Breaking, Video: Planned Parenthood caught aiding and abetting underage sex trafficking
UPDATE, 7:30a: Lila’s piece, dual-posted at and
7a: The Associated Press reported last week that after several Planned Parenthoods around the country realized they had been stung again by Lila Rose and sometime between January 11-15, CEO Cecile Richards tried to mitigate pending damage by belatedly reporting the sex trafficking poser to the DOJ and alerting the press first.
Well, the first horrific video of Live Action’s investigation has just been made public, and PP’s vast but pathetic PR machine will not be able to surmount this one.
The sting:
“Joe” is the sex trafficking pimp and “Gia” is his bottom girl. They manage several very young girls, ages 14 and 15, in their prostitution ring, some of whom are Asian illegals who don’t speak English.
In the video the clinic manager of PP Central New Jersey’s Perth Amboy mill, LPN Amy Woodruff, tells “Joe” and “Gia” how to get abortions, STD treatment, and contraceptives for their brothel of adolescents as young as 14, some here illegally.
Woodruff coaches the pair on how to have the younger girls lie about their age. She gives them the name of a mill that is apparently schlockier than hers, Metropolitan Medical Associates, that will do abortions with fewer questions asked.
The most awful part of the video, IMO, is Woodruff’s cavalier business advice when asked what can the girls do during the 2 weeks after their abortion when they can’t have sex?
Woodruff: Yeah, um, waist up.
Pimp: Waist up?
Woodruff: Waist up, or just be that extra action walking by. Because then they’re at more risk for infection, and you don’t want to do that….
“Waist up”? That line will live in infamy.
There is so much more scandal in the video. Here it is…
Here’s Live Action’s post.
Laws broken or manipulated:
1. Sexual Abuse Cover up
2. Aiding and abetting statutory rape
3. Aiding and abetting minor prostitution
4. Aiding and abetting human trafficking
5. RICO/conspiracy/racketeering
The kicker? According to Live Action’s statement:
The video airs just days after PP’s leadership suspected the sting operation and sought an FBI probe of Live Action in order to deter the release of the exposé. Live Action is sending full footage to U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder, NJ Attorney General Paula Dow, officials at the Federal Bureau of Investigations, and other law enforcement officials, requesting federal and state investigations into PP’s sexual abuse and sex trafficking cover up.
Fabulous. And maybe the new pro-life led Congress will finally investigate PP.
Now we know why PP was so eager to contact the FBI last week. Maybe they better worry about themselves being caught doing something illegal rather that Live Action.
Question #1: is this video posted/publicly available anywhere else (e.g. Pro-Life Tube), in preparation for the inevitable censorship by YouTube?
Al, apparently PP is untouchable. Bring down PP and my guess is you will bring down alot of politicians, lawyers, and other prominent people.
That is the only reason no one does anything. It’s quite evident that most abortion clinics are involved in crime in some way. In other countries it has always been well know that the abortion industry had ties to the mob and to prostitution.
I fear for these young people making the videos.
Three times I have tried to leave a comment, and three times I have not been able to find the words. I am still a bit in shock.
I have to say I am especially fond of the way Ms. Woodruff refers to the Nurse Practitioner, who may be the only person in the facility willing to follow the law (or their moral compass)…
Were I a journalist, I would be going after that NP to show them the video, and then to see if they had any comments on the “goings on” inside that business. Something tells me there are many more stories waiting to be uncovered…
Bottom line from PP? They “dis-associate” themselves with rogue business – state “this is an anomaly” and still file for injunction against video being used and threaten to pursue legal action/lawsuits…
Way to go Lila Rose and LiveAction.
De-fund Planned Parenthood. Now.
great work by Live Action again…
Everyone in the world should see this video! I cannot believe that they are allowed to get away with this. Please encourage the news outlets to carry this, and keep us updated about our politician’s responses.
God Bless Live Action and all those at Jill’s site.
I cannot even find words for this disgusting display from Planned Parenthood… I am blown away. When is Congress going to realize that the abortion industry will do whatever crimes they have to in order to make money?! It’s all about the money… that’s why thousands of babies are slaughtered inside their mother’s wombs (and even outside the womb, like with Gosnell!) All they want is the money. May God have mercy on their souls…
Wow. Some of LiveAction’s earlier videos were pretty heavily edited, and thus there were times when I wasn’t sure if some of the “money quotes” were taken out of context. That’s not the case here. There’s no doubt the clinic manager knew exactly what the situation was and didn’t give a darn about the girls.
And for those who say that real abortionists object to quacks like Kermit Gosnell, I call “Bull****” (Sorry Jill, but that language, as edited, is appropriate here). Metropolitan Medical Associates apparently serves the Gosnell role for PP in New Jersey. If MMA looks the other way on laws protecting minors, why wouldn’t they cut a few corners when it comes to health regulations? After all, both are just unnecessary trifles that interfere with access to unfettered abortion. And why would PP report MMA or want them out of business? After all, it’s nice to have someone you know, you know, when business is a little too dirty for your hands. Whether MMA or Kermit Gosnell or any of the other dirty shops, they are a useful resource for “reputable” places like PP.
Sadly, though, I feel we already have all the response we’re going to from Eric Holdren, unless it is to investigate Lila and LiveAction for some sort of trumped up taping charge. I wonder how many clinics LA visited before someone moved this up the ladder at PP? I guess we’ll find out soon.
Hi Megan.
We actually have a pro-choice Megan who comments here regularly, so to avoid confusion, you may want to change the name you use or add something to it. God love you.
We love you Live Action! God is Blessing You!
America will not reject abortion, until America sees abortion – Fr. Pavone
In addition to the beautiful broken bodies, our country needs to see the whole kill mill industry for what it is and what it has done to our young people.
Now is the Time.
Wow. Just Wow. O_o
Who wants to bet Holder does nothing with this? We can only hope the states try to prosecute.
The pro-abort crowd will pretend that this never happened, or that Lila Rose and company are somehow lying about what really happened. That’s what was done with James O’Keefe and his ACORN videos. But, O’Keefe did succeed in causing irreparable damage to ACORN, so hopefully Rose will do the same to another criminal enterprise, Planned Parenthood. The only problem is that PP is considerably more powerful than ACORN.
The Clinic Manager sounds as if she is very experienced in answering questions like this and probably handles business this way daily. She has such a cavelier attitude towards the girls. Planned Parenthood can cry foul all they want, but the reality of PP is shown time and time again through these videos. I wonder what will happen to this employee of PP.
Lila, you are amazing! Keep it up.
Waist up and don’t touch my junk. Two sayings that will live on! I love that this first release is in New Jersey. Action oriented Gov. Christie do your thing.
@Susie Allen, I was thinking the same thing (Gov. Christie). Doubt it was coincidence NJ was the first released. When cries of “isolated incident!” come rolling in, look for the next, and the next. God bless the gutsy Live Action team.
WOW! I am shocked. I posted this to my facebook. I had a “friend” chide me and then finally delete me from her friends on facebook because she was tired of my “hate” towards PP. She thought they are fabulous. I wish she would watch this. Who wants to be associated with this? Even people that harbor incredible hate towards defenseless human fetuses don’t want to be associated with sex trafficking and child rape. Great job Liveaction!
OMG, this is awful. Sex trafficking of minor girls (and boys) is a serious, serious problem all over the world and there is no excuse EVER for aiding and abetting it. what the #@! is wrong with these people?
Evil knows no bounds with PP.
Does the clinic manager HONESTLY think she is “helping” anyone??
All of her “wink, wink, nudge, nudge, laughter” makes me ill.
That metropolitan medical associates site has been torn down or moved. So I just linked up the google cache on my blog.
Expect the google cache to disappear soon.
This Live Action video is premier quality, and its GREAT that the faces of the pimp and prostitute are not seen, so they can produce some more great films.
Dare I add another customized PP advertisement?
I think I know where I’ll spend my next 40 Days for Life protests. I will be sending this to my amazing governor Chris Christie.
Yes, please. :)
Oh. Oh, dear.
Hey, what do we know about the Metropolitan Medical Association? Obviously they are already not following the laws, but does OR already have something on them they’re trying to get investigated?
Cranky-do it! You need your own website, your stuff is great.
I am glad that Cecille Richards got out in front of this story before she knew the facts. Hopefully it will turn her into a road pizza.
The entertainment value in this sleazy episode will be watching the ‘dead babies r us’ folks indecision as they vacilate between two opinions. They will be squirming like six year old who has been having too much fun to stop to relieve herself and then finds the bathroom door locked.
PP has been ‘waisting up’ since it’s inception, so it should come as no surprise that they would offer that same advice to fellow sex traffickers.
PP is americas largest chain of whore houses.
PP has turned ‘whoring’ into a religion and the flesh and blood of babes is their sacrement.
The clients, customers and victims of PP are not the whores, but the liberal humanists who fund them, administrate them and excuse them.
PP gives real whores a bad name.
[I use the term ‘whore’ in a non-gender specific manner and I apologize to real whores everywhere for associating them with PP. If there are any real whores who are legitimately offended then take it up with PP. It is PP that has encroached on to your ‘turf’, not the other way around.]
Oh. Wow. So, Metropolitan Medical Associates are breaking even more laws than that. Apparently they were supposed to have closed down in 2007 after almost killing someone with a botched abortion. I don’t see any news reports about the NJ DoH giving them permission to start back up, though. They may have been operating without permission to do so, which would explain the “not getting audited the way we do.”
But Kermit the Fraud was an abberation and a one-time-wacko, U GAIZ! His practices are NOT STANDARD FOR THE INDUSTREE, yo!
Speaking of underage prostitutes, here is a truly disturbing story about sex trafficking of minors during the Superbowl:
Believe me, there are plenty of people who think it’s okay to have sexual relations with younger girls. When my daughter was about 12, she and a friend were at the movies when some adult tried to pick them up. The girls said ”we’re only 12″ and this creep said ‘so.’ Another time two grown women tried to hit on them.
Any man (or woman) who has sex with a child is lower than pond scum. It seems that pedophilia is increasing. I feel sorry for parents of young children nowadays — I’m so glad my children are grown!
Am I at all surprised??? Not even a little bit!!!
Can’t wait for the arguments from the pro-abortion side, they’re awfully quiet so far :D
Though this is all just awful, we must keep in mind that the worst crimes of all from Planned Parenthood are that they have killed millions and millions of our children.
“Follow the money, honey! Follow the money!”
This undercover footage reveals new lows that people will stoop to in order to get $
So, where is 60 Minutes? John Stossel? Where are the AGs in these states, the FBI, etc. With all the footage that Live Action has produced over the years putting together a prime time sting would be nearly effortless.
Makes one wonder . . . how far up the food chain does the money go?
ya, Cranky, planned unparenthood needs another ad.
I did my duty and submitted the Live Action scoop to Drudge and Rush.
This is just incredible. My first reaction was to say that this was “sick.” But putting ketchup on ice cream is sick. I need a word with moral connotations… how about “evil,” “misogynistic,” “greedy,” “vile,” and “heartwrenching”?
Anyway, it also reminded me of my first and only conversation with Amanda Marcotte…
You may now begin hammering me for satire.
Lila’s sending the video to Attorney General Eric Holder?
What a complete and utter waste of time.
I wonder if Abby Johnson has made a statement
Go Live Action!!
We need to remember that real girls, boys, and women in these situations are not just prostitutes- they are SEX SLAVES. Imagine the existence- typically lured from their countries under false pretenses, drugged and hooked on drugs, forced to perform sex acts several times a day with much older perps, often abused by their slaveownners, not allowed to leave their brothel/ jail without their slaveowner/pimp, nowhere to go if they were able to escape, and not able to speak the language.
And PP would keep them ‘trapped slaves for choice’. And the PP clinic manager refers to girls- who could be you or our daughters- as ‘that extra action walking by’. Because abortion rights trump everything, even antislavery laws and helping sex slaves.
Spin machine is out. Damage Control alert
If you have a twitter acct…I have been sending this story to Freshmen Congress men and women…please RT me @ babesinwomb
From Lucy @
Susie, your link provided me with my morning laugh! Two, so far count them, two comments mention Sarah Palin’s daughter. Wow, how relevant, haha!
As Bugs Bunny would say, “What a bunch of maroons!”
Cranky strikes again! I love it.
Okay, I’m as outraged by PP’s behavior as anybody, but these fake PP ads using images of real girls are disgusting to me, and I can’t repost this unless those are deleted.
This is not our entertainment. This is a travesty we should be mourning.
Planned Pimphood – head of the operation.
One gets the impression from the video that PPA is actually promoting younger age child prostitution because the fees are less.
phillymiss says:
February 1, 2011 at 10:18 am
Those are all friends and dear allies of Roman Polanski.
Susie, thanks. I agree with ninek. What trash.
Those you haven’t blocked for not meeting your holy/PC standards you mean, Lucy? Gotta love that prolife unity. Shaking my head.
Color me shocked. What in the world was PP NJ person thinking?
Where oh where are the pro-aborts whining about how Lila set the PP up with her severly edited videos and how “illegal” her work is and how dare she smear honest and hard working PP, who do so much good for the society?
I see a video of a employee trying to make illegal money outside the rules and procedures of Planned Parenthood. This happens in every single industry in the world. Employees at Burger King do the very same thing. This woman of very questionable morals and her “Partner in crime” will be SO fired, but you hear it in the video the actual medical staff does things by the book. This wanna be hustler even refers to her as a F***ing C**T because they adhere to the rules and procedures put down by PP and the American Medical Assoc. One employee trying to hook up some extra cash on the down low outside of PP approval is hardly an indictment of the entire organization. Also, Lila should see charges coming her way as well for trespassing and HIPPA violations.
One employee trying to hook up some extra cash on the down low outside of PP approval is hardly an indictment of the entire organization.
Hmm… Well I think Lila is a very lucky girl, that out of hundreds of clinics and thousands of employees she accidently stumbled across this dishonest “one employee”!!
HAHAHAHA, Biggz! That’s a good one. Well, it’s funny how Lila always manages to find the rogue employees, isn’t it? There was the one in Indiana, too, who quickly disappeared after an LA expose. As for trespassing, if Lila didn’t set foot on the property, she can’t be accused of trespassing. I don’t think she was the female in the video. As for HIPPA, um, that doesn’t cover information from a medical office employee. It prohibits the release of patient data. What patient data is discussed and illegally released here? <crickets>
Desparation, thy name is Planned Parenthood.
Biggz, I’m going to bet the only one whose job is in danger is the nurse practitioner. She’s bad for business. How many underage brothel bonanzas did PP lose because that one woman had a bit of a conscience?
As for the nurse practitioner, may the Lord bless her and have mercy on her, accepting the good she tried to do in reporting victims of sexual abuse who came to her for help, and bringing her to repentance for participating in the evil of abortion.
Golly gee, Cecile’s own story is that 12 clinics were involved. Is that same employee commuting all over the US? She must be tired. Lol!
HIPAA (Two A’s, one P) is about protecting patient privacy. In order to violate it, Rose would have to pick open a locked file cabinet, remove patient records, and deposit them in the bathroom or waiting room. I must have missed that part of the video.
One of the poor choicers here called my donations ‘chump change.’ Well, it only costs a little chump change to buy a mini DV tape and a sandwich to eat while she was editing the footage. Looks like my investment has paid off. Go LiveAction!!
You didn’t have to wait too long!! :)
Well Biggs, good thing Lila finds these dishonest employees. PP should be happy that she is helping them clean them up. Once all these bad PP employees are gone, there will only be the good, honest ones. Right?
Yawn. What is this girl really trying to prove with this? And how many hundreds of clinics does she try these stunts with before she finally gets one that is actually engaging in sketchy behavior? This is just a shameless propaganda operation.
Here’s a question I’d like someone to answer for me: how many actual criminal convictions have resulted from these little games that Lila Rose is playing?
This woman of very questionable morals
Questionable Biggz? She has NO morals and your statement shows you have the same amount.
Well, Joan, you have just proven that you don’t care about young girls who are sexually abused. You think that protecting them by holding PP accountable is a little game. If you were sexually abused, Joan, did your abuser refer to it as a little game?
Are you also outraged that Chris Hansen entrapped poor little guys that never molested anyone? Many of them were arrested, but since no abuse took place, aren’t you mad? Have you written Dateline any letters to voice your outrage??
Joan, we don’t need to manufacture “propaganda”. Planned Genocide does an excellent job of defaming itself. All pro-lifers have to do is record it for posterity… and the police.
I hope that if there are any real sex slaves whose exploitation was enabled by this evil woman, there will be an investigation that finds them and saves them…
What’s that, you say? There has not been a single criminal conviction as a result of “Live Action’s” stunts? An intelligent, reasonable person might just conclude, based on that fact, that this is all a whole lot of nothing.
Just a friendly reminder, y’all…
Not surprising. Joanie supports child rape too.
Yeah, you’re right, pointing out that Live Action’s numerous allegations of illegal activity have yet to yield any criminal convictions is trolling.
joan says:
February 1, 2011 at 3:44 pm
What’s that, you say? There has not been a single criminal conviction as a result of “Live Action’s” stunts? An intelligent, reasonable person might just conclude, based on that fact, that this is all a whole lot of nothing.
Oh good grief, Joan. Based on fact the woman at the PP clinic violated several laws, it’s obvious that there’s not just a “whole lot of nothing” going on. There’s SOMETHING not right going on. The PP worker also talked about lying on paperwork (and if PP is so honest and so on the up and up why would Live Action constantly find workers suggesting clients lie in several different PP locations?)
joan says:
February 1, 2011 at 4:03 pm
Yeah, you’re right, pointing out that Live Action’s numerous allegations of illegal activity have yet to yield any criminal convictions is trolling.
Joan–Funny how you automatically assumed Paladin meant you when NO name was even mentioned.
Is it right to say that “if the allegations have not led to criminal convictions, then the alleged actions [whether they happened or not] are moral”?
Somebody needs to tip off Fox News because I think they’re the only ones who would cover this story. Kinda like the ACORN story. Then, as it spreads, the other networks will be forced to cover it.
“Oh good grief, Joan. Based on fact the woman at the PP clinic violated several laws, it’s obvious that there’s not just a “whole lot of nothing” going on. There’s SOMETHING not right going on. The PP worker also talked about lying on paperwork (and if PP is so honest and so on the up and up why would Live Action constantly find workers suggesting clients lie in several different PP locations?)”
The crimes being alleged here (and in other “stings” conducted by Live Action) are serious. If the evidence being offered in support of them is credible, then criminal prosecutions are in order. And yet no criminal prosecutions, much less criminal convictions, have been forthcoming. And so I think it’s logical to ask: why not? If the “evidence” contained in these videos is good enough for the peanut gallery here to arrive at a unanimous verdict of “guilty” on every single count of alleged illegality, why has it not been good enough for a prosecutor to bring charges, or a jury to convict?
“Is it right to say that “if the allegations have not led to criminal convictions, then the alleged actions [whether they happened or not] are moral”?”
I’m not making a statement on the morality of the alleged actions. I’m just observing that, given their serious criminal character, it’s very curious that no prosecutions have been made, a fact that suggests to me that behind the pithy “gotcha!” videos Live Action is infamous for, there is no real evidence whatsoever of criminal wrongdoing.
Videotaping inside of a women’s health clinic without consent from everyone in the clinic is a violation… Yes Lila and her team of misfits travel all over the country and try this crap at PP’s everywhere. Every once and awhile she get footage that is just good enough to splice together a case of pure conjecture and speculation. This is technique she learned from James O’Keefe who has yet to do anything good for journalism and has been proven to be a LIAR. It does seem as though this time she did find someone actually trying to break the law to make some extra cash, but you are leaping huge chasms of fact to reach the conclusion that PP had anything to do with what this woman was trying to get away with… I know you guys hate abortion but must you demonize everyone who disagrees with you? How would PP benefit from this woman’s actions if she is trying to set up a side gig? She is very plainly trying to get AROUND PP’s rules and procedures to fudge paperwork so the medical staff doesn’t know what she is doing? Let me say that again… SHE IS HIDING WHAT SHE IS DOING FROM PP MEDICAL STAFF and trying to make contacts on her cell phone before any visit of one of this pimp’s girls!!! She says so herself…
Thanks for the heads-up Jill! I have posted a blog as well:
You know when the poor choicers are hopping mad, something must be right with the world, lol!
So Joan, I’d love for you to copy the text of the letters you’ve written to Chris Hansen. Dying to read them. Imagine Cecile getting all riled up and calling the FBI when all she had to do was fire this one teeny little acting-alone employee. I can’t believe she’d overreact like that. And what a magnanimous employee, coming forward to tell her boss how naughty she was so her boss could notify the FBI. Gee, last time I was naughty, I had to call the FBI myself. Lol!!
The reason they are calling the FBI is because for every one of these videos that hits the internet they have tried this crap at 50 others without incident. Lila keeps doing these bogus stings and then when she has to “by law” turn over the entire tape without editing to the police and prosecutors there is never enough evidence to prosecute anyone… This may very well be the first person to be charged as a result of one of Lila’s bogus videos. She started this crap back in 2004 and in over 7 years her videos have resulted in ZERO charges or penalties to PP… Here “after hundreds of stings without fruit” she finally finds someone who is trying to break the law and the person in question says in the video that she is working outside of PP control. She is offering to fudge documents so PP would not find out. The FBI is more interested in Lila’s personal crusade against PP. They are investigating this group who is making money by defaming a non-profit organization so she can charge big $$$ for her speaking appearances. Hum… defaming a non-profit for personal publicity… wonder where she learned how to do that… *cough* acorn-O’Keefe *cough*
This woman really didn’t even commit a crime as the entire setup was B.S. Had this video been made by law enforcement then it would be creditable evidence, or “being unedited” might not show any crime at all. This is why Lila is wasting her time other than to boost her own popularity…
Hey LittleZ,
You better sit down before you get dizzy and fall from all of that spinning.
Every time Lila stings a cluster of PP centers we hear the same crap:
“Oh, that’s just a rogue employee. They don’t represent PP.”
So exactly how many atypical rogues add up to a typical pattern of institutionalized filth? It would seem that Lila’s documentaries established that before this latest round. If anyone with at least two brain cells to rub together can’t see that, then this should help:
PP has gone to court and opposed parental notification and consent laws in every state that has ever tried to enact such legislation.
PP takes children to court in such states in order to get judicial bypasses as a means around the law.
PP takes children from school during school hours for abortions and then sends them back before dismissal so as to evade parental knowledge.
PP gives contraception to minors without parental notification or consent.
PP has pushed for City Council Bill 0371 in NYC that would make it a crime for CPC’s and PRC’s to notify law enforcement of child rape unless the child consented. Read that again. Now read it once more.
So this employee was speaking in a manner entirely consistent with PP’s sponsored legislation in NYC, with battles against parental notification and consent in courtrooms all over the nation, and with what Abby Johnson and Carol Everett have had to say from their insider’s knowledge.
Put an ice-pak on your head LittleZ, you need one.
Well said Dr Nadal.
THE MANAGER AND THE ENTIRE REST OF THE PP STAFF ARE ALL GUILTY. We can only hope that the nurse practitioner is a willing witness to the crimes PP has been perpetrating from this office.
Vita says: February 1, 2011 at 10:25 am
“Can’t wait for the arguments from the pro-abortion side, they’re awfully quiet so far ”
The clients, customers and victims of PP are not the whores, but the liberal humanists who fund them, administrate them and excuse them.
The entertainment value in this sleazy episode will be watching the ‘dead babies r us’ folks indecision as they vacilate between two opinions. They will be squirming like six year old who has been having too much fun to stop to relieve herself and then finds the bathroom door locked.
Jill is right. You did not have to wait long at all.
Looks like the ‘dead babies r us’ folks have stopped vascillating/squirming and either wet their pants and/or settled on an opinion.
satan’s posse is not going change whores in the middle of their bed wetting dream, but dance with the ‘whore’ that brung em.
They make such a lovely ménage à trois.
Was there ever any doubt as to their ‘choice’?
You go girls, you’ve come a long way babes, but you’ve gotta long way to go.
lol wow huge leaps to conclusions lol seriously review the facts in this video please…
Gerard Nadal
1. Parental Notification laws hurt young people who are being abused by THEIR PARENTS!
2. Helping a young person get a judicial bypass is NOT working around the law it is in fact following the law as it is a JUDGE that grants the Bypass…
3. I have never seen or heard of a PP employee taking any young person out of school unless under order of child protective services, which once again, are court ordered.
4. PP is required BY LAW to provide contraception to ANYONE who asks for it no matter what their age.
5. City Council Bill 0371 in NYC is supported by PP because CPC’s mislead their clients.
This employee is speaking in a manner that is consistent with someone who wants to make money on the side at her cell phone number. She specifically says she cannot let the medical staff know what she is doing and tells the actors that they are to talk to her and her friend ONLY! I see you trying to spin the facts to make PP look in the wrong here but the fact do not support your leaps of imagination. This one woman’s actions are indicative of all things Planned Parenthood…
Telling a child to lie to a judge in order to score an abortion is a crime. It happens routinely.
Parental notification laws do not hurt young people being abused at home, because such laws have mandatory reporting provisions for minors (which PP opposes, as enshrined in bill 0371 and the courtroom transcripts of their opposition to those laws)
As for not knowing of children being taken from school without CPS order, on what planet have you been living?
CPC’s in NYC advertise FREE ABORTION ALTERNATIVES. Perhaps in your somewhat twisted mind that translates into deceptive advertising, but not all of us are given to delusion and outright denial of the reality that we see daily on NYC subway ads.
Might I suggest that you ground your arguments in facts, in reality, and then simply state that you support keeping parents in the dark? It will save an awful lot of spilled ink in getting you to fess up.
And just think. Closing down Planned Parenthood offices will force more women to go to people like Kermit Gosnell. Win-win for the anti-abortionists!
Oh yes Gerald I forgot that all American judges are stupid and easily swayed when it comes to the welfare of children or maybe they are all liberal idiots… I’m sure you think these judges are in on it? Maybe they are getting a kickback from PP for their co-operation in defiling of little children? Your paranoid rants are very Glen Beckish…
As for what planet I live on… Yes I am sure that PP can come take my daughter out of school and whisk her off to their evil abortuary to have evil things done to her and the school has no problem with it at all… I’m sure the school would not call the parents… unless under a court order not to?
I know girls who were sexually abused by family members and when they notified their parents, the parents did not believe her and she was punished for lying and the abuse continued… until she was old enough to move out on her own.
Lastly CPC’s do lie. They lie about their free pregnancy test, they lie in that they do not offer a woman ALL her options just the one’s they politically approve of. PP offers ALL options. EVERY SINGLE OPTION!
Dr. Nadal, I too remember the news story about a mentally handicapped minor who’s teacher discovered she was pregnant. The teacher and another school employee took the girl to get an abortion during school hours and never notified her mother. Now, if the girl is not mentally competent to give consent, what got her pregnant was rape. The girl and her family were robbed of justice, robbed of their opportunity to find out WHO had raped the girl, and robbed of the EVIDENCE that could have been used to convict the rapist.
The funny thing about this whole thing? Feminazi’s have a weird obsession with rape and with men being rapists, but when it comes to actual rape in the real world, they are in favor of protecting the rapists. I don’t get it. I wish Biggz would come right out and argue how wonderful abortion is because I’m holding steady at $124. There was a commenter yesterday or earlier that said that underage sex workers NEED abortions and care for their STD’s and that Lila Rose is standing in the way of their “healthcare.” Say, do you suppose pro choice folks are especially good at playing Twister? Left foot on red, right hand on yellow!!
PP, the Dead Babies R Us crew, not a surprize if you can justify killing unborn babies you can pretty much justify anything. I do appreciate that some of the pro-choicers who post here expressed outrage over Kermit Gosnell but others even tried to justify his butchery.
Phillymiss, I know of quite a few cases right now of underage minor girls being sexually assualted and raped by adult sexual predators, the incidents are on the rise with bolder and more “in your face” encounters. I have referred young teen girls (some as young as 14 years old) recently to CPCs for counseling and given referrals for STD testing. Your story about the 12 year old girls being approached by adult heterosexual men and lesbian women is becoming more common right now. People I know in law enforcement and youth workers I know are now alarmed at the numbers of underage girls reporting being approached by lesbian women especially in the inner-city, these adult women even telling these girls “how would you know you don’t like it unless you try it”. When they have tried to report this they are called “homophobic” and “liars”. God help this nation and our world. Sex has become god, no limits, no boundaries, no shame, I think it was the Apostle Paul who talked about people being taken over by a “reprobate mind”. Those who are Bible believing Christ followers please pray and cry out to God and please help the children born and unborn.
Last time they released statistics, PP admitted they killed about 1,200 babies for every 1 adoption referral. Young women who mistakenly believe that PP will give them prenatal care have no other option than to go to the CPC’s because PP will not help them carry their babies. They just keep trying to sell the abortion. One of my friends thought that PP offered health care so she went there with the flu. They laughed her out of the clinic. Doh, did I just violate HIPAA?! Lol!
So Republican legislators were so very concerned about the welfare of victimized women, yet somehow the ”International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act of 2010″ didn’t pass? Uh-huh.
“The girl and her family were robbed of justice, robbed of their opportunity to find out WHO had raped the girl, and robbed of the EVIDENCE that could have been used to convict the rapist.”
Yes Ninek, you’re right. But the incredibly shrinking LittleZ cares nothing for justice. LittleZ has an even littler heart and cares only for ensuring that babies are butchered with as little intrusion from us detestable pro-lifers as possible.
Bloodlust is a form of insanity with which there is no reasoning.
Your story about the 12 year old girls being approached by adult heterosexual men and lesbian women is becoming more common right now.
Well, some of them could be bisexual…but I’ll let the straight and gay people have them. (Also, “lesbian women” is sort of like “Japanese Asians” when it comes to redundancy…I’m picking, I’ll move on to the crucial stuff.)
Covering up the sexual abuse of ANYONE is WRONG, period. If the PP worker knew this was a setup, she would have said something to the effect of, “Yeah, I’m not buying this. Please leave.” There is no excuse for this. Absolutely none.
See how easy it is for the pro-abort trolls to rally to the defense of their god–planned parenthood. Truly pathetic! The culture of death lives by a different set of rules. Shoot the messenger, they say, and turn a blind eye to those who would counsel illegal, abusive, and harmful activities for minors.
I’m sure the school would not call the parents… unless under a court order not to?
You are completely in the dark about what is going on in our public schools. . . .
If the PP worker knew this was a setup, she would have said something to the effect of, “Yeah, I’m not buying this. Please leave.”
If I thought someone were setting me up, I’d excuse myself from the interview for a moment to call law enforcement or ask another staff person to make the call for me, asking that an officer be sent over immediately. That way I’d cover myself in terms of professional liability by complying with local mandated reporter laws. The imposter would be exposed by law enforcement and subject to any consequences that may result. And, in the event I’d misjudged the situation and young people truly were being trafficked, I would have done the right thing to get them help.
It’s not up to me as a mandated reporter to determine if a crime has been committed. If someone tells me he’s engaging in illegal activity with a minor, it doesn’t matter if I think he may be BSing me. It’s up to law enforcement, CPS and the courts to determine if a crime has taken place; it’s only up to me to report to law enforcement that I have an individual onsite who is alleging criminal activity with minors.
”International Protecting Girls by Preventing Child Marriage Act of 2010?
From what I can tell, this was a bill designed to get the US more involved in social engineering in other countries. Sounds like a great idea when we’re already spending ourselves into oblivion. It’s funny that liberals would propose such a bill; they say that they’re against the notion that the US is the “world’s policeman”, and also against “forcing our morals” on others. Yet this bill would have done both of those things at our own expense.
Marauder my point in saying “lesbian women” was to point out these were adults approaching underage teen girls, (the legal age of consent for sex in Illinois is 17 years old) but I probably should have stated “adult lesbians”. I do agree with you that ”covering up sexual abuse of ANYONE is WRONG period”.
Biggz said:
“1. Parental Notification laws hurt young people who are being abused by THEIR PARENTS!
The 1995 Parental Notification of Abortion Act unanimously passed the Illinois General Assembly. It has been held up in court by PP and the ACLU ever since. No teenagers or their parents are parties in the suit claiming to represent their interests. Let everybody at Planned Parenthood be on notice that holding the law in legal limbo will not protect them from the boiling blood of a father of an unemancpated minor that they commit abortion on without notifying the legal guardian first.
And now Lila exposes PP running cover for sex-trafficiking rings and marketing abortions on minors. Put two and two together Biggz and what does it equal?
Here is a section of the 1995 Illinois Parental Notification of Abortion Act:
(750 ILCS 70/5)
Sec. 5.
Legislative findings and purpose.
The General Assembly finds that notification of a family member as defined in this Act is in the best interest of an unemancipated minor, and the General Assembly's purpose in enacting this parental notice law is to further and protect the best interests of an unemancipated minor.
The medical, emotional, and psychological consequences of abortion are sometimes serious and long?lasting, and immature minors often lack the ability to make fully informed choices that consider both the immediate and long?range consequences.
Parental consultation is usually in the best interest of the minor and is desirable since the capacity to become pregnant and the capacity for mature judgment concerning the wisdom of an abortion are not necessarily related.
Prolifer L: Oh, I get it. Thanks. :)
Fed Up: Yeah, you’re right. I was thinking if they had some reason to know for an absolute fact it was a setup, but I’m not sure how they’d know that anyway.
Oh, I’m sure it’s an isolated incident, folks! After all, we only know of…. Amy, Karin, the other counselor… 3! Folks at PP who would allow this sort of behavior, right?
Well, and these… and these… and these… each of which links to numerous vids…
Hmmm… ;)
Fed Up,
Well said. If one feels that one is being set up, go get a coworker and then say, “Please repeat what you just said.”
“As for what planet I live on… Yes I am sure that PP can come take my daughter out of school and whisk her off to their evil abortuary to have evil things done to her and the school has no problem with it at all… I’m sure the school would not call the parents… unless under a court order not to?”
PP needn’t send a worker to pick up young girls from classes. I have personally waited to be seen at PP during my more foolish years. At the time, I was living on my own and out of HS, but I was able to hear at least 3 different groups of girls (2-4 per group) during school hours discuss how they had managed to avoid having their parents informed of their absences.
However, let’s just say for a moment that these young girls are unable to think up excuses not to be in class. Let’s say for a moment that we are dealing with a PP worker who believes that the best thing for a young girl is not to be parenting at 18. Let’s say that she behaves in a somewhat reckless and highly unethical manner because she believes it justified ‘for the cause,’ and she tries to sign a young girl out of classes. Yes, it involves a little bit of vilifying but it is not completely out of the realm of likeliness, especially in particularly liberal areas. Do you think that the school personally knows the guardians of all minors present? My relatively restricted Catholic all-girls’ high school accepted a note from a recently graduated sister of my classmate explaining her absence from an entire class. Or is it that you think that a PP employee reckless enough to take a young girl out of her classes would be stupid enough to explain the situation to the school’s secretary?
MaryRose I guess Biggz has never heard of so-called school-based “health” or should I say “death” clinics”, where in the inner-city minority girls have been bused for abortions to PP or other abortuaries, after the school nurse finds out about her “little problem” of having an unplanned pregnancy. An unmarked van whisked the girls off to PP and then gets them back to school before dismissal time so the parents won’t have a clue. If I remember correctly I think Pro-Life Action League out of Chicago used to do expose`s on this stuff years ago related to Chicago Public Schools. I will have to see if I can find out more info on this but if someone else has this info maybe they could post this.
Found an article from Seattle.