Cecile Richards misleads: Planned Parenthood does NOT provide mammograms
On February 21, Planned Parenthood CEO Cecile Richards appeared on pro-abort Joy Behar’s talk show.
While attention has been drawn to the fact Behar disparaged pro-lifers on that particular program as “illogical… evil… immoral… unethical… and stupid,” (4:25-4:40 on video below), something more important was said. Richards through word parsing implied that Planned Parenthood provides mammograms and that defunding PP would defund mammograms. View 3:57-4:12:
Richards said:
If this bill ever becomes law, millions of women in this country are going to lose their health care access, not to abortion services, to basic family planning – you know, mammograms, cancer screenings, cervical cancer.
The fact is not one Planned Parenthood in America performs mammograms. All PPs do are refer for mammograms.
So while Richards was technically correct to add the word “access” before citing mammograms as a service PP provides, I guarantee no one understood her to say anything other than PP performs mammograms, when actually all PP does is merely write down the name of a place to go for mammograms. From PP’s website:
Here’s more misleading word parsing, this from PP of Southeast Iowa. Read carefully. Now you know what to look for (bold highlights theirs)…
But, as Matthew Balan pointed out at Newsbusters, there are 1,200 Federally Qualified Health Centers that provide the same care PP does – plus mammograms – along with providing other health care services for the entire family. FQHCs provide much more comprehensive care.
Meanwhile, PP and its supporters perpetuate this deception all the time, for instance Jehmu Greene on The O’Reilly Factor, February 2, Scroll to 1:35…
Here’s an editorial – posted just today – by the Muhlenberg Weekly Executive Board:
By eliminating the $75 million in federal funding, the government would be robbing one in five American women of reproductive healthcare. If this bill becomes a law, Planned Parenthood would cease to exist, and women all over the country would no longer have access to mammograms, cancer screenings, and sex education, among other things.
Pro-lifers need to call PP and its cheerleaders out every time they try to imply PP performs mammograms. PP is trying to make Americans think that poor and minority women in particular will lose access to mammograms if PP is defunded, which is absolutely false.
fantastic gotcha
More money laundering. Establish a govt program that will steer money to PP, and PP commits to re-election power. Provision of services is a side-bar. Here is the clue to track down this talking point regarding mammogram: BCCS.
And for this they rake in the big bucks from Komen?
Cecile is a slick devil.
I was just thinking the same thing!!
Hmmmm. SGK gives $$$$$$$$$$ to PP for breast cancer screenings. Or not.
We are taking our money away from her. She’s fighting for her job!
She will say or do anything that might help to save her bacon. And it will get more and more shrill as the vote in the Senate nears.
Do you know that Susan G. komen foundation told me the reason they give to PP is because it provides mammograms? I just contacted Senator Bob Casey Jr. about defunding PP and he emailed me that he is against abortion but supports PP because they provide mammograms. Its time to call out the liars!
I just heard the stupidest commercial ever on radio last night. It was about a woman who claims when she was 19 she went to PP and because of their screening they caught her cervical cancer and she received treatment. She made it sound like she received treatment at PP “I went to PP and we were able to treat it” Who has ever heard of PP providing treatment for cervical cancer? They are deceptive in the extreme.
Do you know if the same is true for pap smears and cervical cancer screenings?
Oops, sorry, you all caught the SGK connection before I commented. I was so irate I didn’t read the other comments first! ha ha.
@Kathyo: Some PPs actually say they give poor women Komen (and other) grant money to help cover mammograms. The problem is that they require women to be over 50 and pre-menopausal to qualify for the grant. Who fits that? (Plus, the National Cancer Institute recommends mammograms after 40, not 50, particularly for women at higher risk.)
I just contacted Senator Bob Casey Jr. about defunding PP and he emailed me that he is against abortion but supports PP because they provide mammograms. Its time to call out the liars!
You’re e-mailing him back, right?
Oh, snap! I had no idea. I shall spread this information far and wide…
Am I the only one who noticed Cecile Richards roll her eyes and look unimpressed by Gwen Moore speaking despite the fact that she was “defending” Planned Parenthood? Could that be her subtle Margaret Sanger mentality coming out perhaps??
There were so many lies and fabrications in that interview I lost count.
I’m curious why – through all of this – we haven’t heard much argument on the tired old argument that “Abortion only accounts for X% of PP Services.”
Sydney, can you forward me the email from Casey? jill@jillstanek.com. Thx.
It is amazing to me that our movement, particularly its leadership, does not do more, much more, to expose the systemic lies, the fraud, the dishonesty and the deceit of the abortionist movement. It is a target rich environment. The dishonesty, the lies, the evasion are just everywhere. We MUST take full advantage of this glaring weakness of our opponents and do everything we can to destroy their credibility so that NOBODY listens to them anymore.
The abortionist movement rode to victory forty years ago by telling big lies that people believed. We should remember what Bernard Nathanson said about that. We can ride to victory now by exposing the terrible lies and deceit of these enemies of human life.
How very surprising- PP caught in more lies and distortions.
Even if they did perform mammograms, how could that outweigh the scandals and lawbreaking? Would that make covering up for abuse ok? Where is their apology or plan to mend the anti-woman practices they keep getting caught in?
Let other clinics refer for mammograms- like they already do. Let real techs and real docs handle it. PP is corrupt to the core and doesn’t deserve tax dollars.
Jill you need to be on Fox News again.
Notice when Cecile speaks quickly, she says “Planned Parrothood”. Gwen did too. All they do is “parrot” the same tired, false information. The irony.
Praying for these ignorant women and the men and women who believe them. Lord have mercy on us all.
Already emailed him again Marauder! Jill, I will see if I still have the email. If so will forward it to you.
Ok, I just called my local PP and asked if they do mammograms. She said no. I asked if there were any other PP’s in the area who did. She said no, none of them do. Wow!
Instead of pushing just to defund Planned Genocide, why don’t we push for their funding to go to these FQHCs instead? That way, Richards will be exposed as a liar for saying we want to deprive the poor of health care.
Anyone see the View<gag> today? Two of their guests were congress women Jackie Spier CA & Moore, Wis What a joke! Between The View hosts & the congress women you might think PP was wonderful. If you are dumb as bricks like them.
It’s got to be eating them alive that their “saviors” (since most of the hosts of that show have had at least one abortion) are being so persecuted.
We know why they are fighting so hard. They’re justifying their own actions with every single episode.
I agree Kel
I don’t know how Jesus ate with the Pharisees without losing his appetite.
I almost don’t want to eat my mayonaisse sandwich.
Years ago, I stopped buying lunch and ate only top ramen each day. Whenever I got tired of it, I would repeat “This is what it tastes like to get out of debt.” It worked. I had no idea how much I was wasting on lunch until I did it. I’ve been out of debt for years now and wouldn’t trade it for all the credit in the world, lol!
If I’d eaten the top ramen to begin with, I might have avoided debt! Never once however, did I wish myself dead. I ate ramen all through college too and did not wish myself dead at that time either. I just keep praying for Cece. I bet God’s beginning to get sick of the nagging. Soon. Soon.
elle says:
February 24, 2011 at 1:52 pm
Anyone see the View<gag> today? Two of their guests were congress women Jackie Spier CA & Moore, Wis What a joke! Between The View hosts & the congress women you might think PP was wonderful. If you are dumb as bricks like them.
I missed it. Looks like Barbara Walters has become the latest of the growing number of PP’s celebrity cheerleaders. Maybe PP could sell a calendar with all their pictures, then I’d know which shows to boycott. I’d like to know if Ms. Speier actually say the words “my” and “abortion” in the same sentence. (Apparently the minute details of the truth don’t matter to pro-abort new-writers or legislators as long as they promote legalized abortion.)
Gwen Moore was interviewed on FOX a while back. She’s embarassingly misinformed. Someone should really sit down with her and give her a lesson in the truth about abortion. But WHO???
I’m praying for Cecile, and her underlings too. What a tangled web they weave.
Ya know, Abby left. The rest can too, right?
I thought Ramen noodles, boxed mac & cheese, and canned pork and beans from Aldi’s were, like, typical college food. At least that’s what my hubby and I pretty much lived on for the early part of our marriage. :) Sometimes my daughter even asks me to buy Ramen noodles for her. Hmm.
Kel, you had pork and beans!? Woo, high livin’. Lol!
When my friend’s older brother went to college, he did some calculations for the cost of eating ramen for every meal for a whole year, and I think it was just under $100, which is less than my family spends on food for a week.
Also, I have great respect for anyone who could watch that first video from beginning to end. I certainly couldn’t do it;those women need some serious prayer.
First let me say that breast cancer is up 40% precisely because Planned Parenthood has used every medium available including our public schools to promote teen sex. Those teens as PP well knows will end up pregnant and wanting an abortion, thus bolstering their income. See Breast Cancer Prevention Institute’s information on oral contraceptives and the link between abortion and breast cancer. http://www.bcpinstitute.org/BCPI_Breast-Cancer-bklt_Ed3.pdf
I’m really sick of listening to pro aborts give Planned Parenthood credit for being a health care facility when they kill children and feed women and young girls cancer causing steroids in the form of birth control. AND out and out lie about the abortion-breast cancer link and the steroids. So,where’s the healthcare?
I called Ben Nelson, Bob Casey, and Harry Reid about this. They’re staffers were all very combative and wouldn’t even pass on the message.
you mean Benedict Arnold Nelson, Lauren. Formerly a supposed pro life supporter, he turned his back on those who had supported him, when he voted for the health care ( it included a bribe for the Cornhusker state. )
Gwen even says, “children in the womb”. She admits the preborn are children but is still okay with the legalized killing of them. That’s evil.
This woman needs to be voted out. She’s been there too long.
That’s him, Liz.
You should call his office. Tell him the same thing and tell his smarmy little staffer that he needs to learn some manners when talking to constituents.
I’m new here. I was very excited to read that there were federally qualified health centers that provide abortion free health care to low income women without insurance coverage. I’ve always felt that it was a shame that a poor woman might be forced to get her woman care at PP even if she was anti abortion…because no other options existed in her area. So, it is good that other options exist.
However, when I went to the website for the National Association of Community Health Centers, I was dismayed to learn that lawmakers have targeted these federally qualified health centers for drastic budget cuts.
Since these centers are a viable alternative to abortion providers like PP, perhaps we should be asking our lawmakers to shift funding from PP to the federally qualified centers.
At the very least we should speak out in support of maintaining funding levels so that poor people do not lose access to the centers.
People say that pro lifers do not care about poor women and children once the baby is born. This is a great opportunity to stand up for them.
I like the idea that a few of you have mentioned: ask our lawmakers to shift the funding from planned parenthood to FQHC’s. I’m going to contact the lawmakers in my sadly depraved state (RI) and suggest that very thing.
I just sent a letter to Laura Ingraham thanking her for her interview with Jehmu Greene. Jehmu is such a PP puppet that you can almost see the strings.
Of course PP is worried. They should be! Lie after lie after lie! PP’s slogan should be: “Oh, what a tangled web we weave.” lol
As for the Susan G Komen foundation. Yes! They give money to PP. But apparently nothing compared to a whopping 3 mill.
And PP keeps stressing: “We are the light. The life. And the way.” But they’re not. They know that there are other neautral viewed, but non abortion, and prolife clinics that are moderately priced or free. Also the director of Birth Choice is going to setup shop where every PP use to be. This thought also infuriates PP.
If PP workers are so worried about losing their jobs. I’m pretty sure they can find a job at Birth Choice. There will be no mess, their new job will be right where their old one use to be!
PP doesn’t do breast exams, so why this sign?
(Link for photo of a sign from the NYC PP rally Sat. Feb 26, 2011 posted on flickr.)
“Don’t take away my breast exams!”
Story at:
@Janet: A breast exam isn’t the same as a mammogram. PP does breast exams some places. They only refer for mammograms (ever).
Of course they are different. Thank you. Mea culpa!