Lila on Beck, exposing Planned Parenthood
Lila was great today! I’m always amazed by her composure, savvy, and ability to speak on our issue…
[HT: Andy Moore of Star Studded Super Step]

Lila was great today! I’m always amazed by her composure, savvy, and ability to speak on our issue…
[HT: Andy Moore of Star Studded Super Step]
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Ms. Rose did great.
But Beck hardly scratched the surface of “exposing” Planned Parenthood. What Beck needed were Planned Parenthood experts on the show to REALLY turn people off to who Planned Parenthood really is.
Sorry to say it, but Beck’s hour of Planned Parenthood was kind of lame given what we know of Planned parenthood.
I thought it was awesome!
I think Beck did a good job of informing his audience about this situation. I don’t doubt that many more people will be calling for Planned Parenthood to be defunded thanks to that show today.
Excellent programming.
She was great – he needs to have Abby on the show too.
Please God, get this program to America. Soften our hearts and help us to help the children and mothers that are being abused. God give us the strength to stand up to the forces that would kill the unborn in the name of convenience and give the heart and ability to help them. Lord we thank you for all that you provide for us and the mothers in need. Please help us to live by faith and not by sight.
I’ve never watched Glen Beck before. I was favorably impressed!
– He reminded us that Planned Parenthood are not about “women’s rights.” they about eugenics.
– He pointed out what an icky woman Margaret Sanger was.
– He took on the knotty problem of children conceived by rape.
– He showed the joy of having a special-needs child, and an adopted child
– He and Lila praised the courage of women who chose life (esp. rape victims, and the young birth-mother of Glen’s son)
– Lila got to share her stories of Planned Parenthood’s persistent abuse of young women.
On the day that we won some major political victories, this show was not just another end-zone dance.
It was a heart-warming plea to our culture, inspiring us all to choose life.
And yes, Jill — Lila Rose was radiant, as usual! In that living textbook that God writes for each generation, Lila is the chapter on Goodness, Beauty and Truth.
Lila was awesome and so was Abby Johnson on O’Reilly she was composed and answered questions with clarity and grace as well. This is a great day but only the beginning prolifers. We have to fight spiritual warfare and be wise in this fight because the pro-aborts are not going to go away quietly. Please pray for Lila and Abby for guidance and protection.
This was a good show for fence-sitters to see. We already know the nuts and bolts of the abortion horror show. But many pro-choicers have no idea of the history of the leaders on their side.
This would make sense if it were actually true. It’s not that often that Beck’s facts are WRONG. BUt this time they are WRONG.
In Fact, Planned Parenthood Contacted the Justice Department To Report Possible Sex Trafficking Scheme
Before Videos Were Even Released, Planned Parenthood Asked Justice Department To Investigate The Incidents. During the show, neither Beck nor Rose mentioned that far from participating in a sex trafficking scheme, Planned Parenthood Federation of America contacted Attorney General Eric Holder to report a possible multistate sex trafficking scheme based on visits by a person stating that he was a pimp of underage girls to several Planned Parenthood clinics. From a Planned Parenthood Federation of America press release:
It’s from non-biased:
Media Matters for America is a Web-based, not-for-profit, 501(c)(3) progressive research and information center dedicated to comprehensively monitoring, analyzing, and correcting conservative misinformation in the U.S. media.
Hi Edna. Go and read some of Margaret Sanger’s own writings. Don’t just buy website slogans, find it in a hardcover book with real pages. Dare ya.
And just who do you think funds the ‘un-biased” Media Matters, dearest Edna?
I’ll let you mull on that one for awhile, if you seriously want to get to the truth.
On another note…
Didn’t Lila look absolutely stunning? Wicked eyebrows, hers.
Blue is definitely her color. As is Jill’s.
Media Matters…unbiased…Oh! My sides hurt!
Edna, I hope you’re not getting your “facts” from PP’s press releases and “Media Matters”. This is a case of the fox being in charge of the chicken coop! Thank you Lila Rose for the good work you and your team are doing for our country, you are as beautiful as you are brave. God bless!
Yes Carder, Lila did look stunning
Sat Feb 26, 2011 at 02:00 PM PST
Video reveals anti-Planned Parenthood activist never ‘told’ nurse she was underage
by Jed Lewison
Lila Rose, the anti-Planned Parenthood <> James O’Keefe copycat <> :
Not telling the nurse that she was ’13’ is an important detail, isn’t it? If you’re going to attack Planned Parenthood for not “reporting” a fabricated case of statutory rape, shouldn’t you at least tell them that you’re ’13’ (or at least that you’re supposed to be)? I mean, if you’re actually over the legal age (and you’re not even really pregnant), and you don’t tell the nurse that you’re underage, and you never even officially become a patient at the facility, then maybe you ought not accuse them of covering up a statutory rape, even if it was just an imaginary one.
The most pathetic thing about all this is that if the “pro-life” freakshow were actually interested in reducing abortion, they’d recognize that Planned Parenthood is their best friend. After all, most of Planned Parenthood’s services have to do with the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. But these guys are aren’t interested in reducing abortions as an end unto itself — their real goal is controlling female sexuality. Being “pro-life” is just their way of trying to get what they want.