abetting minor prostitution
4. Aiding and abetting human trafficking
5. RICO/conspiracy/racketeering

The kicker? According to Live Action’s statement:

The video airs just days after PP’s leadership suspected the sting operation and sought an FBI probe of Live Action in order to deter the release of the exposé. Live Action is sending full footage to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, NJ Attorney General Paula Dow, officials at the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and other law enforcement officials, requesting federal and state investigations into PP’s sexual abuse and sex trafficking cover up.

Fabulous. And maybe the new pro-life led Congress will finally investigate PP.

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