House passes HR1: Restores cornucopea of pro-life policies
When in the wee hours this morning the House passed the Continuing Resolution (HR 1 – the federal budget through September 2010), it included several pro-life policies that would make the following changes:
Abortion Funding in the District of Columbia: HR 1 restores the Dornan amendment to ensure that no congressionally appropriated funds (whether locally or federally generated) may pay for abortion in the District of Columbia. (Included in HR 1, as introduced)
Mexico City Policy and UNFPA: HR 1 restores the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits funding for foreign nongovernmental organizations that promote or commit elective abortion. HR 1 also eliminates funding for UNFPA, which supports, and participates in the management of China’s one child policy. (Included in HR 1, as introduced)
Title X Funding: Funding for Title X, a domestic family planning program, is eliminated. (Included in HR 1, as introduced)
International Population Control and Family Planning Funding: Funding for international family planning/reproductive health is reduced from $648 million in FY10 to $440 million. (Included in HR 1, as introduced)
Planned Parenthood: None of the funds may be made available to Planned Parenthood. (Pence Amendment passed by a vote of 240-185-1; video of pro-life speeches in favor of the Pence Amendment can be found here.)
As the other side continues to complain Republicans have baited-and-switched – promising to work on the economy and jobs but instead reengaging the culture wars – we must constantly remind them:
1. Republicans promised to cut the budget, by $100 billion to be exact. The aforementioned cuts were actually no-brainers – eliminating from the budget controversial expenditures on social programs and/or controversial organizations many Americans oppose. Being pro-life is good fiscal policy!
2. Excuse me, who reengaged the culture wars? Many if not most of these cuts are simply undoing budget additions the Obama administration and Democrat-controlled Congress forced on America only 2 short years ago.
This is great information. Thank you for listing.
This is great as far as it goes, but I still say the Democrats in the Senate, child killing enthusiasts almost all, will prevent this from going through.
International Population Control and Family Planning Funding: Funding for international family planning/reproductive health is reduced from $648 million in FY10 to $440 million. (Included in HR 1, as introduced)
Excellent start… but one question: why isn’t this dollar amount (above) “$0.00”?
And my prayer is that at the inception of their decision to not only kill the spirit of this beautiful legislation but once again to act as a conduit for the killing of unborn babies that they will understand that there better than that and will have the courage to do the right thing. My prayer is that before they vote the spirit of true liberty, God given liberties, will stir there hearts and minds. And that they will have a true understanding that when the liberties of any American are killed as is the case with abortion that they will understand that in compromising the health and welfare of the unborn their own liberties are diminished.
YAY! No more easily accessible birth control or GYN care! Time to teach the sluts a lesson, am I right?????
You tell us, Megan.
I don’t understand why anyone – pro-life or not – thinks it’s a good idea to eliminate Title X funding. Does it pay for abortion? And didn’t Mike Pence say he didn’t want to eliminate it?
Yes, Kristina, he did. I don’t see what’s pro-life about defunding non-abortion family planning and reproductive health care in the U.S. or other countries.
Haven’t you noticed? Abortion has been a sacrament for decades now. And haven’t you noticed that most on your side are men?
Those who commit abortions or their affiliates cannot receive Title X funding. PP can get Title X money if they stop killing unborn human beings.
For those who don’t understand how the money works, think of it this way: if you had an adult child who had an illegal drug habit, and you gave him money but he PROMISED that money would be for his rent, even though you are not paying for his drugs, you’re freeing up other money that is. See? You’ll also note in Live Action’s undercover videos that PP staff told the pimp they could go to the county health departments, etc. when they can not afford PP’s services.
@Paladin: I thought the same thing. Some day soon, I hope that will be $0.
“YAY! No more easily accessible birth control or GYN care! Time to teach the sluts a lesson, am I right?????”
Wrong Megan, it just means that we’re not buying your boyfriend’s rubbers for him anymore. No more freeloading. Pay for your own orgasms from now on.
Get well soon.
<strong>WOW!!!!</strong> Did you finally emerge from some LSD fog from the 70’s?? Because that statement was all the rage thirty-five years ago. Take a couple of months and have someone bring you up to speed on what’s been happening while you’ve been gone.
Hey!!! Maybe when you hit the 80’s in your reprogramming you’ll think of some hip, cool new moniker like “Pink Floyd”.
Then, by the time you hit the 2000’s, maybe you’ll hit on some cool musician’s moniker like “Pink”. Boy, oh boy, won’t you be all the rage!! You’re just so cool!!!
Get well soon.
BTW, you left the same message over on Proliferations. You’re so original.
Does anyone know why Planned Parenthood hasn’t lost their license and/or if they are even required to have a license. And if they aren’t required to have one how is this legal.
I think your just misguided if you believe that Americans will continue to use their tax dollars to kill unborn babies. If theres any real lesson being taught it’s that good always triumphs over evil and that babies should feel safe in their mother’s womb not threatened. And the other lesson is that our country still has a soul.
Dear Gerry,
It’s pretty terrifying that you see yourself as a champion of population health. It’s easy to see that your apparent concern for the destruction of the African-American community is a nice smokescreen for some very regressive beliefs about sexuality. “It just means that we’re not buying your boyfriend’s rubbers for him anymore.” As the East Coast’s Last True Man, I know you probably find it hard to believe that anybody else is gainfully employed, but we’re doing just fine, thnx. But I DO know lots of men and women who got laid off this past year, and consequently lost their health insurance. I guess if they avail themselves of Title X services, they must be a bunch of lazy freeloaders. Gotcha.
[Comment about my children edited. G.N.]
Get a clue, Myrtle. Title X monies don’t pay for abortion, only for preventive care.
But I DO know lots of men and women who got laid off this past year, and consequently lost their health insurance. I guess if they avail themselves of Title X services, they must be a bunch of lazy freeloaders. Gotcha.
People laid off receive unemployment and can still purchase their own rubbers, or is this the new pathetic ad campaign from Megan and Co.:
Cue the ominous music as we see a woman choosing between baby formula and a box of condoms.
As for aggressive beliefs about sexuality, I must confess that believing that people should buy their own rubbers, and exercise self-control and then take full responsibility for the consequences of their sex (be that a baby or an STD) is pretty aggressive in your eyes.
That’s because you snivel and whine about how everyone needs to share responsibility for your behavior. It’s called narcissism.
Um Gerry, using birth control is very much a responsible action. And I don’t think I have to remind you that BC encompasses so much more than condoms. What if a low-income woman without health insurance wants to use a long-acting form of birth control, like an IUD? I don’t know of too many people who can pay $500 out of pocket for any health care procedure. Why don’t you head back to the laboratory and leave concerns of public health to people who aren’t blinded by moral squeamishness?
I know someone who had an IUD – it cost her her fertility. And where was that IUD put in? Our local Planned Parenthood. She has not set foot in that place – because it stole her ability to have children.
Was that the best health care for her? No. Did they make sure she was ok? No.
Oh – and what about the woman who had complications from an abortion done in China? She is here for educational purposes – and she went to Planned Parenthood for help. Did they take her in? No. Make an appointment for Monday or the next available appointment? No. Bring her to another clinic? No. Offer to bring her to the emergency room? nope.
Great health care – the finest our tax dollars can buy. Glad you are so supportive of them.
Oh – what do you think of a place that gets women on BC and does not tell them that certain antibiotics renders it useless? Right again – the same PP. Great medical care, on all accounts.
“YAY! No more easily accessible birth control or GYN care! Time to teach the sluts a lesson, am I right?????”
Did I miss where the Republicans voted to close all pharmacies in the country and defund Medicaid? Please provide me a link to these votes.
“What if a low-income woman without health insurance wants to use a long-acting form of birth control, like an IUD?”
What if I want a Ferrari? What if I want a house made of 14k gold? What if I want my own private Idaho? Gimme gimme gimme. Birth control pills are free on Medicaid. If you’re not poor enough for Medicaid, they’re $9 a month at evil Wal-Mart. Where’s the problem?
We saw in the Live action videos PP personnel repeatedly going through a list of their services and then telling our friendly neighborhood child-traffcking pimp that if he lacked insurance or cash he could go to the county health department and get the same services for free.
That’s a curiosity as $350 million is given to PP annually to render services to people who lack insurance or cash. So by their own admission, they are not using the money for its intended purpose. As far as heading back to the lab, I’m afraid you’re stuck with me Megs. I enjoy being on the front lines and dancing with little narcissists like you.
And since you guys are doing so nicely, I’m sure that you’ll go into the inner city and sponsor birth control for some of those more pigmented citizens whom you would love to see contracepted and aborted into oblivion. We’re on to PP’s racist, eugenist agenda, and it’s nice to see that you’re on board with them Megs. However, the sweet, compassionate concern by white women such as yourself has been seen through. I was just at a very large gathering of black and hispanic pastors today who have had it with upper middle class white devils posing as angels of mercy.
Might I suggest that YOU find a lab or some other obscure hideout Megs? Your side is going out of business as the sleeping giant of the inner city has finally been roused from its slumber.
Glad you can buy your own rubbers. Stop with the racist chants of concern for low-income women. They’re on to you.
Glad you can buy your own rubbers.
If you ever can’t afford rubbers or find yourself in situations where you have no self-control, Megan, don’t forget the little ditty that your side promotes:
“If you don’t want to be a mum, take it up . . . . . “
Megan says: February 19, 2011 at 2:48 pm
“YAY! No more easily accessible birth control or GYN care! Time to teach the sluts a lesson, am I right?????”
If by ‘sluts’ you are referring to the whores who administrate and/or advocate for PP, then you are finally ‘right’.
That explains all the question marks at the end of your question.
You most of all are stunned that you have unintentionally swerved into the path of the oncoming truth.
Prepare for your ‘airbags’ to deploy.
Oh wait you are one of the ‘airbags’ and you and you accomplices are just one of the many spokesweasels who have been ‘deployed’ by the madams of the ‘dead babies r us’ lynch mob.
When all your ‘hotair’ has been depleted you will take on the visage of a used condom.
How ‘fitting’.
Abstinence and natural family planning are still free.
The only ones on the internet using the word “slut” are the post-abortive pro-choicers and they use it about themselves. Way to project, girls.
This is good news!
“YAY! No more easily accessible birth control or GYN care! Time to teach the sluts a lesson, am I right?????”
Very pro-woman of you.
“The only ones on the internet using the word “slut” are the post-abortive pro-choicers and they use it about themselves. Way to project, girls.”
Very true. And they claim that the pro-life side is misogynistic. *shakes head*
ninek says:
February 20, 2011 at 9:18 am
Abstinence and natural family planning are still free.
EXACTLY!!!! Why do all taxpayers have to pay for the lack of self-control of others? Also, pro-choice always whines about how pro-lifers should stay out of their bedrooms, but then turn around and ask the same pro-lifers to pay for their birth control, abortions, STD testing and all??? What’s THAT all about?
EXACTLY!!!! Why do all taxpayers have to pay for the lack of self-control of others? Also, pro-choice always whines about how pro-lifers should stay out of their bedrooms, but then turn around and ask the same pro-lifers to pay for their birth control, abortions, STD testing and all??? What’s THAT all about?
Well said Vita. It’s about sexually licentious individuals who lack self-control reaching into our pockets to subsidize their narcissism. I know that people such as Meg can’t resist reaching in there, even though they are doing quite well for themselves. Then again, people who subsidize their bottom line by usurping other people’s hard-earned money usually do indeed do quite well for themselves.
“I was just at a very large gathering of black and hispanic pastors today who have had it with upper middle class white devils posing as angels of mercy.”
Because that’s just what everybody needs: more relgion. Maybe JESUS can provide jobs, affordable housing, and healthcare for the poor.
“I’m sure that you’ll go into the inner city and sponsor birth control for some of those more pigmented citizens whom you would love to see contracepted and aborted into oblivion.”
And those “more pigmented citizens” NEVER use family planning clinics of their own volition. Health department employees are literally DRAGGING women out of their homes to get Pap smears, prescriptions for OC, and abortions. Denying poor women ANY agency as individuals REALLY makes you look like a credible civil rights activist…
But I know you need to project some kind of sick helter skelter fantasy because you find it unbelievable that woman of all stripes like to have a say in controlling their fertility.
Poor women can control their own fertility through a variety of means, including an appreciation of their dignity as women and not allowing themselves to be used as sperm ashtrays by little boys who refuse to act like men.
No one is denying women the right to control their destiny. However, considering that PP operates 78% of their “clinics” in inner-city neighborhoods, with billions of dollars in tax-payer funding, and considering the 75% illegitimacy rate among blacks and 60% abortion rate…
I’d say that PP has failed miserably in their mission.
Name call all you want Megs. That crap works on timid undergrads who are still trying to figure it all out. It doesn’t work on me. The real pariahs of society are those who pump girls with low-dose BC pills, then stand ready to butcher their babies when they get pregnant.
But as a proud and unrepentant post-abortive woman, I can understand why you refuse to drop the pom poms.
You might have to grow up and leave your narcissism and eugenist apologetics behind. You should try it some day. Adulthood is pretty cool.
If I could pick a pro-life package, it would have to include:
Healthcare for children
Healthcare for women
Pre-natal care
Preventative care
There’s, of course, a lot more that is necessary, but the point is that I’m not sure that I’m comfortable with such legislation. Some of this has more to do with prevention than abortion, and cutting funding for prevention will only lead to worse matters.
Back to the original topic: $440 million??? That number is unreal. Just try to think about what you could buy with $440 million. And what is that going to? I’m assuming it’s not for cancer screenings/treatments, prenatal visits, labor and delivery, or maternal health programs–useful “reproductive health care” in poor countries that I would not have a problem funding.
Instead, I assume most goes to contraceptives, of which the IUD and hormonal contraceptives all are abortifacient. So there again we have taxpayer money going to abortions. And even if it’s not abortion-inducing, but forcing condoms on countries to control population growth (because of course we don’t want any more of “them” in our world: “human waste” according to PP’s beloved Margaret Sanger), I as a taxpayer with a Christian moral compass vehemently object.
And, Dr. Nadal, please be kind in addressing those who are so unfortunately deceived by the pro-abortion rhetoric. They need prayers and truth, not attacks. Though it’s frustrating because the truth doesn’t seem to register with them, if you keep speaking truth with kindness, planting seeds, perhaps one day God will open their eyes. You have a lot to offer, but please pray before you post. God bless you.
Because that’s just what everybody needs: more relgion. Maybe JESUS can provide jobs, affordable housing, and healthcare for the poor.
Thank you for mentioning this. You’ve been paying attention. Cool. If more people believed in God’s providence, there would be fewer abortions, more hope and less despair in the world. I’m praying that you’ll understand this someday.
“Because that’s just what everybody needs: more relgion. Maybe JESUS can provide jobs, affordable housing, and healthcare for the poor.”
You have advertently stumbled into the truth; John Adams said that our Constitutional government was only suitable for a moral and religious people. This is because moral people will behave fairly, help the poor of their own free will, and produce jobs through their ethical business practices. Yep, we need more religion for sure.
“63 and proudly pro-choice!”
I know plenty of old folks who act like children.
“And when they deposit, it’s the right of the “ashtray” to get rid of the ashes- Unless, of course, the “ashes” are sacred?”
That’s some sick stuff.
63 and proudly pro-choice!
There’s no fool like an old fool.
“Poor women can control their own fertility through a variety of means, including an appreciation of their dignity as women and not allowing themselves to be used as sperm ashtrays by little boys who refuse to act like men.”
So making it more difficult for women to access birth control will increase respect for women…how???? Sorry, if a man decides to use a “woman as a sperm ashtray,” as you so nicely put it, there’s something fundamentally wrong with him. I’d like to see you try to change THAT fact instead of condemning women’s attempts to control their fertility.
”eugenist apologetics”
Right, coming from a pro-life fanatic who speaks of black women as one homogenous group–not a collection of INDIVIDUALS with the capacity to make their OWN decisions about their bodies and lives. How involved in the civil rights movement were you, Gerry, before co-opting the oh-so-convenient, pro-life black genocide discourse? Since you seem to care *so* much about the plight of inner-city communities, have you fought for rent reform, a healthier built environment, a criminal justice system that doesn’t disproportionately target men of color? Or does your concern end at the birth canal?
I just don’t get it. Why is it so hard to understand that humans are not animals? People have a choice to not have sex. Why keep insisting that people are uncontrollable, animalistic sex fiends? ”But they NEED you to help buy their birth control! They just have to have sex and it’s not fair that they should have to abstain!! You should buy it for them so they can have their fun! Oh! But by the way stay out of my bedroom!”
By the way, for those so incredibly desperate, there’s another form of birth control that’s only ten cents!
Put a dime between your knees.
oh goodness – please do not insult those of us who DO work with the poor. And changing the subject will not change fact: Children are human children in the womb – alive.
And Gerard did not coin the term of Black Genocide – Dr. Alveda King uses that often – and she is the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King – and if she can use the term in regards with abortion, then the green light is on.
Back to the subject at hand – how do we help poor women, and every woman to not kill their children to ‘correct their problems?’ Change the heart. help give them hope. Give them the help they need to live the right kind of life.
I wish, oh do I wish, that the welfare system was far different than what it is today. Woman have to NOT be married – and that destroys the intact nuclear family – especially Black families. We have done them a disservice by forcing their men away from the family – lessen their involvement and change families to have Dads separated from their women and families.
I wish that black men who make it, especially those in the entertainment industry, stop demeaning women as sexual objects; as play things. I wish they would stop portraying sexual intimacy away from marriage, away from commitment and away from the bonding and naturally babies that come from sexual intimacy.
We’ve seen time and time again that women really want love and deserve better than their men, the system, the welfare, and the agencies give to them. They want to thrive. They want so desperately to know that their men are true to them, for the right reasons. They want their children to be ok. They deserve true love and decent treatment. From everyone.
nothing co-opted there. just real life.
Wow, this is great news. This is the first step to outlawing Rv.W. More and more Americans are against aboirtion and want nothing to do with it. If this pattern continues eventually groups that fund abortions will have no choice but to change their views because they have lost their main source of support. Good things are happening now let’s keep the momentum going.
What’s this about 63 and proudly pro-choice? I thought pro-choice people thought abortion was an unfortunate thing that no one really wants, so What’s there to be proud of?
I thought pro-choice people thought abortion was an unfortunate thing that no one really wants, so What’s there to be proud of?
CC developed her own do-it-yourself technique using a common kitchen tool, and is rolling out an infomercial early next month.
Oh, well I guess that’s something to be proud of.
“I wish that black men who make it, especially those in the entertainment industry, stop demeaning women as sexual objects; as play things. I wish they would stop portraying sexual intimacy away from marriage, away from commitment and away from the bonding and naturally babies that come from sexual intimacy.”
Right, because it’s only black men who portray those things. White people certainly never have sex outside of committed relationships, and white people in the entertainment industry never portray casual or uncommitted sex in a positive light either.
“Gerry, before co-opting the oh-so-convenient, pro-life black genocide discourse? Since you seem to care *so* much about the plight of inner-city communities, have you fought for rent reform, a healthier built environment, a criminal justice system that doesn’t disproportionately target men of color? Or does your concern end at the birth canal?”
That’s a really good question. And the answer is that I spent seven years of my life working with mostly black and hispanic homeless teens in Times Square. Many of them were escaping prostitution and homes that were nightmares. In my last two years there, I worked on the unit we had started for teens with HIV/AIDS (when the medical community was still treating them like lepers)
Additionally, I voted for a number of liberals such as Ed Koch, Mario Cuomo, and Daniel Patrick Moynihan. I held my nose as I pulled the lever, knowing they were pro-choice, but standing solidly behind their progressive agenda on medicaid, housing, drug treatment, job training etc.
Of course, I finally grew up and understood that the left make plantation owners seem congenial by comparison. So yes, to all of the above with the exception that my concern stops at the end of the birth canal.
And you Megan? Do you suppose that being liberal on these other issues assuages your guilt in the death of your own baby? It doesn’t. Only God can do that for you.
Before posting any relevant points and irrefutable facts, which would be perfectly in line with your rules, I’d like to know if you would be fair enough to allow facts that defend abortion as the truly valuable remedy that it is… and ones that make it clear that same-sex marriage is not remotely harmful to anyone or anything — would be allowed to stand without being deleted. Please let me know.
Of course, Craig.
To Bobby — Thank you. Not all conservative-oriented websites and blogs are that fair, so I thought it best to inquire first.
Pertaining to same-sex marriage: I have yet ever to hear or read so much as one solid fact that could be used as an argument against it. Thus, I invite anyone who thinks they might have one to present it to me. I’ll read it with an open mind, and provide a reasonable acceptance or rebuttal of it.
You’re welcome, Craig. Just as long as there is no foul language or mocking of Christianity/blasphemy. Having a belief or argument that you consider to be Christan but that we might not necessarily certainly is not a problem (in other words, saying “no mocking of Christianity” isn’t a subtle way of saying “anything you say that disagrees with us is a mockery of God and will be taken down”, just to clarify) :)
ok Joan – White and any other colored-men too. The reason I stated Black men is that the Black women I work with all watch black entertainment TV and MTV…the music videos are outrageous.
Do I think that all men should behave? Of course! Do I think that the entertainment industry should portray cleaner shows/venues? Yep. should everyone keep their knickers on? Yes! One can not even turn on the TV anymore – or even look at the commercials without seeing too much.
And portraying the risks – all of them – of such a casual attitude about sex. You don’t see people even working at their jobs, grocery shopping, cooking meals, helping with homework or normal things. It’s (mostly) about sex, and plenty of it. Real people have to work, raise a family, help in the community, mow the lawn or help with a relative – normal everyday stuff.
So – thanks for the drive-by. Sorry – no problem here to have the entertainment industry – men and women – be a lot more covered and sensible and leading a good chaste normal life.
To Bobby: Not to worry. I’ve been a Christian all my life, and my father was a minister in the denomination of Robert Schuller and Norman Vincent Peale — the Reformed Church in America. As an egalitarian, I’ve studied and written about aspects of abortion rights and equality/human rights for decades, and believe that true Christian values align with being Pro-Choice and Pro-Equal Rights. Which is logical, considering the fact that nowhere does the Bible condemn abortion (which was already commonplace back then, via abortifacients) or defend pre-birth reproductive-process entities as people. And considering the fact that of the minimal condemnations of homosexual relationships in the Bible, they didn’t emanate either from God or from Jesus. And… it is clear as crystal that the 5% or so of the world’s people who are homosexual were born that way, just as heterosexuals are. The sexual orientations merely are variations of normalcy — just like handedness, race, blood types, and eye color.