This afternoon the House approved a second Continuing Resolution to keep the government running until April 8 by a vote of 271-158, with 54 Republicans and 104 Democrats voting against the measure.

Republicans voting “no” were: Akin, Amash, Bachmann, Bartlett, Barton (TX), Benishek, Burton (IN), Campbell, Chabot, Chaffetz, Duncan (SC), Flake, Fleming, Franks (AZ), Garrett, Gingrey (GA), Gohmert, Gowdy, Graves (GA), Hall, Harris, Heller, Huelskamp, Huizenga (MI), Johnson (IL), Jones, Jordan, King (IA), Labrador, Lamborn, Landry, Long, Mack, McCotter, Mulvaney, Paul, Pearce, Pence, Pitts, Poe (TX), Rehberg, Rigell, Ross (FL), Schmidt, Smith (NJ), Southerland, Stearns, Stutzman, Sullivan, Tipton, Walberg, Walsh (IL), West, Wilson (SC)

Notable Democrats voting “no” were: Costello, Critz, Kaptur, McIntyre, Ryan (OH)

Many of these names constitute a Who’s Who of pro-life stalwarts in the House. I’m very proud of them, even calling one to leave a message of thanks. If you know any, or if one happens to be your congressperson, you might, too. An added bonus would be to pick one and donate a little something to his or her campaign. I did that as well.

There were many others in whom I was disappointed. They all voted to continue giving Planned Parenthood $950,000 a day for the next 3 weeks. I also touched base with with of them, expressing my dismay.

Defunding PP is smack dab in the middle of this budget battle. According to Slate:

It wasn’t close, but it was closer than the last vote. Only 6 Republicans opposed the 2-week CR, but 54 opposed it this time, making that decision based on objections over the short-term CR’s failure to defund “ObamaCare” implementation, Planned Parenthood, and public broadcasting – and over irritation, generally, at the drip-drip compromise process. The first CR passed with 335 votes, so this one lost 64 votes, coming from both sides. Republicans needed Democratic votes to push this through.

So the government’s funded through April 8, with $10 billion of spending cut so far by CRs.

It doesn’t appear likely more short-term CRs will be presented. We’re inching closer to that line in the sand. Pro-abort Nancy Pelosi says the debate is over “values… morality”:

Pelosi said that how Democrats voted on the measure was not as important as where negotiations for a long term solution would lead.

“We cut here we cut there to find a middle ground. That may not be enough,” she said, “I think this debate is on a higher ground of our values. It’s not about money. It’s about the morality of what we’re doing.”

Obviously pro-lifers and pro-aborts differ on the meaning of “morality.”

[Top photo via Politico; bottom photo via Fox News]

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