Boehner to White House: Defunding Planned Parenthood stays
Positive news from a Politico article today entitled, “Democrats pessimistic about avoiding shutdown”:
The White House is intensifying negotiations with House Republicans… but congressional Democrats increasingly fear that it may be too little, too late to avert a government shutdown….
By late Monday, the process was basically back on track, and both sides were feeling “relatively optimistic a shutdown could be averted,” said one congressional staffer close to the process. But just ahead lies a minefield of potential deal-breakers – a slew of GOP-sponsored riders, including defunding Planned Parenthood and NPR.
Boehner has told White House officials that his caucus won’t agree to strip out the provisions – which are red meat for the party’s conservative base – while Obama aides are equally adamant about removing the riders.
“That’s the next big hump,” the Hill staffer said, adding, “I’m not sure we can get over that one in time.”
Keep making those calls to your congresspersons. To do that dial the US Capitol Switchboard at 202-224-3121, state your zip code and ask to be connected to your rep’s office. Your message can and should be short and sweet: Defund PP.
[Graphic via]
I don’t have to worry about my congressman. His whole career has been about pro-lifism.
He’s Daniel Webster, btw. The one who toppled his former majesty Alan Grayson.
GO PROLIFERS GO! AWESOME! My new congressman is prolife.
Proud to say that all four of our RI Congressional delegation is pro-choice. Even Jim Langevin who is a Catholic and who voted against defunding Planned Parenthood. So far the Bishop hasn’t denied him communion or excommunicated him.
And Webster – isn’t he the dude whose conservative religion wants women to be submissive handmaidens?
But here’s a question for all you defunders. If PP goes out of business, low income women are going to need inexpensive gynecological care which also provides them with a perscription for birth control. Will you folks be OK with an increase in funding for community health centers which will need more money to absorb these women? Also, do these centers provide birth control and if they do, are you going after that, next?
Oh well, we women with means will still be able to get our abortions and birth control. The poor will get babies!!! Oh, happy day. But really, talk about class warfare!!!
Mine isn’t pro-life. (Sigh) Don’t expect help from New Mexico. Here is what I wrote to my rep:
As your constituent, I urge you to ensure that Planned Parenthood is stripped of all federal funding in all Continuing Resolution bills to fund the government.
Planned Parenthood is America’s abortion giant and ended the lives of 332,278 children in 2009 alone. 98 percent of its services to pregnant women are abortions. You’ve mentioned the other services they do, but a recent study points those services have dropped and abortions have increased in proportion to the increase in taxpayer dollars received.
What’s more, recent undercover videos have caught Planned Parenthood in the despicable act of aiding and abetting sex trafficking and prostitution of girls as young as 14. These videos have exposed the depravity and disregard for life that exists institutionally throughout Planned Parenthood. I asked you how you plan to protect exploited women if you are against the Pence Amendment and I have not received a response. Please respond to how you plan on protecting our vulnerable young women.
The American people do not want their hard earned money paying for abortion or used to assist the sex trafficking of innocent children. If this organization doesn’t shut down its gruesome business altogether, it should at least operate on its own dime. You mentioned it is none of our business what women do with their bodies, well, most of the country doesn’t want to pay for what you deem as “none of our business.”
Please protect unborn children and women by ensuring that Planned Parenthood is defunded of our tax dollars in the Continuing Resolution. Please respond to my message. Thank you.
Here is his response:
Thank you for your letter concerning funding for Planned Parenthood. I appreciate your sharing your views with me on this important issue.
As you may know, Planned Parenthood provides a wide range of services for primary and preventative health care to over three million men and women. They offer affordable services which focus on contraception as well as treating and preventing sexually transmitted diseases, and breast and cervical cancer screening. I believe that eliminating all federal funding for these clinics would be a mistake. Abortion services account for only three percent of the services performed by Planned Parenthood. I am sorry we disagree about this issue.
Again, thank you for writing. I hope you will continue to keep me informed of issues important to you and your community.
You’re so gullible, CC.
That’s Grayson splicing and dicing Webster’s words. Even Anderson Cooper of CNN shredded Grayson for completely taking Webster out of context.
Know what you’re talking about next time.
But here’s a question for all you defunders. If PP goes out of business, low income women are going to need inexpensive gynecological care which also provides them with a perscription for birth control. Will you folks be OK with an increase in funding for community health centers which will need more money to absorb these women?
I would, for one. And since this has already been discussed on earlier threads on this topic, I know that a number of other prolifers here do too. You obviously haven’t been paying attention CC.
I was being snarky but reality suggests that Webster has some verry interesting “Christian” connections.
“So how close is Republican Congressional candidate Daniel Webster, running against Democratic Representative Alan Grayson for Florida’s 8th Congressional District, to evangelist Bill Gothard? That question is now politically salient because of Gothard’s participation in a radical Christian political movement called Christian Reconstructionism that seeks to impose stoning as a form of capital punishment for crimes including murder, adultery, “heresy,” and “witchcraft.” (for more on Christian Reconstructionism, see story appendix
The answer to that question would be, very close. The first section of this story documents Daniel Webster’s relationship with Bill Gothard, so close that the religious leader could reasonably be described as a mentor or spiritual guru to the Republican congressional candidate. The second section describes Bill Gothard’s affinity for Christian Reconstructionist ideas…
The St. Petersburg Times story concluded by quoting Daniel Webster on Bill Gothard – “I enjoy the advice he’s given. I think it’s been a major part of my life. I’m not ashamed of that. What he has said I believe to be the truth.” An August 5, 1996 article in the Gainesville Sun that also underlined the close nature of Webster’s relationship with Gothard, quoted Daniel Webster concerning his 1996 trip with Bill Gothard to Korea, “I respect (Gothard) as much as anybody.” As Webster told the Gainesville Sun, “I wouldn’t have gone [with Gothard to Korea] but he wanted me there.”
Many across the political spectrum appear appalled by the Grayson campaign’s “Taliban” label but Daniel Webster’s nearly three-decade long, intimate involvement with the Bill Gothard and the Institute For Basic Life Principles suggests that the label may be less than hyperbolic…
So Lori, how do you feel about the fact that Medicaid pays for contraception?
Ooh, are we digging into associations now? Can we talk about Obama and Ayers, and Rev. Wright now, too? Kewl…
CC, I actually didn’t notice the part about contraception when I replied. I am entirely in favor of clinics that will help poor women receiving government funding for basic medical care. However, I am not in favor of the use of hormonal contraceptives in general, because of the fact that they carry enormous health risks, including higher rates of breast cancer, which are almost never explained to women. They also may have an abortifacient effect. Hence, I’m not happy with the government funded clinics pushing them almost exclusively, or wih Medicaid paying for them.
I’d be happier with funding it if health clinics were asked to a) not jut automatically prescribe hormonal contraceptives and explain the medical risks and abortifacient effects to women b) also promoted alternatives, including natural family planning, which by the way is free or very low cost, doesn’t need a prescription and has no health risks. In other words, it’s ideal for poor women.
And before you start shrieking, no, this method is not religiously based by nature, since it’s actually used by non-Catholic couples, it is around 98% effective, roughly the same as the pill. I think clinics should offer information and training in this method if they want government funds. I think the best method will eventually win.
Lori Pieper
That’s reasonable.
Did you know that in numerous trials NFP was actually better than 98% effective but that they did not believe that number would be sustainable for a larger populace?
No, I didn’t know, but I can believe it. I was just using a number I heard cited.
Of course. What could be more reasonable? I hope some lawmaker suggests it as a plan.
“Even Jim Langevin who is a Catholic and who voted against defunding Planned Parenthood. So far the Bishop hasn’t denied him communion or excommunicated him.”
CC, that’s because he has already excommunicated himself. Every time he receives Communion, he eats and drinks judgment upon himself. If you had paid attention in Catechism class instead of looking for your next “hook up” you might know that.
Kel, if we’re talking about connections, let’s not forget that Obama’s mentor, the Rev. Wright, is a supporter of Muammar Gaddafi. And every time Gaddafi talks about Obama, he refers to him as his “son” and as a “Muslim”. So yes, if we’re going to go after Rep. Webster for having an “extreme” friend, let’s not ignore Obama’s friends.
But here’s a question for all you defunders. If PP goes out of business, low income women are going to need inexpensive gynecological care which also provides them with a perscription for birth control. Will you folks be OK with an increase in funding for community health centers which will need more money to absorb these women?
There would be no need to increase funding. Just quit giving it to PP and give it somebody who doesn’t commit abortion.
Planned Parenthood
With apologies to Joyce Kilmer, author of Trees
I thought that I would never see
A program sacred as P.P.
A program that Barack will back
Against the GOP attack.
A program Biden will defend
Against the budget cutting trend.
A program for which Nancy fights
Beneath the flag of women’s rights.
A program for which Harry Reid
Would shutter government indeed.
When deficits begin to squeeze
We see their true priorities.
While other programs come and go
This sacred cow must stay just so.
But here’s a question for all you defunders ………….
I think they should lose their funding to perform abortions and if a continual pattern of criminal behavior can be proven to be connected to their mission statement than of course they should lose all public funding. I think the funding they would have received should be invested in quality gynelogical care for economically disadvantaged women. The health care should be quality health care and whoever is handing out contraceptives it should just be to adults and not minors. And because segregation never works why not offer these services to all American women and the fee would have a cap on it and be adjusted according to income. I think segregated health care is not good for the patient and it’s not good for health care providers. What are your thoughts? That way whether rich or poor should someone choose to have an abortion it would not be paid for by the American taxpayer and women could get quality health care and not be pressured to kill their babies. Maybe they should even have support groups so women can learn have to be more vocal when someone suggests that they kill their babies. It would go like this YOU WANT ME TO DO WHAT!!!!! This would probably be of help to women who are being killed because they just don’t want to kill their babies when their significant(?) other thinks they should. I think this would be a litmus test to see if politicians are really pro-woman or if the intent is just to take from programs and not use those monies to invest in programs that would benefit the same demographic area that they’re taking from.