In January the Center for Bio-Ethical Reform posted what it called “the most shocking 4-minute abortion debate you will ever see.”

CBR juxtaposed a video produced by Northland Family Planning Centers touting “the goodness” of abortion with video cuts showing the reality of abortion.

Northland is a late-term abortion chain of 3 mills in Michigan that aborts babies up to 24 weeks old. CBR merely showed what that looks like. I thought truth in advertising was a good thing?

We know it’s not, when it comes to abortion. On March 18 Northland’s bottom-feeding attorneys, Simpson Thacher & Bartlett LLP, shot CBR a warning letter to cease and desist use of Northland’s video. I strikes me as funny that they were forced to cite CBR’s title. Doing so must have made them gag. Click to enlarge…

Yesterday CBR’s attorney from the Thomas More Law Center volleyed back a “see you in court” letter to Northland’s attorneys stating, “my clients would welcome the opportunity to defend their position in a court of law should you be so reckless as to follow through with your hollow threat to sue them.”

TMLC cited the “fair use” doctrine, of which I, myself, am fully aware. Every now and then I receive a similar threat to remove photos, etc, that I’ve gleaned from pro-abort websites and Facebook. Just received 2 last week, coincidentally. Fortunately, a wonderful attorney provided me by the Alliance Defense Fund fends off pests for me, which I really appreciate.

About Northland’s video Gregg Cunningham of CBR observed in an email:

As this abortion clinic’s saleswoman was filming her commercial ad, just down the hall, safely out of sight of the camera, viable babies were being tortured to death, without benefit of anesthesia – babies so far along in pregnancy that they would have been born alive had their mother’s labor been induced before killing them.

The outrage here isn’t merely the ages of the babies they are killing. Every abortion is horrific at any age. The real scandal is that this assassin, disguised as some sort of prim and proper school marm, complete with conservatively styled hair, starched blouse and horn-rimmed glasses, looks straight into the camera and tells lie after lie, for the purpose of tricking vulnerable, desperate women – and young girls – into an unimaginably ruinous mistake. Her manner is shrewdly calculated to be matter-of-fact and reassuring. Her purpose is to disarm her victims and lure them into a carefully laid trap….

The narrator in this abortion industry video was engaging in speech which was both commercial and political. Selling abortion is about reinforcing and exploiting maternal ignorance. It is about telling lies to perpetrate business fraud. Keeping abortion legal is about deceptive political speech intended to fabricate the fiction that abortion is a nominal evil best left to personal discretion. It is about reinforcing and exploiting voter ignorance. Northland not only demands the right to manipulate prospective victims (mothers and voters) with unconscionable falsehoods but they then have the effrontery to threaten anyone who dares rebut their claims.

All we have done is force open the door down the hall from the Northland narrator’s office. Without saying a word, we simply show viewers the reality which Northland’s narrator struggles to distort. Is abortion an expression of “love” or a vicious act of violence? We tacitly challenge viewers to decide whether they are going to believe what they hear or what they see – with their own eyes. Hucksters can spin the facts but the camera records the truth.

Here is CBR’s video. WARNING: Very graphic….

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